Claiming a Queen


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"I'm already here."

There was a commotion towards the other end of the temple hall and I flipped my head in that direction and strained to see as to what was going on. In shock, I watched as none other than Horgan was sent flying through the air to crash suddenly against a pillar and then with a dull, heavy sounding thump land face down upon the temple's marble floor.

I blinked as the man I had scarred with my blade strode with confidence across the expanse of the temple in route for me. Demon-men and priests alike that went to lay a hand upon him came only to find themselves hurled about as if caught in a sudden whirlwind. They were then viciously dashed off of pillars to then be discarded and fall like sacks of ripe melons hitting the floor hard.

Who was this man and by what power did he wield the strength of a god? Was he a god?

"No!" came the affirmative, one-word answer into my consciousness in answer to my last question.

In fear approaching that which I had felt for what the gods of my people could do, I gazed at him as he came in leaps and bounds up the stairs to suddenly be standing over me. The priests to my other side fled screaming and I didn't blame them.

There was an aura of power about this man that frightened me to the core of my soul and yet it was not fear of him stealing my soul so much as it was something within him and yet apart from him that was capable of so much more than I fully comprehended. He moved his hand and but touched the locks on my feet and my legs came free and then he was at my head and my hands came free of the altar, but an interlinking chain of gold remained between both of my wrists. This he did not free me from as he helped me sit up.

A bit of the aura of power about him dimmed or at least went out of my focus as I swung my legs over the side of the altar only to behold him gazing at me with all the passion a man could possess for a woman. Swallowing I sucked in my breath as his warm hands came up to frame about my bare waist and pick me up off the altar only to then slide me down his front.

My full breasts pressed upward and threatened to escape containment as he drug me down his front. As my sandaled feet touched down I moved back from him only to be brought up short by the altar at my back and the grasp of his hand upon the golden chain linking my wrists together.

Breathing heavy I watched his gaze rise to mine only to now hear his voice no longer though in my mind, but once more as audible as it had been in our morning encounter say, "It's time we left Princess."

"I am no longer a Princess." I said, not really knowing why I said it.

He shook his head and said, "You are the only true royalty this kingdom knows. Come with me now Princess." He pressed tugging softly on the chain he held.

"Why?" I asked past swollen lips.

"Because I want you and because I love you enough to never abandon you as you have been this night."

There it was as plain as day. This man meant to have me too, and yet surely it was different than the atrocities of this place.

Biting my lip I stayed where I was and nodding, he said as he released the golden chain, "Fine, have it your way." And then proceeded to turn away from me.

Utter and complete panic seized a hold of me and I jumped forward to take his hand with both of mine in a death grip if ever there had been one as I exclaimed, "No, please don't leave me here!"

He nodded and said, "Then take me to your room Haquara."

"Why?" I whispered out with and commandingly he responded back with, "Because I can think of no better place right now to turn a Princess into a Queen."

I felt hot blood rush to my face at the full implication of everything this man was saying. I had no choice, though.

Then again, I did have one. I could stay and be treated as the whore my father had willingly turned me over to become or I could go with this man who yet referred to me as a Princess and be solely his.

I stepped forward and whispering out barely loud enough to be heard I said, "This way."

He followed close behind me as I led him from the temple. We had barely cleared the temple when with a groaning explosion of stone the entire roof of it imploded downward with such force that not one pillar remained standing.

I had spun back around to stare open mouthed at the utter destruction of one of Ticonga's greatest landmarks, but the Ar'morian took my hand and urged me onward down the hill. Looking back over my shoulder at the complete devastation that the whole city was rushing to I couldn't but help wonder at what could have caused such a complete collapse.

Had the one God of the Ar'morians done this? What other explanation was there other than that He had.

In trepidatious fear I glanced to the Ar'morian as he hurried me along through the heavy shadowed landscape of my home city. I directed him up the back way into my quarters and with a shivery sigh of exhaustion from all the emotions spent in full this day that had become night I leaned back against a pillar and watched as the Ar'morian moved on into the room.

He went to the doors of the expansive chamber and locked them securely. At his actions I felt tension break loose within my loins and I came away from the pillar as some dazed part of me came to the realization of what was to come next.

He went about the room, then in an inquisitive exploration of it that was curious to behold as it seemed that he was genuinely interested in what he could find of my preferences. He came to me then and try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to move.

Truly where was there left for me to flee to? Nowhere.

I was without family or country and yet this man called me Princess. His hands picked up the chain that lay strung out between my hands that had risen up in case of the need to repel him. He gazed into my eyes and said, "I've wanted you from the very first moment I saw you this morning. You are the most beautifully exotic woman I have ever met, but you're more than your beauty. Much more. You have a good heart and I want it too, even as I claim you as my wife from this day forward."

"I am not..." I began to interject, but without warning and seemingly a bit out of character for his almost gentle persona he lifted the chain up between us and hooked it over a hook located far up the pillar that gave my upward stretched arms no more slack to move other than to stand as I was.

I felt myself begin to shake as the enormity of being at this man's complete mercy overtook me. The urge to bite him and kick at him rose strongly within me, but I did neither as his large fingers framed my face to hold it still for his kiss.

His kiss was gentle and yet passionate and again, I did nothing to fight this man off. Instead, I stood shaking within his grasp of my face not feeling at all my usual self.

He was gentle, but there was something else about him that completely overwhelmed me and left me standing unresisting as his lips traced down my neck only to then trace down and feast upon the exposed plains of my breasts. I blinked and blinked again as his thumbs rubbed possessively over my cloth covered nipples even as his tongue delved into the sweaty cleft between my breasts.

I looked over his head and closed my eyes as I felt his hands coast around to my back and take a firm anchoring grip on the clasp of my halter top. His strong hands pulled and the clasps gave way. The fabric slipped away and for the first time in my life I felt the sensation of having my breasts supported by the loving grip of a man's hands.

This man was a Prince of Ar'mora and I was a Princess without a home or a people who cared for me. In this moment it made sense to let this man claim me as his Queen as had he not fought for me? He had indeed and so I stood still beneath his touch.

I opened my eyes and felt a tremulous smile come to my lips as I beheld the most undeniably handsome man I'd ever seen, whether black, white, or brown holding my two breasts with his hands in a way that said he was far more than just pleased. His eyes glanced to mine and somewhat choked sounding he said, "You're beautiful!"

I took a deep breath and leaning forward I allowed my breasts to swell into his hands even more. The look of shocked delight on his face was sweet and I asked, "What is your name Prince?"

His glance rose to me as one eyebrow arched up slightly, "I don't quite care for how you asked that. May-be you could try again." He said with a smile, but his grip tightened ever so slightly upon my chest and biting my tongue I asked in a softer tone, "What's your name?"

"Torin." He responded with obligingly.

Arching my back and pushing my breasts into his grasp even more, I asked, as I shook my wrists stretched up above my head, "Could you let me down please?"

Smiling, he kissed me and thinking became a bit fuzzy then as he extended the kiss until as he broke contact my own lips tried to follow him. Opening my eyes with frustration I was just in time to hear him succinctly say, "No."

Before I could object I found myself gasping instead as his wet mouth closed over one breast in a sucking clasp of its tender nipple. I blinked as his tongue began to press and play upon my nipple exploratively.

Biting my lip again, I tried to whether the extreme sensations he was invoking even as his hands slid down my sides to slip into the waistband of my skirt only to rip it wider so that with the release of his clasp it fell to the floor leaving me naked, except for the many golden bobbles that I was adorned with. I blinked and gasped out loud as his mouth's attentions transferred to my other turgidly tipped mound of aching delight.

I pressed myself back and writhed my bare bottom against the pillar's smoothness as the reality that this Ar'morian Prince intended to take me for the first time up against a pillar within my own room. There was nothing I could really do about it and yet I found myself at a loss to want to stop it.

I closed my eyes as his tongue aggressively licked my one nipple and the soft skin of my breast, even as his hands swept around me to grasp the cheeks of my bottom and stretch them apart with an intimacy of touch I had never experienced by a man upon my body before. In retrospect, there was nothing I really wanted other than to be where I was right now.

This man was no demon or filthy temple priest. No, he'd rescued me from something far worse than both and right now I was very glad to be back within my own room pressed up against one of my own pillars as he dis-covered all the secrets of my body with gentleness.

I gave up trying to stand and partially allowed myself to hang from my wrists as I felt one of his big fingers come up between my silken black thighs and press into the pink open heart of my womanhood. His questing finger found the tightness of my virginity, even as I moaned at the sensation of having a man's hand upon me and now even within me.

"Torin?" I breathed out passionately.

His lips left my breast as he straightened up before me, but his finger remained within me and was a cause for difficulty in speaking what I felt needed to be said, "I've never been with a man and I... I need to know something."

"And what is that Haquara?"

"Is all this just you using me for pleasure in the here and now or are you serious about me being your wife from this day forward?" I said, as I gazed into his eyes, even as his finger came to a standstill within me.

"Haquara this is for forever. You're my woman and my words were true in saying that I take you for my wife. Beyond this room and the here and now I will tell you this. Things are going to change. My people who have been slaves here are going free and your people are going to let them do so or they will reap the consequences. Tonight I claim you as my bride and tomorrow I will make an audience before your father the King. He will resist, but in the end he will let my people go, but in regards to you I will never let you go!"

There was the noise of something falling and looking down I witnessed that it had been his pants. His shaft now free of containment hung impressively erect before him and I couldn't help but feel unease at the thickness of his shaft.

It was well known that the men of my people were large when it came to their manhoods, but gazing now upon this white man's shaft I had to reflect, as I drug my tongue across suddenly dry lips, that there was simply nothing small about this man. My eyes rose to his even as he stepped close enough to let his shaft full of seed about to explode wet the skin of my belly.

I shook my arms beckoningly and to my surprise, he reached up and unhooked the chain. Gripping the golden chain with both hands before me he pulled with passion and the soft gold links pulled apart.

He let go of the chains and raising my hands, I let them grip down over his shoulders even as I hoisted myself further up the pillar aided by the grip of his hands. My breasts were now mashed up against his chest even as his hands gripped a hold of the halves of my bottom tightly.

I raised my legs and folded them together over his tight rear even as the pressure of his body against mine held me in place against the pillar. The tip of his shaft felt huge as it nuzzled among the folds of my woman-hood and gazing into this man's face, who held me suspended above the ground, I breathily said, "Everything you've said sounds good. I accept you as my husband."

His impassioned face quirked slightly into a smile as he said, "Well, that is good to know Princess. Hold on to me."

Nodding, I clamped my thighs around him even as with a gasp of pain escaping my lips, he surged the thick length of his shaft upward into me. He continued to press forward until his shaft was fully to the hilt within me, even as it had torn through my virginity with relative ease.

For a moment, then I fought him as his plunging shaft began to pillage my insides with passionate thrust after thrust of his hips into me that left me feeling beyond overwhelmed. He didn't stop though and there was nothing I could do to escape the plunging hardness of him as I literally hung suspended up against the pillar at his mercy.

As time went on though it really wasn't all that painful. Overwhelming yes!

Crying out as a foreign feeling took place in my body I then screamed as an indescribable pleasure shot through the core of my being to cause me to grip tightly about my husband's shaft. One of his hands left from the support of the back of my thigh, leaving me even more suspended upon his shaft as the unknown waves of delight, so extreme they seemed painful rocketed through my body from the place he'd claimed as his.

Crying out in hysteria of emotion and foreign pleasure never before known to me, I felt myself shiver around his shaft as his big hand freed from the support of me closed down over my bare shoulder and pressed down with a forceful pressure that drove him even deeper up into me. My mouth falling open I cried out in a mixture of both expectation and alarm as I felt the heated thick-ness of his shaft withdraw most of the way out of me even as I felt the muscles of his buttocks bunch power-fully against the skin of my calves clamped tightly over his rear.

My body shaking in suspension and overcome with desire I admitted my need for him and begged, "Please!"

My eyes opened and stared into his as with shivery alarm I felt his second hand leave from its support of me. My bottom sank lower and as it did I was rooted once more onto his shaft, but not all the way and certainly not as deep as I wanted him and yet gazing into the fire of his eyes as his other hand came up to press down on my shoulder I despaired of being able to survive what was coming next.

Teeth gritted he passionately ground out in a timber a voice that made me shiver, "You're mine!"

I stared full on into his intense gaze as hanging fully suspended upon his shaft I felt his buttocks bunch and snap even as his hips drove forward and up. There was nowhere for my virgin sheath to escape to as with a white knuckled grip upon my shoulders, he held me solidly in place as his shaft went so deep it made me scream with discomfort and yet somehow it made me feel the highest intensity of pleasure that I had so far.

He held still locked within my depths as I shook with the force of his penetration into me and then it was as if a fountain went off in me. A fountain of his seed.

Despite the discomfort of his violence upon me, I felt myself once more engulfed in the grip of an orgasmic wave that left me screaming and saying unintelligible things as I hugged my conqueror's head to me, as his breath bellowed out as loud as a bull's, as he held still and delivered his seed deep into me. He had filled me to the deepest degree imaginable and with an exhaustive sigh, I slumped my head forward against his shoulder as the grip of orgasm released away from me, even as his own came to a full climax.

His hands left their bruising pressure on my shoulders. One swept down to once more help support me as the other swept around my head and hugged me to him tight-ly.

Not sure why, but feeling the answering pull of emotion I felt evoked by him my arms encircled around him tightly. His shaft slid free of me even as he swept my legs up with his arm to hold me against him.

With my face pressed up against him I could feel the intense throb of his heartbeat as his body shook to the thunderous pound of it. Feeling completely complacent, I conformed myself to this man as I breathed out my own rapid memory of all that had just occurred.

He moved away from the pillar with me cradled in his arms. Opening my eyes, I glanced over his muscled shoulder at the place that marked my transition from that of a Princess to this man's Queen.

The evidence of his possession was clear as with a slightly heady thrill I took in the sight of my virgin blood stained upon the pillar of my room along with the wet stain of my man's excessive amount of seed that I even now felt slipping from me in an erotic declaration of having well and truly been claimed.

He was laying me down and I let go of him as the soft perfumed covers of my bed touched conformingly against my bare skin. Straightening up my man stared down at me with an intensity of emotion that was alluring to behold.

This had been no simple orgasmic relief for this man. I could see that all too clearly written across his face.

What had just happened between us, though rooted in the physical had gone much deeper in terms of significance for him. He was clearly emotional in the face and I didn't think any the less of him for it.

Instead, I felt almost warmed up from within with a feeling of closeness that I had never had with a man before. I smiled and patted the bed beside me.

He glanced away and I saw his gaze take in the pillar that he had conquered me up against. His jaw moved and he looked hard pressed for words, but he wasn't the type to step away from words needing to be said, that much I could see.

He had humility, which was something many of the men of my people had been without for over a thousand years it seemed. I lifted my hand up and grasped a hold of one of his and his gaze came back to me.

Softly I spoke meaning everything of what I said, "I know you won't be that hard upon me every time. I do hurt inside, but it's a good hurt. I'm glad it was you."

Then, feeling completely overwhelmed at the enormity of how different this night had gone from what it could of been like I said as tears came streaming out of my eyes, "Thank you for saving me! You don't know what you saved me from. I know you're a good man. I saw that this morning when I warned you. I'm glad you came. You're a stranger to me, but I know you care and I... I'll be your wife in every way. I promise that I will. That said, it might not be for long though if you really intend on appearing before my father tomorrow."