Chrysalis Turns to Butterfly


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"There is a little matter we need to discuss."

Marion was in no doubt of what the subject would be. She brought in coffee and they sat down. It was a lovely summer evening and the last rays of the setting sun threw dark shadows under the trees and pools of bright light over the lawn. Charles looked uncomfortable as he started to talk.

"Marion it has been brought to my notice that you have become friends with a Guy and Sylvie Tranter. You have been out to dine with them and with Mr. Tranter alone. That you have friends is not a problem but is there something inappropriate in this particular friendship?" For a fleeting moment Marion was tempted to tell an untruth, but reverted to her determination to tell Charles the truth.

"You may think it inappropriate, Charles. Sylvie and Guy are good friends and I enjoy their company. If you have seen the report then you know that anyway. What it may not say is that I have slept with Guy." Charles blanched then nodded.

"The report did hint at that."

He was silent for a couple of minutes. "Marion I have to say that I am impressed by your honesty. But then, knowing you I shouldn't have expected any different from you. Is this an emotional relationship and do you wish to make a life with him?"

"No Charles. He is just an entertainment." He looked up sharply at those words with almost a hint of humour in his eyes. He finished his coffee and walked across the room to the cabinet where he kept the drinks. He turned.

"Would you like a Brandy?"

"No thank you Charles, I would like a small Sherry please? I'm surprised at you offering Brandy. It's French you know." He smiled at the quip. He brought the drinks and sat down.

"Marion, we married for good sound reasons. I needed a wife who could be at home in all company, a good hostess and one who would support me in my career. You have been that and I appreciate the effort you have made. Those reasons are still valid." He paused letting his words sink in. "This is difficult. I know I haven't been the husband you really wanted, I mean in our intimacy. I have grown to love you, but I am not in love with you. I am sure you knew that. Passion is a strange emotion, you cannot manufacture it, it's just there for the most unlikely of reasons, or not for the same reasons. Much as I like you and love you I cannot find in me the passion you need. I am truly sorry." His head slumped as if in defeat.

Marion knew how hard it was for him to speak about this.

"You have no need to apologise, Charles. I feel the same about you. You have given me a good life, a comfortable home and I am very happy to entertain your associates and colleagues. That which is missing is minor compared to everything else." He nodded as if he knew that anyway.

"I agree, it is for the most part minor, but at times it can become very important."

"If it is your wish, Charles I will give up my friendship with Sylvia and Guy."

He got up and walked around the room, stopping at the sliding windows leading out onto the patio looking out onto the garden. His shoulders straightened as if he had come to a decision. He turned to face her.

"You have been honest with me and now I shall be honest with you. I have to tell you that for some time I have had a mistress. Caroline is in the department and travels as I do. We get together from time to time."

"I see." Marion was not too surprised by his declaration. She had thought he may have a mistress. "Do you want a divorce?"

"Good Lord no!"

He came and sat down again. "You know how the Department views divorce, and Caroline would suffer in her career if we married. The Civil Service expects their female officers to be single and devoted to the Service. No, Marion. I would want our marriage to go on. I shall have greater need of your hosting skills as my career proceeds. However I do understand your need of, how shall I say it? Yes! Your word was good, entertainment. And if you wish to continue with your friendship I have no wish to deny you. I will not embarrass you with Caroline, and hopefully you will not embarrass me with your friends. Could you accept such an arrangement?" Marion kept her demeanour calm yet inside she was bubbling with excitement.

"Would I be under surveillance?"

"No. The Security people have investigated your friends. They are sound, a very good family. Military service going back years. There's even a V.C. in there somewhere. Property, Land, quite wealthy in fact. There are no objections to them. All the service was concerned about was if you met subversives. As that isn't the case the Permanent Secretary has told them to discontinue observation." Marion laughed.

"I don't think that subversives and I move in the same circles."

"He wasn't thinking of bomb-throwing anarchists. The concern was of sophisticated foreigners."

"Like the French?"

"Particularly the French. You can't trust them at any time."


It was yet another Monday that Marion phoned Sylvie who upon hearing her voice broke down.

"Oh Marion. What have we done? Has your husband said anything?"

"We had a talk on Friday evening. Now stop weeping, it's alright. Everything is going to be ok."

"How do you mean?" Sylvie blubbered.

"There's too much to explain over the phone. Can I come over?"

"Of course you can. But won't you be creating more of a problem if you do?"

"No. I'll explain when I get to you. It is alright. Honestly."

Ninety minutes later Marion pulled into the parking area she thought she would never see again. A distraught, red-faced Sylvie met her at the door and threw herself into Marion's arms, sobbing. Slowly they made their way up to her flat. Sylvie was bursting to know how her friend had fared. Marion related the conversation she had with Charles.

"You're joking. Are you sure that's what he meant?"

"Yes, Sylvie. Charles is very exact in his wording and doesn't say anything without thought first. As long as I don't throw my adventure in his face, or generate publicity then he accepts my friendship with you and Guy. I am still his wife and he will come first in everything."

"And you say he has a mistress."

"Yes he has. The same conditions apply to him. He will not embarrass me with her. He let slip her name, Caroline, and I think I may have met her. She's a very career-driven woman. As is Charles."

"So there will be no repercussions?"

"No. It helped that I am having an affair with the scion of a 'good' family. Military service, a V.C. somewhere in the past and land-owners. These are all brownie points to the Civil Service."

"They know all that?"

"I'm sorry Sylvie, but investigating me meant that they would investigate you and Guy."

"Tell me. Do they know my bra size as well? Sylvie started to giggle and Marion joined her. Her irrepressible humour was a much needed relief.

Sylvie washed her face, put on some make-up and then made coffee.

"I'm going to phone Guy." She called from the kitchen. "He will be very pleased. He was so worried about you." Marion heard Sylvie talking to Guy. She came back with the three cups on a tray. "Guy is coming round." A minute later the door opened and Guy rushed in. He went straight Marion and held her hands in his.

"Sylvie says everything is alright." She smiled at him.

"Yes. Everything is alright." She went through her conversation with Charles again and palpable relief showed on his face.

"I am so relieved. We were all terribly worried about you." He smiled and kissed her. "Oh sorry. Am I allowed to do that?"

"Oh Guy. You have done far more than that, much to my delight, and would it be asking too much if it could happen again?"

"Do you really need to ask?."

Sylvie had watched silently and happily.

"Ok you two, before you start ripping the clothes of each other may I ask a question?" She got their attention. "What's this about a V.C. in the family? Do you know anything Guy?" He didn't need to search his memory.

"Yes. It was bloody years ago. I think it was Great, great Uncle Stanley in the First World War. It was posthumous of course. Dad told me about it. I'm surprised you didn't know."

"Why posthumous of course?" Sylvie questioned.

"Subalterns had a life span of a week to two months in the front line. Dad said they gave out V.C.'s with the rations. It looked good in the papers."

"That's cynical." His sister replied.

"If you think that's cynical you would be surprised at attitudes in Government today." Marion remarked. "According to Charles, the E.U. is the battlefield these days. Yesterdays enemies are today's allies, unless it's the French. As my husband has it they have been the enemy for a thousand years, we just fight them with different weapons now." Sylvie and Guy grinned.

"I think the problem is that we and the French are too much alike. It's like a magnet, opposite poles attract and like poles repel."

Guy let that sink in then changed the topic. "Can we talk about something different and far more enjoyable? The Masque for instance." Sylvie nodded enthusiastically.

"Now that is something enjoyable to discuss." She turned to Marion. "It's in three weeks time; do you think you could come?" Marion looked from one to the other and they both smiled at her and nodded eagerly.

"I would think so. From what Charles has said he will be commuting to Brussels for at least another month. So yes, but what is the Masque actually?"

"It's a Charity thing. It raises money for the children's home. Everyone wears a mask and during the evening a decorated bucket goes around. The idea is that with the masks no one knows who is donating so there isn't embarrassment about the size of the donation. No cheques are allowed only cash. The sum collected last year is displayed on a banner and if the collection doesn't match or beat that figure the bucket goes round again. The masks are not supposed to be removed so people can be a little naughty if they find someone they would like to share a kiss with. You will be groped quite a lot on the dance floor, but it's nothing serious, quite fun in fact."

"I'm sure." Marion added dryly. "It sounds like a good idea so yes, count me in." Guy beamed his delight and finished his coffee.

"I must get back to the office." He addressed Marion. "Shall I see you soon?"

"I would like to. I owe you a dinner after I spoiled our time at Abacus."

"Marion you don't owe me anything. But if you free, perhaps Wednesday evening?"

"Not perhaps Guy. Definitely."

Sylvie was disappointed as Jason was on duty Wednesday evening, but she was happy to help Marion become Marianne again. Marianne opted for the same cream muslin dress she wore for the aborted evening, with a slight difference. Before leaving home she had shaved her pubic hair. Sylvie giggled when she knew.

"Are we intending to go without this evening?"

"Yes. My dark hair may have shown through the dress. I am rather fluttery about it, but the look on Guy's face when he finds out will be worth it."

"I have little doubt about that."

The look on Guy's face was worth it to Marianne. She had unclasped the gold belt when they arrived back at Guy's flat, he poured them each a glass of wine and after sipping the wine he took the glass from Marianne's hand and put the glasses down. He pulled her towards him and kissed her gently. The gentle kiss turned gradually into a torrid one, lips and tongues duelled and slipped together, taking pleasure and fluid from one and another's mouths. When they parted, panting with desire he looked into Marianne's eyes and fingered the ties of her dress.

"May I?" He whispered.

"Please do." His lover replied. He pulled the ties and the dress fell to the floor. Guy was speechless as Marianne posed naked for his and her delight as she realised that showing herself naked to her lover was exhilarating, the culmination of the way her dress had given him glimpses of her body leading to this moment when she allowed him to see and feast upon her nudity. Her breasts tingled with hardly suppressed excitement and her nipples flushed and peaked, asking him to look, touch and suckle. This was the reason for her body, for men to adore and Marianne revelled in that adoration.

Guy quickly undressed and went to pick her up.

"No, Darling. Let me see you too." He stepped back to fulfil her wish. She loved what she saw, every line of his taut body suggested virility and strength. Her gaze fell to his manhood which stood proud, demanding, flushed and engorged. A quiver of excitement went through her body, knowing that this wonderful instrument would soon be imbedded in her body. Effusions wept slowly from her as her body prepared for his invasion. She had looked enough, now was the time of taking.

"Take me to bed, please Guy. Take me and have me." He picked her up and with his lips locked with hers carried her to his bed.

Marianne had relinquished her temporary hold and it was Marion that welcomed Charles home that Friday. He looked tired but upbeat. It would appear the problems of Fruits and Olives were becoming a way of life. The French had allied with the United Kingdom, the Germans, and the Dutch against the Greeks, Italians and Spanish. Olives and their definition was quietly put to one side with the promise of aid in other terms. It had been the Germans who raised the topic of what constitutes a Fruit farm to wary looks from the French. Charles had been pleased to see the looks on their faces as they understood that with one battle settled, another was about to start.

Marion retired to bed that evening with a startling recognition. Her feelings for Charles had changed. She turned that thought over in her mind and the conclusion suddenly jumped out. Charles, by allowing her freedom had actually engendered greater love. Not passionate love but a love more endearing and enduring. She settled down to sleep with a smile of content on her face. Content that Charles would not bother her with what he considered his duty, and content that she and Guy could remain lover's for as long as she wished without qualm. Her everyday boring life had become one of excitement. What would the other women in the High Street say if they knew how brazen a hussy she could be?

The End

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WittonWittonalmost 4 years ago
I jusr discovered this author ...

... who seems to have retired.


I have read only this piece all the way through, and part way through Pas de Deux - I think I have a lot of most enjoyable reading yet to do.

I do wish this story could have found its way to Loving Wives - the screams of horror from the BTB crowd and the anti-cuckold contingent would have been hilarious

A solid five stars of course, with the observation that in this age of grade inflation it is probably a nine or ten

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Good story, 28(27) stars 😜

We will always wellcome you back in the European Family. Take your time, do your brit thing and keep calm, drink some more tee and eventually take a seat back at that table in Brusseles. To err is human after all, and who knows better than we, twice. Danke und kommt bald wieder meine Freunde und Brüder.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I wonder

I have to wonder, is this a woman reveling in the anonimity of the pen name or a man fantasising about what his secret desires really were?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
thank you

I loved how you put this together it was enjoyable from start to finish

The_PedantThe_Pedantover 6 years ago
Thank God we voted to leave the European Union! BREXIT YAY!

A nice story: no-one lost: but what struck me were your insightful comments on the politicians and civil servant on the gravy train that is the supra-national and unaccountable E.U.

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