Claiming Emily


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Emily took the blanket from him and tried to wipe away his semen and her juices the best that she could before pulling the bottom of her bodysuit back down and fastening the snaps closed over her well-fucked pussy, their combined fluids still trickling out of her. She worked the top half back up, slipping her arms through the cap sleeves as she tugged the tight material up over her swollen breasts, her nipples still sore from his mouth and teeth. She brushed her sweaty hair away from her face with a trembling hand, fighting back the mixed feelings inside her. She had just fucked her uncle, which was the most taboo thing that she could do, but they had also gotten caught by his co-workers that reported directly to her father. There was no way that either of those two blabbermouths was going to be keeping this quiet. She looked over at her uncle beside her, his tense face only looking that much angrier by the flashing red and white strobes. "Spencer?" she asked, not really knowing what she was asking but hoping he still had the answer for whatever it was.

"Stay here, baby. I'll be right back," Spencer said, leaning over and pressing a kiss to her bruised lips. "Everything is going to be okay." He smiled when she nodded her head and he kissed her again, pressing a kiss to her lips and one to her forehead. "Don't worry, Em, I've always taken care of you," he whispered, reassuring her that she had nothing to fear. He moved away from her and opened the back door, hopping out into the pouring rain and twelve inches of muddy water that was covering the road. He shut the door behind him, leaving Emily in the privacy of the truck; she had already been over-exposed in more ways than one. His gaze instantly fell on Kevin who was sitting on the fallen tree, his arms crossed over his chest, the pouring rain running off of his bright yellow reflective-striped slicker, and then on Collin who was at a safe distance away retrieving the chainsaw from the back of the rescue truck where the extraction equipment was stored. He clenched his teeth when he saw Kevin push his baseball cap an inch back on his head, a smug smile on his face.

"Always bet on the long shot," Kevin said, "you might just come out a win-" He never got a chance to finish his boast because Spencer's fist connected sharply with his jaw in a powerful testosterone-infused right hook that sent him backwards off the log to splash into the muddy water. He sat up; his head reeling from the sucker punch he rightfully deserved, and gingerly touched his jaw, pushing away Collin who had run to his side to help him back up on his feet. He looked up at his superior who glared down at him in contempt. He had put all of his money on Spencer to fuck his own niece; he just never figured that it would actually happen. In the very least, they would have just taken all of the money that he collected for the bet and have pizza and beer. Now he had to buy all the guys' dinner with the money, which would be sometime after he regained his ability to chew because his jaw was definitely fractured. He got to his feet and stood next to Collin.

Spencer looked at both of the men standing on the other side of the fallen tree. He had hit the smug look off of one face, the other one was just too flabbergasted over what he had seen to even utter one single word, and they had both seen a lot. It was a small town, and if word got out, it spread like wildfire, and the only way he could contain it was with these two. "If either of you so much as breathe a word about what you saw to anyone, I mean anyone, I will break more than just your jaws. Do I make myself clear?" When both of them nodded in agreement, Spencer said, "Good. Now get this tree out of the way so I can get the fuck out of here." He turned around on his heel and splashed back through the muddy water to his truck, looking up to see that Emily was in the front seat, staring at him through the windshield she had wiped free of condensation.

He opened the driver's side door and climbed up into the cab, pulling the door shut behind him. He turned the key in the ignition to start warming the truck back up, shutting off the flashlight and stowing it in the compartment between the seats. He looked over at Emily. She had her poodle skirt back on and was bundled up in her coat. Her face was still flushed from orgasm and her auburn hair was damp with sweat, a loose tendril clinging to her cheek, and she couldn't look more beautiful to him. He looked back out the window as Collin started up the chainsaw to cut the fallen tree into manageable pieces to be rolled off to the side of the road. He clenched and unclenched his fingers, his knuckles hurt and they were going to be swollen and bruised by morning but not as bad as Kevin's face. He made his intentions perfectly clear to both of them and he hoped that neither of them said a word, he knew Kevin wouldn't because then he would have to explain how he got a bruised and broken jaw. "They won't be saying anything to anyone about tonight."

"But did you have to hit Kevin?" she asked, looking over at her uncle with wide blue eyes. Granted, the fact that he still wasn't thinking clearly after their taboo tryst but he didn't have to resort to violence to get his point across. Unless, there was something else that fueled his rage and she wasn't about to ask. She couldn't hear the conversation that transpired between them over the rain that pounded down on the roof of the truck, but for Spencer to hit one of his subordinates, it couldn't have been good. She bet it had everything to do with her and from the look she was receiving from her uncle, she knew he had come to her defense, protecting her like he always did. She pulled her coat tighter around her and settled back into her seat, watching though the windshield as Kevin rolled the first two one-foot thick pieces of the tree to the side of the road, slowly clearing a path for them. "This shouldn't have happened," she said, softly.

"But it did," Spencer said, shifting the truck into gear and driving through the cleared section of road once the tree was out of the way, heading back towards the high school. They were still ten miles from town and it was going to be a long drive in the pouring rain, the headlights reflecting off the reflectors along the side of the road, marking where the edge was. He kept the truck well below the posted speed limit, trying to concentrate on the treacherous drive, the mucky water a foot deeper than what it was when he drove down the road earlier. He looked over at her in the passenger's seat; she had her jacket pulled tight around her and her arms crossed over her chest, her bare thighs pressed close together under her pink skirt. She was right, it never should have happened, but it had and he didn't regret one moment of it. He drew in a deep breath and slowly let it back out. She needed to hear the whole truth about that night and no one else was ever going to tell her, mainly because no one else knew but him and the other roommate who had long since moved out of town. "I never got to finish telling you the rest of the story," he said, turning his attention back to the road.

Emily looked over at him in the darkness, the glow from the console the only light around for miles. She couldn't see the expression on his face; just barely make out his features. She reached up and brushed her hair away from her face as she looked back out the windshield as the wipers tried to keep up with the heavy non-stop drops of rain. "Do I really need to hear it," she asked.

"Yes, you do," Spencer said. He swallowed hard, pushing the lump of fear back down into his chest, not really sure how she was going to handle the truth. But she was an adult now and needed to know and he needed to finally tell her. "I left both of them there in the same bed, sneaking out and driving home. I never really thought anymore about that night, it was pretty wild, the first time I had ever done anything like that, fucked two women at the same time. But I was nineteen and stupid, but smart enough to keep my mouth shut. I never told anyone about that night, not even Danny. And it wasn't until the family party we were having at home on New Year's Eve that the truth was about to come back and hit me in the face. Autumn told Danny that she was pregnant and she had this look of sheer panic on her face. He had his suspicions that she had cheated on him while they were engaged, he just never knew with whom, but I did, and the baby wasn't his. He said he still loved her and that he would raise the baby, he didn't care who the father was, so she never told him. I don't think she could take the guilt anymore, seeing me almost every day, knowing that I was the one that had gotten her pregnant and that she could never tell Danny that she had fucked his own brother. She started drinking more and more to dull the pain but it wasn't enough. She was intoxicated when she drove her car into the reservoir, drowning instantly."

Emily sat there in the darkness, the sound of the pouring rain pounding down on the roof of the truck, the whoosh of the wipers and the rumble of the engine the only noise between them. She let his words slowly sink in, her thoughts muddled as she tried to wrap her head around everything that he had just told her. He had always taken care of her, always looked out for her and for the past eighteen years, she had been calling the wrong man "daddy", when in fact it was Spencer that was her father, not Danny, her father that had fucked her mother that Halloween night, fucked her this Halloween night, and had no qualms about either time. She looked over at him in the dim interior of the truck's cab, his face illuminated by the lights on the console. His jaw was clenched, his gaze focused on the road, waiting for her to say something, to go ballistic on him. But how could she, she had been an equal participant in this, and if she had known the truth, would she had pushed him away? Probably not. She wanted him physically as much as he wanted her, only he knew what they were doing was only slightly more taboo that what she had believed, and she didn't push him away, either. She was just as guilty as he was, and they both had to live with the consequences and the stigma attached to this night. "This really changes our relationship now," she whispered.

Spencer let out the breath he didn't know he had been holding as he crossed the city limit line, slowly the truck down to the posted speed, the headlights illuminating the blackness of the night through the pouring rain. He looked over at her in the dim interior of the truck, a smile slowly coming to his face. She wasn't the least bit upset; after all, she was just as guilty as he was. "Oh, baby, it sure does," he said, reaching over to touch the side of her face. "I've wanted to tell you the truth for years but I didn't know how, didn't know when the right time was. What we did tonight was wrong, so very wrong, but I did nothing to stop it and frankly, I didn't want to. You're my daughter, I love you, I've always loved you and nothing is ever going to change that. And if this continues past tonight, it has to be our little secret, we can never tell anyone. But that is entirely up to you, whether we continue our special relationship."

She just sat there, looking over at him in the dim light as he drove through the darkness of the town, the blackout wiping out the power from one end to the other. She reached for his hand and gently clasped it in hers, holding it on the padded console that separated them. In one night, she had fucked her uncle, only to find out it was her father, learned the truth about her mother's death and she couldn't be more distraught and happy at the same time. She loved him, has always loved him, she just didn't know how much until now. She shifted in her seat, bracing her forearms on the center console, leaning closer to him, breathing in the musky scent that clung to his skin, leaning closer still till her face was inches from his. When he turned his head to look at her, she kissed him, a long, slow, deep kiss that was nowhere near daughterly and produced a groan from deep inside him, pretty much telling him that their taboo relationship was far from over, that she wanted it just as much as he did. She lifted her head and slowly smiled. "I love you too, Daddy. So, whose house am I going to live in now?"

"Mine, of course, that way I can fuck my baby girl any time I want to," Spencer said with a long, slow smile. He had been longing for the day that she would finally call him daddy and that day was finally here. He turned the truck up the hill towards the high school, turning down the road that ran in front of the school property. No emergency vehicles where parked outside, everyone that needed shelter was inside or already to higher ground, which meant Danny had already gone back to the stationhouse or home since his house sat on a hill. He drove past the school and headed towards his brother's house on the other side of town, once again trying to navigate the flooded streets.

When he reached the road that led up the hill to the housing complex, he stopped at the bottom and shifted the truck into park, looking up at the lone house that had a few lights on, the emergency generator supplying the place with power. He didn't want to face his brother just yet. He looked over at his daughter in the dim light of the interior of the truck and said, "Come here," even as he was already reaching over for her with his right hand, fisting his fingers into her hair, curling them against the back of her head as she unbuckled her seatbelt and moved closer to him. He kissed her long and hard, his tongue delving deep into her mouth, tasting her, groaning as she kissed him back, pulling her further across the console until she was once again on his lap, the front seat more confining as the steering wheel pressed into her back. His hand left her head to push her coat open, his hand sliding around her warm backside, urging her closer, swallowing her moan. He groaned, deepening the kiss, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth, fucking her with it, as he inched his hand under her skirt, cupping his hand around the heat and wetness of her well-fuck pussy, gently caressing her, needing to be inside her again, hearing her whimper as his fingers caressed her a little too hard. But he would have to wait for now, she was still sore. He lifted his mouth from hers and whispered, breathlessly, "I want to bend you over my lap and spank your luscious ass until it is red from my hand, fuck your hot little pussy hard from behind until you are clawing at the bedsheets and begging me to stop. I want to take my time, slowly fuck you until you cum so many times your body is weak and trembling. I want to lick your pussy and suck on your clit until you scream, I want to fuck your mouth with my cock, watch as you swallow all of my cum."

Emily smiled against his lips, moaning. She looked up into his brown eyes full of love and lust. She wanted all of that and then more. She didn't want to fuck anyone other than her dad for as long as possible, she wanted his cock and only his cock. She wanted to watch his face as she rode him, fucked herself up and down on that wonderfully thick cock that filled her so well. She didn't think she would ever tire of succumbing to his every wish and command. "I think I'm going to enjoy fucking my daddy," she whispered.

He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her lips and urged her back over into her own seat. "I only have one thing left to do," he said as he shifted the truck back into gear and drove up the road, pulling into the driveway of his brother's house. He hopped out into the standing water and ran around the front of the truck to open her door, helping her out of the high standing truck, taking hold of her hand as they ran for the cover of the walkway to the front door. The porch light came on and the door opened as they got closer and they both came face to face with Daniel and he quickly urged Emily inside out of the weather, looking up at his older brother who had been waiting for them for over two hours.

Spencer swallowed hard, saying the first seven of the hardest words that he was ever going to have to say to his brother. "Danny, we need to have a talk."

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hiddenagenda876hiddenagenda876about 2 months ago

Poor Danny. I would have preferred the uncle to have stayed the uncle and not have slept with the mom. Other than that, the story was perfect

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Very well done! I'd leave it there. Beautifully written. I assume you have many more stories to write, so enjoy the accolades, then move on. Writing is your gift to us. We will await your kindness.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
outstanding story telling

This superb story is worth several readings, and is an excellent followup to the author's previous story, The Reunion, which should be read before this one, just as the author suggests at the beginning of this story. Fresh, tingling, romantic, and well-written, Claiming Emily is a Five Stars story from start to finish.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

One of the best stories I've ever read on this website. The wording and pacing were perfect. Stayed up past my bedtime just to finish it. You are truly a very good story teller. Look forward to reading more of your work.

passerepassereover 4 years ago
Burning Hot

This was such an impeccably written, sensual story. I really enjoyed reading it, and I'm really excited to read more of your works!

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