Circle7: World on Fire Ch. 02


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Jake could barely finish nodding before Amy attacked Luke, sucking on him with abandon until he was long and firm in her mouth once again. Without a word she clambered on top of him, sinking down to impale herself in a single thrust. Luke could only hang on for the ride as Amy's frantic pace built to a head.

Meanwhile, Jake had recovered with superhuman speed, his stamina seemingly boundless as Britney looked hungrily at his cock. It wasn't the longest she had seen, maybe 7 inches, but it was hands down the girthiest dick she had ever seen. Britney rubbed Jake slowly, working her hand around his balls and thighs, continually pumping more and more pleasure and desire into him. Britney had seen how Jake fucked Amy, but she wanted to see what happened when he really lost control.

It didn't take long. Jake was already as horny as he had ever been with the Fever riding him, and Britney certainly seemed a willing partner. He picked her up bodily, holding her in his large arms as he let gravity sink Britney slowly onto his massive dick. Britney could only gasp with pleasure as she felt herself stretch, her body lighting up like a Christmas tree as Jake began to fuck her in the middle of the room, supported only by his hands on her ass and her arms in a death lock around his neck. They kissed, and Jake felts sparks scatter through his body. It was like the time he was drugged in Vegas, only he was perfectly conscious. It was the pleasure without the loss of self. Britney scratched her nails down his back, and that was enough for Jake. He threw Britney to the sofa and entered her again, this time from behind, his thrusts as powerful and relentless as ever.

Luke was barely paying attention as Amy rode him gloriously, her hips shaking and gyrating in a pattern that Luke could only describe as Divine. She was a wild thing in her lust, gripping Luke's powerful shoulders and slamming her petite body down on him again and again before gyrating more. Luke had been to both Heaven and Hell, and even he wasn't sure which this was. Amy seemed to be keeping him on the edge deliberately, prolonging her own pleasure for as long as she could.

As Amy took her pleasure from Luke, so Jake was taking his from Britney. Britney had felt the dominant waves of energy rolling off Jake as he had fucked Amy, and even though it would have been easy for her to take control, she allowed Jake his dominance, and even enjoyed it, moaning as he took a handful of her golden mane tightly, pulling Britney's head sharply to one side before biting down hard. He was so rough, so forceful. Britney was sure that most human women wouldn't have been able to handle the power and intensity of Jake's fucking, and was astonished that someone as tiny as Amy could take such a pounding on a regular basis.

Britney was brought back to reality by a swat on her ass that began as a sharp pain before quickly fading into a kind of perverse pleasure Britney found herself craving. She was about to open her mouth to voice this when Jake spanked her again, harder this time. Again, the sudden bloom of pain was quickly erased by the intense pleasure that followed.

The four lovers continued for as long as they could, but all good things must end. Britney was on the edge, and now blasted her lust through the room, simultaneously triggering everyone's orgasm. Jake yelled in a primal roar as he came hard inside Britney, biting down on her neck as he did. At the same time, Amy's powerful orgasm caused her to tighten immeasurably, making Luke moan one last time as he climaxed as well. The feelings of satisfaction Britney drew on from all three were more than enough to send her spilling over the edge as well, bucking her hips back into Jake to extend her pleasure. Finally spent, the women managed to crawl back to their respective lovers before they passed out next to each other in the room.


Luke awoke pleasantly sore, but refreshed beyond measure. Sure, he couldn't draw the power he had when he had his wings, but the meal from Jake and Amy had been nothing short of a banquet. Luke noticed quickly that Jake and Amy were gone, a carefully folded note in the place where they had passed out. Luke opened it to read the message.

"Luke & Britney,

Last night was beyond amazing. We thought it would be best to avoid any awkwardness and leave early for brunch. Can't wait to see you tonight at the gala!


Luke smiled. This was an interesting pair of humans indeed. He took his time to enjoy the morning air once again, awaiting Britney. It was only a short time before she stirred, smiling warmly at Luke; the brilliant expression on her face all he needed to complete the perfection of the morning.

The two spent the day in town, first being fitted for evening wear for the party, then taking a leisurely drive along the coast, spending time not fucking, not running from angels or demons, but simply enjoying a spring day on a beautiful island. Too soon, however, it came time to dress for the evening.

As Luke and Britney pulled into the valet for the party, they couldn't help but be struck by how ostentatious their surroundings were. The entire floor was covered in rich Italian marble, delicate designs painstakingly carved in. The grand ballroom was a three story, cavernous locale, with carefully tended flowers lining the perimeter, further imparting the sweet smell of spring. The open air veranda on the second floor overlooked one of the largest pools Luke had ever seen, although he was sure that no one here would be using it. He immediately saw what Jake had meant as he scanned the crowd. There didn't appear to anyone under forty, and it seemed as though everyone had a large stick firmly inserted up their backsides. Luke's devious mind was already planning mischief when he realized that he probably couldn't influence people here the same way he had back in Circle7. Fortunately, the dour mood this caused was picked up as he saw Jake and Amy across the room.

"Luke, Britney!"

Britney turned to see Jake and Amy walking towards them, arm in arm. Far from their skimpy beach attire earlier, the two had pulled out all the stops for the evening. Jake was clad in a charcoal grey suit over a brilliant blue shirt, creating the illusion that his already bright eyes were glowing. Amy was dressed in a beautiful black cocktail dress, the halter top mounding her breasts up, the low back accenting her unbelievable ass.

In equal measure, Jake and Amy were impressed by their new friends' looks. Luke had eschewed traditional Caribbean colors in favor of his traditional blood-red shirt and black suit. The contrast was startling and enticing amongst a sea of guests wearing white and light blue. Amy's mouth dropped as she saw Britney strolling alongside Luke, her bombshell curves highlighted by the skintight red dress that complimented Luke's attire so well. Despite having fucked Luke's brains out only yesterday, Amy couldn't help but be struck by an overwhelming rush of lust as Britney hugged her hello.

I want Amy this time, Luke. Britney's mind met her lovers as they carried on their conversation, Jake and Amy none the wiser.

Oh, and I suppose Jake and I should do what? Talk about baseball?

You can do whatever you want, but what I want is right in front of me.

"I say, Jake, fancy a drink? I think I saw a rather old bottle of Lagavulin by the bar."

Jake's ears pricked up immediately at the mention of Scotch, and the two men went off in search of libations.

Britney, on the other hand, was intent on Amy. She wanted to feel that perfect ass under her hands; those full lips against her own.

"So, Amy, still having fun? Luke really seemed like he had a good time yesterday."

Amy blushed a shade of red to rival Britney's dress before replying.

"I'm so sorry, Britney. I should have asked before I horned in on the two of you, but I just...just needed it. I never thought anyone could fuck me like Jake, but your man came awfully close!"

Oh, sweetie, he was holding back. Still, Britney laughed outwardly, guiding Amy over to the bar with her arm firmly around her waist. Immediately, Amy felt lines of pleasure radiating from Britney's arm, infusing her with an excitement and giddiness she hadn't experienced since Vegas.

"I know what you mean, dear. Jake was quite...forceful."

"I'm sorry about that, Britney, I really am. I forget not everyone..." Amy brushed an even deeper shade of crimson. "...not everyone likes sex as rough as Jake and I."

Britney laughed again, and Amy was distracted by the musical sound, not noticing Britney swooping in for a playful peck on her lips. Amy's mind went wild as the sensation shot straight from her mouth to her abdomen, tightening things low in her body. Britney pulled away grinning as she continued the conversation like nothing had happened.

"Oh sweetie, don't apologize. Luckily, Luke and I are very much the same way. Although like you, I prefer my man to yours. Must be love, right?"

Amy agreed and the two chatted animatedly, Britney taking every opportunity to feed as Luke had taught her, slowly siphoning energy away, even as she continually infused the vivacious woman's body with lust. Amy's body responded beautifully as Britney's subtle assault continued, her nipples beginning to harden even as her pussy began to glisten with juices. Britney's seduction continued as the men spoke in the corner, away from the dozens of guests milling about the ballroom.

"You don't say? You mean you just spun a promotional wheel and became a millionaire?"

Jake laughed. "Yeah, talk about the lucky strike of a lifetime. I'm about done with Las Vegas though. Don't get me wrong, Luke, it was a lot of fun. I mean, a lot of fun. There aren't many places on Earth where it's better to be rich. But still, Amy and I almost stopped seeing each other because of that town. I went wild with Vegas fever, and Amy had trouble coming to terms with some of the things she liked in bed."

"She's since come around, I assume," Luke interjected after draining the last of his Scotch.

"Yeah, clearly. That was...unexpected yesterday."

"I'm sorry, Jake. I didn't overstep any bounds, did I?"

"No, no, you were fine. It's just...I take a great amount of pride in my self-control, and yesterday it was like I had none at all. I mean, I kind of swore off group stuff after a really bad night in Vegas where I was drugged."

"Well, think nothing more of it. As far as I'm concerned, it was a wonderful, organic, mind-blowing experience, but I certainly don't expect it of you whenever the four of us get together."

Jake let out a breath, unaware that Luke was still subtly influencing him; the former King of Hell's control and finesse honed over centuries of practice. However, instead of sexuality, Luke was fostering a bond of trust and respect with the young man, a bond that Luke actually enjoyed. Jake was smart beyond his years, and a good looking sort, if that was what you were into. Still, it was his cash that Luke was after. Jake had access to millions, millions that couldn't be traced in any way back to Luke or Britney. It should only take another day or two of ingratiating himself before Jake would readily part with any sum Luke named.

Unfortunately, their time ran out much sooner than that.

Amy was by now thoroughly entranced by Britney, the lust overriding her common sense as Britney's hand traced small patterns across her exposed thigh, her ruby lips teasing the lobe of Amy's ear. Amy was close to jumping on top of the bombshell blonde, her lust approaching its tipping point as her new friend's sensual touches sent her into the stratosphere. Just when Amy's lips parted as Britney leaned in for another mouthwatering kiss; a crackling voice came on over the loudspeaker.

"Attention, ladies and gentlemen. We've had a severe storm warning come in, and we may lose power. In the event of an emergency, please remain calm and proceed in an orderly fashion for the exit."

Upon hearing this, Luke looked up and away from Jake, spotting Britney and Amy by the bar just as he felt another presence. An angelic one. No, wait. More than one. A lot more. Luke comprehended what was happening a moment too late, having just a split second to push Jake through the window into the pool below and warn Britney.

Britney, they're here! THEY'RE HERE, RUN!

A surge ran through the ballroom as the lights flickered, then went out. As if in response, ethereal blue eyes began to blink into existence all around Luke.


Then they attacked, shedding their human disguises, the rebel angels cutting through the guests like paper. The screams began, mingling with the terrible crunch of bones being crushed and the wet, thick sounds of blood flying. Luke strode into the melee unafraid, lashing out at the being daring enough to approach. He had to get to Britney. Luke knew that their tryst with Jake and Amy had been a bad idea. Britney had given off too much power, her unique energy clearly indicative of a Nephilim.

Still, despite his overpowering need to reach his lover, Luke was still limited by the loss of his wings. He found that he was tiring quickly, far too quickly to confront the horde of angels. He was getting slower, too, more and more of the deadly blows aimed at him landing. Luke's vision began to blur as blood dripped into his eye. He turned as an angel - no, the presence felt demonic - came at him ferociously, violently trying to cut Luke without any sense of self-preservation. It was that frenzy that made the demon careless, though, and Luke dispatched it easily. Still, the appearance of a demon gave Luke pause, his thoughts racing even in the midst of the pitched battle.

Angels and demons don't work together. What in Creation is going on?

Luke managed to fight his way to where he had last seen Britney and Amy, only to find the space by the bar empty.

Luke bellowed Britney's name, in voice and in thought. Still, he could not see or hear her. His distress made him careless though, and though he whirled as he heard the sound behind him, he was seconds too late. There was a dull thump near the back of his skull, and then everything went black.


Luke awoke groggily, head spinning as he tried to stand, only to fall to the ground, retching violently. It took him another few minutes to collect himself, dragging his fatigued body across the extravagant marble floors, blood trailing behind him. Through the haze of his blurred vision, Luke realized that he was alone.


Nothing. Not a sound other than the echo of Luke's desperate call.

Luke dragged himself painfully around the corner, his body screaming at him to stop and rest. What he saw made his blood run cold, even as the last pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

There, on the veranda below, were the bloody remains of dozens of guests. They looked like they had gone through a meat grinder, viscera and bone alike visible to the crisp Caribbean air. But that wasn't what had Luke seething with worry and rage alike. The limbs of the unfortunate party guests had been torn off their owners, contorted and twisted into in a macabre message clearly intended for Luke:


It suddenly made sense why Metatron and his angels hadn't been able to find Michael in the nooks and crannies of Heaven, why they had scoured the Earth unsuccessfully. Luke forced himself to stand, ignoring the wave of nausea rushing through him and the blood dripping from the back of his head. There was only one thing left to do, one place to go, even though Luke knew he was playing into Michael's hands.

Lucifer Morningstar was going back to Hell.


To be concluded...

*The end is coming as fast as I can write, you guys! Please be patient for the finale, I really want to get it right! Don't forget to feed the author and rate!*

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Love it. Rough and foursome. Two of my favorite words ;)

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