Cindy & Raj: She Takes His Hand


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"Last night, when your father and I went into his study, we had a long talk about you," Raj explained.

"Oh, Raj, he didn't insult you or imply that you're not good enough for his daughter, did he?" Cindy asked.

"No," said Raj, "that seems to be your mother's specialty. Your father seems to like me. In fact, he kind of hinted at a job."

"Really?" said Cindy, excitedly, "how do you feel about that?"

"Well, I don't have any hang-ups about working for my father-in-law. When the time comes I'll hear him out. But last night he had other things on his mind. He told me about how impulsive you were growing up and how you had frequent episodes of serious immaturity. And he told me how he and your mother dealt with you."

At the last sentence, Cindy stiffened and asked, "Wh- wh- what exactly d- did he say?"

"He said they spanked you, Cindy. They spanked you frequently and kept spanking you right up until you went to college four years ago ... usually on your bare bottom."

"He told you!?" Cindy half choked and half cried.

She buried her face in her hands. The secret she had kept all her life from even her closest girlfriends was now known to the one person in the world to whom she least wanted it known.

"How could he have done that?!" she wailed. "He had no right!"

Raj held her tighter and stroked her back.

"I was actually a little taken aback myself, at first," he told her, "and he seemed a little uncertain himself whether he was doing the right thing in telling me. But as he talked, his description of your behavior was so ... so exactly like what I've experienced with you, that I began to see that he was doing us a great favor. Without spanking, Cindy, our marriage would be doomed. You haven't outgrown your impulsive childishness. For whatever reason, you need a strong hand keeping you in line. You are just not able to do it yourself. If I don't provide that hand, you will quickly get out of control. Our family finances and even our reputation in the community would be endangered. A point would come when I wouldn't be able to tolerate any more and I'd just walk out on you."

"So it was Father who gave you the idea of spanking me," Cindy said, trying to sum up.

"Oh, no," Raj replied, "I had the idea of spanking you a long time ago. The first time you did something impulsive and foolish. And I've had it many times since. But your father's talk about how difficult you were growing up and how spanking was effective in controlling you made me understand that it was my only chance of saving our relationship."

Strangely, in all the times she and Raj had made love, she hadn't felt so loved and cared for as she did now with her girly behind still feeling the sting of his relentless hand.

"I realize now," she said softly, "that I want to be commanded by you. Not enslaved, mind you, but commanded - commanded in the bedroom and in our private life in general. It feels natural and it makes me feel protected. In the world outside our marriage, I can enjoy all the fruits that women's liberation has brought, and I fully intend to."

"Exactly," agreed Raj, "There is no contradiction in men and women having social and political equality in the community, but also obeying, in our sex lives and romantic lives, the instincts of our primeval primate brains. Those instincts tell you, quite subconsciously, to seek out and submit to a strong man in exchange for his protection."

"We read about this in anthropology class," Cindy chimed in. "The sources of sexual attraction originated in hunter gatherer societies when a woman had no modern weapons to protect her from predators; and she had no legal system to protect her and her children from rogue males. Survival required that a woman hook up with, and keep the loyalty of, a male strong enough, or smart enough, and confident enough to fend off or simply intimidate rogue males; not to mention lions, tigers, and bears."

"Nothing will eat you while I'm around," smiled Raj, holding her tight, "except me on occasion."

"By the way," he continued over her laughing, "it might make you feel better about your father's telling me about your spankings if I pass on to you another secret he revealed to me: you weren't the only woman in the household getting spanked."

"But the only other woman in the household was ... Mother!?!" Cindy exclaimed. "He spanks Mother?"

"Yes," said Raj, "and he's been doing it for years, since long before you were born, since before they were married actually. Pretty much the same way he spanked you: on the bare, bent over a lap or some furniture. According to your father, you inherited your impulsiveness from your mother."

"That's amazing. She's always seemed such a formidable woman to me," said Cindy.

"She is a formidable woman," Raj interjected, "but she also has the natural sexual instincts of a woman, just as you do."

"At any rate," he continued, "your father thought you might find it hard to believe, so he arranged a little demonstration."


"Yes. He told me last night that if I decided to spank you and if you decided to marry me anyway, then he would allow us to observe him spanking your mother. She's misbehaved in some way and has earned a spanking. He's going to leave the curtains on their bedroom window open and we can watch from the hayloft of this barn. Apparently there's a door up there that opens to the outside and that faces directly across from their bedroom window."

"Yes, there is," said Cindy, "Come on, I'll show you."

In a few minutes, Cindy and Raj, were sitting on an ersatz sofa they made from bales of hay, looking out the open upstairs door of the barn. (Once a year a local farmer brought hay and used a mobile conveyor, angled at 45 degrees, to move the bales directly from his truck to the hayloft through this upstairs door.)

Raj's arm was around Cindy's shoulder and hers around his waist. On the other side of her, MouseSlayer and PoPo sat curled around each other, taking turns grooming each other with their tongues.

Darkness had fallen and the "sofa" was close enough to the open door to allow them to see the stars. Directly in front of them about forty feet away was the window to Cindy's parent's bedroom. The curtains were open and in a little while they saw the light come on. They could see about half the marital bed and behind it against the far wall was a low dressing table with a large makeup mirror.

Cindy's parents entered, her father a bit stiffly with his head held up, her mother was more tentative in her movements and the fingers of her hands were worrying and rubbing each other nervously. They came around the bed to stand between it and the window facing each other. Since the light was on in the room and it was night, they would have seen only their own reflection in the glass, against a jet black background, if they had looked at the window.

For Cindy and Raj, sitting in darkness looking at the open window, it was just like watching a movie. Her parents faced each other talking but from this distance Cindy and Raj could hear nothing. It was like watching an old silent movie.

After a few seconds, Cindy's mother, Barbara, stamped her foot and as she did so she thrust her arms down stiffly at her sides and clenched each hand into a fist. It was a classic "No, I won't!" gesture. Cindy's father, James, remained imperturbable and said something concise and to the point. This provoked another foot stamp from Barbara.

James simply crossed his arms over his chest, waiting. After a few seconds, Barbara hung her head and opened her hands. She seemed to sigh deeply and stepped out of her shoes. A moment later she pulled off her dress as Cindy gasped in surprise. Her slip followed the dress and Barbara stood before her husband, in bra and panties, looking at the floor submissively.

The undies gave Cindy another shock. They were black and lacy and the panties were two triangles that completely exposed the sides of her hips and a fair percentage of her bottom's surface area. Cindy knew from many a girlhood exploration that her mother's underwear drawer had nothing like this.

"She must have a secret lingerie stash," Cindy thought, "somewhere up high where a child can't reach."

Her father was speaking and when he finished, her mother stepped toward the bed, her back to the window. She bent over the bed, holding up her upper body with her palms flat and her elbows straight. This caused her to bend 90 degrees at the waist, her bottom displayed to the window. Raj couldn't help admiring how his future mother-in-law, thirteen years older than he was, had kept her figure.

In the make-up mirror beyond the bed, Raj and Cindy could see Barbara's face. Her eyes seemed larger and rounder and more fearful than normal. Barbara, herself looking in that mirror, could see her own butt, and her own face, reflected in the window against a black background. She noticed with a start that the curtains were open but she did not ask her husband to close them. For one thing, that might annoy him slightly and she didn't want to do that when he was about to discipline her. Besides, she thought it was pointless. They were on the second floor and their property is so large there isn't another home within half a mile.

Indeed, there had been times, she remembered, when she had received her discipline outdoors in the yard and only the horses and cats were witnesses. On more than one occasion a curious cat had hopped up onto the backs of her thighs as she lay across her husband's lap, mid-spanking, and nuzzled her hindquarters. Ever since the first time it happened she'd had to suppress a smile whenever she saw her daughter Cindy rub faces with one of the cats. If only she knew where that cat face has been, Barbara thought.

Raj watched as Cindy's father stood at the side of her bent mother, swung his arm back, and smacked her smartly on the left buttock. Raj looked over at Cindy. She was staring huge-eyed and open mouthed at the astonishing scene before her.

James began a steady smacking of his wife's behind, about one spank every two seconds. He wasn't putting all of his strength into it, but these were no playful pats. After the first minute of them, Raj saw in the mirror that Barbara's eyes were tearing up. Cindy, meanwhile, had noticed that her mother's lips moved after each smack. What was she saying, Cindy wondered. Was she just crying out in pain? Was she counting the blows? Was she thanking her husband for each one?

After a minute and a half, Barbara's hips began to twist and she pushed up to her toes on one leg, then went flatfooted again on that side while she rose up to tip toe with the other leg. Alternating sides uncontrollably, her bottom was doing a lewd and wicked little dance as it grew pinker and pinker. And more and more of that bottom was exposed as the black triangle of her panties was working its way into the cleft of her behind.

By the end of the third minute, her buttocks were clenching and unclenching wildly and spasmodically, clearly out of her conscious control. Her head jerked up after particularly hard spanks and the two young people watching could see that her face was twisted and red, too, as tears rolled down and spread over her cheeks. She was breathing rapidly and deeply; but her bra prevented Raj from seeing if Cindy had inherited her jiggle from her mother. He did notice, however, that her panties were now so thoroughly deep into her ass cleft, she might as well have been wearing thong underwear.

Only a few seconds into the fourth minute, in response to a wide hard uppercut, Barbara jolted upright and began to rub her husband's target furiously while she hopped from one foot to the other.

Cindy simple gaped in amazement. How many times had her mother brought her to this same sobbing, butt-rubbing, hopping state? And now it was her mother, herself, who was the naughty little girl too much in pain to be embarrassed at the show she was putting on for her tormentor.

When Barbara calmed, Raj and Cindy saw James shake his finger at his wife, scolding her. No doubt she had violated some rule when she stood up and rubbed. They saw Barbara turn away from her husband and exit the scene screen right. Cindy's father remained where he was, hands impatiently on his hips. After about ten seconds, Barbara returned with something in her hand. She knelt before her husband and formed her hands into a kind of small serving platter with the object resting on the palms. She raised the platter up above her bowed head, an offering to the head of the family. When James picked it up from her palms, Raj and Cindy could see that it was a hairbrush.

Cindy's father snapped his fingers and gestured toward the bed. Barbara rose to her feet and Cindy gasped again when her mother slipped thumbs into her panties and pulled them down, squatting slightly so she could get them to her ankles. Barbara stepped out of them and then bent over the bed again. This time she bent over all the way so that her head rested on the quilt. Her bright pink bottom seemed to jut up and out.

James said something and his wife responded by spreading her legs and turning her toes slightly inward to stand pigeon-toed. It was a stance favored by awkward pubescent girls still transitioning to womanhood and Raj speculated that it served to remind Barbara that she had been a naughty little girl and must be treated like one.

James gave her six swooping spanks with the hairbrush, waiting ten seconds between each swat. After the first, Barbara's head snapped up and she clutched the bedspread in both fists. Her body twisted to the extent it could given her splay-legged, pigeon-toed stance. By the third, her hips were snapping forward a half-second after the blow as if she were trying to pull away from the pain. For each of the last two, her entire upper body jerked up to a near standing position when the hips snapped forward and the bedspread came up with her, clutched in her hands.

After the spasm of the final swat worked itself through her body, she collapsed on the bed rubbing her red behind with both hands in deep circular massages.

James allowed her to comfort herself this way for a minute or so, then he seemed to say something and she rose to face him again, her head bowed and her hair messier than Cindy had ever seen it, even first thing in the morning on camping trips. To call it a rat's nest would be an insult to rats everywhere.

Raj watched his future mother- and father-in-law stand there for a half a minute. They seemed to be conversing about something. Finally, Barbara dropped to her knees, reached to her husband's crotch, and began to undo his pants. She was moving her tear-stained face forward with her mouth open when James, with a yank on a curtain cord closed the drapes.

Raj sat quietly with his arm around Cindy, who was still staring straight ahead, stunned at the realization that her strict, domineering mother was herself brought regularly to tearful, bare-bottomed, submission.

The only sound in the barn was the purring of PoPo whose head lay, eyes closed, on her mate's flank while MouseSlayer held his naughty curious head up, his ears pricked, his eyes shining, protecting her, alert to the dangers of the world.

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Gym52Gym5210 months ago

Good plotline with some interesting use of language.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Nice read

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Something New

I am not usually into the incest thing, its just never done anything for me, but this story was great. Typing this with a wet finger or two . . . ;)

asiaprofasiaprofabout 17 years ago

mother-daughter parallels are a great twist.

so is the ambiguity at the end.

waiting to read the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Very hot.

I'm sure Raj knows how to punish these people.

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