Claiming Bella Ch. 01

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Curvy Bella catches the eye of two hot Doms.
7.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/27/2017
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Hello Lovely Literotica Readers!

I'm so happy to finally be able to put this story back on here! I had a disagreement with the direction the publisher wanted to take my story so I waited out the five years to get the rights to Claiming Bella back. So, here it is again, my gift to you! Please enjoy!

Lots of Love,



Isabella Sophia Maria Morelli sat at the bar of The Whip and Dagger, the upscale new BDSM club, and wondered what the hell she was doing there.

"Fucking Jess," she muttered. That girl can talk me into anything, Bella thought to herself. Five minutes after arriving Jess has taken off with some hot stud of a Dom and left Bella alone. And very uncomfortable. Not that she was uncomfortable with the whole BDSM scene, per say, just uncomfortable being in a dungeon by herself. Being a larger woman, Bella felt like she stood out and not in a good way. Watching all the skinny little subs walking around naked or in little leather outfits was enough to make her want to crawl under the table.

Usually Bella had no problem with her very plus size figure. She definitely wasn't what you see in a "plus size" model. She was just the other side of fat. Bella had struggled all her life with her weight and had learned to accept herself for what she was, until recently, and being the only large girl in the club definitely had her squirming for all the wrong reasons. She sipped her sparkling water, seriously wishing they served alcohol in this place, again wondering what the fuck she was doing here and remembering the conversation with Jess that led to this moment.

"Come on," Jess pleaded, "you know you're interested in the lifestyle. And I don't want to go alone. It's an awesome place, so fun, I promise you'll love it!"

"Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll love being the biggest girl in the place!"

"Don't be that way Bella!" Jess scolded. "You are beautiful and hot. I'm sure there will be other big girls there. And I promise I won't leave you! And I know you want to learn about the lifestyle, in person and not just in books."

And Bella, unable to deny Jess anything, grudgingly agreed. Besides, she'd been feeling very unsatisfied lately. Always a lover of erotica, she'd started reading stories involving the BDSM lifestyle and had felt an instant and powerful pull toward the submissive side. It always made her horny and wet at the thought of someone else having control for a while.

Bella was a small business owner, running a floral boutique in downtown Portland and was in charge of every little decision made for the business. She'd also just come out of a long relationship with a man who couldn't take care of anything by himself! He couldn't pay a bill, go shopping, clean the house or get dressed, it seemed, without her telling him to do it! Letting go of the reigns for a while had great appeal, as did the thought of a hot man spanking her ass.

Upon arriving at the club Jess has immediately been cornered by a very built and shirtless Dom. She'd smiled a little smile of apology at Bella and, with a little wave, had been gone. Bella sighed, not really surprised. Jess meant well but she was flighty and needed a Dom for completely different reasons, like to keep her life in order. The girl was a mess without direction, another job Bella had taken on. So Bella had taken a tour of the club, surprised by some things she'd seen, aroused by others.

She'd particularly enjoyed the public display at the St. Andrew's cross. A pretty redhead with a curvy body and very luscious ass had been strapped wrist and ankle to it, backside out. The Dom with her, wearing nothing except some very hot tattoos and a pair of leather pants which showed his assets very well, had stood behind her with a good sized flogger. He was lashing her repeatedly on the back, ass and thighs. Every so often he would lean in and whisper to her, giving her back or ass a soothing rub or squeeze. For her part, the redhead seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself, from the look of her juices running down her thigh, whimpering in pleasure. With every lash of the whip Bella felt herself getting wetter, wishing she'd worn panties, afraid she'd soon have juices running down her own thighs.

Bella had gone sans panties on a whim. I'm going to be naughty and daring, she'd thought. She'd worn a light flowy skirt that ended just above her knees and a low cut tank that showed off her very large breasts to their fullest. Not exactly fetish wear but it was the sexiest thing she owned, not being in the habit of trying to look sexy, considering her size. She had made sure her black hair, cut in an a-line style to chin length, looked board straight and shiny, just the way she liked it. Her ivory skin was flawless and her make-up perfectly accented her bottle green eyes. Bella knew she was beautiful, just fat, and let's face it, she'd told herself while getting ready, fat doesn't cut it in a supermodel world. Even though big girls outnumbered skinny girls in America!

Bella was about midway back in the crowd when the Dom looked up- and seemingly straight at her! Her breath caught in her throat at how incredibly hot he was! He had such startlingly blue eyes, she was mesmerized. His dark brown hair was longish, just past his ears and swept off his face, accenting his perfect cheekbones. Bella did a quick look behind her thinking he must be looking at someone else, but when she looked back at the stage his eyes were still locked on her. She visibly caught her breath. His luscious lips cocked up in a crooked little half smile before he returned his attention to the pretty, curvy little redhead. Upon further examination Bella realized the gorgeous man had multiple piercings, a secret turn on for her. Both his nipples were pierced, as well as his eyebrow and the middle of his bottom lip.

"Holy hotness," Bella muttered. Her nipples got instantly hard and she felt a fresh gush from her cunt. Fanning herself with her hand Bella turned away from the display and wandered around the rest of The Whip and Dagger. There were several public exhibitions going on. Some turned her on, a lot, others not so much. But what she noticed most was that not a single man approached her. Oh well, she thought, that's men for you.

So here she was, sitting at the bar nursing a sparkling water, wishing it would magically transform itself into a margarita or some such alcohol based drink that might take her mind off her sense of rejection. Her spirits were momentarily lifted when an Adele song came on the sound system at the bar. She loved Adele, a larger woman who was beautiful and talented and seemed to have no problem with her size. To be honest with herself, she really hadn't had a problem with her self-image until her recent break-up with her leech of an ex. Thinking back on that day six months ago made her inwardly cringe.

"Kyle, I'm done," she'd told her live-in lover of over a year. "I'm tired of supporting you. I'm tired of picking up after you. I'm just plain tired!"

"Come on babe," Kyle had whined. When he saw that the whining was having the opposite affect that he intended, he changed tactics. Smiling at her, he said, "You know I love you. I've been looking for a job...really. It's just so hard," he said slipping back into the whining again.

"No, I don't think you are trying," Bella told him, "at anything. I'm sick of being more your mother than your girlfriend."

This conversation went on in the same vein for nearly an hour before Bella snapped. "Just get the fuck out Kyle! I am beyond sick of you. I wanted to part amicably but you are making that impossible. So just get your shit and get out of my house for which I alone pay the mortgage as well as all the other bills!"

Kyle got a mean, snarly smile on his face. "Fine, you fat bitch," he sneered at Bella. "I was just about done with you anyways. I don't think I could manage to get my dick up for you anymore if you paid me... oh wait, you pretty much are paying me." When Bella gasped, he just laughed a cruel little snicker. "What? You think I was with you because you were so hot? Get real bitch. I've had someone else on the side for months. Someone who's hot and skinny, unlike you. You were just a paycheck."

Bella came back to the present when someone took the standing space next to the stool she was sitting on. Mentally shaking off those shattering memories, she glanced to her right and nearly fell off her stool when she saw it was the Dom from the St. Andrew's cross scene earlier. Holy hell, she thought, he's even hotter up close. She covertly looked at him from the corner of her eye, taking in the beautiful tribal tattoo work that covered his well-muscled chest and arms. Tattoos were a love of Bella's and just looking at his made her sure she was leaving a puddle on the bar stool.

When Bella glanced up at his face again, she found, to her surprise, that he was smiling down at her. Even with her being on a tall bar stool he towered over her. He must be 6'3" at least! Hot, hot, hot! Don't get too excited, she reminded herself, no one that looks like that is going to be interested in someone that looks like you. Turning forward again, Bella took another sip of her water.

The man standing next to her ordered a sparkling water with lime from the bartender. He silently stood there drinking his water. When Bella could take the tension of his presence no longer, she snuck another glance at him.

His eyes were still on her, and when they caught her peeking he said, "Hello."

"Hi," Bella answered softly, partially due to shyness, partially to arousal.

"My name is Aidan," he told her. God, even his voice, deep and dark with sexual promise, was sexy as hell! "What do you think of the place?"

Not quite meeting his eyes, Bella told him, "Interesting."

"I noticed you at my scene with Lexi earlier."

Bella blushed, her cheeks aflame. "Yes," she said, taking a quick sip of her water, "she's very beautiful. She seemed to be enjoying herself. Is she your sub?" Bella asked, quickly regretting it, wanting to take the question back immediately. "Sorry, none of my business," she quickly muttered.

Aidan laughed. "It's quite alright; curiosity is to be expected in a newbie. She's not my sub; I was just scening with her as a favor to my friend Eli. He's my business partner."

This made Bella snap her gaze to his, "Oh. What makes you think I'm new to this?"

"Baby girl, you have newbie written all over you," he told her. "Besides, you came in her unprotected, which screams new. Most women as beautiful as you wouldn't come to a dungeon without the protection of a Dom."

Bella's back stiffened instantly. Beautiful? What kind of game was he playing? Embarrassment instantly turned into anger. Bella had always had a problem with her temper when she was embarrassed.

"Funny," she said with as much sarcasm as she could put into her voice. "What? Do you get off on being mean to fat girls? Like I'm going to believe a man like you would think I was beautiful!"

A look of surprise crossed Aidan's face, feigned Bella was sure. "You don't think I could find you beautiful? Why?" he asked in a seemingly confused voice.

"Oh, I've had my fair share of experience with men like you," Bella sneered at him, "playing your mean little games with the fat girl. Want to see me cry when you start laughing at my expense at your little joke? Tough." Turning to get off the bar stool, she said, "I'm out of here!"

Aidan grabbed her by the arm, not painfully, but firmly, and spun her back around to face him. He looked slightly angry now. "Baby girl, some man has done a number on you. Regardless, don't think to assume anything about me. You don't know me."

"No," she replied, "but I know your type and your type doesn't go for my type. Not without an ulterior motive."

"And that motive can't be that I think you're hot?"

"Not in my world."

Aidan pulled her in and leaned down until they were nose to nose. "Then you've been living in the wrong world, baby, because I want nothing more than to tie you up and get between those soft thighs of yours and fuck you all night, in every possible way I can think of," he said in that low, sexy voice of his. Bella felt her womb clench at the powerful arousal his words caused. Still, knowing she was being fucked with pissed her off.

"You and your games can fuck off," she said, and jerking her arm out of her grasp stalked off.

Great, she thought, now I have to find Jess before I can get out of here. Bella began wandering around the club, through various public scene rooms, looking for Jess, to no avail.

"Fuck," she exclaimed and she wound her way back to the bar room. Glancing across the room she saw Aidan speaking to an equally hot blonde man. The man was nearly as tall, though somewhat slimmer, and was dressed similarly, though in jeans and not leathers, but still shirtless. They seemed to be having an intense conversation. Bella turned to leave again, hoping to avoid another confrontation with Aidan. Unfortunately, Aidan chose that moment to look up, and he caught her eye. She was amazed at the heat she saw reflected there, presumably from anger. Turning quickly she hurried from the room and turned down a hallway she hadn't noticed before. This hallway was dim and lined with numerous, numbered doors.

Shit, she thought, these must be the private rooms Jess was telling me about. She knew from her conversation with Jess before coming to the club that there were various private rooms kept by members, or that could be rented for the evening. She also knew that they were all monitored by video for the protection of those who entered into them. If Jess was in one of these rooms she was shit out of luck.

Fuck it, she thought, Jess is on her own. I'm out of here. Just as she was about to turn another corner into another hallway to find an exit, she was grabbed from behind. An arm looped around her waist and a hand was placed over her mouth, stifling her instinctive scream. With seeming effortless ease, Bella was lifted off her feet and carried backwards into the room directly to her left.

As soon as they were fully in the room, the door shut behind them. Bella was released and she spun around to face the man had just abducted her. She gasped in indignation and felt fury rise in her when she saw none other than Aidan and the gorgeous blonde he'd been talking to minutes earlier in the bar.

Seeing her anger rise, Aidan gave her a crooked little smile. "Scream all you want," he told her, "the rooms are soundproof."

"What are you doing?" Bella yelled at him, starting to shake inside from fear. "Is this because I wouldn't go along with you little game of 'humiliate the fat girl' in the bar? I'm going to scream. I know these rooms are monitored!"

"Pretty, pretty Bella. So disillusioned about herself. You can do whatever you want. You won't get out of here without the code," he said gesturing to the keypad, "and considering I own the club with my good friend Eli here, there is no video camera in here. We like our privacy."

Bella glanced at the man he'd called Eli. Dark blonde hair set off his deep chocolate brown eyes. He was looking at her with what could only be described as lust, a sexy little smile on his face. Bella felt an instant rush of heat to her pussy and total confusion. What the hell was going on? There was no way these two super sexy men wanted her!

"Yes, princess, there is," Eli said to her, his voice just as sexy as Aidan's and his eyes heavy lidded with desire. Bella realized she had spoken aloud. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"Just let me out of here," she pleaded. "I need to go home. My friend knows I'm here, she'll miss me. "

"Baby girl, you need a lot of things, but going home tonight isn't one of them. And Jess knows where you are. She's not worried," Aidan told her as he advanced on her, causing her to back up. When Bella's back hit the wall, her eyes darted around in a panic, looking for a way of escape. "Give it up, Bella, you aren't going anywhere," he whispered softly in her ear as he pressed full length against her, his hands on either side of her head, caging her in. When Aidan's chest rubbed against hers, her nipples involuntarily hardened to rigid nubs, hard enough to poke through her pretty lace bra and stab him in the chest. When he rubbed against her, Bella bit her bottom lip to keep from whimpering at how good it felt.

"God, you are so responsive. We can't wait to play with you," he groaned against her ear, nipping the lobe firmly before tonguing away the little sting.

Bella moaned at the little sting before she comprehended his words. "What do you mean 'we'?" she demanded, trying to sound outraged but only managing to sound breathless.

"Eli and I always share, baby girl, and he can't wait to get ahold of your hot, lush ass. Right, Eli?"

"Right," Eli responded and Bella jumped, having not heard him come up to stand right next to them, leaning his shoulder against the wall not even a foot from them. She glanced over and looked Eli in the eyes. There was no mistaking the lust in his eyes, nor Aidan's huge hard-on doing its best to bust out of his leathers onto her stomach.

Bella swallowed audibly. "You guys aren't fucking with me?"

"Oh baby, we are definitely going to do a lot of fucking with you, to you, next to you." Eli told her. "But are we serious? Oh yeah. Though, to be fair, you need to know we like to be in charge. No arguments, no discussions. Can you be a good little sub? If you can, you won't regret it." With that sexually charged statement, Eli leaned in and licked the seam of Bella's lips. Before she could respond, he pulled back, waiting for her answer.

Bella's glance darted back to Aidan, questioning. "We won't hurt you, any more than I think you want. Only enough to heighten you pleasure. You'll have a safeword, though, just for your comfort. How about asparagus? That's not likely to be a word inadvertently screamed out during play," he told her with a crooked smile.

"Oh, baby, you should see your eyes right now," Eli teased. "So big. Are you scared?"

"Ye-," Bella had to clear her throat before starting again. "Yes. Afraid you aren't real, aren't serious. Why me, out of all the beautiful women here?"

Aidan firmly, but gently, grabbed her chin and looked her in her eyes. "I already told you, you are beautiful."

"Okay, why not pick one of the skinny little supermodels out there, like the girl you had on the cross earlier?"

"Because we don't like skinny? You find that so hard to believe." It was not a question. "Clearly some man has done something to ruin your self-image. Let us fix it for you."

She looked to Eli. He tapped the end of her nose playfully with his finger. "We like a soft, round, curvy woman. Who wants to be poked with bony hips or sharp ribs? Not us. You are perfect for us. So, do you want to play?"

Bella took a deep breath and made the leap. "Yes," she breathed out.

"Good," Aidan said. "What is your safe word?"

"Asparagus," she replied, with a little nervous giggle.

Aidan stepped back. "Let's get started." Bella instantly felt a loss of confidence with the absence of his body pressed against her.

"Uh-huh," Eli said, sensing her panic, "no going back. Now undress, please."

Bella panicked. "Right here, just like that? No way." Bella was practically hyperventilating with nervousness.

"Calm down baby. Can you really doubt, considering the state of our cocks, how bad we want to see you naked?" Bella shook her head, but whether she was answering him or denying him, she wasn't quite sure. "Ok, how about we dim the lights a little?" he addressed Aidan. Without a word, Aidan walked over to a panel on the wall and dimmed the lights to half their former brightness. "Now you promised to do what we said with no arguments. That was your one freebie. Any other disobedience will be met with punishment. Understand?"