Clem and Tracy Pt. 01


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She was grinning, "On the contrary, I rather liked it, feel free to pat my bottom anytime you like, in private. How about a few more kisses and another pat on my bottom before you go, (then a sigh) and you are going this time or we're in trouble."

I smirked, "I haven't been in trouble in a long time."

She slapped my chest, "Me either, go home."

We were laughing as she pushed me out the door. Riding home my mind was conflicted, I sure liked this lady, but could I ever trust again the way I had with Maria? Frankly it scared me to the point of almost blowing it off completely and not wanting to call her back. Yet, there was something about her that made me realize that wasn't the answer, I needed to follow my sister's advice and give her a chance. She certainly knew how to heat things up with her kisses, I couldn't remember the last time I'd been kissed that passionately. And she initiated it, how frickin cool was that?

Then I asked myself, if she was the first to initiate kissing, was it beyond my wildest dreams to think she might also initiate things further? Something Maria would never do, at least with me, was initiate sex, fondling, or intimacy of any type. Once I did, she was a willing and enthusiastic participant, but only if I made the first move. Many was the time I had wanted her to start something we couldn't stop until we were frantically engulfed in the throes of wild and wooly fucking. As I pulled onto Seversen Lane I could see the porch lights ahead of me, I envisioned Tracy moving me to the swing and mounting me under that dim light. An entirely new experience I was sure I'd love.

With the next day being the Friday after Thanksgiving I told myself I would sleep in. Foolish me, I never sleep in unless I'm down with the flu, at six my eyes were wide open staring at the partially lit ceiling. Old mister sunshine was making his way over the knoll to the east of the barn and would soon flood my room with daylight. I took care of my daily constitutional, brushed my teeth and donned some chore duds. With the horses and a few young animals fed I made my way back in for a big breakfast, something I typically only had time to do on weekends. Just after eleven my phone rang.

"This is Clem, what can I do for you?"

It was silent ten or fifteen seconds before I heard anything, "Mister Clem, this is Siobhan. Can you come to the movies with us this afternoon?"

I held the phone back looking at the screen in disbelief, "I think I can do that sweetheart. Why don't you let me talk to mom?"

I could hear the jostling as she handed it to her mom, "Hi Peter, how are you this morning? Well, can you fit us into your busy schedule?"

"I can, and I will, but you're a cheater having her call."

Tracy was laughing, which caused me to laugh with her, "Yes, I knew you couldn't resist her. Me maybe, but not her. Let me forewarn you, it will be some girlie thing, so no groaning or complaining. Okay?"

"That won't be a problem, I get roped into going with Diane's girl's more than I want to. What about treats?"

"Oooo, glad you asked. No candy, she can have her own small popcorn and share my drink, but no candy, she'll get sick. You'll have to be strong Peter, she'll beg and use every trick in the book that she thinks she can get away with."

I was thinking about all the times my nieces had tried the same tactics and failed. "I'll be okay, I can say no when I need to. I'll pick you up at one, is that a good time?"

"Perfect, see you at one, we'll be out front."

As soon as the tickets were purchased we headed to the refreshment counter where Siobhan did exactly as her mother said she would. I continued to tell her she could have her own popcorn and share mom's drink but that wasn't good enough. When she started the pouty huff routine I knelt in front of her, put my finger under her chin so she had to look at me and laid down the law.

"We don't have to go to the movie. If you're going to act like a spoiled brat we'll just go home. What's it going to be little girl? You behave and we stay, or misbehave and we go home?"

Her tiny voice quivered, "Stay, sorry."

Tracy tried to repay me for the tickets and snacks, I continued telling her she didn't need to until she pushed me to the point of being upset.

"Knock it off Tracy. No way in hell you're paying for anything when you're with me. Get used to it."

Siobhan was skipping a half step ahead, a small bag of corn clutched to her chest as we made our way down the corridor to the theater showing the film we'd come to see. Tracy had her arm through mine and gave it a tug causing me to look down, the minute I did she stretched and gave me a soft kiss.

With a smile she cooed, "Well done studly, well done. Most guys would have caved and made me the heavy, I liked the fact that you took control in a sweet way. Maria was a fool to let you go, you'd be a great daddy."

I'm not sure what the movie was about, I spent most of my time in a brain fog. I heard the occasional squeal or laughter around me, but I had no idea what was going on. My mind was cluttered with questions. Why did I have to be a great daddy, why couldn't I just be good old Clem the farm boy and forester? Then again, why was I so worried about taking on the responsibility of raising a child and loving one woman exclusively? Tracy wasn't Maria, of that I was certain, but what if there was some flaw in me that sent Maria into the arms of other men? Shit, I was so confused I didn't even accept Tracy's invitation to come in and visit when I dropped them off, I politely made up some excuse about needing to get home for the animals.

My go to sanctuary has always been work. When I got home it was still light enough I could go to the woods, split a load of firewood and bring it back before dark. With the old gutted manure spreader full I made my way toward the house checking fences and looking around in general as I guided the 856 toward the machine shed. Rounding the corner at the end of the barn I was surprised to see a car sitting outside the garage. The closer I got the more I realized it was Tracy's. Panic wanted to set in, was I ready for a showdown?

I walked through the mud room hanging my coat and sloughing my work boots before opening the kitchen door. There sat Tracy at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee before her. I nodded, she said hi.

"Lemme wash my hands and I'll be right back. I see you found the coffee pods. Hopefully it's to your liking."

I turned from the sink while drying my hands, she looked a bit upset as she spoke. "If I didn't like it, I wouldn't drink it. Sit your ass down, we're gonna do this tonight, I'm tired of playing games."

Trying to defer and put her on the defensive I foolishly stated, "I see you did my lunch dishes, I'm perfectly capable of washing my own dishes, but thanks."

"Well of course you're capable, you're also an ass at times. I don't doubt your capability, I was simply trying to be of help. Dammit you're so effing exasperating at times. Like this afternoon, I pay you a compliment and you go all silent treatment on me. What the hell was that all about? I hope you're happy with yourself, you made Siobhan cry when you didn't come in. She thinks she did something wrong."

I looked around, "By the way, where is Siobhan?"

"She's with a neighbor, don't change the subject." She snapped. "This is it Peter. I get the truth from you or I drive away and you won't see me again. What the hell is wrong with me that you can't commit?"

I was on the brink of tears when she finished, I blew my nose to clear that and started, "It isn't you, it's me. I gave everything I knew to give to Maria, my love, my undying devotion, my adoration. Sure it was hard being apart three months at a time during school, but I managed to keep it in my pants, why couldn't she manage to keep hers on? The real clincher came from a mutual best friend from school. After it all fell apart I was having a beer at Lakeview tavern when my friend looked at me and said, "How'd you manage to fuck this up Clem? Excuse my French."

I could see the gears turning before she spoke, "Okay, what does that have to do with you and me?"

"Don't you see Tracy? I thought I was doing what guys are supposed to do and still messed it all up. I'm afraid I'll mess this up just like last time. I like you, sincerely I do, I'm simply afraid of failing again. Like I said, it isn't you, it's all on me."

We sat in silence for a solid three minutes before she stood looking down at me.

"Other than the necessary body organs, tits and a playground between my legs I have nothing in common with that skank whore. I was confused as to why you didn't talk with me, but now I see it's beyond you to step outside your comfy little box. Instead you sulk on home and do whatever the hell you were doing, some guy thing, and if that's the real you, if you're always going to run and hide, then you're right, you have fucked up."

I sat staring at my coffee cup as I heard the kitchen door close, followed by the mud room door, her car started and like a wisp of wind, she was gone. Saturday morning I finished chores, had breakfast and was cleaning the kitchen when I heard a car door close. Looking out the window I didn't recognize the car and wondered who would be calling at 7:30. I was drying my hands as I turned, only to hear the doorknob of the kitchen door turn. I was thinking to myself, "what brazen idiot thinks they can walk in my home without knocking" when Diane walked through.

She gave me a hug and sat, pointing at a chair for me to follow suit. "Okay shitbird. Let's hear your version of last night. Don't look at me in that tone, of course she called me, she stupidly loves your ass, as does that little girl. By the way, you broke her heart you rotten son of a bitch. How could you not put that child first and deal with your feelings another time?"

Twenty minutes later I felt defeated and like a slug for not being more caring and sensitive. In a last ditch effort to save myself I blurted out, "I don't wanna fuck it up again like I did with Maria."

Diane moved next to me and took my hand, "A factoid little brother. Maria is the same age you are and on her third husband, they can't all have screwed up. Me thinks her slutty ways were the issue and not you. Time to pull your head outa your ass and not let this one get away. My God man, you walk the woods with nothing more than a 357 on your hip and there are bears around, but you're afraid of a 130 pound woman with red hair? What the hell Peter?"

I knew she was right, she was always right. I hated it growing up and I hated it more as an adult. Why couldn't I have my oldest sister around, at least she made mistakes, but no, I had Diane. Truth be told, I was glad I did.

With my head hanging I asked, "So what do I do? I'm at a loss."

She laughed, "If our Scottish great grandmother were here she'd say something like this. "Stope pissin aboot und do wot's rrright." That's what you do Peter, stop pissin about, start by taking the reins with her like you do those horses. Pursue her, chase her, court her, whatever you want, don't let her doubt for a second you aren't the one for her."

Being a man and not necessarily on the ball I asked, "Should I call her and apologize?"

She slapped the back of my head, "Of course you idiot, and then ask if you can come see her this afternoon to apologize face to face. Let her know she rings your bell and stop this stinkin thinkin about you being the cause of Maria dropping her panties for anything with a cock."

She stood, pulled me up with her and embraced me in a bear hug, "Take a shower, get the farm stink off and then go see her. Peter, do not over think this thing, let it flow."

I grabbed her, "Who's car are you driving?"

"Mine ding dong, I am allowed to change vehicles without your permission you know."

Diane wasn't out of the driveway and I was dialing Tracy. As she answered I thought my heart was going to stop.

"What can I do for you Peter? Your silence last night told me it was the end."

"The first thing you can do is accept my apology for being such a fool."

She interrupted, "Is this you talking or Diane? Cuz if those are her words in your mouth then goodbye."

"No, no Tracy, these are my words. She stopped by to let me know I was being stupid and to not let you get away. She's right, I don't want to let you get away, I want to be in your life, and Siobhans. You're the first woman I've trusted enough to love since Maria, I could kick myself for not seeing it sooner. Please. Please accept my apology."

I knew she hadn't disconnected, but it sure seemed like it took a long time for her to respond. I heard her clear her throat before she responded.

"I accept your apology Peter. Can you come for supper tonight? I want to be able to sit and talk, not on the phone. If so, be here at six."

"Six it is." I said, "See you then."

Remembering what Di had said about doing it right I quickly called Shelly Timmerman at Blooming Idiots and asked if she had any roses in stock.

"Matter of fact I do Clem. Somebody ordered a dozen yellow for pickup on Wednesday but never came in. When I called they said they were back in Chicago and to just sell them. You can have them for half price since they're almost a week old."

"Wrap um up Shelly, I'll stop by around four o'clock."

"Whoa Clem, make that three, I close at three thirty on Saturday."

I picked up the roses and went home, I remembered ma had a medium throated vase in the pantry and dug it out. I'd had Shelly throw in some babies breath, when I finished arranging it I was pleased, not bad for a guy I thought. I was nervous as a long tail cat next to a rocking chair as I waited at home. When five thirty rolled around I breathed a sigh of relief that the waiting was almost over. Walking up the sidewalk to her door my stomach was aflutter with butterflies, I hadn't placed myself in this position for years and was hoping I'd made the right move. Then again, Diane had never steered me wrong before, I knew she was right.

I didn't see the munchkin in the window and felt sad. As the door opened I was expecting my favorite four year old redheaded girl to come bounding into my arms. To my surprise it was Tracy with no hint of Siobhan. I was looking around with the roses still in hand when I heard Tracy.

"Are those for me or Siobhan? If they're for her you're out of luck, she's doing a sleepover at a friends house."

I quickly recovered, "They're for you. I hope yellow is okay, that's the only color she had considering it's a holiday weekend."

"Yellow is wonderful, my favorite color as a matter of fact. I love the vase."

I didn't have the heart to tell her I wanted it back, so I kept my mouth shut, besides, if all worked out it would be hers anyway. I drank her in with my eyes as she walked away with the flowers. She was wearing a lovely house dress with buttons down the front, a bit more than mid-thigh length. What stood out to me was the seamed stockings she wore with flats, her figure was on display and my libido was quickly ramping up. This was no 'I'll just slip into some old dress date', she had taken the time to make herself look irresistible.

Following supper she told me to leave the dishes and come with her to the living room. As I sat she stood in front of me with hands on her hips. I wasn't sure what to think so remained quiet and let her run the show.

"Do you find me attractive Peter? And I mean in every way?"

"I adore you Tracy, I've been too scared to tell you."

"That's what I needed to hear. No one has ever told me they adored me, that's sweet. I'm going way out on a limb here, but I'm going to do something with the sole purpose of witnessing your reaction to something you know nothing about."

Turning to the side she bent and grabbed took the hem of her dress, slowly lifting it to the top of her light brown stockings clipped to yellow straps, as it raised higher I could see the beginnings of yellow panties. My mind was on yellow overload and my cock was on full alert. There was no hiding it, I quickly groaned and moved it to the side to alleviate the uncomfortable pressure. She grinned when I did that and dropped the hem of the dress.

With her dress back in place she looked directly at the raging hardon wanting to escape the confines of my slacks. Smiling she sat next to me, with her hand on my chest she kissed me.

"Peter, I haven't been with a man since the night I was impregnated with Siobhan, so I needed to know if I could make your motor run or not. I've had some dates, but they never went beyond a feel and tickle, and no one ever got in my panties. I'm not going to make love to you tonight so get that notion out of your head, but I do want us to make out and get to know each other better. Physically. If all goes as I hope it will, we'll see what happens the next time we're together."

After much kissing I began to unbutton her dress, she put her hands on mine stopping me.

"One more thing, I've taken the initiative to start this process, but if it proves to be what we both want it to be, you're going to need to take the lead."

As I finished opening the buttons to her waist I marveled at her tight breasts pushing against the bra. They were pushed together causing a titillating amount of cleavage, I wanted to put my face between them and drown myself in their sweet perfumed essence. I was ready for whatever lie ahead for the rest of the evening.

Part two is in edit and will be released next week.

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Diecast1Diecast13 months ago

I love the story, I think it is great. Waiting to read the next chapter. AAAAAA++++++

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I don't usually write here before I finish the story, but after reading the stupid remarks from the first four idiots. I decided to give you, your normal 15 stars. Now I'll go back and finish reading the rest of you story.

blackknight314blackknight314about 2 years ago

I like Tracy and her daughter, but Peter is useless. Let him grow a pair.

blackknight314blackknight314about 2 years ago

Good job, thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago




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