Chuckie 01


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"What's my motto, Chuckie, say it."

"(Gulp) that movie theater snow caps candies are the best crunchy covered chocolate and they make the best box shaking sound ever in the world?"

Well, he caught me off guard, so, um, I just blurted my motto, so. Also, my motto is true.

"OMG, Chuckie, that's your second motto! I said what's my motto!"

"Oh, you mean your motto that went "grr, you boys, oh, grr, you boys, you boys just wait until I have my look at me now moment because, grr, I'm going to show you boys, grr", that motto, Ted?"

"SOB, Chuckie, that's your fourth motto! And the reason that the entire football team went into the restroom at the same time because you whipped your shirt open anyways, so, I mean, my motto!"

Well, I have a lot of mottos, so, sometimes it's hard to keep track of them.

[Sticks tongue out at the one follower who challenged that snow caps make the best box shaking sound ever in the world because they do]

"Well, we can't be talking about your motto challenge to me where one day, I would wear red raspberry lip gloss while serving you a red raspberry flavor ice tea while wearing red raspberry logo jammies and then make red raspberry jam circles around my new nipples because you don't need toast and then I end up leaving red raspberry lip prints around your spent cock at the Red Raspberry Resort, can we, hmm, Ted?"

Well, I needed a new motto and for Ted to pass out because, whew, that Ted could have me and it could be anywhere! But not on the old abandoned walking bridge, right? That's too public.

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, I think Ted passed out [exhales] from Quinn, dude."

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, I banged Quinn more than [exhales] once, dude."

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, was Quinn even [exhales] there, dude?"

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, I don't think [exhales] she was, dude."

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, tee he, dude."

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, tee he, dude."

[Honk! Honk! River boat horn style, honk, honk]

"Slow it down [hic], Captain, I'm trying to take attendance without spilling my sippy, sip."

Besides, I needed Ted to pass out so I could take my position on the bridge to capture the elusive spooky reflection as it shimmered on the river's surface because Ted's motto is actually "there's no such thing as a spooky reflection on the water's surface of a tragedy that occurred about 60 years ago, full moon or not" as he wagged his finger around.

[The wobbly Mrs. Bentley looks up with her attendance tablet in her free hand because her other hand had a hold of her sippy, sip Champagne glass]

"Oh, Quinn Quinten, I see you up there, sweetie, in your trademark hair and pullover shirt and I assume your high waisted jeans [hic], so check the [hic] in attendance [hic] box!"

[Weep, an incoming text from somewhere]

"Quinn baby, thanks for getting to the edge of the bridge, babe."

[Whoop, an outgoing response from somewhere]

"I'm getting to the edge alright, Rob! Wait, well, you said it was dangerous, so."

On the edge with some shiny guy from the 30 under 30 crowd. On the edge of that boat part rail whatchamacallit thingy and the bridge gave me a bird's eye view! And Ted's going to be pleased with what I learned since I would have done it all wrong!

"[Grump, grumble] what happened, Chuckie? Did I pass out?"

"I knocked a couple of pebbles down into Mrs. Bentley's cleavage, Ted, so?"

"Well, even someone who is all thumbs could do that, Chuckie, since she's so huge up top, but..."


"But are we going to the Red Raspberry Resort next weekend or what [grumble]?"

"Well, damn it, Teddy, you have to make up your mind because while you were passed out, you were grumbling that my next motto challenge was for me to switch everything over to Blueberry for the Blueberry Bash and even though I think your satisfied cock will look amazing with basically purple lip prints on it afterwards, I mean, when I got my implants, they stretched my chest skin out so that it's bit redder now and blueberry bikini bottoms will clash with my new skin tone, so, you have to make up your mind, Teddy! Oh, or just pass back out, I guess."

Aww, Teddy looks so cute laid out like that, doesn't he?

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, I'm getting [exhales] hungry, dude."

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, I could go [exhales] for some fresh berries, dude."

Ta da [waves arm downwards and across, again], presenting the Ned and Jed show, again.

[Oops, a surprise sneak-up from behind complete with arm grip around the waist!]

"Shush, Quinn, it's me, Eugene and I'm here for the same reason that you are. I mean, if your reason is because you want me to take you from behind while you're leaning over the bridge railing, that is. And my way out for you is that if I bang you in the butt, then you can still be honest with your boyfriend and claim that your pussy is his, so?"

[Um, that's a lot of thrusting forward there, Eugene! And a quick spin around by Chuckie! But not a running away spin]

"[Smooch!] Well, Eugene, my motto is that I only have two of the three preferred holes, so, butt banging my booty over the bridge railing would be exactly the same as me giving up my Boi pussy [smooch], so?"

"[Smooches back] Chuckie? What the hell and why are you looking so much like Quinn, huh?"

"[Smooches back, back] I mean, I'm investigating if the legend of the reflection is true or not, but other than that, does it matter because what the hell are you doing being as forward as that and asking for bridge sex like that, hmm?"

[Huh, Eugene responds to that with his hands up top]

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, are we in [exhales] a porno movie, dude?"

"[Puff, puff, pass] man, I think we [exhales] are, dude."

Excuse me! We were still both dressed.

"[Smooch!] Well, Chuckie, my motto is that you make due with what you have, so, spin back around and let's create a new motto together then, alright?"

Well, my new, new, new, new motto is to never make your boyfriend pass out cold from sexy berry talk when you need him the most!


End Chuckie 01

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