Cindy's Slut Ch. 11

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I go to serve the neighbor lady.
5.7k words

Part 11 of the 18 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/30/2008
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Chapter 11: Neighbor Annie

As Friane pushed me out the door, she said, "Hurry. You were supposed to be over at Annie's an hour ago!" As I stumbled down the stairs, the door slammed closed behind me.

It was nearly dark. Good ... perhaps no one would see me standing outdoors dressed in a woman's corset. Or, perhaps if they did see someone, they wouldn't know that it was me. But then again, what other 6-foot tall, cheap whore looking, semi-naked person would be coming out of Cindy's house? All three of the women that lived here were petite girls, none over 5'6" or 110 pounds. No one could mistake this gigantism as one of them.

On the other hand it was bad. It was damn cold in October as the sun went down. Traces of snow were on the ground. I was dressed in nothing more than one layer of stretch latex, panties and nylons. If my nipples hadn't been hard from the clamps already on them, the cold certainly would have done the job.

I looked at the door. I was not getting back in. I looked at the neighbor's house. Most of the house was dark. There was a single porch light at the rear door. I hoped that Annie was still home waiting for me.

I slowly waddled down the stairs. I never got very good at walking in a spiked heels. I slipped slightly, almost going down. If Annie were mad that I was late returning her lingerie, she certainly would be pissed off if I came back with mud all over it. I moved slower.

Down the walkway. Across the parking area. Down the alley. Around the fence. Through the gate. Up the stairs. Annie's door. It seemed that it had taken forever. I was sure that at least one person had been looking out the window as I moved through the twilight. I couldn't tell if the face in the window had been male or female. What I was sure of was that someone had watched my entire journey from across the alley. I racked my memory. Who lived there? I seemed to recall some other college kids. Oh god...I hoped not.

I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked harder. I heard footsteps approach.

"Who is it?" Damn her. It was Annie asking. Who the fuck did she think it was? Couldn't she just look out the glass and see?

"Ah, its me," I said.

"Me who?" Annie replied.

"Me Slut," I said. I hoped that Annie knew and recalled that was the feminine name that Cindy had given my drag persona.

I waited. No reply. Oh god. I hoped that I didn't have to say my real name.

Still no reply. I started, "Its .." and the door opened.

"Sorry for the delay homey, but I had to straighten a few things up. You're awfully late you know," Annie said. "I expected you hours ago. You know it's not polite for a lady to be late."

I stepped in through the open door. My eyes had to adjust to the low light. Inside the house only a number of candles burned.

As my eyes adjusted, I saw a mirror reflection of myself looking back at me. Annie stood before me in a matching body corset. I shouldn't have been surprised. After all, it was her corset I was wearing. Matching blonde hair, heavy dark makeup, both the same height in our stiletto pumps (Annie's six-inch heels to my 4-inch heels). Other than the fact that my tits were about 40-DDs and Annie's were 36-DDDs, and that I was obviously half again as heavy, we could have been clones.

Annie was a pretty gregarious, 30-something woman. At 5'10" and about 130 pounds, Annie looked a lot like Anna Nicole Smith. Not that Annie was fat or anything. Rather she looked like Anna Nicole used to look, back in her Playboy days. No, Annie was just the big, strong Norwegian farm girl type.

I first met Annie the same day that I first came to Cindy's house. Cindy, Marsha and I had just stepped outside, after smoking a few big bowls and slamming some tequila. Annie lived next door and was in her back yard. She was carrying a huge basket of wet clothes to hang out to dry. As an athelet, weight lifter, and all-around jock, I was impressed by the way her biceps bulged under the heavy load. She walked tall and straight, with a light bouncy step, as if the heavy wet clothes weighted nothing at all.

We struck up a conversation with Annie as she hung up the clothes. I learned that Annie was the only girl in her family and that she had four brothers. She had been raised on a farm in northern Minnesota. I don't' recall why, perhaps it was because the three of us were stoned, buzzed and had just been doing some heavy petting, or maybe it was because Annie was hanging out some pretty risqué lingerie, but the conversation soon turned to...what

Annie acknowledged that, as a farm girl, she had learned about sex early. She said that she had watched (and I guessed perhaps more than watched) horses, cattle, goats, and all kinds of animal fuck. Having four brothers, Annie indicated that she had developed a view on the "facts-of-life" tainted under a definite male perspective.

Annie was married. Her husband, George, was a burly, 220 pound, 6'2", tattooed, biker-type, hairy Danish guy. I had laughed when she told us that she called him her "Great Dane". Hearing my laughter, her face had turned strangely solemn...almost hard... and she asked me what was so funny? No expecting her reaction to my quizzical smirk, I was at a loss for an answer. Feeling a bit stoned, buzzed, and a bit paranoid that I may have somehow offended her, I mumbled an apology. Annie just stared at me, as if assessing and measuring me. Then, just like that she was smiling again. She said, "Well all men as just basically animals, like dogs...don't you agree?" Annie was looking at me, but seemed to address the question to Cindy. Cindy and Marsha looked at each other and smiled. Then all three of the women broke at laughing.

That first conversation had been almost a year ago, and months before Cindy and Marsha began their kinky games forcing me into the role of their drag slave/maid. In retrospect, perhaps that first joke had been more at my expense than I realized.

"Come this way dear?" Annie said. I followed her into the dimly lighted living room. "Sit down", she directed.

We sat on the couch. On the table in front of us were two glasses and a liter of wine. "Pour us a drink," Annie said.

As I poured the wine, it occurred to me that I didn't drink much wine. Beer, hard liquor...sure, but not wine. I handed the glass to her. As I reached for my glass, Annie interrupted. "Go turn on some music," she said.

I looked across the darkened room. My eyes saw the stereo over at the far wall. I got up, walking slowly and unsteadily on my 4-inch heels. I found the stereo, found the power button and turned on the machine. Pink Floyd, not bad.

I worked my way back across the room, trying not to stumble or fall. I reached the couch and sat down. Annie raised her glass and toasted, "To my dear, pretty Slut."

I blushed in the dark. Embarrassed. Annie was not quite old enough to be my mother...but she was definitely an older mature woman...and here I sat...dressed in drag...dressed in her old lingerie...sitting under her piercing stare. Embarrassed. I felt like some little boy that had been caught in his mother's underwear.

Annie raised her wine glass. I raised mine. We lightly touched glasses. The soft ring of crystal cut the sultry tones of the music.

Annie drank her dark red wine. I drank mine. The taste was dry, tart, and slightly bitter. Annie reached over and caressed my face.

We sat and drank in the dimly lit room. It was soft, relaxing. Her touch was soft, relaxing.

The glasses were empty. We placed them on the table. "Come closer," Annie whispered. I slide up against her.

My head was slightly spinning. I wasn't used to the wine. Annie pulled me to her. We kissed. Softly. Gently. I felt warm. Dizzy.

"Do as I do", Annie said.

Annie placed her hand on my breast. She gently kneed the pudding filled tit. I gently felt her breast. It was full and soft.

Annie worked her both of my breasts with her hands. She lifted my massive tits and pressed them together. She massaged them together, moving them up and down against their own cleavage.

I mimicked her every move. Her breasts were large, seeming too big for her small torso. Her tits mesmerized me.

Annie pulled the top of my corset down. My large faux tits rested on the corset bra like two melons on a shelf. My hands fumbled to release her beautiful breasts. So soft, so large and felt as if I might hurt them if I acted in haste.

Annie smiled. She laughed lightly. "Good girl," she said. "Pretty girl," she said.

Yes, I though. I felt so feminine. I could almost felt what she was feeling.

As if reading my mind, "Just like me," Annie said. I looked into her eyes. Those deep, dark eyes.

"Yes, just like me," I mumbled back.

Annie took the pudding filled balloons from off my chest. The weight of the two heavy tits had been cutting the straps of my bra into my shoulders all day. The release felt so good. I arched my back. I stretched my shoulders. "So good," I murmured.

In a daze, I tried to lift Annie's massive tits from her body. Her large mammaries filled my hands. In a trance, I lifted her breasts. Higher, lifting, gently lifting. Annie sighed. In some part of my mind, I seemed to recognize that my lifting of her heavy tits was in some way very similar to the lifting of my own. I was releasing the weight of her heavy DDD tits. A weight that she carried each and every day.

"Pour us some more wine," Annie said. Reluctantly, I released her heavenly orbs. I poured the wine. It was difficult not to spill.

"Close your eyes," Annie told me. As I closed my eyes, Annie leaned into me and kissed my nipples. She flicked her tongue around the spring steel clips that were attached to my nipples. I moaned.

Annie gently inserted a set of wires back in the clips. Somehow, I never thought to wonder how she needed to replace the wires in order to removed the metal paper clips from my nipples.

Slowly, gently, Annie pressed the wires together, opening the clips. A garbled moan came from me as blood rushed back into my nipples. All day long, the clips had been clamped tightly onto my nipples. From the first sharp pain, through the dull pain of the long day, to finally numbness.... now the blood came rushing back into my nipples.

It hurt. It hurt so bad.... but it felt so good. "Shhh," Annie whispered. She softly kissed my closed eyes, first one then the other.

She paused a moment. Through the fog that wrapped my mind...the fog of pain and pleasure...Annie brought a glass of wine to my lips.

I was suddenly parched. I drank deeply. The wine was bitter. I swallow hard. Annie gave me more to drink. The wine left my mouth dry. I swallowed again. Annie filled my mouth with more wine. Tart, bitter, strangely dry. I emptied the glass, but still I thirsted.

Annie removed the second metal paper clips from my tit. A small cry rose from my parched throat. I breathed heavily. I was hot. I was beginning to sweat.

Annie softly kissed my naked nipples. She sucked on the bruised flesh. Her lips urged the life back into my tits.

I lay my head back. I moaned. I rocked my hips back and forth. I squeezed my ass checks together. I clamped my thighs together. I felt my cock. I couldn't touch it. It was still strapped tightly up between my legs...but it throbbed beneath me with a deep aching.

I pressed my chest into Annie, physically begging her to suck my tits. I moved to raise my hands to hold her head, but Annie gently forced my hands back down to my sides.

I thrust my hips and squeezed my ass. I felt the heavy steel cock deep in my ass. Deep in my ass, but now hot and heavy...not cold steel any more. The deep ache grew.

Annie sat up and leaned back. A whimper escaped my lips. I wanted...I need...the warmth of her lips sucking upon my tits.

I sat there, untouched, breathing hard...needing her contact...needing her touch.

I felt the glass against my lips. The wine was not so dry. But now, it was more tart...warmer...more...what?...thicker...different, yet familiar. I began to open my eyes, but Annie leaned forward and whispered, "Shhh, close your eyes."

My thirst was intense. My head was spinning. The music was a heavy beat in my head. The warm wine flowed down my throat. It was hard to swallow, but my thirst was somewhat abated.

Annie put the wine glass down and pulled my head to her breast. I felt my lips contact her skin. It was hot. I opened my mouth and felt her nipple between my lips. I wrapped my lips gently around the areola and suckled.

Like a baby, I sucked and nursed. Slowly, I tasted it. . . Mother's milk. I sucked harder. Annie moaned and held my head tightly to her. As I sucked her breast, she lactated more. Warm, sweet milk. Not a lot, but just enough to cover my tongue and coat my throat. Oh god...dear god! I nuzzled her tit like a baby, kneading the milk from her nipple.

Annie moved my head to the other breast. Again, I suckled and drank her milk.

Annie pushed me back up. I struggled softly. "No,," I moaned.

"Shh," Annie whispered. Again, I sat there alone, untouched. I shivered. I ached for her touch. My cock was hard between my legs. The cruel harness cut into the tender swollen flesh. I worked my ass around the steel dildo inside me. I needed it. I needed Annie. I need something. Oh god, please, touch me...

"Open your eyes," Annie said. I blinked my eyes open, attempting to focus. Try as I might, everything retained a haze, a blur.

I felt the wine glass at my lips. The wine was warm. It was cloudy dark...or was it just my eyes now? The wine was still tart and bitter, but now it seemed to have a slight salty flavor. So different...but so familiar. I drank deeply. The sweet nectar coated my dry throat and quenched more of my thirst.

Now, Annie worked the nylons off my legs. She detached the garters and slowly rolled the silky softness down my thighs. She reached up under the corset and gently took the elastic waist of my panties. I raised my ass and she worked my panties off.

"Now you," Annie said. I fumbled with her garters. It seemed so hard to unhook those small tabs. Annie helped me. I rolled the nylons down her legs. Those soft smooth thighs. Those tender knees. Those firm calves.

I put my hands up under her corset. Annie raised herself up off the couch. I fumbled to grasp the panties, taking them by the sides instead of by the waistband. Breathing hard, I struggled to pull the panties from her hips. Finally, I held the soft white satin panties in my hand.

Annie raised my hand and placed her panties under my nose. "Close your eyes. Breath," she told me. I inhaled the heavy fragrant scent of her sex. I felt the wetness of her panties caress my face. Annie rubbed her panties all across my face, then down my neck, and across my chest. She massaged my nipples with the soft smooth satin.

Again Annie pulled away. I was left there panting. Oh god, I was so what? was so much more than was like a need...a desire...something that wanted to explode out of me.

Again I felt the wine glass at my lips. Again, I drank deep. Now the aroma of the wine filled my senses. The wine was no longer just a dark sweet liquid. Now the taste, the smell, the very essences of the wine was somehow Annie.

The smell of Annie's sex...the taste of Annie's sex....something that I had yet to taste, but somehow I knew what this was what she taste like.

Annie lay back on the couch. She raised the corset. "Open your eyes," she commanded. I opened my eyes and found that I was staring upon her sex...her cunt. It was beautiful. Two full pouty round lips pushed out from her slit. Surrounding her cunt was a heart shaped tuft of carefully trimmed pubic hair.

Her pussy lips glistened in the candlelight. I sat mesmerized as I watched a thick string of her juices ooze out of her slit and down the crease of her ass. I leaned forward, until I was a scant few inches from her cunt. The hot heavy fragrance of her steamy cunt filled my nose. My mouth watered. The smell was that of the same sweet wine. I yearned to taste drink her.

I started to move my mouth to her sex, but she gently reached out to stop me. I pressed forward and was met with surprising strength.

"No. Bad girl." Annie said. I whimpered softly. Oh god, I wanted her cunt. "Are you a bad girl?" Annie asked.

"Oh yes, I'm a bad girl. Please give it to me." I begged.

"Give you what?" Annie teased.

"Oh, please! Give me your cunt. I need your cunt. Pleaseeee," I moaned.

"Then lie down on your back, bad girl," Annie said.

I slide onto my back. Annie raised my corset up above my waist. She leaned forward. A dribble of saliva seeped from her lips. For a moment it hung in the near darkness from her lip...then it fell upon my cock.

Oh, so good... The soft wetness ran from the base of my cock down the shaft, following its path down between my legs.

A second drop of spittle fell from Annie's mouth, joining the first. The growing stream of wetness ran further back between my legs.

A third gob of spit, and the wetness left a stream down my cock shaft from my throbbing cock head.

I moaned like a whore. I thrust my hip up toward Annie. She sat there quietly and watched me suffer...a smile upon her face.

Annie brought another glass of wine to me face. She poured the wine down into my gapping mouth. I swallowed hard. She took the last half of the glass and let it dribble down onto my hard, burning, hurting harnessed cock.

"Is your pretty little pussy hot?" Annie whispered.

"Oh yes, please, I'm so hot," I replied.

"Are you a bad little Slut? Do you want to cum for Mommy?" Annie said.

I followed her lead seamlessly. "Yes, I'm a slut, a bad little Slut. Oh please Mommy let Slut cum," I moaned.

Annie swung herself up, over and around. I watched as she lowered her cunt onto my mouth. Oh god...! I drove my face into her snatch. I licked her cunt. I worked my tongue up and down the length of her pussy. I drank and swallow her pussy juices as they flowed out of her.

Her cunt was hot. Her pussy juices were thick, tart and slightly bitter. Almost an almond flavor and like a light syrup consistency. I drank and she pumped out more cunt juice. I drank more.

I felt her head down between my legs. Gently, softly, teasingly, Annie licked the length of my cock. "Such a nice pussy. So hot," she said teasingly.

Annie coated my cock shaft with her saliva. Her saliva ran down my cock, down between the crack of my ass. She soon had coated my cock with so much of her spittle that it pooled under my ass. The wetness felt so good on my aching cock head.

Annie reached down between my legs and rubbed the mushroom head of my cock. It was so sensitive, it hurt...but oh so very good! "Oh what a nice clit you have Slut," she said softly. I arched my back and thrust up with my hips. I was moaning, panting like a whore. Annie didn't miss a beat. "Oh such a horny little cunt, aren't you Slut?" she teased.

Annie pressed the head of my cock up against the heavy steel dildo in my ass. She used the my cock head to push the dildo in and out of my sphincter. I could feel the cum oozing out of the tip of my cock. Soon, Annie' fingers were coated with the thick sticky stuff.

Meanwhile, I was busy eating Annie's cunt. I was like a ravenous animal. I rammed my face into her slit. I forced my tongue up into, splitting her cunt open and lapping up her copious excretions. I found her clit and wrapped my lips around it. I sucked on the little nub. I used my lips to crush her clit, rolling it between my lips, placing my teeth around the clit and gently biting down.

My efforts were rewarded as I felt Annie's body tense. She never ceased her hands stroking and working my cock, but now she raised her hair and arched her back. She ground her cunt down hard on my face, rotating her hips in a circle and mashing the lips of her pussy against my nose. I continued to breath deep, now inhaling a mix of air and wet pussy juice. It was like being back in the womb.