Circle of Lust Ch. 01


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Despite my token protests and attempts to stop him, he fingered my vagina and made me spread my legs for better access. As soon as he touched me I felt a shiver of shameless submission. In no time at all his fingers were sticky with my juices. "Look at me girl," he growled as his attention switched to my stiff nipples. I bit my lip in embarrassment as my eyes met his. They were a greyish blue and they burned into my very soul. No words were necessary, I was a puppet in his hands and disobedience was out of the question.

That's when we kissed, but, for me, it was a kiss of surrender.

Then, to underline his supremacy over me, his hard cock slid once again into my love channel and thrust forward, possessively, all the way into my feminine core. "Ohhh, Mr Rainsby," I gasped as conflicting emotions tore me apart. But, he was fucking me by then, giving me the full length of his manhood, over and over and over again. The only sound in the car was a soft squelching noise as my increasingly wet pussy tried to cope with the solid penetration of his ravaging cock.

All my dignity and reserve was swept aside, as slowly and remorselessly his all-conquering cock took all before it. Time just stood still as he fucked me over and over and over again. I didn't want the delicious sensations to stop. So, I melted into him in abject surrender as he clutched me tight. Soon afterwards shudder after shudder of delightful orgasm rippled through my slender young body. Then he grunted in satisfaction as spunk spurted into my unprotected vagina in sporadic waves. Thank God my Mum had put me on the pill on my 18th birthday.

"You're a great little shag Lynn," he growled smacking me hard on my bare bottom. "Next time I'll have you on a bed and we'll take more time over it."

I gasped at the nerve of the man and the easy assumption that I would be a willing participant in his sexual plans. How dare he treat me like this? I was positively seething as I got back into my clothes, while he leaned on the car outside and sucked on his cigarette. I refused to speak to him during the car ride to my village and when he dropped me off I turned and walked away with my head held high with as much dignity as I could muster. What my parents would say if they knew I was having sex with my Boss, I shuddered to think. And later, as I cried on my bed, I berated myself for putting up such meagre resistance to his lustful demands, but, like the first time, feeling guilty for getting such enjoyment from the sex.

For the next few days, fortunately, he left me alone and apart from the odd little smack on my bum he behaved himself very well. I was quite pleased with the amount of work I got through and the Accounts section got on top of things leading up to the end of the year accounts.

The next Friday night, the girls and I got together for one of our regular nights out. As Brenda was unable to make it, that left just Wendy, Nicole and me. As it turned out, it was just as well, really, as we wanted to do some complaining about Mr. Rainsby and commiserate with each other about our treatment at his hands.

Nicole went first, as we were aware that something had happened to her that very day. She was a long time in the Boss's office that afternoon. She clearly had some grievances on her chest and we let her spill it all out.

"He sent for me about 2.00 pm" she lisped. "He wanted me to check the value of a pile of cash that he was locking up in the safe. As you know," she went on, "it is procedure to lock the door when that is done." We both nodded to confirm the correctness of what she was saying. "Then when we had finished he asked me to do him a little favour." We leaned forward as she said this, full of interest.

"He fished out a plastic bag from a drawer in his desk and asked me if I would mind modelling a swimsuit he had bought for his daughter. It was to be a surprise, apparently, and he wanted to see if it was O.K. for her or whether he should take it back."

I said "Mr. Rainsby, that is most inappropriate, I don't think I would want to do that."

Wendy and I muttered our support at her response, waiting for her to go on. She was visibly upset and near to tears.

She steadied herself and went on. Her lisp becoming quite prominent as she spoke.

" He wasn't very pleased, I can tell you. In fact he got quite angry."

"As a matter of fact, I don't particularly like paying your wages, Nicole," he shouted out, "but I find myself doing so"

She looked down at the table and made a confession. "You know when he gets angry like that he makes me tremble all over and I go weak at the knees." Wendy and I looked at each other and I knew what she was thinking. He had that effect on all of us. We listened sympathetically as Nicole continued. "So I thought well, it's for Brenda really .....And she's my friend after all..........."

"So you agreed to try on the swimsuit for him?"

"Yes, I took the bag and went into the adjoining bathroom in his office. I mean people wear costumes on the beach and at swimming pools don't they. It was no big deal, really." We nodded half-heartedly at this attempt to justify her big climb down."

"Anyway," she said quietly. "It wasn't a swimsuit; it was a bikini........and a rather skimpy one at that. But, I'd already said I would try it on just stood there at the bathroom door looking at it, all confused. In the end, I closed the door and took off my clothes."

"What did it look like" we both asked?"

"Well as I said, it was really skimpy.........and to tell you the truth, I thought it was disgusting. I don't know where he got it from. I mean I cannot imagine Brenda wearing any such thing."

"But you put it on, nevertheless," I said, wanting to move her along.

"Yes, I did, it fit me pretty well, actually. As you know I have a good figure. But, when I looked in the mirror, I nearly died. First of all there wasn't much material on the top, so my boobs seemed to be bursting out. But then, when I saw the bikini bottoms......gosh... it was nothing but a bit of string and a postage stamp."

Wendy and I started to giggle but stopped, when we thought of her embarrassment.

"By then he was shouting through with something like - Are you ready yet? I haven't got all day."

"So you went in to see him?"

"Yes....well I had to, didn't I? He was sitting sprawled out on that on that two-seater sofa that he has outside the bathroom and I had to go and stand in front of him while he inspected the bikini with me in it. He had a good look and then started to reach out and twiddle with the material. It was all very embarrassing.

"Yes, I bet it was," I sympathised............"So what did you do then?"

"Well that was the worst bit, really," said Nicole looking guilty. "He made me sit on his knee.....................Don't look at me, like that; ............he said he wanted me to sit down and have a chat about my assessment."

"So you sat on his knee?" queried Wendy incredulously, "in the bikini?" She had raised her voice stopping all conversation in the pub and making people stop and stare.

Nicole squirmed uncomfortably and bit her lip. "There was nowhere else to sit," she said pathetically. "He wouldn't make room for me on the sofa and once he got hold of my wrist I was forced to sit where he wanted me to."

"Couldn't you have insisted on getting dressed first?" countered Wendy.

"He said he was in too much of a hurry," she replied. That's when her mouth went into a pout, signalling that she was close to tears. I nudged Wendy under the table hoping she'd go a little easier on the girl. After all, she had only just turned 18 with more beauty than brains.

Wendy took the hint and sat back. I suspected she was as anxious as I was to get to the juicy bit of her story; I nodded encouragement to Nicole for her to continue.

"Well you know, I was quite worried about that assessment. I didn't get a very good one last time and there have been complaints about me. So, when he mentioned that, I sort of forgot about what I was wearing........"

"It was O.K. at first; I mean he was quite sensible and constructive about my progress. Then as he was talking he put his hand on my thigh and moved it up to play with the straps on the bikini. Then, sort of absentmindedly, he pulled the thing apart.

Wendy raised her eyebrows in exasperation, but, said nothing. Meanwhile, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, was this girl soft in the head or something?

"So no more bikini bottoms then," said Wendy sarcastically. Her remark sailed right over Nicole's head.........."so then what happened?"

"Well I couldn't really move by then, because, he picked up my file in one hand and put his other arm round my waist. Then he carried on talking about my work and saying how disappointed he was with some of the mistakes I had been making."

I shook my head, "the bastard," I said.

"Then, when I was trying to explain what had gone wrong he put down the file and started to stroke me........on my pussy"

"WHAT" ........gasped Wendy? " let him?"

"Well, I was crying you see and he was sort of comforting me. And I thought if I was well.....nice to him and let him feel me up a bit; he might go easier on me on the disciplinary side. But......once he got his hand there it never came away again."

Surprise, surprise, I thought. Wendy was gobsmacked.

"So he was talking to me and stroking down there. He...He...never stopped......."

"Didn't you think to jump up and run for help or something?" I finally said.

"Well I thought about it, but being half naked in that bikini well, it would have looked a bit strange, wouldn't it?"

"Couldn't you have grabbed your clothes?"

"Well the thing was ........he had locked the bathroom door before I sat on his knee."

"Ohhh "moaned Wendy, rolling her eyes. This girl was God's gift to horny men.

"You might as well finish it," I told Nicole, elbowing Wendy once more.

"Well.....he just kept on playing around down there....for ages. His fingers got ....everywhere. I got so hot and bothered I didn't realise he had untied the bikini top as well, so the next thing was that he had his other hand over my left breast, squeezing it and playing with the nipple. Then he started to kiss me........"

Wendy and I looked at each other, we didn't need any words. We looked sadly back at Nicole waiting for the inevitable outcome of it all.

"Then, after a while, I was so far gone he laid me out on the sofa and ............just did what he wanted."

"You mean he fucked you?" asked Wendy.

Nicole looked at us with wide innocent eyes. "Well, eventually.............YES."

"It was all very passionate and frantic. First he had me on the sofa and later he fucked me doggy style across his desk."

"......I just couldn't help it," she added apologetically and burst into tears again. "He's so difficult to say no to."

"Ain't that the truth," I thought. Then I looked at Nicole as she brushed away some tears from her big brown eyes. She had that sweet innocent look that men went for. But, she also had legs to die for and the body of a woman. Although only just turned 18, she was extremely pretty with her long auburn hair and curvaceous figure.

And there was something in her eyes and the way she had described events made me think that she had actually enjoyed the whole thing. That she was not the completely innocent young victim that she had led us to believe.

When Nicole disappeared into the ladies for a few minutes, Wendy and I were able to talk. We were astonished that Rainsby had managed to strip and fuck the gorgeous young office girl in the privacy of his office, just yards away from a score of other employees. "The man's a sex monster," said Wendy. "How the hell does he get away with it? How do we let him get away with it?"

I nodded in agreement, but, I couldn't bring myself to tell her about my own personal downfall at my boss's hands. Well, not yet anyway.

"It's a pretty kettle of fish when a young girl has to drop her panties just to avoid formal warnings at work," grumbled Wendy. Again, I nodded. She certainly had a bee in her bonnet about something I could tell, but, I let her remark go unanswered. It was a bit too near the mark for comfort in my particular case.

We had to have a break after that and talk about anything other than Rainsby's Betting and Leisure Complex. We split the cost of another bottle of wine and covered all sorts of more pleasant subjects before Wendy apologetically brought us back to work matters. I already knew that although she was not yet 20, she had been married for nearly a year and had rather a big mortgage. She lived on a modern housing development out at nearby Cleveleys and both Nicole and I had been to her house several times. In the next breath she dropped a bombshell.

"Darren has been made redundant and I'm afraid we are pretty deep in debt," she confessed grimly. "And I'm afraid I've been a bit of a silly girl. I got hooked on this online gambling business hoping to get enough to pay off some of our debts and, unfortunately, ended up losing a substantial amount of money. I know I've been crazy, but, you see, I won at first, won a fair bit, actually, before it all went pear shaped. Now we're really struggling. And if that's not enough, old Rainsby somehow finds out about my betting debt and reminds me that it's in my terms of employment that I'm not allowed to allowed to engage in such activities while I am employed in his bookmaking business. He tells me that he could legitimately sack me for gross misconduct if he chooses to. Oh how he enjoyed telling me that. He's the last person on earth I'd want having me over a barrel. What a bastard he is."

Nicole and I sympathised with her as only friends can. She was in trouble and we wanted to know how we could help her.

"Well, actually, you can help me in one way, if you are prepared to, that is." She went on to tell us about a New Year party that Rainsby had organised for his Masonic friends. "There's a small group of them all about the same age, all rich or powerful blokes. They meet every month normally, but, with it being a special occasion, he's planned a party for them."

"How does that concern you, then?" asked a puzzled Nicole.

"Well, when I had my interview with Rainsby, for the job I have now, I let slip that I had been a dancer in shows and nightclubs etc. It was only when I met Darren that I gave it up and looked for office type work. And, as you know, our beloved Boss never forgets a damn thing, so, the other day, he collars me and asks me if I would to do him a special favour.

"Oh yes?" muttered Nicole, as she ruefully remembered her experience with the bikini episode.

"He wants me to do a dance routine at his little party next Friday night. And he was pretty specific as to the sort of thing he wants me to do."

"You're going to do a striptease?"....... I blurted out, guessing immediately the sort of thing our dirty minded Boss would want.

"Well he didn't come out and say that exactly but.........he's slipping me £50 and I'm desperate for cash right now. Besides, I've got to keep Rainsby happy, otherwise he could show me the door. He's says he's already got a draw full of applicants wanting to work for him."

"I suppose that could apply to us to if we're not careful," I ventured.

"Oh what fun about the striptease?" butted in Nicole, clapping her hands together in glee and changing the subject to something more frivolous. It was just like her. "Have you got an outfit organised?"

"Well sort of" went on Wendy." He's got me these white thigh high boots. And he wants me to hire a wedding dress and veil so I can do a wedding theme thing."

"And where do we come in," I asked.

"He asked me to organise a couple of waitresses to serve food and drinks and generally stand around and look pretty. Naturally, I thought of you two. You'll get a twenty each plus some free grub and drinks"

We both nodded. "O.K. we'll do it," we said in unison.

"By the way," I asked, "why doesn't he just hire a professional stripper? He's got plenty of money......."

"He's also a mean bastard don't forget. If he can save money or cut costs, he will."

"That's how he's so rich," added Nicole.

"And does Darren know anything about this?" I asked.

"Well, no......not exactly, he doesn't even know about the gambling bit."

"Oh Wendy, I said in despair. My friend was in deep and there was very little I could do to help her. But, I could guess why old man Rainsby had roped her in to entertain his friends. She was a stunning redhead with green eyes and the long shapely legs of a dancer.

Rainsby had hired the Masonic Hall for the evening and had even laid on the catering. All Nicole and I had to do was serve up the food and drink to his 5 guests in the small banqueting hall, just a few yards away from the kitchen. By the time we had served up the desserts, we had managed to get over our embarrassment at wearing the skimpy little maid outfits that had been provided for us. There was a short white blouse top that showed far too much cleavage and midriff, together with a short skirt that barely covered our backsides. Nicole was in her element swinging her hips and bending over the table for the benefit of the dirty old men who leered at us constantly. They made me blush with their comments and their roving hands were a constant menace as we brought the food and wine. More than once, I felt hands flutter up past my black stay-ups to sample bare thigh and Nicole's nervous little giggles told me she was receiving similar treatment at the other side of the table. As the wine flowed afterwards and the men lit up their cigars, they seemed to get bolder. Not long afterwards, Nicole was trapped between 2 admirers as she brought yet another bottle of wine for them. Hands disappeared up her skirt, back and front, and she shrieked with excitement. "You must let me go," she whimpered pathetically, without struggling too much to brake free. I heard their growls of lust and inevitably, advantage was taken of her predicament. Soon, they were passing her from lap to lap, kissing feeling and touching her, as she giggled from embarrassment.

At this point, I tried to beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen, but, a strong hand clamped over my wrist and dragged me back to the table. "Don't be shy, my little blonde beauty," growled a fat bearded man as he stuck his podgy hand up my skirt, "how about a little kiss?" The trouble was he wanted more than just a kiss and it was all I could do to stop him yanking off my knickers like they had just done with Nicole. Unfortunately, I was so busy fending off dirty hands up my skirt that I was powerless to prevent them unbuttoning my blouse to expose my breasts. A big cheer went up as I blushed to my roots. Soon after, Nicole, was similarly dealt with and her panties thrown up onto the chandeliers. Fortunately, it was then that Wendy's striptease was announced and we took the opportunity to wrestle free and escape to the kitchen.

"Goodness," breathed Nicole with bright shiny eyes. "They're a bunch of sex maniacs"

I hastily tried to readjust my clothing. If I looked half as distressed as Nicole, I must look a right little tramp.

As we regained our breath and some of our composure, we couldn't resist peeking through the doorway as Wendy became the main attraction. The men had left the dining table to sit in easy chairs circling a small stage and they were getting an excellent view of Wendy's superb figure as she started to take off her clothes. First, she unzipped her wedding dress and stepped out of it. Then, after taking her time and teasing the male audience, she took off her wispy white slip and bra. Nicole and I looked on in wide eyed wonder as the men roared her on. Soon, she had nothing on but a pair of skimpy white panties, thigh high boots and a wedding veil.