Chronicles of Hemlear Pt. 01


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This felt so very good and so very right and she rested her hands on his chest as she sighed and just enjoyed the sweet anticipation of the moment, just the feel of his rod sliding against her ready lips and spreading her juices between them as three forms slipped through the open door, three lovely women, one shorter and smaller than the others. The taller two moved around the sleeping area and checked on those sleeping while the smaller woman watched Averill and the young priest closely, smiling as she parted her cloak, revealing a small elfin woman with long silver hair. She was nude under the cloak, her small breasts pert and perfect, her skin pale and flawless as she watched Averill and Aeric together. Several more forms were slipping in the door as well, all women, all nude and they moved around the walls of the outpost, keeping in the shadows, mouths stained a dark maroon and hair dirty and tangled. They were feral creatures, thralls of the other three and they watched, waiting.

Averill looked up, her vision hazy and clouding as the vampire watched and Averill smiled and ran her hands over her own nude body, cupping her breasts and giving her nipples a hard squeeze as her gaze locked on that of the small elf, as if waiting for something. The woman smiled and nodded and Averill slipped forward until she felt the head of the clerics shaft nestle in her folds, and then she rolled her hips back and felt him slide into her body, her heat engulfing him in a wave of pleasure and release. All of the tension of the past days was in anticipation of this moment and she was so wet and ready that she took all of him in a single stroke, feeling him fill her and press hard at her cervix as he moaned at the hot feel of her around his shaft. She moaned and ground her hips against him, the thickness of him spreading her and the length of him filling her completely. He reached out blindly in his sleep, starting to swim up to wakefulness as the sensations overwhelmed sleep and she guided his strengthless hands to her breasts, feeling her flesh fill his palms and she groaned as his hands rubbed across her hardened nipples and excited her even more.

Her orgasm came quickly, and she was sobbing with pleasure as Aeric came to full wakefulness and looked up at her in confusion, helpless to react to what she was doing, but trying to deny it, trying to move her from his impaling shaft as she shifted her hips and rose, letting his shaft slip from her heat until just the head was within her and then dropping back down so he filled her again. She was gasping and moaning and as the little elf came to the pair of them she opened her arms and welcomed her mistress joyously. The elf came to her and kissed her deeply, passionately and Averill returned the kiss with as much fervor as she could muster. She moaned into the kiss and the elf moved to straddle the priest, pressing her bare, smooth sex back into his face and ground her lips against him as she shifted and suckled at Averill's breast, fangs parting the soft, warm skin painlessly and sending a wave of ecstasy through her that triggered another orgasm.


Averill moaned in delight and didn't see that the other two vampires had circled together toward Drogan, divesting him of his weapons and armour, and when the orc awoke, a single gaze charmed him into silence as he was stripped bare and one of the women knelt over his lap and stroked his shaft to fullness, crooning in delight at the treasure she had found, the pleasure radiating out through his mind paralyzed Drogan though his hand still sought instinctively for the weapon he knew should be there but he could not reach. The woman straddled him, her pale hair and white skin almost glowing in the dark of the night and caressed herself with his cock before plunging it into her cool depths. The orc groaned at the feel of it, too entranced to deny her as the other woman moved to Nylla, charming the halfling as her mate had done to the half-orc and stripping her bare, standing her slight frame up to do so. In silence she parted her lips and Drogan saw her fangs plunge into the halfling's neck, a rapturous look on her small face and a stream of blood slipping down across her shoulder and between her breasts toward the dark thatch of hair that covered her sex as one pale hand came around from behind and cupped her soft flesh, squeezing softly as the woman drank from her, draining her quickly. When the Halfling went limp, the woman tossed her aside like refuse and moved to Shaara, charming her as the warrior maiden came awake and stripping her quickly, leaving her standing and staring at nothing.


Alyth woke with a start as Averill gave a little moan of pleasure, the sounds in the camp were alien to her at first and as she sat up she saw the trouble they were in. Her hand went to the linäe crystal at her throat and she gasped in fear at its absence, the cut chain coming loose in her hand and she saw the tall woman with dark hair advancing on her with a wide, red-lipped smile. There was another woman with long blonde hair with Drogan and the orc seemed to be enjoying the feel of her as she rode his cock. Shaara was standing still nearby and there were perhaps a dozen naked women all around the outpost, watching with feral hungry eyes as it all unfolded. She looked to Aeric, her sensible twin always a source of strength for her and saw him with Averill, he had been stripped naked and the half-elf was straddling his hips. What they were doing was unmistakable and Alyth sobbed as she saw the other woman with them. The slender elf looked up from where she was nuzzling at Averill's breast and Alyth saw her mouth slicked with blood, crimson droplets falling down upon the chest of her helpless brother.

The woman looked to Alyth and the young sorceress felt a wave of pleasure and submission sweep over her, but the charm her master had given her against domination warmed and her mind cleared as she looked from the elf to the advancing woman with fear on her face. Behind her, the blonde woman bared long fangs and plunged down, striking at Drogan's neck and the half-orc gurgled in pleasurable release as his hands scrabbled at the ground. The other woman reached for Alyth and the sorceress sobbed in desperation. She was alone, her party had fallen to the vampires, betrayed from within by Averill, someone they had trusted. She clutched at the chain that had held her linäe and felt the small shards of crystal embedded in the metal, a secret stash against the unknown and she used that power as she looked to her poor brother.

"I'll avenge you, Aeric." And then with a release of power, the sorceress vanished in a rush of air just as the dark haired vampire reached for her.


At the rush of air filling the void where Alyth had been, the elfin woman looked at the empty hammock and stood with a snarl, her too-pretty mouth bared in anger, all of her teeth curving, razor-sharp fangs and her cheeks split with the fury of her anger as she looked to her attendant. The tall, dark haired woman looked stunned, and then she looked afraid as she met the gaze of her mistress. The elf gestured and the feral spawn closed on the vampire, hands reaching for her bare flesh and grasping at her cold skin as they snarled and growled, blood welled from scratches and bites and the woman screamed, a terrible sound that made Shaara flinch, but she could not break the charm upon her mind as the feral thralls turned on the hapless vampire, tearing her asunder, teeth ripping her flesh, choice morsels fought over by of the spawn like dogs fighting over a scrap as the rest pulled at her flesh, an arm coming loose and a moment later her scream gurgled into silence as one of the creatures tore out her throat and then they were feasting on every drop of her blood and every scrap of her flesh. In minutes they were gnawing bones and licking the paving stones where the woman had stood.

The mistress looked back to her thrall, the half-elf still riding the drugged priest and she smiled, all trace of her anger gone, only two small, needle-sharp fangs evident in her mouth as she moved behind Averill and turned the woman's head slightly, baring her neck. As her teeth pierced the smooth flesh, Averill moaned as a powerful orgasm ripped through her slender, excited frame. The priest beneath her groaned and sobbed in ecstasy as he spent into her, releasing his seed deep into Averill's body. But the drug she had given him was strong, and it would not allow him to relax, his stiffened member still painfully aroused and buried in her hot sex as the elfin woman fed from her neck, blood from Averill's breast spattering down on his chest and slowly the flow stopped as the elf drained Averill dry.

Aeric watched in terror as the blood streaking her chest began to flow back up across her body to the wound in her breast, flowing back into her flesh as if it were a living thing, and the wound sealed as her flesh paled and her eyes rolled back in her head. He felt the moment she died and he stared in horror at the vampire as she moved to Averill's mouth and kissed her deeply, a stream of blood running between their mouths for a moment before it too ran back from whence it came and left not even a drop behind it. When she was released, Averill slumped forward onto his chest, limp and still and Aeric felt horror, his manhood still impaling her, her body already cold atop him. He could feel her breasts pressing between them and see her dull, lifeless eyes as they looked into him, open and unfocused and he sobbed in fright, trying again and again to summon the gifts of his order, but knowing that he was bereft of them, her act, her rape of him had taken that away and he was helpless now, his companions dead or enthralled and his sister fled. At least Alyth was safe, at least she had escaped, but Aeric could not help but fear for himself.

The elfin woman looked down at him in contempt for a moment before going to where the feral creatures had torn the other vampire to pieces and consumed her utterly. She fawned over the things like they were beloved dogs and she went to where the blonde woman had killed Drogan, the pack of thralls trailing after her and she gestured to the blonde woman, who stood and moved away as the pack fell upon the warrior and devoured him noisily, flesh tearing asunder and bones cracking for the marrow as they feasted and their mistress turned to Shaara, the warrior maiden standing still, staring at her in rapture and horror as a stirring in the grass resolved into the form of Nylla, who looked around, and her eyes had no intelligence or soul. She snarled at Shaara, baring her fanged maw, but when she saw the elfin vampire she moved over like a faithful dog and let the woman stoke her hair as she nuzzled against her hand and the vampire smiled as she looked the warrior maid over.

Aeric watched her move to Shaara and the tall, proud woman knelt obediently as the slight elfin monster nuzzled into the warriors breasts. Shaara lifted her long braid out of the way and the vampire moved to her strong neck and bit into her bared flesh, feasting on her lifeblood and Shaara moaned as the elf drank deeply. The warrior-woman's breath came in gasps and she twitched and held the head of the little elf to her throat as she drank. Shaara swayed as she grew weak, and then fell back limp among the weeds as the elf turned, the blonde woman watching in eager anticipation, but getting nothing from her mistress as the elf, blood staining her mouth and neck and breasts turned and walked toward Aeric and the corpse that had been Averill.

A gesture brought the blonde to her, and the human knelt before her mistress and began licking the blood from her flesh, cleaning the elf with her tongue and moaning in delight at the privilege of the act. The elf held her head close and cut her own flesh with a fingernail, allowing a stream of blood to flow from her breast which the blonde eagerly attached to and suckled like a babe at her mother's breast. It was both obscene and arousing to watch and the blonde moaned in delight at the treat. Then Averill stirred, her arms twitching and her back spasming as she gained the blasphemous semblance of life that animated all vampires. The elf pushed the blonde away from her, the wound in her breast healing almost immediately as Averill moaned and began to sit up, still impaled on his cock as she looked around, her mouth open and fangs glinting between her lips as she sought and found her mistress.

The smile she had as she saw the elf was obscene, adoring and fawning and the elf smiled right back, stepping forward and kneeling to kiss Averill deeply as the half-elf began to shift and gyrate her hips, feeling the stiff member grinding against her depths with each movement as she moaned into the kiss given her by her mistress. Her pleasure was unmistakable and her orgasm came quickly as the kiss finally broke and the elf stood, gesturing to Aeric with a single pale hand.


The words were cold and Aeric felt fear slam into him as Averill turned her head and looked down at him, her too-red mouth split in a too-wide, inhuman smile as she leaned down as if to kiss him, but instead she sank her fangs deep into his neck as her hips ground against his still turgid member. He moaned at the feel of her, pleasure slamming into him almost violently from her mouth at his neck and he sobbed as his balls clenched and his seed spilled into her and she drank the blood from the fatal wound at his neck. Slowly the world ebbed, sounds dimming and the light fading, the edges of his vision going first and soon the world was a narrow tunnel fixed on the elf watching him with disdain.

Aeric sobbed as he felt his life leaving him, as he felt Averill grinding against him, and he was bereft of his goddess, his vow of celibacy broken and his powers fled as she drained the blood from him. He closed his eyes and waited for the release of death, but she stopped when he was at his weakest, his life stuck in that moment of ebb and flow. If he died now he would return as one of the spawn that waited in a pack all around them, the naked, mindless things that he could see even now. As Averill stood and moved to kneel at the feet of her new mistress, Aeric looked around and saw a familiar red-haired form among the thralls, feral and bloodthirsty, Shaara had become an animal. It didn't take him long to see Nylla as well, the tiny Halfling just another pale, nude body among the pack of turned undead women. Then he looked to see the elf staring at him, her eyes solid black, her expression cold and haughty as she watched him.


She gestured and the pack slowly closed upon him, mouths curled in feral hunger as they reached for him, he felt claws tear at his skin, he saw a face looming over him as Shaara... the thing that had been Shaara... leaned down and bit, tearing his flesh with her mouth, ripping away and devouring as the thing that had been Nylla tore at his chest, and more hands and mouths ripped and tore at him, drawing a long, last bubbling scream from the priest, his right hand managing to lift, reaching toward the moonless sky from amid the pack until one of them bit three of his fingers off and the arm was pulled from sight. Moments later the spawn were gnawing at his bones and licking at the stain of viscera that was all that remained of him.


Averill looked up at her mistress in adoration, finally united with her forever and she was graced with a kiss, deep and passionate as her mistress pushed her back onto the stones and Averill submitted to her will, glad that she had been chosen to take the place of the dead Kyra. She vowed to never fail her mistress, for she did not wish to be destroyed. Her mistress kissed her hard, their lips grinding together as the slight elf lay across her body and Averill felt joy as she felt the fangs pierce her flesh again, the pain she felt was exultant and then her mistress was sitting up and looking down, a hand running across her breast and making a small cut, which she guided Averill to, so she could suckle like a babe and the taste of her mistress' blood was the nectar of the gods, Averill surrendered and when the blonde e'dan joined them she welcomed the lithe, buxom woman gladly, kissing her and smearing the gift of their mistress' blood between them the blonde biting into Averill's breast and Averill gasped in pleasure as their mistress kissed her, but then Averill bit into the blonde woman and all three of them were bloody, the thick, red fluid quickly covering them as they writhed together on the floor of the shelter as the night burgeoned around them and the spawn licked every drop of gore from the three who had been fed to them.

Finally her mistress stood, leaving Averill and the blonde woman laying together on the ground, sated and smiling as they continued to bite and lick playfully at each other. They looked up at the small elf looking down at them and knew true joy, true pleasure was in the gaze of their mistress.


Averill looked among them and pointed to a little mongrel woman with small breasts and dirty, once-blonde hair. The elf smiled and with a gesture the spawn fell upon their mate and she screamed as teeth sought her flesh, as nails tore at her and all the while her eyes stared at her mistress, love and devotion shining in them until a thrall bit her face, and she vanished from sight. The message was clear to Averill, even her death would please Lillethe, so long as it was at her mistress' command. The elf gestured again and the spawn that had been Shaara came forth, her hair already a tangle and blood soaking her face and breasts as she knelt, subservient at the feet of the elf. The woman crooned to the spawn and Shaara turned and went to the two vampire women, Averill and the blonde, and she licked them clean, the blonde bit into Shaara's breast and Averill did the same, feeding from the blood of her once-lover happily, feeling Shaara's tongue cleaning the blood as far as she could while she writhed and moaned in pleasure at the feeding.

An hour passed in this way and one by one the spawn moved off to the walls of the enclosure and began to dissipate, forming the ever-present mist of the Frontier and Lillethe commanded and the others obeyed, dissolving easily until just the small, silver-haired woman stood alone in the enclosure, looking down at the broken and gnawed skull of the dead priest. With a snarl she stomped on it and sent shards of bone scattering across the yard of the tower. Moments later she too was gone, another party had mostly vanished into the Frontier, and their things lay scattered about the shelter, the little opalescent crystal and even the priceless tools of a dungeon scout tossed aside as chattel.


With a rush of displaced air Alyth appeared in the tower, falling strengthless to the stones as she sobbed uncontrollably, her silver-white hair a mess about her as she lay in the circle and wept. She felt hands on her shoulders and shuddered at the memories of what she had left, thinking she had failed, thinking she was about to die, a victim of the vampires that had attacked them, her scream truncated as she looked up into the kindly face of one of the elders. With a sob of joy she clung to him, the old man taken aback as the lovely young woman held him close, as tight as a burr in his beard and wept. It took him many long minutes to get her calm enough to release him and he moved her to sit in his seat, an old, comfortable chair that he would read in as he monitored the circle for those who had come to the tower. She was blubbering and he could see that she had lost her apprentice's linäe, a dire sign. She had used all of the magic she could, just the chip of linäe hidden in her chain, to come here and she was spent, but something terrible had happened to her and she was nearly incoherent.