Chronicles of a Shared Wife Ch. 18

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Pippa and John and Ted makes three.
9.3k words

Part 19 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/12/2024
Created 01/04/2023
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Thursday morning.

Getting out the pool ten minutes before the session ends, I stroll past my little group of admirers huddled together hanging onto the side. Hubby John and our two friends Ted and Charlie...oh my goodness...I love that feeling! Three pairs of hungry eyes wandering over my body...delicious.

Although the guys attention has been more discreet this time, now we know we are being noticed.

Strolling on to the showers, our prearranged liaison this morning requiring my early exit simply because I take longer to get ready and timing is important as John wants to watch us before he goes to work.

Arriving at the showers I'm alone for now, and as the water begins to flow my thoughts turn to the events of the previous evening...

I arrived home from work shortly after John and found him to be, more than a little excited at what had transpired earlier that morning between myself and our friend Ted.

He'd already called me on the phone at dinner time in a very enthusiastic mood to describe his thoughts and feelings about receiving the voicemail and subsequent picture message from Ted, suffice to say my hubby very much enjoyed them...a lot.

Anyway once home, and with our youngest son Steve out till late... I was practically leapt upon by a very frustrated husband.

It all ended rather...sticky.

Later that night, much later in fact, Steve had come home and was in his bedroom when Ted finally called.

Apparently he'd waited till Mary had gone up to bed, his voice on my hubby's speakerphone being hushed and secretive as we spoke.

After the initial greeting John was quick to thank our friend for looking after me, congratulating Ted on a job well done and a very nice end result, a reference to my lovers welcome 'deposit' photo and message.

Then their conversation moved forward rapidly, John expressing his desire to witness myself and Ted being intimate together.

Days and times were thrown to and thro, John couldn't get out of work and Ted, having lots of family commitments, Mary, grandchildren etc was finding it difficult to fit something in where my hubby would be able to observe us.

And with the pool changing cubicles now out of the question, we needed somewhere else to go.

And so, a risky but exciting plan was proposed. What made this special is the fact that John came up with it all by himself. So when he revealed his plan, myself and Ted were hearing it for the first time.

After getting out the pool and getting dressed etc, we would have around ten minutes before John had to leave for work.

I listened with growing excitement while he explained that upon leaving the leisure centre together we could go back to our car, which would be parked right at the far edge of the car park in a quiet spot, and there Ted and Charlie, for the offer was for him too, could join me on the backseat where I would do them a little 'favour' while my husband kept watch...and watched.

Ted was surprised by my hubby's risky proposal, worried too initially, about being seen. But John soon brought him around by assuring our friend that it would be fine, explaining how the rear windows of our car would be covered by sun shades, the type with the suction cap that you just stick on, nobody would be able to see in the back and if there was anybody about we could just postpone for another morning.

All the time John was talking to Ted he was watching me closely, he knows I love being discussed like I'm property and this is exactly how I was referred to.

Recalling my hubby's words when explaining to Ted about me doing Charlie a special favour as well...'yeah mate...and the offer is for your buddy too...she'll take care of you both'.

He spoke with confidence and pride, making Ted this very sordid proposal without me having any say in the matter, which is exactly what my hubby knows turns me on.

After Ted confirmed he was on board and looking forward to it I had a little chat with my boyfriend all in front of John with him listening intently.

I told Ted how much I'd enjoyed our morning together and that I was looking forward to pleasing him tommorow and hopefully Charlie too, adding that I was feeling very excited about doing something special for them both while John looked on.

Ted's hushed but clearly excited voice was music to our ears as he expressed his hope that Charlie would give in to temptation and join us this time.

And he added something that aroused great anticipation within us both, he confided in secretive tone that after my little favour on the backseat of our car he could once again drive me back home and spend the morning with me. Mary had a visit from her friend on thursday mornings and Ted usually made himself scarce for a couple of hours.

This news sent a jolt of excitement through me, and if Charlie could join us too...

I'm suddenly and rudely awoken from this exciting recent memory by the sound of the hour session ending, a blow on a whistle followed almost immediately by splashes through the little pool nearby...someone trying to beat the rush for the showers.

Cursing myself inwardly, lost in thought under a jet of hot water I'd completely lost track of time.

A thin, frail looking elderly lady comes ambling around the corner into view, we exchange hellos and I quickly finish rinsing my hair before leaving her to briefly enjoy the showers alone.

Getting on with the mundane business of becoming dry and dressed, my mind exploring exciting possibilities that lay ahead for this morning...John's first time observing me with another man for a long while.

And perhaps there might be two if Charlie is willing, but despite the usual lecherous looks I received from him in the pool something tells me that he won't be joining us.

And it's not long before I'm proved right in a very revealing way that sheds light on why Charlie resists and also his concern for Ted.

After finishing dressing and then drying my hair, applying a little make up etc, I realise I need a pee and, not wanting to use the pool toilets I head for the ones in main reception, those being cleaner.

There's no sign of the boys as I exit the changing area, just a steady trickle of folk leaving, looks like I'll be first out. The plan is for me to wait in reception and then we can all leave together...hopefully.

After visiting the ladies I'm just exiting when the sound of Ted and Charlie's voice from nearby stops me.

To one side of the outer toilet door is a large potted fern plant, and it's at the other side of this while waiting for myself and John that the two friends are having a hushed conversation.

The large plants position temporarily hiding us from each others presence. I don't like eavesdropping, and I'm about to make myself known to the pair but what they are talking about changes my mind.

"Come and me ay?...John said she'll take care of us both...come on Charlie how long has it been for you? make jokes about that all the time and now here's this strings...nobody is gunna know...hey...which end do you want...heads or tails?"

There's a little chuckle from Ted as he finishes talking, then I hear Charlie's voice in the same hushed secretive tone.

"It wasn't funny what I had to do yesterday...Mary's my friend and I hated lying to her...especially knowing what you were doing."

There's a brief silence followed by a resigned sigh of apology from Charlie before he continues.

"Look...yes she's very tempting and yes I am very tempted so please don't keep going on...I'm worried one day I'll give in..."

At this point Ted interrupts, "So why don't you?...come on man...I know you want to...nobody...."

Now Charlie stops Ted, his voice a little louder, "Yes there will...I'll know...I've been married forty odd years and never strayed and I'm not gunna start now...I mean yeah a bit of harmless flirting...that's all it was but now...this is serious shouldn't be doing promised Mary all those years ago you wouldn't do this kind of thing again...she trusted you...and now you've gone and broken that trust for a third time."

A third time? Charlie's words resonate in my mind.

There's another brief pause before Charlie continues, his tone softening, "Look Ted...your my friend we've known each other since we were kids...we've been through a lot together...I'll stand by you okay?...but please be careful...if Mary finds out..."

At this point he pauses briefly while someone walks past, before continuing, "...I'll have to be going now but remember what I've said...see you tommorow."

Ted replies to Charlie's parting words with a quiet, "See ya."

Just as soon as Charlie leaves I see John coming out the changing room area door and catching Ted's attention, who begins to wander off towards him, allowing me to emerge from my concealment unnoticed.

Putting what I've just heard to the back of my thoughts I go to join the two boys and listen as Ted delivers the bad news I already know, Charlie won't be joining us.

And after we're outside on our way to the car, he adds that he doubts if Charlie will ever be comfortable enough to join us. I'm told it's nothing to do with me but Charlie's fear of betraying his wife.

This of course, I know to be the truth.

John seems unfazed by the news and makes a comment about how things will be cozier with just us three.

Ted too, doesn't let his friend's worries bother him, he appears his normal self.

We walk on in silence through the car park, each one of us having a good look around as we go, it pays to be observant with what we're about to do.

Arriving at our car, parked right at the far end away from the main building and facing a sports field. Looking across the green expanse, I see two or three dog walkers and a jogger, none of them nearby.

John goes to get in the front as myself and Ted open a rear door each. Getting seated in the back with my boyfriend I watch as he looks about us inspecting John's handiwork in preparing the car.

The sun shades are doing their job well, it's nice and dingy here in the back, hardly any gaps and the only way anyone could see us if they came right up to the window and peered in...perfect.

And as I'm thinking it, Ted repeats the word out loud with a little nervous laugh immediately after. I knew he was nervous, could tell on the way down here, but it's to be expected.

This will be his first time with John present and able to observe us together.

"We ok honey?" My words directed at John without taking my eyes off Ted...I can see and feel his excited anticipation breaking through the nerves.

He stares back at me, throat working, glancing once up front to John who is checking the coast is clear.

Waiting while Ted looks back at me I turn my head away and lock eyes briefly with my hubby through the rear view mirror.

He holds my gaze, eyes burning intently with the utmost excitement...then...a nod.

Once I'm given the go ahead from John I don't waste any time, turning to my boyfriend and leaning in for a deep and sensual kiss, arms embracing.

My move taking Ted a little by surprise as there is a slight delay in his reaction, which again is to be expected on this very special first time with hubby looking on.

These 'threesome virgin' worries however quickly evaporate as my active tongue gets Ted's blood racing and he's soon kissing forcibly back, hands wandering to my bosom, groping through the thin material of my blouse.

With my hubby watching, Ted is a little more restrained but he still instinctively tries to take control by pushing me gently back into a reclining position, going for my blouse buttons.

It's very tempting to submit and let him get on with it, but I know why we're here and unfortunately there is no time to play around.

Beginning to resist and push him back, I have to try hard, not only am I fighting my own submissive desires but Ted is a big guy and strong...and very focussed.

He does however begin to come out of 'autopilot' with some physical effort from me and some well timed instructive words from John, telling our friend to take it easy, relax and let me take control.

He does as he's told, relaxing back into his seat and allowing me to lean into him...good boy.

We continue kissing while my hand begins to wander.

Ted has come prepared this morning, with hanky panky in the offing he has chosen clothing wisely, shorts and t-shirt underwear, as I'm about to discover.

As my fingers slide up inside the leg of his shorts I find bare balls and receive a sharp inward nasal breath from my sweet.

Breaking off our kiss I trace my tongue gently across his neck towards his ear, exhaling through my nose right into it while sucking on earlobe.

Oh my...a tremble.

I have him.

Even though I can't see with my face buried in his neck I know he's still a little apprehensive. I feel him keep glancing at John up front...while I play with his balls.

Whispering reassuring words into his ear, "It's's just you and me."

At this he turns to me and we kiss again before I break off and lower my head first to his throat, kissing, licking and gently nibbling, all the while groping and kneading his balls, using my nails to tease.

Then, leaning back a little I remove my hand from up the shorts leg and using both hands go for the waistband, pulling it down as Ted lifts up a little to assist.

Oh what a delicious sight to see...

I love it when an uncut cock is semi erect, the head poking partially out the foreskin...always grabs my attention.

Grasping Ted's growing meat with my right hand and gently wanking, hearing a gasp from him as I turn to John up front who's watchful wandering gaze suddenly falls upon me...such fervent I see.

Not taking my eyes off his reflection I ask, "We still alright love?"

He immediately gives a little nod backed up with a slightly shaky, "Yeah it's clear...go ahead and do it."

Looking away and back to Ted I see the powerful mix of nervous excitement in his eyes...a quick glance to john and back.

He's anxious alright, this first time being watched...but very willing.

Leaning in for a final kiss, I take it slow and sensual with genuine feeling behind it.

Breaking away, my face still close to his, whispering reassuring words, "It's alright honey...just you and me remember?"

He slowly nods and, without further delay, I lower my head and take him into my mouth.

A gasp from Ted and a hand placed softly on my head as I settle into the job at hand...blow job...funny name as it implies work, however for me this is playtime and I am in playful mood.

Initially of course, I'll open up on him properly in a minute, but for now I'm more than happy to savour the exquisite sensation of cock swelling rapidly at my affections.

Moving my hand back to his balls and once again using sharp nails to tease.

It's funny what you think about while indulging in illicit activity...slut wife...if ever there was a more appropriate time to apply that description, here I am on the backseat of our car parked in a public car park sucking the cock of our very good friend while my husband looks on.

And Ted has such a nice big one that I get carried away, lost in the moment shall we say. So engrossed in what I'm doing that John's voice close by startles me, I've had my eyes closed focusing all my attention, but now open them and turn slightly to my right to see John has turned in his seat and is peering back at us from between the front seats.

He's in the midst of a comment to Ted, "Oh yeah!...fuckin hell mate she's loving does that feel ay?...she's good isn't she?"

A brief pause then Ted's breathless reply, "Oh god yeah...very."

Raising my head and letting him go for a moment I playfully scold John, "Hey you!...your supposed to be keeping watch."

But John ignores my concern, making a surprised remark about Ted's size instead, "Bloody hell Ted! lucky bastard."

Glancing down I see that he's fully erect, standing proud at what we later find out to be a measured eight and a half inches and thick with it.

John takes his eyes off us for a moment to check the outside view before returning his attention with an enthusiastic request, "Ted?...would you mind if I took a picture?...just pip...your face won't be in it."

My red faced lover nods his permission with a, "Yeah...ok."

John quickly fumbles his phone out the centre console and gets it ready before aiming at me. I've been photographed many times in the past and know exactly how to pose for this special occasion.

The first snap is of me gently planting a loving kiss on the hot glistening head with pursed lips, my eyes closed.

The second I draw my tongue slowly up the throbbing shaft while looking playfully into the lense.

And for the third and final picture I take the swollen head into my mouth while gazing wickedly at John. It's this image, of me looking like I mean business that earns it a place in my hubby's special collection.

After this impromptu photo session John checks the coast again and gives me the go ahead to continue.

And this time I mean it. I'm very aware of time constraints so don't hold back.

I want so badly for John to witness this...

I've been told that my oral skills are second to none. It's strange how in my early days I didn't even like giving oral never mind believe I was good at it.

My technique is my own, and for the next few moments I own Ted.

John immediately recognises playtime is over, as does my elderly lover, both John and Ted being vocal in different ways.

Ted in breathless whispers of exclamation, John a little more blunt...crude.

Comments such as, "Oh fuck yeah!...go for it girl...give him it!"

Concentrating my writhing tongue on the sensitive underside of Ted's plump bell while massaging my nails into his balls brings us a step closer to completion.

I recognise the signs, my lovers breathing harder now, I've really got him panting and the gentle touch of his hand stroking my head has gone, replaced by a tight fist grip clutching a bunch of hair.

John knows my technique and he knows what Ted is currently experiencing which spurs him on to aim an excited question at our flustered friend, "Oh fuck...she's doing that thing isn't she?...flicking her tongue across?"

I hear a quick fire, "Yeah." From Ted, forced out between panting breaths followed by an equally rapid and shaky, "Oh god."

John's reply is accompanied by a little chuckle, "Won't be long now."

But Ted doesn't reply to John's question as he has a more pressing issue, or so he believes.

Feeling him beginning to gently hump, the action accompanied by desperate words of warning, "Pip?...pippa?...pippa love?...I'm gunna...I can't..."

My hubby cuts him off with a reassuring comment, "It's alright mate just do it in her mouth she loves it."

The second part of this is said in a wickedly passionate tone, his voice trembling a little indicating just how much John is enjoying watching.

Immediately after hearing this Ted begins to jerk into me, his grip on my hair tightening and then...the first heavy twitch I feel is dry but the subsequent five or six fill my mouth with warm spunk as Ted emits a low groan through gritted teeth.

Swallowing quickly, my eyes are closed but I can hear a very excited hubby close by, "Oh fuck yes!"

The 'yes' is spat out with passion, so much so that I do actually feel a little spit from John hit my cheek...he's so close.

He continues while stroking my head, "Fucking hell...that's it...oh shit me!...that's it girl eat it...take it down...good girl...go on take it all."

Opening my eyes I turn slightly and make eye contact with the love of my life...while draining our friend's nuts of their contents.

Ted is quivering and gasping in the wake of parting with a big load. I note that he has a powerful 'pump' action upon ejaculation. Something that I've noticed before of course but never in my mouth till now, impressive for a man of his advanced years.