Chronicles of a Shared Wife Ch. 19

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All good things come to an end.
11.9k words

Part 20 of the 24 part series

Updated 05/08/2024
Created 01/04/2023
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A word sometimes used to describe an effect between people, something special that occurs when two people are together.

It can be felt by those involved and it can be observed by a third party.

In our case, the third party happened to be my beloved husband.

John had noticed our interactions right from the start, myself and Ted.

My hubby is number one and I will never love another like I do him. However, he knows and understands that along the path of our journey I sometimes develop strong feelings for the men we become involved with. Dave, my old ex being an example.

And now I have Ted...but not for long, as it turns out.

In the previous chapters I've concentrated on relating to you the reader, the first few erotic encounters I had with my 'father figure' boyfriend Ted. Perhaps I've spent too much time on these first explorations, but that's only because I recall them with such fondness and vivid erotic memories.

I'm aware that there are other episodes within our journey which need to be told, so with haste in mind I will relate one more memorable encounter between myself, my hubby John, and our good friend Ted.

And then I'm afraid, it will be time to reveal how our special friendship with him came to an end.


Friday morning.

"What about sunday night?" John asked Ted.

We were all sat in Ted's car after swimming, trying to work out a day and time when we could next all be together. John was desperate to witness Ted actually fucking me, having had a taster the previous morning, watching me suck our friend off on the backseat of our car and then receiving Ted's very special voicemail at work later that morning.

I'd also revealed to John that night, my true feelings towards Ted, so he was understandably eager to see us.

As he put it so truthfully, it's always much better when there are strong affections present...chemistry.

So, we knew what we wanted all three, but now came the mechanics of the situation. Ted is a committed family man, having several grandchildren and great grandchildren, and a devoted husband to his wife Mary, who's arm injury means that she needs help around the house and clock. Added to this was our work commitments and also we have a teenage son still at home, so trying to work out some time for us to all be together in private was proving difficult.

This morning for instance, Ted had forgotten about an arranged appointment for Mary at the doctors, only remembering late the previous night. Informing us in hushed tone over the phone while his wife slept upstairs.

So Ted had to scoot off in a few minutes, we only had a short time to work this out.

Tonight and tomorrow were not possible, saturday night we had our 'special' time with Rita whom I'd yet to ask about the possibility of Ted joining us, having to wait until I saw her in private. And of course, John would be busy with us two so liked to save it up the day before.

So our only opportunity anytime soon was sunday night, which fortunately Ted readily agreed to. Mary would be visiting a friend who lived several miles away and it got better. He would normally drive her there where she stayed the night giving us apparently, the perfect opportunity.

Not quite, because Ted was very uncomfortable about letting us visit him, the neighbours are nosy, and the fact it would be too 'weird' for him to do it in his own family home.

This I could relate to myself.

So, what to do next? Both parties were free sunday night but neither one could host the evenings 'entertainment' at their own place, our Steve would be in that night.

There now followed a brief silence where both my hubby and Ted up front seemed stumped, while I looked on from the backseat.

Then, after a long pause I saw John looking about himself...around the car itself.

He was mainly looking back past me to the rear of the vehicle, studying the interior carefully.

Then, at length he says, "It's a nice big bus you got here Ted."

My boyfriend nods and agrees with John's statement, seemingly unaware of his intention, but I know what he's getting at.

Ted's car is a large people carrier, a seven seater. It's dark blue and has a sticker on the back window saying 'grandads taxi'.There's a child's car seat in the back.

John smirks at me before once again focusing attention on the big older man, "I imagine...when the back seats are all folded down it's very spacious?"

From the back I can only see half of Ted's face as they converse, but it's more than enough to know that he realises where this is going.

Beginning to grin himself, Ted glances back at me with a resigned knowing look then addresses John's question, "Ah...yes it is...erm...I you...erm..."

At this point, seeing our friend's surprise at the now obvious idea, my hubby goes further, interrupting his tongue tied reply.

"Big enough to fit a single airbed?...maybe?"

At this Ted's grin spreads and he chuckles a little, glancing once more at me red faced before looking back at John and nodding, "Yeah...yeah I think so...the seats all fold flat and it turns it into a mini van."

And thus the problem of meeting in private is solved, not a perfect solution but acceptable.

Ted readily agrees that on sunday evening he will have the car ready, all we have to do is bring our airbed.

And this...improvisation, becomes the new normal.

Over the course of our relationship with Ted, there are to be only a few instances when we actually do it in the bedroom at our house.

Mostly it's in Ted's car, outdoors in secluded areas of local woodland, and a couple of times at a hotel.

During our short time together, we as a trio, are rarely in a comfortable familiar place. But ultimately it doesn't matter, as long as we are together.


On sunday night as I get ready to meet up with Ted, my thoughts settle on a recent conversation with my good friend Rita, in which I posed the question of our new friend joining us for a foursome.

Rita, predictably declined. I knew she would, it was silly of me to get Ted's hopes up and reminiscent of when I tried to get young Chris in on the scene.

Although my best friend, Rita often infuriated me with her stubbornness. Although I had to constantly scold myself inwardly for not recognising what she'd been through with 'him'.

A damaged lady indeed.

Anyway, this night was very special. Although my hubby had already witnessed me performing fellatio on our mutual friend, he had yet to see him fuck be blunt.

And because of the acknowledged 'chemistry' between myself and Ted, this first time was eagerly anticipated by all parties.

So, what to wear?

I knew what the venue would be, so obviously anything fancy wasn't required.

Something practical for the situation but nothing too tarty as there was a chance Steve our youngest son may see me on leaving the house.

Clothing that allowed shall we say...easy access.

With that in mind I chose a short black flared skirt and a white short sleeved button up blouse, white bra underneath, no stockings...or panties.

As well as my appropriate attire, John had the airbed, a towel....and plenty of tissues.

At six thirty we fed our prearranged excuse to Steve that we were walking into town to meet Dave and having a drink with our old friend, wouldn't be back till late.

And so, we set off hand in hand down to the bottom of our street where 'grandads taxi' was waiting to pick us up.

Upon getting in the back on the one remaining upright rear seat I was surprised to find myself in such a spacious area. It is amazing what just letting down some seats can do, Ted's car is huge!

Both myself and John make our surprise and approval known to our host, who seems rather pleased with his efforts.

It's a very warm evening and both of my boys have opted for clothing conducive to car fun activities, shorts and t-shirts.

Although we are eager to get on with the main event, upon meeting Ted it is decided that we take things steady, go for a little drink first and have a chat, catch up on the events of the weekend as we haven't seen each other since friday morning.

Choosing a pub miles away from both our homes, the car is parked up and we all go in together.

It's strange but also exciting to imagine that myself and John are out with either my father or perhaps more interestingly John' father in law.

In fact, after drinks are acquired and we are seated at a cosy booth, it is suggested rather welcomingly by our older friend that this is exactly what we pass ourselves off as.

Ted even encouraging me to refer to him as 'dad'.

Yet more proof if any were needed, that Ted is an imaginative part of our trio.

While sitting chatting I inform our friend of the bad news regarding Rita's refusal, adding that it is nothing to do with him personally but her shy nature.

He is understanding, and confesses rather shyly that it would have probably been too much for him anyway...half joking he then does a good impression of monsieur alfonse from the TV series allo allo...'my dicky ticker'.

During our little chat it becomes clear to both myself and John that Ted is feeling nervous, he's blushing and swallowing frequently, waffling a lot too, a trait I've noticed before when he's anxious.

With the little, knowing glances I'm receiving from John, it's clear that he too has noticed.

We also feel it, pre session nerves mixed with adrenaline pumping excitement...a potent cocktail indeed.

But for our friend that feeling will be magnified. After all, this is the first time that he'll be taking me properly in front of my husband.

And with that in mind a silent understanding passes between myself and John, to hurry things along. After prompting Ted to drink up we head out into the warm summers night air, it's only seven thirty and there's plenty of daylight left.

Heading across the car park I grasp hold of Ted's hand as we take the lead ahead of John. Looking up I see him smiling warmly back down, and despite the obvious affection in his eyes I see too, those pre session nerves.

Putting on my sweet innocent voice and gazing lovingly up at him I say, "Don't'll be alright...I'll take good care of you...daddy."

It's my intention to put him at ease but I just can't resist that little tease at the end, unfortunately my timing couldn't be worse. With my focus firmly on Ted I've failed to notice an older couple walking past us to the pub we've just left, only realising after they've gone past.

Glancing back I'm met with the comical view of the couple slowing to a brief stop and gawping back at us, the shocked look on their faces clearly evident.

We all just keep on walking while fighting back fits of giggles, not quite making it. Once back in the car there's more giggles and comments of, 'Did you see the look on their faces!'

It's a much needed light hearted moment allowing some tension to escape and easing our nerves.

Leaving the pub behind we head off into a beautiful, warm summers evening. It's not late and we have a couple of hours daylight left, not that we're planning to wait till after dark anyway.

There now follows a rather frustrating period of time where we drive from one familiar secluded spot to another, in vain. Each time finding it occupied or with some other issue, like a farmer working in the fields nearby.

After checking out three of our favourites, it's actually Ted's suggestion that leads us to find somewhere suitable. A place he and young Vicky used to park up while on a 'driving lesson'.

As Ted explains where we are going to John up front, I make myself useful in the back. Unfolding the airbed and plugging in the little compressor Ted has kindly brought along. Copying our idea from yesterday, he's already applied several of those stick on sunshades to the rear windows...nice and cosy back here.

And it's while surveying our mobile love nest that I realize we are nearing the location, Ted's positive it's just around the next corner. Peering forward between the front seats I see we are on a tiny single track lane with passing places every so often.

High hedges block the view of our surroundings and give a closed in, secluded impression. Going a little further down, the copse which Ted has been telling us about on the way here comes into view on our right.

"That's it!...there...I told's just next to this little wood...there's an old disused farm track..."

He trails off while slowing the car down and focusing attention on what looks at first glance like a gap in the foliage where the trees and shrubs border a hedge.

Slowing down to a stop adjacent to this gap Ted picks up where he trailed off, "...oh wow...look at's all overgrown."

Being unable to see for myself because of the angle and sunshades blocking the view, I listen to the two boys briefly discussing if it's a suitable place for our needs.

Apparently the farm track extends back from this lane about two car lengths, going no further due to dense foliage and hidden somewhere amongst it a huge tractor tyre, put there years ago to stop folk driving down.

Due to the passage of time the tyre has been almost completely covered by shrubs, bramble and nettles.

So, with a tall hedge on one side and more dense foliage on the other, we will be covered on three of four sides. The only issue is that the space available is very narrow so once reversed in we will be vulnerable. Anyone coming along and parking in front would instantly block us in.

However, it soon becomes apparent that Ted is willing to take the risk as he begins maneuvering to reverse, first steering forward across the lane then beginning to carefully reverse....slowly backwards...until thick, cruel looking bramble fills the view through the rear window.

Now at a stop there is a brief pause before the engine dies...and thus a rapid transformation from busy noisy to quiet...still...expectation.

I don't know what I'm waiting for exactly, maybe a car to go past us on the lane directly ahead, a suspicious noise from the shrubbery behind, or maybe a sudden roar of tractor engine in the field at the other side of this giant hedge.

But none of these alarming noises are present just silence initially, then pleasant familiar sounds through open windows, bird song, predominantly black bird and wood pigeon.

We all sit motionless for a moment listening for any hostile noise, frozen by excited anticipation.

As we listen, other sounds begin to filter through the comforting evening of flying insect...the hum of an engine initially causing alarm but quickly identified as a low flying aeroplane.

And then, faintly in the distance...clang...clang...clang of village church clock chiming the hour.

Listening carefully we hear eight chimes, and as the clock falls silent so too a silent understanding passes between us three, the moment we've planned for and eagerly awaited has arrived.

We have been sitting here watching and listening for the past five minutes and nothing has disturbed us or the peace that surrounds us. It's John that speaks up first, accurately describing the place we've found thanks to Ted.

Glancing back at me before turning to our friend, "Wow...well certainly can pick a quiet spot...this place is perfect...I cars no dog walkers no joggers really is perfect."

Ted nods agreement adding that it always was quiet when he used to come here with Vicky.

My hubby then takes control of the situation, instructing Ted to get in the back with me while he slips into the driving seat in case we have to make a hasty retreat.

Despite how quiet things are at the moment, as experience has shown, things can rapidly change.

Ted, silently obeys John. I'm always fascinated by male hierarchy. Ted easily accepting my younger husband's command.

In contrast to say, Mike. The gamekeeper who used to enjoy cuckolding John.

It appears that age is not a factor and it's down to personality, interesting how their interactions are natural and fit together so snuggly.

And I of course am more than happy to go along with the natural order.

I watch as Ted gets out the driving seat and comes gingerly back to the rear passenger door, it's a tight squeeze, prickly foliage awaits him.

Opening the rear door and crawling on knees into the back with me he closes the door behind himself then instructs me to leave my seat while he folds it down, creating even more space.

After this task is complete there follows a brief moment of awkwardness.

With Ted seemingly unsure of how to proceed, he can be easily forgiven however, given his nervous state of mind and what's about to happen.

But, I come to the rescue. Crawling up to him with mattress between us and softly kissing my elderly boyfriend on the lips, drawing back we gaze at each other before I break the silence, "I've missed you."

His reply is quiet, hardly audible and accompanied by a glance forward to John who's just finished struggling over to the driving seat, "I've missed you too."

His hushed words, a slight tremor of anxiety present within, instills in me a mothering instinct...I can't help it.

Leaning into him while on hands and knees I whisper in his ear, "'s just you and me."

My words seem to calm him a little and we engage in more kissing, the inflated bed between us...inviting...and so very obvious.

I'm acutely aware of John sat up front heart is racing...

I'm also aware that this is going to move forward rapidly, despite the quiet location we are still in the back of a car in a public place, this is no time to take things slowly.

I am desperate to let John see what Ted is going to do to me...and I know just how to get things moving.

Sitting down next to the bed I watch Ted closely as I undoe my blouse buttons and then reach around back to unfasten my bra, removing it and tossing the garment to one side.

The old man's eyes fall to my bare boobs, I can already feel my nips swelling up...the excitement is tangible...present in the air between us three.

Glancing forward to John I ask, "We alright love?"

His answer is brief and in the affirmative but like last thursday on the leisure centre car park, there's a tremor of excitement in his tone.

Not delaying further, going for the bed I lay down on my back and urge Ted to join me, after all this planning and anticipation my actions are quite unceremonious and I feel like a cheap exciting sensation that amplifies my already high level of arousal.

Watching Ted, he hesitates briefly, again that glance forward to John, like he's seeking permission.

Then, like a spell has been broken he moves to action, beginning to remove his t-shirt. The car may be big but it's far removed from a bedroom and with the airbed taking up space there's not much left for us.

As the shirt is tossed aside Ted pulls the shorts down to his knees, he's knelt stooping forward due to the car roof and watching this awkward manoeuvre suddenly takes me back to when I was younger, my first boyfriend...and lots of sticky fumblings on the backseat of his car.

Staring at Ted's semi erect cock waving to and thro while he struggles to get into position, I reach down to the hem of my skirt and pull it right up, opening my legs wide just as he plonks down on top, his lips immediately finding my own.

Kissing passionately, I can feel his eagerness...oh my...he is hungry...and so am I.

Despite the attentions of John the previous evening, I've missed Ted and so set about making sure he knows it.

The rising passion enveloping us both, dragging us along with it. I can feel him stiffening up as our tongues entwine, soft muffled groans from Ted accompany my rapid nasal breathing...a sense of urgency infects us both.