Chronicles of Spider-Man Ch. 05


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Peter was not over the top drunk, but he had more to drink than she had ever seen. Peter never drank, so it was odd to say the least. She wondered if he was going to go into a role playing scene again. Almost hoping he would.

Peter made love to her gently however, kissing her everywhere. Slowly penetrating her, careful not to hurt her with his abnormal strength. Mary Jane rolled Peter on to his back. This is how Katzenburg made her cry like a baby. She was sure it was merely the position and not the man.

"Oh, Tiger! That feels wonderful." Mary Jane whispered. And it did feel wonderful, but where were the tears, she wanted that breathless feeling. She wanted to fall forward and bite Peters shoulder. But she didn't want to do it just to do it. She wanted to bite his shoulder and whimper into ear because she couldn't help herself.

Peter laid below his beautiful wife, as she rode him. His eyes were closed in loving bliss. Mary Jane glanced at the photo on the nightstand, cursing Katzenburg for what he did to her; shame enveloped her as her heart fluttered when she looked at the photo. A deep feeling of pleasure began to form inside her: she was going to cum.

"OhGawwd, Peter! Yes!" She moaned. MJ placed her hands on his face caressing him; she did not want him to see her staring at Katzenburg's photo.

Peter tensed up, and holding Mary Jane's slim hips slammed her down upon him as he came inside her. He moaned loudly as his wife orgasmed with him. "OhGodNick!" Mary Jane whimpered as she fell forward, her firm breasts pressed backward by his powerful chest.

"Hmmm," Peter moaned, "Honey, what did you say?"

"You were great, Peter." She said kissing the side of his face.

"I thought..." Parker said, pausing.

"You thought what, Tiger?" Mary Jane said rolling off her husband. She was being sincere, she had no idea she moaned Katzenburg's name; in Parker's drunken state, he wasn't sure either. They both rolled to their sides and sleep swiftly overtook them.


Nightmares were nothing new to the man known as Spider-man, once one's been in as many scraps as he has the only difference were the cast of characters. One trait always seemed prevalent in Peter Parker's nightmares, he was unmasked. His greatest fear was losing his secret identity.

This night was no different; he was on a rooftop, or was it the daily bugle's event. It didn't matter. Dr. Octopus had unmasked him for everyone to see. Jameson was pissed that his employee was the man he hounded for all these years. Jameson was always pissed; it didn't really matter if it was in his dream or real life.

Mary Jane always seemed in danger during these dreams, not this time, not this dream; she was clutching the flabby arm of Nick Katzenburg, watching in horror as the Green Goblin began throwing pumpkin bombs at her husband while Dr. Octopus held the Spider in his many mechanical arms. All of Peter's friends were there; they looked at him with a sense of betrayal. He was Spider-man all along?

If he could only get his mask back, everyone would forget he was Spider-man. It was so close to Mary Jane all she had to do was throw it to him. Why was she kissing Katzenburg? Felicia was there as well, she could help, if she would only stop kissing Flash Thompson. And Flash was laughing at the Spider, why? His greatest fan just simply laughed. And Felicia kissed the laughing face of Flash once again. NO! Not Flash, it was Craig, the bastard nephew of Nick Katzenburg.

The kid laughed at Spider-man and kissed the Black Cat hard on the lips, Spider-man did not see the knife of Kraven the Hunter plunge into his chest until it was too late. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Peter screamed lunging upward.

"Pete?" Mary Jane said, rising from her pillow to hold her shaking husband.

"Another bad dream?" She said, running her fingers through his hair to comfort him.

"Bad as bad can be." Was all Parker could mumble, he glanced over at the clock on the nightstand to see how long he had been asleep. But he wasn't really sure when he passed out to begin with.

The full extent of the alcohol flowing through his blood stream along with the lack of sleep made him more than just a little delirious.

"How long?" He asked his sentence going unfinished.

"About three hours, honey." Mary Jane said glancing at the clock.

"Go back to sleep." She said easing him back to his pillow.

"Yea, sleep." Peter said glancing again at the clock, he wasn't really looking at the clock though, why was there a picture of Nick Katzenburg on his nightstand. He did not have long to dwell on this as he immediately fell back asleep.

Unlike Peter, Mary Jane could handle her alcohol a little better. She had more experience. She did not drink often, but in her line of work parties were the norm rather than the exception. She also needed to keep a clear head; one misstep during a drunken escapade and the super-model and actress could find herself on the front page of any tabloid.

Mary Jane was somewhat alert, she hated it when Peter had his dreams and woke her up. He would always fall back asleep leaving her wide awake. She wasn't exactly wide awake now, but she was thirsty. Remembering there was a guest in the house Mary Jane sleepily went to her underwear drawer and slipped on the first pair she grabbed and headed to the kitchen for some water.

The supermodel was not the only person Peter awoke with his scream. Craig sat up on the couch, he was in a light sleep anyway, he brought some of his doctored juice hoping to get the two too drink it. But the opportunity never arose. He doubted he could get away with what he did to Mary Jane on their first night with alcohol alone. The door creaked open and the kid could hear the faint footsteps of someone coming down the hall. No guy could walk that softly. Craig smiled and laid his head back down on the pillow feigning sleep.

Mary Jane downed two glasses of water; it never tasted so good than after dehydration from wine and champagne. She glanced into the living room where the punk nephew of Katzenburg was sleeping. Again memories flooded her brain, she had to know. Did he have bite marks on his shoulder? MJ walked slowly into the living room, almost creeping on her tip toes careful not to make any noise; she didn't have too. Her dainty feet and light form allowed her to move quietly wherever she went. As long as the 'click-clack' of high heels were not present.

Craig could sense her approaching and continued feigning sleep; the kid had no extraordinary senses to tell him how close the redhead was, which by now was very close. It didn't matter how softly, or silently Mary Jane crept on the boy. Her smell gave her away. She smelled good anyway, but tonight she wore a hint of expensive perfume for the Bugle's event. The intoxicating odor permeated over her body still.

'God, she smells good!' Craig thought as her scent came closer; he could almost feel her hovering above him.

Mary Jane looked closely at the kid's left shoulder; what she feared most was there: faint bruises, the fading evidence of a hickey. She gasped involuntarily at the sight, panicked, yet instantly relieved when the boy did not open his eyes. He had been wearing shirts with the color pulled up for the last couple of days. She and most everyone else thought he was just trying to look cool; a kid who had seen one too many videos of Elvis, except it wasn't the case.

Craig was on the couch in an odd dead to the world pose, directly in front of the television. He was lying on his side and, from where she stood, she could only see his back so she couldn't tell for certain if he was asleep or not. She remained still, watching him for a few moments and saw that his breathing was steady and even.

Just the thought that he might still be awake had given her a surge of excitement as she slowly started over to where he lay. Stepping around the stuff left behind by him, she crept toward the dim light coming from the slightly opened window, as quietly as she could.

As she walked, her big breasts bobbled and wriggled, rubbing her sensitive nipples against the sheer film of her nightie. It felt sexy to have her big tits bouncing as she walked around late at night; the boldness gave it even more spice. Standing there, naked except for her daring undergarment, she felt herself growing more excited as she deliberately stepped over him. A sudden and perverse thrill shot through her brain as she did, because she knew that if he was awake and looked up, he would be able to see straight up at her panties.

However, as her foot touched the floor on the other side of him and she looked down, she saw that he was indeed asleep, his pale, geeky face the picture of ultimate nerdness. Disappointed for a moment that he hadn't been awake to take advantage of her lecherous display, she felt sudden rush of adrenaline squirt into her blood stream as her eyes found his young, virile penis jutting out through the opening in the front of his underwear.

In the murky light, the sight of the boy's stiff, erect penis caught her by surprise; she hadn't been expecting anything like that. Stunned by the size of boy's cock, she stood transfixed, staring down at it, afraid to move for fear of waking him up.

"Why is he hard? Is he having a wet dream?" Just the thought that he might be having such a dream sent a jolt of electricity shooting down her spine and into her tingling pussy.

Finally, after several moments of gawking at the boy's twitching organ, she was able to catch her breath. Then, it occurred to her that Craig's potent manhood was definitely oversized for his age. Maybe it was just the light, she thought to herself as she timidly bent down to get a closer look at the swollen organ.

Just as she did, a cool breeze forced the window to open, bathing the room in brightness; she could see that the size of his cock was no figment of her overactive imagination. The boy's penis, jutting out hard and ripe was more than man size.

"Good Lord, the boy's huge," she thought as she stared at his jutting giant. "How could a boy his age be so big?" As she stared at the Craig's monstrous shaft, she realized that Craig, in his youth, was already considerably larger than her husband's cock. As a matter of fact, he was even larger than his own uncle, who was freakishly big. It was all she could do to keep from reaching down and touching the erect column of meat. The sight of the boy's oversized penis evoked a strange feeling down inside of her. The itchy need between her legs that she had felt earlier suddenly returned to an unusual extent.

"What is wrong with me?" This was a boy she was supposed to be looking after. Granted a boy with a horse's penis, but still a boy. Yet, even as she chastised herself for her aberrant excitement, she couldn't calm the excitement she was feeling. This wasn't like her, she told herself. So why was she so aroused by the sight of Craig's massive erect penis?

Trying as hard as she could, she still couldn't erase the image of Craig's perfectly shaped penis from her mind. It was as if the picture of his large shaft had been indelibly seared into her brain. What really shocked her though was the effect it was having on her. Suddenly, images of her first night there mixed to Felicia's affair came rolling in; it wasn't a coincidence!

Superhero's for the most part all have an Achilles' heel, for Super-man it was kryptonite, Iron-Man, his heart. Hulk, the alter ego of Bruce Banner. Mary Jane was no superhero; still she had her weakness, her flaw that gave her away: her long beautiful hair that fell forward upon Craig's face.

"Like what you see, Red?" Craig said looking straight into her green eyes.

"N-No... I-I... Y-You..." Mary Jane babbled, stepping away from the couch and the not so innocent youth. "I-It was you..."

"Sorry to bring you the news, MJ," the boy casually commented. "But, you are not making much sense there..."

"How could you? We helped you..." The supermodel, who was shaking, regained some of her composure. "I know about everything!"

"Good for you," he punched the pillow a couple of times, preparing to go back to sleep. "One day I will grow up to be a 'know-it-all', just like you..."

"Is everything a big joke to you?" The redhead was deeply upset. "You are no better than your uncle!"

"You are probably right..." The boy was insensitive to her stressed state. "Although I seem to have succeeded in something he didn't..."

"Getting a rap sheet at a young age?" MJ was outraged. "Why don't you just stop lying?"

"Know what? You are right," Craig smiled, rising to a sitting position. "No need to lie about it anymore. Remember that first night? Yea, it was me. That juice I brought over was laced with shit you never even heard of; it knocked you and hubby out cold and allowed me to have my way with you. Gotta tell you, Red, it wasn't easy hiding these fucking hickeys and scratch marks you planted on me."

"You sonofabitch!" Mary Jane said stepping even further back, putting distance between her and the smirking kid. "I saw you drank the juice too..."

"Tolerance, babe... You do as much drugs as me and it takes a lot to put me under."

"Stay the fuck away from me!" Mary Jane warned as the kid arose from the couch.

"Don't flatter yourself." Craig laughed. "I'm not the one sneaking up on you in your sleep to get a better look. Shit! You act like you're the only fine bitch around. You're a dime a dozen, Red."

"What?" Mary Jane whispered in a tone laced with venom. "Men line up just to see me walk, you little prick!"

"Yea, whatever," Craig said staring at her crotch. "Did you wear those for me? I mean for a model, you sure can't color coordinate."

Mary Jane looked down, white ruffled panties with pink floral. They could be seen right through her thin black teddy. No girl wore something like this unless she wanted her man to see it. She knew it, and the kid knew it.

"I was in a hurry, you little geek." Mary Jane explained, defiantly.

"Sure ya were." Craig said rolling his eyes as if he caught her in a lie. "Who isn't in a hurry to have a glass of water that late at night?"

"Look, I don't kiss and tell," Craig grinned before walking toward the kitchen. "You weren't in your right mind, after all. Still, I gotta tell ya you are by far the hottest, tightest piece of ass I have ever nailed."

Mary Jane was fuming, blinded by rage; the kid practically drug raped her and discarded the whole thing outright, like it was no big deal. Plus, he was now rummaging through her refrigerator like he lived there.

"How about you make me something to eat and we'll forget the whole thing?" Craig said growing frustrated by his incompetence to find a snack. "Then we go back to sleep and move on, no hard feelings..."

"Are you fucking serious?" MJ couldn't believe what was happening.

"What do you mean 'Am I serious'? Of course I'm fucking serious," The boy pouted at her inability to comprehend a simple deal. "I am fucking hungry too, if you must know!"

"Get the hell out of here! NOW!" The supermodel lost her temper, pointing at the door. "Before I change my mind and call the cops to arrest your sorry ass! Do you know what they will do? They will lock you up in a hole with a tattooed cellmate named 'George', who loves pale, skinny boys like you; maybe you can offer him some of your homebrew juice and make out with him, you little shit!"

"Chill, Red," Craig was skimming through the nearby food cabinet, and completely ignored her threats. "Damn, I know I saw crackers around here somewhere..."

"Why are you still here? Are you fucking deaf?" Mary Jane couldn't believe his audacity. "Do you want me to go and get my husband so he kicks your scrawny ass all the way to the street?"

"Sure, let's do that," He finally gave up his search. "Let's wake Parker and tell him how his lovely, supermodel wife was fucked raw by a teenager, right under his nose! I am sure he will have a blast, when he learns I stretched your tight little pussy with my fat cock and pumped you full of my sticky cum!"

"Y-You... I-I..." Words failed when MJ tried to speak.

"Now that you got it out of your chest, how about you serve me something and we get this over with?"

"I want you out my cabin in the morning, and I never want to see you again!" Mary Jane said pushing him aside. She pulled some cold pizza from a Tupperware container and tossed it on the table. "Do we understand one another?"

Craig smiled at her, nodding in the affirmative; his eyes never left her curvy body or the frilly panties that could be seen through her nightie. He was aroused, and the tight white underwear he wore did nothing to conceal this. Mary Jane did her best not to look down; 'God, the kid is a freak! He is so fucking big!' His underwear seemed to hug his fat cock, outlining it, causing more attention than if he wore nothing at all.

Craig smiled again, pizza sauce adoring the corners of his mouth. "You know, MJ... It was a pain in the ass getting this thing inside you; you were squirming and whimpering like you had never been fucked. Damn, you are probably tighter than a 12-year-old virgin!" Craig said enjoying the fact he remembered more of that night than she did. "Do you remember me telling you to call me Craig, or sobbing into my shoulder when I buried my fat dick all the way inside that sweet little snatch of yours?" Craig said biting into a second piece of pizza.

"No!" Mary Jane answered, hoping she wasn't blushing as much as she thought she was.

"Bullshit!" Craig laughed, his mouth full of pizza.

Her nerves were wrecked; she reached into the cupboard and poured herself a glass of wine. She was now wide awake; she felt like crying, but was not going to give this brat the satisfaction of seeing her in that fragile state, much less be the source of her tears.

Mary Jane guzzled her glass of wine as opposed to sipping it; she needed a tranquilizer to go to sleep and this was her best option. She reached for the bottle again as Craig arose from the table and tossed the empty Tupperware container into the sink. His hand reached for the wine before hers and slid it away.

"Aw, c'mon, Red!" Craig said blocking her path to the wine. "If you drink too much you won't lie in bed thinking about me all night."

"I won't think about you at all, you pig." Mary Jane said crossing her arms over her chest defiantly.

"That's why you keep looking at my crotch right?" Craig said, closing the distance between the two. "You remember parts of that night don't you? You remember biting my shoulder when I fucked the shit out of you, giving me hickeys. You remember and you were looking at me earlier to see if it was true."

"NO!" Mary Jane said, her arms still crossed. Her eyes began watering; God, what had she done? Did some primal instinct allow the kid to fuck her brains out? Did she know who it was at the time, and conveniently dismissed it?

Craig brought a finger up to her pretty face and gently wiped away a tear that began flowing downward. "You remember." He said a knowing grin adorning his face.

"I-It's coming back to me..." Mary Jane finally admitted, looking downward to avoid his gaze.

Craig stepped closer and gently held her arms uncrossing them from her chest; he guided them downwards until her palms rested on the kitchen counter-top. Mary Jane didn't react to this. Her face turned away from his to hide the tears in her eyes. She did not want him to know that he was the object of her tears, but knew it was probably too late.

Craig stepped closer, his knee gently inching her legs apart; still, she didn't react.

"Look at me." Craig whispered.

She did, but still didn't react as he put his hands on the upper part of her nightie and slid the straps downward over her shoulders and down her stationary arms.

"What are you doing?" Mary Jane said her voice shaking. "Please, don't..."