"Clare" Unconventional Aunt Ch. 02


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"I could have hurt him by now if I wanted to." I looked over she knew I was serious. "I want him out of her life."

"You love her! She is your aunt and you are in love with her!" Nancy was giddy over it. "Does she know you love her?"

"Look. I love her. I think she could love me. And no we have not fucked. Ok?" I was getting frustrated. "He abuses her. I just want her free of him. Then she can meet some real men. Normal men."

"So you are willing to give her up?" She asked. Nancy was serious.

"I want what is best for her. She is so brain washed by him she does not even know what real love is. She does not even feel she is worth loving." I confided to her.

"How could I have sat in the back of this car and not seen how special you are." Nancy replied. She sat quietly for a long time. When we reached the house she rested her hand on mine. "Jay when you get the call you must come. No matter when you must come. Make sure you use the cameras and record it."

Nancy kissed my cheek and instead of waiting for me got out of the car.

When I got home Odell was yelling at Clare calling her names. He had been drinking and was feeling no pain. It was all I could do not to deck him. She was on her knees cleaning up a drink he spilled from what I could see. She was sobbing and he was constantly belittling her.

I finally got him in his room without incident. But it was almost one before I could convince her to join me in bed to go to sleep. It was the first night she did not kiss me goodnight. I was losing her and she was right beside me. The rope could not have been slipperier.

The next day I came home early. Clare was moody.. I could tell she had something on her mind. Odell stayed home all night and found ways to get under her skin without being obvious. He was learning. He was treading the line between annoyance and abuse. A line he knew he dare not cross.

I hoped he would leave so I could help her but he found pleasure staying knowing I wanted him out. The only revenge I got was not allowing him to drink. That night she did not sleep with me. Nor did I get my kiss. She at least did not sleep with him. She slept in my bedroom.

Thursday I was a wreck. Thankfully I have a great crew and things were progressing. I was even in negotiations for additional jobs for the city, county, and other businesses. When I got home Clare was still in a sour mood. I asked her to go to mom's for the weekend just to get away. She refused telling me Rhonda hated Odell and she could not leave him. I was trying to soften her up and was making progress when my phone rang. It was the call.

"Clare I have to leave. Do you want to go with me?" She thought about it but said no just in case Odell came home early.

I met them at the agreed location. Albert slid from behind the wheel I gave him my keys. On the dash was a note. 'The white guy is the Wrecker, also known as the Home Wrecker, the Mouth Wrecker, the Ass Wrecker. Do not cross him. The flash drive is new and under the passenger seat. Call me before you remove it or it will erase. If this works out we are even, almost! Nancy'.

Driver take us for a long slow drive!" The speaker squawked. I pulled away, I knew the perfect place to go. Flat, smooth and with no stop signs. Just miles of endless streets. I took them to the park! I turned on the monitor an saw a tall slender white man setting in Nancy's spot. There were three other men two black one looked Latino. I switched angles and lo and behold Odell was one of the men. Music was playing softly, a sort of sexy jazz. They were drinking. Wrecker was joking. They started talking business. I was in the park now, speed limit was fifteen. The car just idled along.

"Oh he will make your balls quiver! Wrecker said. I pushed the record button. The Latino was well dressed sitting there stroking his cock over his suit.

"One thousand. I guarantee he will light up your world!" Wrecker said pushing for a deciasion. The man handed him cash and Wrecker looked at Odell and pointed. Without hesitation Odell removed his suit coat and tie, then his shirt. With only an undershirt he moved in front of the Latino. Unzipping him Odell lowered his mouth over the Latino's cock. The other black man moved to watch his fat head occasionally blocking the camera's view. I switched cameras but none were better. I could only hope he kept moving his head.

The audio was crap but I heard Wrecker encouraging Odell on. He kept reminding him what the man paid. The Latino was moaning throughout and speaking in Spanish. The other man was cheering on his buddy. Since there was nothing to see keeping on track was easy. It was fifteen minutes and counting. Then the Latino started to stiffen in his seat. He thrust up his hips and pushed down on Odell's head. He was cumming! The black guy sat back in the seat and I could see Odell making sure the Latino was completely drained. He pulled out what looked like a hanky and dried the man's soft cock off and then his lips. He had swallowed it all.

"Well partner you up for one?" He looked at the black man.

"I ain't got a grand." He said.

"Tell you what you give me eight hundred. I will give your buddy back a C note and you both get a deal!" Wrecker was a negotiator.

Eight hundred changed hands. One was given to the Latino and before long Odell was sucking another cock. Again the camera angle was crappy but at least this time I could see his head bobbing if not the black man's cock. I searched one more time and when I did I noticed Wreckers hand moving. Changing camera's I saw how he got his name.

He was a tall skinny man. Maybe six foot. Couldn't weigh 175 and twenty of it must be his cock. He stroked it slowly his long fingers did not reach around the girth. One hand did not cover half of it. It was long and fat and it didn't look completely hard. The moans became more desperate. I switched back to Odell just in time to see the black man and his sizable cock cum in his mouth also.

"You do that so well I swear you lose just so you can suck cock!" Wrecker said. "Now strip my little puppy!"

"Please sir not here!" Odell pleaded. Switching cameras I found the perfect angle. Wrecker was stroking his cock and Odell not two feet away looking in his eyes. Without a word Wrecker slipped his shoes and pants off, spreading his legs wide he released his cock. The flesh pipe fell hanging over the edge of the cushion. Odell was now focused on his master's cock just inches away. I looked up and made sure the road was straight and clear.

Looking back to the screen I could see Odell struggle to resist. A drop of pearl precum glistened on the tip. It was so small on the huge mushroom head. Like a magnet it drew Odell in. His lips covered just the tip the flare still exposed.

"Strip before you get desert!" Wrecker commanded. With renewed desire Odell stripped naked. His cock was pitiful in comparison. Not with Wreckers, that is unnatural, but by any average man. Odell was not blessed to say the least, and it was hard. I would bet my pinky could give it competition!

"Now you may please me puppy. He is a Black Lap breed." Wrecker joked. His guests laughed. I almost felt sorry for him for a moment. Almost.

Odell moved back to the object of his desire. The embarrassment behind him. Odell was free to do what we all knew what he wanted to do. Wrecker guided his cock to Odell's waiting mouth and fed it to him. Slowly he went deeper and deeper in his mouth. I could hear him gag Snot dripped from his nose. Spit ran over his chin. I was so hard myself it was all I could do not to whip my own cock out and stroke it.

I was constantly checking the road ahead. If I even hit a curb they might know I was watching. Deeper and deeper, inch by inch Wrecker's cock disappeared. Odell was pulling all the way out taking another breath and attacking it over and over again. Soon you could see the snake expanding his neck. There was no way he could take it all I thought. But he was not to be denied.

With one last intake of air he thrust her face over Wrecker's cock, just inches short. Using his lips he pulled his mouth taking it all in. Wrecker for the first time put his hands behind Odell's head and pulled. Odell looked up at him his eyes straining! He was turning a deeper shade of black. I almost stopped the car and then Wrecker pushed him off. I could hear the rush of fresh air fill his lungs and return his color.

Wrecker was not done he stroked his cock.

"On your back!" Wrecker laughed. "Now cum like a good puppy and maybe I will fuck your ass."

Odell laid back and within minutes he was cumming on his lower belly. A small white glob lay on his dark brown belly. There was so little he easily cleaned it up. Then Wrecker looked down at him.

"Good puppy now come get your treat!" With that he grabbed Odell's ear and forced his cock down his throat one more time. You could see the jism force its way past Odell's lips and his mouth and throat fill beyond capacity. He tried. He really did, you could see him gulping and then forcing his mouth deeper to clean the sticky fluid from dripping off Wreckers cock. He almost succeeded. Sadly, for him at least, he failed as two globs fell to the carpet.

I turned off the monitor. I knew I had enough although watching him get his ass fucked might have been fun. I continued on. Instead of getting his ass fucked it sounded like Odell sucked the others off again.

"Driver take us back!" The speaker squawked.

At the next exit I pulled off and returned them to the place I picked them up. Odell was dressed and slightly drunk. Still he noticed I was the driver when he exited. He said nothing and neither did I. Wrecker even tried to tip me.

I hoped I had what I wanted. Proof. Nancy was waiting with Albert back at the shop. I thanked her for her help. On the phone Butch explained how to get the thumb drives out so they would not get erased.

"Jay you can't let Odell see the video, That could lead to serious charges for us both." Nancy explained.

"But I can show Clare? Right?" I asked just to be clear.

"You can but there is good chance she won't believe you!" Nancy remarked.

"I have to try it is getting worse each day!" I protested.

"Go then. But be gentle. This may be too much for her. Let her decide if she wants to see it."

"I understand!" I handed her one copy and took the other.

"Oh and Jay if you are thinking about blackmailing Wrecker with this, forget it! This would be just the kind of publicity he would enjoy!" Nancy explained.

"Then how?"

"He is a business man..." She hesitated. "What do business men want?"

"Money!" I shouted.

"Money and power. Power over others. That's what motivates Wrecker." She winked.

"Thanks Nancy!"

The whole way back to the house the only thing I could think of is how to convince Clare to watch the video. Then she could see he was unfaithful to her!

She was waiting up I was not sure if it was for Odell or for me. We talked for almost a half an hour. Slowly and gently I brought her back to the point she would consider leaving Odell if he had been unfaithful to her.

"There is no way. He can't have been unfaithful to me!" She finally said. She was still in denial.

"But if he was? What then?" I was so close. "Would you leave him?"

"I would need proof!" Clare was getting more agitated. I think she knew I had proof and she was conflicted about knowing about it.

"If I had proof now? So you could see it, would you?"

"NO!" She shouted.

"Ok." I am not going to force you.

"But if you ever want to see it I will show you." I replied gently.

"He did not cheat on me!" She screamed at me. Then Clare ran to Odell's room and slammed the door.

I waited for quite some time then went and took a shower. I was dressing and in the den starting to turn out the light. Clare peeked around the corner.

"I want to see it!" She nervously requested.

"Are you sure we could do it tomorrow?"

"I need to see it now!" She had made up her mind.

We sat at my desk together her to my side. I keyed up the video and started from the beginning. I skipped the parts that were not obvious but she got to see Odell serviced two men before the main event. When she saw Wreckers cock the first time she grabbed my wrist and gasped. She looked at me to see if it was real. I nodded. We sat in silence as she watched Odell service Wrecker. There was no sound just video.

Wrecker had him lie on his back and Odell started to stroke himself. Clare did something she had never done before. She reached over and grabbed my cock through my boxers. Stimulated from the video of course I was semi hard but my cock swelled in her hand. She looked at me then down to her hand. She looked at Odell and his poor excuse for a penis and then back to her hand.

I stopped her and slipped my boxers down. I guided her hand back to my cock. She looked at it then back to Odell. We never said a word. As she stroked me slowly I grew even bigger. It felt so good. I was going to cum if she keeps this up I thought. Then Odell came! Wrecker pulled him up and filled his mouth. The video ended at the point I turned it off.

Clare looked at me and then her hand. She released my throbbing cock like it was a searing bar of steel. I groaned in surprise.

"You made that!" She yelled. "You computerized that just to make Odell look bad!"

"Clare I swear. That is real! It is inside Nancy's limo. You have been in there yourself."

"You set this up! You tricked him into this!" I pulled my shorts up obviously not going to finish my pleasure now.

"No. I didn't. I don't even know these other men. I've never seen them before in my life!" I tried to remain calm.

"Well all he did was to get spiced!" She yelled filled with confusion. "If that is cheating then I did the same to him!"

"Clare honey he does not love you he is using you!" I was lost about what to say.

"How do I know you are not using me too? Oh what a fool I am!" With that she ran down the hall and locked herself in Odell's room.

I waited until Odell came home he was plastered as usual. Fortunately he passed out on the couch. I slept with my door open just in case.

Friday morning Clare was standing inside my door when I awoke. She looked weary. I started to get up but she motioned me to stay.

"Why did you show me that?" She whispered.

"I didn't want to, but you need to know." I stood wanting to hold her to ease the pain.

"Why do you care so much?" Her eyes turned glassy.

"I just do." I replied.

"But why?" She was making this difficult. This whole time I had avoided telling her and now here I was so close to losing her and it really didn't seem to matter.

"I think I am in love with you!" A single tear rolled over her cheek. I moved to comfort her.

"NO! Please don't come any closer!" She begged. "You can't love me like that I am your aunt."

"Still I think if you left him we would be free to find out if that is what I am feeling." I offered.

"I can't leave him! Not over a video." She repeated what she said last night. Oh how I wished she would have gone with me last night.

"What would he have to do walk in here and do it in front of you?" I replied statistically!

She stood silent I was not sure what she was thinking. But she seemed to come to understand the impossibility of that.

"I don't deserve you?" She said defeated.

"So you won't leave him?" I asked again. She stood mute unwilling or unable to answer.

"And he won't leave you! Maybe you should just call me if you need me!"" My frustration was getting too me. "Maybe I should just leave you to each other!

"Maybe you should!" She lashed out. "Who asked you to get involved in the first place?"

Turning she ran down the hall and slammed the bedroom door.

I wanted to break that door down and just carry her away but I knew unless Clare made the decision to leave him she would never really be free. It was like she was in quicksand and I had to slowly watch as she went under.

I was leaving for work Odell was in the kitchen. I looked in on him. His eyes lowered at once. I left without saying anything. I wanted so much to let him know about the video but knew that was not possible. Being in jail would only make it worse.

Friday night I came home early hoping to see Clare before Odell came home if he did. I waited until seven before I started to worry.

Odell came home looking for dinner.

"Have you talked to Clare?" I asked.

"What your little play thing wander off without permission?" He must have had a few drinks already. He was feeling bold.

"Odell do you know where your wife is?" I asked firmly.

"I know where the bitch is supposed to be! He yelled. "She is supposed to be here cooking my fucking dinner!"

"Have you talked to her?" I pressed.

"Why would I want to fucking 'talk' to her?" He spat. I moved in his direction. "Hell no!"

"I am worried!" I said, more to myself than him.

"Good you be worried I am going out!" He flipped me the bird and left.

I knew the bank was definitely closed and she would not have a reason to work late on a Friday. I called Nancy but she knew nothing. At that moment I realized I didn't know if she had a single friend who she would go to. Odell had such a grasp on her life I doubted it.

Desperate I called mom. I filled her in on the important details including the essence of the video. I told her of our conversation this morning. We talked for a few minutes. I laid out all my motives and feelings for Clare.

"Jay, you told her you loved her." Mom asked without judgment.

"I told her I 'thought' I was in love with her." The phone was silent.

"Jay...? Are you in love with Clare?" I could hear mom's voice quiver as she asked.

"Mom, I know you do not want to hear this. But I am in love with your sister Clare!" I could not make it any clearer.

There was another long pause. I was worried she might have fainted or something worse.

"Mom? Did you hear me? Are you still there?" I knew she was I could hear her weeping.

"Jay I am coming down!" She sniffled. "Jay when you find her. Be honest this time. Tell her I said the answer is no."

With nothing to do but wait I thought about what Clare would do. But more about how she would get around. I called all the limo companies. I called the taxi companies. I put out a reward to find her. I called the chief of police. I knew he could not do anything officially but he could put the word out.

I knew mom would not get here before midnight so I drove around a few spots looking myself. Then just before twelve I got a call. A limo driver had just picked up a fare and took her to a male strip club for women. She asked him to call me and was in the club looking for someone.

My mind went back to this morning. It was the first time we had ever fought. At first I thought that was a bad thing but now I was not so sure. It was the first time she had really shown this much emotion over the situation with Odell. Maybe mom was right. Maybe I need to tell her the truth. I never did answer her question.

Racing across town I hoping it was not too late to stop her. I knew the first shift got off at midnight and the second shift was now on stage. It was common for the dancers to escort women home or to a hotel for a price. Friday night was a busy night especially with bachelorette parties. It would be nothing for twenty women to fight over five or six well sculptured studs for the night. The losers would then have to wait until the next shift ended to get their shot.

I pulled up just as the driver was escorting several guys in the back. I ran to the car and looked in. I saw two women inside but Clare was not there.

"Still inside. Better hurry the guys just came out of the showers." I handed him a c note.

I went in the back door as another dancer and a slightly heavy black woman exited. I knew there would be few dancers left. This was an ugly scene for the remaining women. You see the guys had their pick of the litter so to speak. The scene could ugly as the women vied to be the chosen few selected. Of course money talked. With peer pressure and an abundance of booze anything could happen, and usually did.