Churning Butter


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"Like anyone would believe me," snorted Mel as he ended the call. Then he yelled over the seat, "Hang in there, Kat. I'll get you home."

"His pheromones are affecting me badly," she answered. "I'm losing control. Get me downstairs into the room with the thick doors. Force me in there if you have to and lock me in. When he gets here tell him where I am."

She laughed. It sounded more like a yowl. Then she said in the same laughing yowl, "You won't have to force him." Mel stomped down on the accelerator and roared down the road.

The garage door was open when he swung into the driveway. An elderly woman was standing in front of the door waving him in. As soon as the car stopped the woman pushed the button to close the door behind them.

"Katrina, are you still with me?" Mel yelled into the back seat. The only answer was a long, drawn out meowl that except for the tone and volume sounded exactly like a house cat in heat.

He opened the back door and Kat launched herself at him. She was now naked except for light tan fur which covered her entire body. Her tail was held high in the air and she was pushing her ass at Mel.

"Let's get you downstairs," he said and looked over at the woman who had met them. She had the back door of the house open and was beckoning him urgently. He grabbed Kat around the waist and lifted her into the air. She wrapped her legs backward around his waist and tried to pull herself against him. The caterwauling was now loud enough that the neighbors could probably hear it within their nearby homes.

The elderly woman moved surprisingly fast across the kitchen, opened a basement door and beckoned Mel to hurry. At the base of the steps, one half of the basement was walled off in a rather large room with very thick walls. The door was also thick and tapered, indicating a soundproofed room.

Once Kat was locked inside, Mel and the woman stood there silently for several minutes. There was a window on the door and Mel looked inside to see Kat writhing on the floor and thrusting her ass high into the air. She now looked and sounded just like a cat in heat. She was just bigger..., and much, much louder. Finally the woman said, "Let's go back up into the kitchen and wait for her mate."

Mel looked at her in surprise, but held his questions. It was obvious he would be told what he needed to know, when he needed to know it. He could wait. Besides, he had already seen a lot that he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

About a half hour later, there was a scratching, knocking noise at the back door. The woman yelled out, "Come in." When nothing happened, she yelled something else in a language Mel had never heard before.

A ragged looking man who appeared to be in his mid-thirties entered the kitchen. His eyes were wild, like someone high on drugs. He snarled something in a very odd tongue, and the woman answered a single word in the same language. He ran downstairs.

"We never expected this to ever occur, or we would have installed cameras and recording equipment. As it is, it would be best if there were two observers. Please come downstairs with me and try to remember everything you see."

Mel wanted to say, "And what if I don't want to watch my cat-in-heat partner screwing some rapist?" But he knew that somehow, watching and remembering whatever was happening was something that he was expected to do out of duty to his country and loyalty to his partner.

When they got to the bottom of the steps, the door to the sound-proofed room was standing slightly open. Mel and the woman entered and she closed the door behind them. The sound inside was almost overwhelming. It was as if a thousand cats in heat were caterwauling into huge amplifiers.

The man was now naked. His fur was slightly darker than Kat's. They were screeching and yeowling and clawing at each other in a dance very similar to what Mel had watched between toms and pussies out on the farm growing up. Final the tone of Kat's yeowls changed and the furry man positioned himself behind her and squeezed tightly on her lower breasts.

Lower breasts? Mel shook his head. Kat has four breasts. The upper two looked almost human except they were now covered with fur. The lower two were smaller, but had huge nipples.

The room suddenly smelled of lavender. The older woman said quickly, "Hold your breath. It's only effective for a moment or two. It will calm Kat, but it could knock you out."

Mel did as he was instructed and watched intently. As Kat calmed down the man began milking her lower breasts. As the man squeezed each teat, thick, dark milk or cream began to flow from the large nipples. The man was catching it in his hands and rubbing it on Kat's body. Then the milk got thicker, almost like soft butter, and the man began massaging it into Kat's cunt and ass. All the while that he was doing this, Kat was yeowling louder and growing more and more agitated.

Finally Kat began screaming a very high-pitched wail, and the man began pumping frantically in her ass. As he pumped, his tail came down between his legs and up between Kat's legs. The tip of the tail was sliding up and down where a human clitoris would be.

Evidently, whatever Kat was also had something very sensitive located there because her wailing began to reach almost impossible levels of pitch and volume. Then she began shaking violently and hissing. The furry man matched her hiss for hiss until they both suddenly screamed out and became silent.

Despite the language and cultural barriers, Mel knew that Kat and the furry man had climaxed together. She was now meowling softly and moving slowly against the man. He was pulling out of her very slowly. Suddenly with a scream of pain from both of them, he was free from her.

The furry man stood quietly for a moment. His stiff prick was standing out straight from his body. Mel was trying to figure out why it looked so strange and then he realized that the man was holding something in the tip of his penis. Three long tendrils of flesh were gripping tightly to something that looked very much like a smooth walnut.

Kat lay down on her back and arched her body upward toward the man. He plunged into her and they both froze in place for two or three minutes. Kat then collapsed down onto the padded floor. The man's prick pulled out from her as she fell. There was now nothing on the tip of the penis.

Kat and the man were both starting to breath less heavily. As they calmed down, the fur began to disappear from their bodies. Finally Kat... Mel's partner Kat, and the mousy little man from the bar lay naked on the floor of the room.

"I think it would be best if we let them recover a bit in private," said the woman and motioned Mel toward the door of the room.


"I am special agent Gloria Albertson," the woman said once they were back upstairs in the kitchen. "I live next door. I am supposedly retired." She smiled. "It helps me blend in to the neighborhood."

She motioned for Mel to sit down and reached over to turn on the coffee maker. "That will be ready in a moment and then we can have some coffee," she said as she joined him at the table.

"I am with a special branch of the secret service." she explained. "And I actually am retired except for one case that requires my attention one or two days a month. The woman you know as Katrina Ecstranger was the sole survivor- or so we thought- of a space ship that crashed into Lake Michigan about four years ago. She was their security officer..."

"And Butter Cat." Kat was standing in the doorway. Her now hairless skin was shiny with sweat. She walked through the kitchen to a small bedroom and quickly returned wearing a lightweight robe. She addressed Gloria. "He's restrained. I understand why he did what he did, but on your planet or on mine he is still a violent rapist and must be incarcerated to protect society."

Kat then turned to Mel and said, "I owe you an explanation, partner." She then motioned for Gloria to get them some coffee and waited until both had steaming mugs in their hands before continuing.

"Contact Ship Seven arrived at Earth four years ago. It was supposed to make a soft landing on the surface of Lake Michigan and wait there while a cultural liaison team established contact with government officials. Chicago was chosen because of its size and the huge body of relatively calm water on which to land. The ship also could submerge slightly to remain hidden. We had prepared for any contingency and were ready for anything... except a pure white moon."

Mel looked at her and nodded slowly even though he had no idea what she meant.

"Our race is closely-related to earth felines and earth..." her eyes rolled upward slightly as she sought out the right word, "... marsupials." She laughed. "Our mating habits, as you have seen, are a bit different than yours. I am an egg layer... well, egg producer. My reproductive organs are located..." she paused again as if seeking the right word. Then she blurted out, "They are in my ass... like an earth bird. But I don't lay the eggs. They must be pulled from my body by the male. My lower mammaries secret a special thick milk that not only lubricates the passage, but also stimulates my egg organ to release an egg.

"Just like one of your earth felines, I have to be highly stimulated for that to occur. That happens only when my body senses the pheromones of a male in moon heat, and even then he has to work to get me high enough to release an egg."

She sighed deeply and asked, "Are you following me so far?"

Mel took a sip of his coffee and said, "Yup. You're a cat from outer space that gets uncontrollably horny at the full moon."

"Yes and no," she answered. "The full moon makes us more... OK, horny, but not uncontrollably..., at least not on our home planet. Our sun is bigger..., redder..., hotter than yours and our planet is much farther out in orbit. Our circuit is approximately three of your years. And our moon is smaller and much farther away from the planet. It takes nearly a full circuit for the moon to complete its orbit. That means our mating cycle is once every three of your years.

"Arriving at earth undetected required approaching very slowly and then staying aligned exactly with your moon so that we were continuously behind it as we approached. We stayed on the dark side of the moon until it was full in your sky to help hide any light reflections from our ship as we made final approach. The bodies of the crew had been genetically modified so that we could blend in more easily, if necessary, here on earth. Unless, of course," she added, "we entered mating phase. They used DNA brought back by previous explorer ships."

"You kidnaped people to take back to your planet?" Mel suddenly sputtered?

"No," Kat responded. "This was the first planetary landing. We merely recovered bodies from failed space attempts by your earth governments. But either the modifications magnify our normal sexual responses or your brighter, whiter, larger moon overwhelms us and we can't control ourselves."

She looked over at Mel and laughed. As she did, for a moment, her face covered with fur and her teeth seemed to grow and sharpen. "How would you like to report back to your home planet that generations worth of work and preparation were lost because an entire crew was engaged in a wild mating orgy as their ship plummeted out of control into a lake?"

Her voice became softer and a faraway look appeared on her face. "The ship broke apart on impact. I was trapped in the security area. The restraining cells are reinforced and have their own containment. I was able to get into one of them before the compartment walls imploded.

"I was still in there when your government recovered the wreckage. I... and they, thought that I was the only survivor. Our rapist was a cargo steward. When the frenzy started, he had tried to rape one of his fellow crewmen and she locked him in a cargo container. The container was thrown clear on impact and drifted over into Indiana where some beach comber opened it hoping for treasure.

"After your government raised the ship from the lake, with my help, they were able to repair enough of it so that I could send a message home." She laughed slightly. "I left out the details, but said that the ship had crashed, I was the only survivor, and that contact had been successfully made."

She took a sip of her coffee. "Because our main communication array was destroyed, we had to transmit using the emergency beacon. It will take twenty-two and a half of your earth years for the message to get back to my planet. Allowing for two or three of our cycles for them to decide what to do, a followup ship should be launched in about twenty-five years, and arrive here about forty years from now. The date is pretty predictable based on the orbits of my planet and yours and the movements of our respective star systems. I may or may not still be alive then, but my daughter," she patted her stomach, "should be able to meet them."

Special agent Gloria Albertson cleared her throat rather noisily, and once she had Mel's attention said, "Which brings us to something very important, Detective Beckermann. This extraterrestrial stranger and her offspring will need to be protected until the secondary contact team arrives. Would you consider a long-term assignment... a very long-term assignment in that capacity? It would require that you move in with her and live as husband and wife. Both of you will keep your jobs on the force, and everything will be put in place so that there are no problems."

"I can think of a problem," answered Mel. "When my partner turns up pregnant, people are going to notice."

"The egg only stays inside of me for about a week," answered Kat. "At that point I give birth, as you would call it, to a large, leathery egg that has to be kept warm, but no longer needs to be inside of me. It can be kept in an incubator during the day and with me in bed at night until it hatches in about seven months. Once the baby comes out of the egg, it needs to nurse almost continuously for a couple of weeks, then it can be brought slowly to a schedule much like a human baby. I will only need to be off duty for the three to four weeks of constant nursing and then for about two months after that. The story can be that I am on assignment somewhere. I would even be able to come by the station once in a while."

Gloria spoke up, "And there would be some other... advantages, Detective Beckmann. Kat, would you like to tell your partner what a Butter Cat is?"

Kat's face reddened and a fine shadow of fur appeared. "My police skills weren't the only reason I was chosen for the crew of Contact Ship Seven. As you have seen, our mating habits are rather forceful and can overwhelm us. It wasn't known for sure what the effect of several years in space would be, so certain female members of the crew were selected because... well, because they are ready to mate anytime, rather than just once a cycle. On earth, I think you call such girls sluts. Where I am from, they are called Butter Cats, because our bodies are capable of making the thick milk used in the mating ritual not only once a lunar cycle, but as often as needed."

She looked over at Mel said, "On your planet, I need sex at least once a month. I go into heat every full moon. That's what the soundproof room is for. But that is not the only time I am horny. I want sex almost all of the time, and always have."

She paused a moment to let Mel catch up with what she was saying. Then she continued, "My vagina, even before the modifications, is very human-like, but our race uses both openings for procreation." She laughed. "And Butter Cats use all three openings for pleasure. I've never had sex with a human male because we couldn't risk the story getting out about my tail and extra breasts."

She smiled an odd smile. "Humans have invented some very interesting machines to satisfy a human female, but none of them can quite match having a real live prick up your ass." She watched Mel twist slightly with discomfort. "We could have a lot of fun together, partner..., and you couldn't get me pregnant unless you can teach your prick to reach into my egg sack and pull out an egg after it fertilizes it. Besides, no egg gets released unless I decide in advance that it will get released. We needed to insure that there would be someone to meet the secondary ship, so I released an egg."

"Will you need to mate with him again?" Mel looked somewhat embarrassed. "I'm pretty good in bed... or so I have been told, but I can't do the full hiss and spit routine and I don't have a tail to rub your clit while I'm screwing your ass. Your keepers can probably arrange for conjugal visits wherever they are keeping him."

"They are my protectors, not my keepers," she replied, somewhat upset. She looked over at Gloria. "OK, protectors and keepers, but I'm not an animal, I'm just an extraterrestrial stranger in what, for me, is a very strange and different world. You are the only one who knows what I am that has ever treated me like a person. If you can continue to do that, that will be enough. You don't have to have sex with me or help care for my baby or any of that. Just treat me like a fellow being. ... a very lonely fellow being."

She started to cry softly. Mel came over to her and put his arm around her. "When you said I would never understand you unless I saw you naked," he began, "I was suddenly filled with hope because I really did want to see you naked. I've had other female partners, but you are the first one that I had any thoughts about getting close to." He sighed, "But then you laughed and said, 'That ain't never gonna happen,' and I thought you were rejecting me because of my mouse face."

She looked at him and appeared somewhat bewildered. "I've heard the jokes behind our backs." he said. "Tom and Jerry... they're a cat and mouse from old cartoons. I know what I look like, and I can't blame them for calling me Jerry."

Kat looked down, not sure where Mel was going with his comments. He lifted her face so their eyes could meet. "Now I understand..., and not because I've seen you naked. Seeing you naked helps me understand what you are. But more than that, as a fellow police officer, I understand that you are on the most difficult undercover assignment ever."

He paused before continuing, "And I would love to be your partner on that assignment... if you will have me. And I would love to have sex with you on a regular basis... just nothing weird and kinky."

Both Gloria and Kat laughed and Mel sputtered, "I mean besides you having a tail and getting fur all over your body when you're in heat and needing your lower tits milked to take you over the edge and really wanting it up the ass rather than in your vagina which isn't really a cunt but is just someplace to keep an egg warm and..."

Kat's laughter continued and she said, "No, besides that, I'm just a very normal Butter Cat from a distant planet. Nothing kinky."

She smiled and showed her fur and fangs for a moment. "Did you know that what you earthlings call 'the missionary position' is considered very, very kinky where I come from for anything other than implanting the egg?"

She raised her eyebrows and licked her lips. "But I like it. The direct contact against my pleasure nub drives me wild. When word got around that I liked 'belly sex' that's when I first got labeled a Butter Cat..., because only a Butter Cat would like sex in that position.

"My parents were horrified when they found out about it, but it was very freeing for me. If everyone already considers you a slut, you are free to act like one. I knew I was a Butter Cat so I was free from all my society's inhibitions and restrictions regarding sex. And you know I'm a Butter Cat, so I'm free to act like one for you... and for me."