Clara has Lost the Use of Her Hands Ch. 02


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"Stop, it's time to finger me," and then to my surprise, she added, "Like you did to my Mother."

Watching me do that to Clara had obviously excited her, and her talking about it now, was making my cock even harder.

Her Mother had got three fingers, so I gave her the same. And I didn't stop until they were deep up her tight pussy. It took her breath away, so I gave her a few seconds to recover before I started fucking her with them.

My fingers were now moving fast, and she was moaning loudly. She'd opened the door by mentioning Clara, and that was too good an opportunity to ignore, so I was going to go through it!

"Your Mother enjoyed this."

That got a loud gasp from her. And I was going to say more.

"Next time I'm going to empty my balls into her mouth, and she's going to swallow all of it."

"Yes, pour it down her throat."

I couldn't top that, so I wasn't going to say anything else. The time for talking was over, it was now time to ram my big cock deep up her little pussy.

As soon as I was in her, we were fucking. She was on her back, and I'd pushed her legs up. They were almost over her shoulders. She was getting long strokes that were going deep into her, and they always ended with me grunting and her groaning.

"Fuck me harder, I'm almost there."

I did, and it worked. She was now in it. Two more strokes and I joined her. Shortly after pulling out of her, she was asleep and snoring loudly. I was tired as well, and it wasn't long before I felt myself drifting off.

When I woke, Tina was already up, and on her way to work. She had an important meeting at eight thirty and she didn't want to be late for it. And the rest of her day was going to be filled with more meetings with important clients. She had a high-powered job that paid well, but I wasn't envious. My job didn't earn me a lot of money, but I loved it, and it was a lot less stressful than hers. Today I only had one task to do, to finish off the painting for Mr. Wallace, and that would only take three hours, four at the most. That meant that I would be able to have a leisurely breakfast with Clara. And that would be nice.

It was almost ten o'clock before she woke. Half an hour later, after washing and dressing her, and then cooking breakfast, we were eating.

After giving a deep sigh, I said, "That's silly."

"It might be, but the answer is still no."

I was disappointed, but I could tell that she wasn't going to change her mind, so I stopped trying to persuade her.

While I continued to feed her, I thought about what we'd talked about. I'd made a suggestion, and as far as I was concerned, it was a sensible one.

"After breakfast, should we go to your bedroom and have wild sex?"

And she hadn't just said no, she'd also reacted as if I'd asked her to do something that was outrageous.

Her response had been, "No. And you shouldn't have asked me that."

That surprised me, and I asked her to explain. She did.

"We would be going behind Tina's back. Doing something without her knowing. That would be wrong."

I pointed out to her that we'd already done that. We'd fucked without her knowing about it, so doing it again was no big deal.

"It's different now that she is involved."

To me, that didn't make sense, and that's when I'd told her that it was silly.

I finished the painting just after three o'clock. I then asked Clara to come and see it. To give me her opinion of it.

"I like it, but what is it?"

She then laughed, and I joined in. Mr. Wallace had asked me to paint something in the style of his favourite artist, Joan Miro. And that's what he'd got, an abstract painting.

When Tina got home, I was going to ask her if we could all get together again in the bedroom, but when I saw her face, I decided not to. She looked tired.

"A hard day at the office?"

She nodded.

"I'll make you a stiff drink."

It was at least a double whisky, with very little coke, but she downed it in one. When she handed me the glass I made her another one. This one she sipped.

"Would you like to see my latest masterpiece?"

That got a yes from her, but it had been said without any real enthusiasm. And when she saw it, her response gave me its title. I would tell Mr. Wallace that it was called, 'WhatTheFuck!'.

The next day, she wasn't tired, and she was in a good mood. So I asked, and I got the response that I had been hoping for. I then went to tell my Mother-in-law the good news.

"That's wonderful, but we should have a drink before we start."

That was an excellent suggestion, and Tina was up for it as well. We were only going to have one bottle of red wine between us, but when it was finished, another one was opened. And two soon became three, but we only drank half of that one.

As we made our way to the bedroom, there was a lot of giggling from the girls, I didn't know why they were doing it, but I found it funny, and so I laughed. We were all in a silly mood.

When we got into the room, I immediately jumped onto the bed, ending up flat on my face. Both of them thought it was hilarious, and it was a while before they'd stopped laughing. I could now hear them whispering, and I was curious, but all that wine I'd consumed was making me drowsy, so Instead of turning over, I closed my eyes.

Somebody was speaking to me, but I couldn't understand them, and the room was moving. It took me several seconds to come to my senses and realize what was happening. I'd fallen asleep, and Tina, while repeatedly saying, "Wake up," was shaking me. When I turned over she stopped doing it.

And now, all thoughts about sleeping were gone!

Tina was topless, her big tits almost in my face. And her Mother was next to her, with her breasts also exposed. I might be drunk, but I was pretty sure that Tina was only supposed to be watching.

"Take your clothes off."

Then Clara chipped in with, "And hurry up. My pussy is on fire."

They then started giggling again, and I started to quickly undress. I got down to my socks and boxers in record time, and then I stopped. I was now staring at them, finding it hard to believe what I was seeing. Tina was taking her Mother's skirt off. That was understandable because her Mother couldn't use her hands, but while she was doing it, she was also fondling her tits. And the expression on Clara's face told me that she was enjoying what her Daughter was doing to her.

There was only one explanation for this. I was really downstairs. I'd passed out, and this was just a dream. But when I pinched myself, and I felt real pain, I knew that I was awake.

All of us were now naked. In front of me were two desirable women, my Wife and my Mother-in-law. And from how they were behaving, I knew that this was going to be special. But I had a dilemma. Who should I start with? Then I had to smile, because I didn't have to choose. I could have both of them at the same time!

My mouth was now on Tina's ripe nipple, and I was sucking hard. That was exciting me, but it was my two fingers that were deep up my Mother-in-law's wet pussy that was exciting me even more. And it was good for her as well, because while I was fucking her with them, she was very noisy.

"Finger me. And do it now."

After giving Tina a quick sorry, because I'd been neglecting her sweet pussy, I rectified the problem by swiftly inserting two fingers into her. When they were in deep, up to the knuckles, she purred with pleasure.

Red wine is OK, but I prefer a cold beer. But today, because it had got all of us drunk, it had become my favourite tipple. Without us being under the influence of it, this would not be happening. If we were sober then Tina wouldn't be joining in, she'd be seated in the corner of the room watching us perform. That would still be good, but all of us taking part was a lot better.

It wasn't long before the excitement went up a level. I now wasn't just fingering both of them, I was also rubbing their clit. And to my great delight, my cock was also getting some attention. Lots of it. It was being stroked by an expert. Just the right speed and grip to keep me excited, but not fast enough to make me come. All our bodies were close together so I couldn't see who was doing it, but it had to be Tina. If Clara could use her hands, then I'm sure that she'd want to stroke it as well, and that she'd be just as good as Tina.

"Fuck my pussy."

"No, fuck me instead."

It was good that they were both eager, but one would have to wait. Because Clara had asked first, I was going to start with her.

As I removed my fingers from their most intimate place, I said, "Sorry Tina, you're second."

The look I got from her told me that she wasn't happy with that. And knowing her well, she wasn't going to accept it without a fight.

"It should be me."

When her Mother shook her head, I sighed. I needed to sort this out, and quickly, before it got ugly.

"I'm thinking of a number. It's either one or two. Whoever guesses correctly can go first."

Her Mother was the first to respond, with, "Two."

And then Tina said, "I want two."

I put my head in my hands.

"What have I done to deserve this?"

That got a reaction that I hadn't expected, they both laughed. When they were silent, Tina said, "OK, I'll have number one."

And that was a good choice, because she was the winner.

She was now on the bed, on all fours. Her stomach was low down and her bottom was high up, just as I like it. When I parted her large lips with the head of my cock, she wiggled her peachy bottom. It was her way of telling me to hurry up. And it had worked, because I was now quickly pushing into her. We'd done this hundreds of times before, but it still felt special. And I'll tell you why.

Hers was a willing pussy, one that enjoyed a big cock, and fortunately, for both of us, that's what I had. And she had a pussy that was as desirable as my manhood. It was gloriously tight and always wet. My cock and her pussy was definitely a winning combination!

It wasn't long before both of us were coming to the boil. That was good news for her, but not for me, because I wanted to empty my balls into her Mother rather than her. Yes, I might be able to come twice in a short space of time, but that wasn't guaranteed.

With a great deal of self-control, I was managing to hold back. To delay my climax, and without it affecting hers. I was pleased with myself. Then it all went wrong, when I made the mistake of looking at Clara. She was sitting in the chair with her legs wide apart, so my eyes were drawn towards her pussy. It looked so inviting, and I wanted to be in it, fucking it hard. Imagining that, took me over the edge. When I started to spurt I grunted loudly. It was wonderful, but it wasn't for Tina. I'd left her hanging, and she wasn't going to be happy.

"Fuck, I'm going to come."

Then, more by luck than good judgement, she did. I was so relieved that I hadn't spoiled it for her.

When her climax ended, she collapsed onto the bed, taking me with her.

As I was pulling out of her, she said, "Sometimes you are such a jerk, and I want to kill you. But you always give me a good fuck. That was a nice climax."

I didn't like the first part of that, but I was going to accept her praising me for being such a stud.

"You're welcome."

Tina and Clara had now swapped over. The Daughter was on the chair and the Mother was on the bed. Because I'd just climaxed, my excitement wasn't as high as it had been before, and you could tell that by looking at my cock. It wasn't limp, but it also wasn't at its best. If we were going to fuck, then it needed to be harder. My Mother-in-law was doing her best to make it harder, but it wasn't working.

After moving her head back, so that my cock came out of her mouth, she said, "Tina, I need you to help me."

"Yes Mother."

I had to smile. Anybody hearing them speak would think nothing of it. Perhaps she wanted some help in the kitchen, or some help to unload the car. But they would be wrong, and the real reason would shock them.

I'd expected Tina to come over, and to then start working on my cock, but she hadn't. Instead, Clara went to her. And, with their heads as close together as schoolgirls talking in a playground, they were whispering.

When they'd finished, both of them were smiling. I didn't bother asking them what they'd talked about, because I knew that they wouldn't tell me.

They were now on the bed with me, but they weren't doing anything. Then they suddenly did, and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. They were kissing passionately. And then it got even better when Tina put her hand between her Mother's legs. My cock, that had been flagging, was now rock-hard.

Their plan had worked. In less than a minute my cock was back to its best, and I was eager to fuck Clara. Tina could stop now and I could take over. But they wanted to continue, so I let them. They were putting on a show for me, and I, from my ringside seat, was enjoying the performance!

If I was to write about this, then nobody would believe it. Fanciful fiction, a story that an adolescent boy might write. But it was all true, and I knew that, not just because I was witnessing it, but because I was taking part in it.

It was now getting steamy. Tina wasn't just enthusiastically fingering her Mother, she was also sucking hard on her tits. And Clara was loving it. But it wasn't long before she needed something else. Something that Tina couldn't do.

"I need to be fucked."

That sent a surge of excitement through my body, and as soon as she was in position, I was thrusting into her. I wanted her on all fours, but that wasn't possible because she couldn't put any weight on her arms or hands. That was a position for another day, when she'd fully recovered from her injuries.

My Mother-in-law wasn't used to my big cock, so I should have started gently, but I didn't. I missed out all the lower gears, going straight into top. And then shortly after, I took it to an even higher level. I could do that because I was a young man. I was only twenty five years old. But what about Clara, who was forty two? It should be too much for her. She should be begging me to stop. Crying out for mercy. This is what she had to say about it.

"I love your big cock. I want more of it inside me."

That was a big ask, but I was going to give it my best shot. When I pushed her legs higher, that enabled me to get some extra depth. Not much, but as she then told me, it was enough.

"Yes, that's it!"

My climax was now on the horizon, and it was approaching at speed. Fortunately, hers was as well. Then I felt Tina's hand on my bottom, and I almost jumped out of my skin. That made her laugh.

"How's your prostate?"

It took me some time to fully understand what she meant, and when I did, I almost missed a stroke. Before I could say no, her finger was pushing into me. This was a first for me so I didn't know what to expect.

It wasn't painful, but it was a strange sensation, especially when her finger went deeper into me. And when it started to stroke my prostate, I wasn't sure that I liked it.

"Finish me off."

I could do that, but I'd have to concentrate, I'd have to try and ignore the finger that was inside me.

This time it looked as if I'd got it right. We were going to come together, and it would be because of my skill, rather than by luck. As her body arched, and her head moved from side to side, I felt my balls tighten. That's when her finger pushed hard against my prostate, making me come.

We were now in the bed, under the covers. I was in the middle, with Tina and Clara on each side of me. My Mother-in-law was already asleep and very soon I would be as well. Even though I still had a lot of alcohol in my bloodstream, I could still think clearly. I knew that tomorrow, when all of us were sober, we would need to have a serious talk.

A lot of words would be spoken, and there might be some disagreement about certain things, but there would be one thing that we would all agree on.

We were not going to stop!


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Was okay. 3 stars

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I loved it Iaughed so fucking hard when she stuck her finger up your ass & you said you missed a stroke lmfa....... BRAVO!!!!¡

Lee2012Lee2012over 1 year ago

I’ve read a lot of your works and have place high standards on you, dude (I presume??), and you have again exceeded those standards. Bravo 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thought it was a good story,am trying to check out my own mil,,,

newporter56newporter56over 2 years ago

Thought both parts were very good, hope to see more

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