Claire's Cousin Ch. 02


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It had been... simply incredible!

Leaning across to Claire's side of the bed I pulled a handful of tissues from the box that she always kept there and slowly cleaned myself up then, pulling the duvet up under my chin, listened in the darkness for any sign of her returning to our marital bed. I heard none -- and had expected none.

Satisfied, I fell into a rather troubled post-climactic sleep.


I was woken by the thumping beginning again, this time less frantically, building gradually to a long-lasting fast pulse against the wall and long, low muffled moans -- this time from two voices rather than just Claire's -- ending some time later in a gentle slow-down rather than a hard, fast climactic assault.

My sleepy brain pictured my wife, arms and legs wrapped around her lover in deep embrace as he inseminated her for a second time, this time sweetly and lovingly, his pulsing cock softening within her.

There was silence again. It took nearly half an hour for me to fall asleep, my troubled mind awash with so many images, but eventually I slept fitfully until...


Oh my God! Not again! Did that boy need no sleep?

The renewed 'thump thump' on the wall woke me for a second time, slower than the last but still insistent, permitting no sleep. Amazed at my their stamina, I listened carefully as he took her for at least the third time that night, slower and more gently than either of the previous two penetrations.

Try as I might, I couldn't hear Claire's voice at all. I pictured her lying on her back, exhausted, eyes dazed or closed, allowing Simon to have his way with her limp body without co-operation or resistance.

The thumping quickened and the sound of a single male voice in muffled ecstasy came through the wall followed by a silence that this time lasted until the early alarm woke me.


When I went downstairs early the next morning in my dressing gown, the house felt strangely silent but I knew the kids would wake soon. I quickly tidied up the last remnants of the previous night's meal and made myself tea, wondering what the scene in our guest room would look like if and when I saw it and going over the previous day's events in my mind.

I filled a large mug with the hot liquid, and sat at the kitchen table, sipping it slowly, trying to understand what had happened and how I felt.

Actually being in the house and listening to the real life sounds of my wife being fucked had been so, so different from just hearing about it over the phone or even seeing the aftermath as had happened the only other time she had strayed from the path of fidelity.

And knowing that it was all happening just the other side of a thin bedroom wall merely feet from my straining ears had been both incredibly arousing and unbearably painful at the same time.

Fear, jealousy, anger and massive arousal had all washed over me in waves as I listened to her sweet body being freely taken by this young man time and again, confirming me in my role of helpless cuckold.

I knew full well that the mother of my children, already pregnant by another man, was about to receive yet more of his sperm and that all I had to do to prevent it was get out of bed and walk no more than fifteen feet down the landing to where they lay.

And yet I was quite unable to move; paralysed; incapable of doing anything but lie and listen to my place as her lover being taken by a younger, stronger, more fertile man; a man she chose to possess her body last night rather than give herself to me, her husband.

And she was still in his bed, his sperm still in her body as I sat there, still unable to lift a finger to intervene.

I felt tears of jealousy and pain running down my cheeks while in bewildering contradiction a huge erection sprang through the folds of my gown. This combination of pain, pleasure, torment and unbelievable arousal was truly beyond understanding


It was seven o'clock when I pushed open the bedroom door and carried the tea tray into the guest room, placing it gently on the dresser. As I hoped, the scene of infidelity was clearly visible in the filtered light of the thin curtains.

The whole room reeked of recent sex and as I drew in a deep breath and closed my eyes, powerful memories of my tour of the house after Claire's first infidelity with Simon filled my head. I felt a strong stirring in my loins which I fought to ignore, but failed.

On the bed my naked wife was curled up with her knees raised around her distended belly as if to protect her unborn child. Her hair was fanned artistically across the pillow and over her sweet, contented face which was flushed pink and a little blotchy from her orgasms, as was her chest. Disappointingly, her breasts and vulva were hidden by the duvet so I turned my attention to her young lover who lay behind her.

Also naked, Simon's fit body looked even more impressive than it had in his polo shirt. His arms were thick and muscular, his belly a real six-pack, his buttocks tight and athletic. To my surprise, his flaccid cock looked no more impressive than my own but I knew, firstly from Claire and now from my own ears how well he could use it.

The sheets were badly rumpled and stained in several places. I would get to see these properly later when I washed them and found myself looking forward to the task.

Outside the door the kids were beginning to stir and it was time to wake the lovers, unsure how best to do this as Simon knew nothing of my complicity in their first affair and might well fear he had a homicidal Cuckold husband on his hands despite all Claire's reassurances.

"Good morning!" I hissed. "The kids are waking up..!"

Simon sat bolt upright in bed, a look of fear, even sheer terror on his face.

"Tim, I..."

"Shhh..." I raised my hand in what I hoped was a reassuring gesture. "It's OK. Don't worry. It's ok!

He seemed to relax a little but his eyes remained fixed on me as I approached my wife. She looked sweet but exhausted, lying on her side with the duvet almost artistically covering her modesty -- if she had any modesty left after last night.

"Claire...? Sweetheart? I whispered. She opened her eyes dreamily.

"No more Simon..." She slurred. "Please... I'm too tired and too sore..."

I could feel Simon's body tense up across the bed but it was obvious that she was in no state to be seen by our children so I reverted to Plan B.

"Ok, sweetheart. Never mind. I'll deal with the kids. You just rest."

I looked at Simon who had pulled the sheet up almost around his neck in a rather endearing demonstration of modesty. It made me realise that, however well developed his body might be, he really was still young and innocent and I understood how Claire really must have done the lion's share of the seduction five months ago.

"You rest too..." I said to him quietly. "Join me for breakfast when you're ready. Just make sure you look after Claire..."

"Of course." He still looked terrified. "Tim..." he began.

"Shhhh. Later... Go back to sleep." I told him.

Rising from the bed, I pulled the duvet over my wife's spent body and went downstairs where the kids were awake and taking advantage of their mother's absence by watching cartoons -- something Claire strongly disapproved of. I smiled and went into the kitchen to get their breakfast and do a bit of ironing.

Half an hour later our younger daughter joined me at the table.

"Where's mummy?" She asked, climbing onto a kitchen stool and grabbing a glass of orange juice.

"She's still in bed, Princess." I replied. "She's very tired today."

"She's not in her bed, I looked." She insisted.

"Perhaps she's gone to wake up Cousin Simon then." I said as casually as I could. "We were all up late last night."

"Uncle Simon was being very noisy. He woke me up twice." She scowled and I remembered that her room was the other side of the guest room from mine. Although the bed head was against our wall rather than hers, she would certainly have heard some of the moans and squeals if not the actual thumping of the bed.

"Perhaps he was having a bad dream. People do sometimes, don't they?"

"Uncle Simon's fun..." She continued, the subject of bedroom noises now apparently closed to my relief. "Last time he stayed we did all sorts of stuff and mummy was really happy. She likes him too. They held hands a lot and..." She leaned over and whispered. "I saw them kissing and cuddling in front of the TV!"

I tried to remain calm, thinking fast.

"Well, he's her cousin and cousins do kiss each other sometimes. You kiss your Uncles and Aunties, don't you?"

She thought for a moment.

"I suppose so. But mummy had taken off her shirt and he was..."

Hello you two!" I heard Claire's voice behind me and breathed a sigh of relief. "What are you up to?"

I turned to see my lovely wife wrapped in her kimono, standing in the doorway. She looked terrible but was clearly trying to put on a brave face. Her hair was messed up and tangled and her face bore small streaks of eye-liner and 'late night lines' that showed how little sleep she had enjoyed --something I could have vouched for too. She was naked beneath her robe and her nipples and pubic triangle were clearly visible through its thin material.

"Mummy!" Our little girl ran over and hugged her mother's leg tightly, her pretty little face close to Claire's groin. She sniffed a little, slightly puzzled then apparently made a connection between her mother's arrival and the likelihood of cartoons stopping because she quickly sloped off back to the TV room.

"How are you?" I asked, crossing over and hugging her tightly. She smelled overpoweringly of sex. I immediately felt aroused.

"Shattered!" She replied, resting her head on my shoulder as my arms went around her back. "He's got so much energy! I can't believe so few years between us make so much difference..."

"Well he is an athlete too..." I chided. "And you are nearly six months pregnant. That will have had an impact..." I kissed her salty forehead. "Was it... was it what you needed."

She looked up at me, her eyes soft and deep -- eyes I had fallen totally in love with so long ago and by which I was still just as smitten.

"It was lovely. Thank you so much, Darling. I don't know what else to say."

"It sounded as if you were enjoying yourself -- of at least he was!" I joked. She looked at me horrified.

"Did you listen to us? What could you hear?"

"I could hardly miss it, and by the way neither could our daughter!" I continued. "No actual words but lots of moans and banging sounds." I paused. "Three times, wasn't it?" I asked casually.

"Four..." She replied automatically then raised a hand to her mouth in horror at her indiscretion.

"Four!" I exclaimed. "No wonder you're both exhausted. Jesus! Four times!"

She blushed bright pink and nodded.

"Did he cum all four times?" She nodded bashfully again. "Wow!"

"Was... Was it good?" I added hesitantly. "As good as when this happened?" I stroked her bump.

"It was better this time, knowing you were ok about it all." She said softly, looking around to make sure none of the kids were nearby. "Sex with Simon is amazing..." She chuckled "As you probably heard, but one reason it's amazing is that I know you love me whatever he and I do."

Her words made me very happy, although something inside me still hurt.

"Do you feel any more content now?" I asked. She nodded. "About the baby too?"

"I am... I feel more... more complete now..." She thought a bit longer. "It's as if I just had to know how he felt about me, that he still cared... And he does, Tim. He really cares about me and the baby. I can carry it happily to full term now"

"You didn't let slip it's his baby, did you?"

"Of course not! But he's bound to be suspicious. He's not the brightest star in the sky but even he can do simple maths."

There was a brief silence.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"In the main bathroom, showering and shaving. He's very nervous about meeting you this morning." Her voice drifted away for a moment. "Tim...?" She asked. I could guess what was coming next.

"I'm going to have to see him again, you realise that?"

I smiled ruefully. "I thought you would. And it's ok with me as long as it's not too often, you're very discreet and you remember who you're married to afterwards, even if you do forget it sometimes when you're with him."

There were small tears in her eyes again as she looked at me.

"I do love you..."

A thought crossed my mind.

"Claire... You set me up again, didn't you?" She looked into my smiling face with an innocent expression. "I know you... You don't leave things to chance. You knew Simon was keen to visit before you even talked to me about it, didn't you?" She said nothing. "That's why you had his answer so quickly..."

Again all she did was smile sweetly at me and I knew I was right.

"Well now he's here you'd better make the most of the weekend. He's going home on Sunday afternoon. His train leaves at three and I have to be at the airport at four so you've got all day today, all night tonight and most of tomorrow. Do whatever you want to. Go out for the day, stay in bed all afternoon -- whatever you want. I'll take the kids somewhere they'll enjoy."

She smiled..."Thank you..."

"And you'd better get washed and dressed before our beloved son sees his mother naked!" I added, indicating her see-through robe that had fallen open while we talked, exposing her red, swollen, angry-looking vulva.

Claire quickly wrapped herself up and half ran to our bedroom. I heard the door closing quickly.

I busied myself with separating the kids from the TV and getting them around the kitchen table, the oldest sulking in her inimitable style. A few spoons of sugary cereal later (another treat their mother would not normally permit) the atmosphere was more jovial when Cousin Simon entered the room sheepishly, eyeing me carefully and dressed in tight jeans and a collarless pullover. He looked simply gorgeous, even I could tell that and the two girls began to simper in a nauseating manner that I'm sure their mother would have replicated if she had been there.

"Um... Morning Tim... um..." He mumbled. I felt sorry for him in a way. How do you greet a host whose wife you have just comprehensively fucked?

"Morning!" I replied cheerfully. "Any sign of Claire?"

"She's... um... She's gone back to bed. She's... tired..." He could barely look at me and looked pretty tired himself.

"That's ok. I was planning to take the kids out today..." I continued to cries of 'Daddy!' and Where? Where?' from the three kids. "So you've got the whole day to yourselves."

Simon looked as if Christmas had come twice. "You mean..."

"I mean you mustn't worry. It's all alright. I mean it's ALL alright, understand me?" I gave him a meaningful look. "Just make sure you look after, ok?"

Simon smiled and nodded.

"I promise!" He whispered and joined the kids for breakfast. They were immensely fond of him and were disappointed he couldn't come on our day out but were consoled by the promise of going out to dinner and watching a DVD with him that night.

As he left the kitchen to join his lover her whispered urgently.

"What about Nicky? She mustn't ever know..." his voice was agitated. Nicky must be the tall blonde girlfriend.

I smiled. "Relax, Simon. Discretion is one of the first things I learned about this... lifestyle. If you don't ever tell then we won't ever tell!"


After breakfast Simon rejoined Claire in the guest room for a rest -- a real one this time and I won myself Father of the Month award by taking the three monsters to the zoo, with burgers for lunch -- another item banned by Claire but while the cat's away...

We ate dinner together in the local TGI Friday's and talked of the day. The kids were over the moon having seen two elephants mating and kept embarrassing their mother terribly by asking awkward questions about her current pregnancy. I smiled inwardly.

Simon and Claire had spent most of the morning in bed, actually asleep before having lunch in a nearby deli and the afternoon at the movies. From the teenage looks they exchanged when they told us about it, I gathered that the cinema had been mostly empty and that a lot of heavy petting had gone on instead of watching.

After dinner and after watching a dreadful Disney DVD, Simon put the kids to bed leaving Claire and me alone in the lounge.

"How do you feel now?" I asked. "Are you in love with him now as well as in lust?"

Claire smiled. "I could easily have fallen for him, but although we had a really nice day, he's at his best in the bedroom."

Her reply pleased me.

"Speaking of which..." I began. "I'll sleep in the guest room tonight. You two can have the big double bed."

"Tim. I'm not sure..."

"This might be the last chance you get to spend time with the baby's father before it's born. Remember what a newborn does to your sex and social life?"

She thought a minute.

"Are you really sure?"

"Of course, as long as you don't go falling in love, ok?"

She threw her arms around me and kissed me full on the lips.

"It's you I love, Tim!" She said aloud, then whispered "Cuckold or no cuckold!" in my ear.

"Then try not to keep me awake this time!" I chided.

"As if!" She laughed. "I'm much too tired and sore!


As it turned out, she wasn't too tired or too sore and I passed another sleepless night listening to bedsprings, headboards and moans, my heart aching and my head spinning with the incredible blend of emotions that I had discovered.

But they were up in time for breakfast which we all ate together, Claire and Simon sitting pressed close to each other despite the kids' and my presence.

They took the three-and-a-half kids for a long walk before lunch while I re-packed for my trip. According to my oldest, they held hands most of the way and kissed when they thought no-one was looking.

When it was time for Simon to leave, I made the kids kiss him goodbye in the lounge and wave through the window, leaving him and Claire to bid their farewells privately in the hallway. They took some time and when she returned, there were tears in her eyes, her dress was rumpled around waist level and she was holding her baby bump with both hands.

She came up to me and we hugged tightly in silence for a long time, her face pressing into my chest as she murmured 'Thank you!' quietly over and over again. When we finally released each other she looked into my eyes and whispered 'I love you!' I kissed her salty lips.

I put another DVD on for the kids and she led me upstairs to our room where I undressed her quickly and eagerly, lowering her back on the bed and separating her unresisting legs. Her vulva was if anything even more red and puffy than the day before and although she had showered, she hadn't douched so the aroma of sex was powerful and there were still traces of Simon's semen on her panties and inside her body.

It took all my self-control not to ravish her violently on the spot but I settled for a brief but very gently and loving copulation, remembering vividly that only hours earlier Simon had looked down into the same sweet face, his cock precisely where mine was now and his semen where mine was about to fall.


When we came downstairs we played games in the lounge together as a family until it was time for me to leave. The kids loved the fun and I was pleased to see their mother positively glowing with contentment. I hadn't seen her so obviously happy for months.

When my taxi finally arrived for the airport, we all hugged and kissed in the front garden.

"See you Thursday..." I said to Claire. "Can you wait that long?"

"I'll have to, won't I?" She smiled. "Unless I get some help around the house! My child minder has just caught his train!"