Clarissa's Ascension


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In contrast to the Master’s black attire, the elegant woman on his arm wears a blood red gown bejeweled with a thousand, tiny emeralds, rubies and diamonds. The sparkling effect is mesmerizing to the assembled collection of perverse characters. The strapless dress is low cut and pushes the woman’s ample breasts up exaggerating her cleavage. The gown is form fitted to her sinfully curvaceous body as if it was sewn on her. Her dress comes to an abrupt halt in the middle of her thigh, just below the lace garters holding up her shear, dark, nylon stockings. Completing the outfit is a pair of black sling-backs with four-inch stiletto heals. The shoes accentuate the woman’s already tall form, making her appear over six feet.

Clarissa knows this woman as Samantha. She is not a regular member of the Master’s household, but is clearly a special friend that is held in high regard. Whenever Samantha attends one of the Master’s parties she is given a place of honor and her choice of playthings. Though more often then not she sits alone watching until going off in private with the Master. All of the Master’s pets are stricken with jealousy when Samantha is around, knowing they can never hold such a high place in the Master’s heart. Clarissa longs at once to be both in Samantha’s place and to be Samantha’s lover, creating an agonizing paradox in the young woman’s heart.

Samantha’s flaming red hair is resplendent with interspersed flecks of real silver. The soft curls flow over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back forming a stunning mane. Her skin is the color of fine alabaster, as if the sun’s rays cannot penetrate her. Samantha’s piecing eyes are the color of pure Peruvian emeralds. When she looks upon you it feels as if dark green rays are piercing through you and looking into your soul. Her perfectly manicure fingernails are painted in strips of black and red. They extend an inch past her fingertips and are claws worthy of an elegant tigress.

Clarissa’s eyes are drawn to the tattoo that is clearly visible on Samantha’s right breast. On closer inspection one could see it is actually a brand that was burned into the skin before being decorated by a master tattoo artist in shades of red and purple. Even at a distance, Clarissa manages to make out the shape of the five pointed star inscribed within a circle. As she recognizes the Pentacle, a chill runs along Clarissa’s spine. As if Samantha and the Master can both feel Clarissa’s sudden sense of foreboding, they turn and fix their gazes on the young woman. Somehow, Clarissa finds the couples attention soothing and reassuring. Clarissa’s fear disappears as quickly as it came on; her Master is here she is safe.

Abruptly, the Master separates from Samantha. The stunning woman seems to glide across the room to take the seat next to Mistress Sarah. The two women exchange respectful greetings and then give their rapt attention to the Master. The Master surveys the room before speaking in his deep, sexy, baritone voice. The sound of his voice causes several of the females present to squirm in their seats as a familiar yearning deep in their loins overwhelms them with sexual desire. The Master beckons Robert to come to him.

“Robert, my trusted servant, have my pets behaved well?” the Master asks in a tone that clearly conveys his love for his subjects.

“Yes, My Lord, Master, “ Robert assures, in a small voice so unlike the one he uses with the Master’s sluts.

The assemblage does it’s best to stifle their smiles while watching the cruel Master Robert humbled with his head bowed before the true Master.

“Were my pets properly cared for in my absence, cretin?” the Master asks as if he already knows the answer.

As Robert begins to say yes, he suddenly buckles and falls to his knees at the Master’s feet. The gathering collectively gasps upon seeing the look of anguish on Robert’s face. Robert does his best not to writhe on the floor as searing pain overwhelms every fiber of his being.

A booming, horrible, unearthly voice echoes in Robert’s head unheard by the others. “How dare you compound your transgressions by thinking to lie to me, foolish worm! Come with me, NOW!”

The Master looks upon his subjects, smiling sweetly and says, ”Please my pets, go on, enjoy while Robert and I speak privately.” As if a spell has been cast over the group, the orgy begins again and the assembled players forget all about Robert and his collapse.

The Master strides purposely to an anteroom, which is his private den. Unable to stand, Robert follows on his hands and knees. As he passes through the doorway, Robert attempts to steady himself against the mounting fear that has taken hold of his soul. Robert has seen first-hand the horrible furry the Master can unleash on those who displease him.

By the time Robert manages to crawl into the anteroom, the Master is already in his large leather wing chair beside a roaring fire. The heavy door closes behind Robert leaving no trace in the wall that an opening exists. The Master’s eyes glow like two rubies set a blaze by brimstone. Two three-inch sharply pointed horns emerge from the Master’s forehead. Except for the blood red tips, the horns are as black as coal and hard as diamond. Robert, now unable to control his emotions and thoughts, thinks they are black like the Master’s heart.

The Master hisses, “It is not my heart that is black, you vile, disloyal, slug! I sent you to do a job, to protect and care for my pets! Instead you chose to abuse my sweet toys. I have warned you before, Robert, now explain yourself before I cast your worthless soul into the bowels of hell’s fire!”

Robert has been disciplined before, but never has the Master been so harsh. Robert fears the Master will end his earthly existence and condemn Robert’s soul to spend eternity in agony. “My Lord, my Master, please forgive me. I was only trying to assure that the girl was truly loyal, obedient and worthy of your generous gift,” Robert pleads as he grovels at the Master’s feet.

“Your abuse of the slut, though excessive, is not at issue! It is after all her night of ascension and you could reasonably assume such abuse was called for, scum! It is your treatment of my other pets that once again shows your unworthiness to be my sub-Master! How dare you cripple my sweet pet, Andy for a minor infraction! And so many other sweet sluts have felt your sting tonight, even I, the Lord of all that is evil, am repulsed, by your vial actions!” the Master roars as he stands and strides to within inches of Robert’s trembling form.

“But, a, my Lord, I must maintain my authority to serve you well,” Robert whines in a small terrified voice.

“Silence, you worthless pile of putrid filth!” the Master screams as he slaps Robert’s face with sufficient force to send him sprawling. “You inflict pain because it brings you pleasure! You are fortunate that you are too valuable to simply cast aside. Slut! I hope some time being retrained will do you some good. Now strip and assume the worm position,” the Master orders casually.

Robert quickly discards his clothing, grateful he will not be condemned and willing to accept anything the Master may do instead. Robert drops to his knees, pressing his face down on the floor, thus presenting his ass for what he expects will be a horrible beating at the hand of his Master. The Master grabs the bullwhip that hangs on the wall and cracks it in the air over Robert. Pure terror grips Robert and tears begin to stream down his face. The Master has never used such a cruel device on anyone. Robert knows it will tear human flesh from the body. It takes all the concentration Robert can muster to remain in human form. Every fiber of his being is telling him to transform into his demon form whose tough hide would cushion the blows.

Seeing Robert cowed and in tears, delights the Master. The Master lets out an evil cackle and tosses the whip aside. He is glad Robert was able to control himself and submit his weak human form to the ultimate punishment. Instead of the devastating pain of the whip, Robert feels the sting of a single hard lash of the Master’s leather strap. A red welt forms but no serious damage is caused.

Robert makes no attempt to move as the Master walks to the door and flings it open. Standing outside the door is Andy, no longer showing any signs of the injuries Robert inflicted on him earlier.

“My Lord, you require my services?” Andy asks sweetly as he drops to his knees, kowtowing respectfully to the Master.

“Arise and join us please, my precious pet,” the Master says, smiling at Andy.

Andy rises to his feet, taking care to fix his gaze to the floor. He is well trained and always acts correctly. As he comes into the room, Andy notices the man on the floor, humbled in the worm position. Upon realizing the identity of the pitiful prostrate slave, Andy becomes woozy. He is confused seeing the strong and powerful Master Robert nude assuming the position of lowest of the low.

“Andy, I am sorry to have shocked you my sweet pet. Robert has displeased me and will no longer serve as my chief assistant,” the Master says in his deep sexy soothing voice as he hands a studded leather collar to Andy. “Robert, I believe you have something you wish to say to your new trainer!”

“Yes, My Lord. Master Andy, may I please have permission to speak to you, sir?” Robert says winching at the thought of serving a lowly slut like Andy. As always the Master has indeed found the most damning and perfect of punishments.

Andy is nearly overcome by the nausea that sweeps through his body. He fears this is some test and soon Robert will transform into some hideous creature. Andy shakes as he imagines himself being torn to pieces and his gloriously happy existence serving his wonderful Lord and Master coming to an end.

Once again Andy hears the Master’s voice in his head. “Andy, you have nothing to fear. You are my beloved pet. I have no need to test you. I need others to assume Robert’s former duties. I have chosen you to take on many of those. The first of which will be for you to be in charge of Robert’s retraining.”

The Master then takes Andy’s face in his hand gently and asks Andy to look to his eyes. Andy locks gazes with the Master and immediately feels well and understands all he is to do.

Andy turns to Robert and says sternly, “You may speak, slut!”

“Sir, I am humbled before you. I have treated you poorly and I am truly a most sorry and worthless creature. While I do not deserve it I ask your forgiveness and beg you to train me properly. I wish to be a good servant to you and have you teach me so I may properly serve our Master. I submit myself to you now body and soul, and beg of you to take me though I know I am but a worthless slut. Master, I know it will take much for you to forgive me and I fully expect to endure the punishments that come from your anger with me, Sir,” Robert says in a servile and pleading voice.

Despite his desire to perform his new duties as a Sub-Master properly, Andy can’t help but smile as the realization that Robert will be his slut hits home. Remembering seeing Robert and other Masters collar new pets before, Andy strides over to Robert. He looks down on the pitiful site below him and asks Robert if he is truly ready to give himself over to the service of the One true Master. Robert answers weakly that he is. Then Andy grabs Robert’s once proud mane and pulls his head up off the ground. With his free hand he slides the training collar around Roberts trembling neck. Upon dropping Robert’s head back to the floor Andy fastens and locks the collar in place. The slight burn as the collar affixes itself to Robert’s skin, takes the new slave back to his first days with the Master. The day he traded his soul for immortality. For the first time in all of the years since, Robert wonders if he will come to regret making the trade.

“Andy, please chain your slut up for now and bring me the girl,” the Master orders.

Andy grabs Robert’s collar and drags him over to the corner where a leash is attached to the wall. Andy hooks the leash to Robert’s collar, uses his foot to push Robert to the floor and hurries off to get Clarissa.

Andy hurries into the great hall. All traces of the orgy are gone. Most of the Master’s pets and guests are once again formally attired; the men in black tuxedos, the women in stunning evening gowns. They sit in rows of elegant velvet chairs awaiting the start of a grand ceremony. At the front of the room in the center sits the Master’s throne-like chair awaiting his arrival. To the right of the Master’s chair sits Samantha, looking elegant as always in her sparkling gown. Next to her is Mistress Sarah. The two women are talking quietly to each other, oblivious to the general excited buzz in the room. The Master’s most trusted servants from the other world occupy the final two chairs on the right side of the dais. Master Charles and Master Stephen watch over the Master’s realm when he is in the human world. They are stunningly handsome men and Andy has always found them to be gentle when they have visited and used the Master’s pets.

To the left of the Master’s chair sit two empty chairs, one for Master Robert, which makes Andy smile, the other for Clarissa. Next to Clarissa’s future spot of honor sits Mistress Catherine, the Master’s personal assistant. She is always aloof from the Master’s pets, never using them for her own pleasure. Not even Robert was allowed to touch Catherine. She has never been with a man other then the Master and that is rare. She is Mistress Sarah’s personal playmate. Next to Catherine sits an elegant older man. His gray mane stands out against the black tuxedo he wears. Master Nicholas surveys the assembly. He is always watching and calculating. Nicholas is in charge of all the Master’s business affairs.

Andy moves up the center aisle, his eyes seemingly looking everyone at once searching. Andy reaches the dais and drops to his knees, bowing deeply to his superiors.

“Please, rise sweet Andy,” Mistress Sarah says, beaming and gesturing towards Robert’s chair, “That chair will be yours soon. The girl awaits you in solarium, Andy.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Andy says smiling at his beloved Mistress as he quickly runs off to get Clarissa.

Clarissa sits in a velvet chair, attired in a stunning silk robe. Somehow Andy knows she is naked underneath the glorious robe. She has been bathed and all traces of the previous nights ordeal are gone. Clarissa is once again the sweet beautiful young woman that Andy loves with all his heart. The sun is shining on Clarissa making her long blond hair appear to be shimmering gold. Andy’s chest tightens, his breath coming in pants. Clarissa smiles at him and says that she loves him too. Andy realizes Clarissa’s transformation has begun; she is reading his thoughts. He goes to her drops to his knees and kisses her hand softly.

“Ma’am, the Master wishes me to bring you to him. I am honored to be with you at your time of ascension, my Lady.”

“Oh Andy, there is none other I would want with me more then you,” Clarissa responds, tears filling her eyes, “and my sweet Master, I am overjoyed our Master has restored your body.”

Andy says that he is no longer her Master. Clarissa replies that he will always be her Master in her heart. They kiss deeply and then Andy takes Clarissa’s hand and leads her through the great hall to the Master’s study. The hall erupts in applause as the strikingly beautiful couple passes through. They approach the Master’s chamber and the door seemingly floats open on its own. Andy is forced to practically push the trembling young women though the door. Clarissa has never been invited into this room before.

Upon seeing her beloved Master, Clarissa falls to the floor, carefully keeping her gaze fixed on the intricate designs of the exquisite Oriental carpet. Andy stands with his head bowed respectfully awaiting instructions as the door closes and disappears into the woodwork. Though the Master’s lips do not move, Andy hears the deep hypnotic baritone of the Master clearly.

“Andy, you are a loyal and most trusted servant. From this point forward you will be known as Master to all but the highest members of my house. You will serve at my side as aide and keeper of my pets.”

Words fade and are replaced by complete understanding in Andy’s mind. Andy is to be sub-Master. He knows he has been elevated to a place of great honor. Andy beams as he looks directly into the kind face of his Master.

The Master smiles and speaks, “Now help this sweet slut to her feet, Please Andy!”

Andy quickly goes to Clarissa and lifts her up. Clarissa remains limp, fearing this is yet another test. Andy whispers in Clarissa’s ear, assuring her that it is ok to stand before their Master. Somehow Clarissa finds her legs and manages to stand on her own. She keeps her head bowed, eyes on the carpet as Andy backs away. The Master rises from his chair and walks over to the girl. Clarissa trembles as the Master gently touches her face and raises her gaze. Clarissa’s face is now only a foot away form the Master’s face. She feels as if his beautiful dark eyes are boring through her own eyes and piercing her soul. The Master’s warm breath envelops her. Clarissa’s body shakes; not due to fear, due to pure ecstasy. The Master smiles at Clarissa and she is overwhelmed by the love that radiates toward her.

As the Master kisses Clarissa’s lips softly, he pulls at the silk sash holding her exotic robe closed. The robe falls open slightly providing just a peek of Clarissa’s treasures. The Master steps back and speaks softly.

“Clarissa, my lovely pet, since the day you joined my household you have been a treasured possession. You have given me your loyalty and unquestioned service. You have tonight again shown your complete willingness to serve and please me. I have immense love for you my sweet slut. From this moment forward, for all time, no other then myself and those you give permission shall call you slut. You will spend the next year under the tutelage of Mistress Sara, learning all you need to know to help care for my pets. At the end of that time, you will take your place at my side and hold dominion over my pets along with Andy, Sarah and Phillip.”

Clarissa instantly understands her new role. She omits a small gasp as the Master’s face transforms. Though his features remain mostly unchanged, his handsome face now radiates a reddish glow. Clarissa is transfixed as she watches the small buds on the Master’s forehead grow into two-inch long crimson horns with ebony tips. Between the horns, Clarissa can see the outline of what appears to be an intricate tattoo emerging. It is a small ornate pentagram with the number 666 carefully inscribed below. Clarissa realizes that before her stands the prince of darkness. Although her entire upbringing told her that he is the embodiment of evil, Clarissa feels only love for her Master. She aches to run to Him and caress, kiss and suck his beautiful erotic horns.

Clarissa manages to control herself and remains completely still as Andy steps forward. He is obeying an unheard command. Andy slides Clarissa’s robe off her shoulders and gently pulls it from her arms. He carefully folds the robe as he steps back to his place. The room seems to glow from the alabaster beauty radiating from Clarissa’s body. She stands unashamed, proud to display herself to her Master and her beloved Andy.

The Master turns toward the pathetic lump chained in the corner. Clarissa’s eyes followed the Master’s gaze. She had barely noticed the man in the corner before. Clarissa took him to be a new acquisition of the Master’s that was being trained to join the household.

The Master’s voice echoes as he addresses the humbled, naked lump of flesh, “Look up and see what you have given up, slug! Never again will you experience the pleasure of her exquisite treats.”