Clone Ch. 02


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I turned to Jant. "Who has access to the birthing room?"

"We all do, but it's automated so no one really goes in."

Things really didn't add up, my presence would sooner or later be discovered. It struck me as amateurish, no forethought, full of holes that struck of desperation. I was sure it wasn't an inside job down here, but my end was different. Maybe someone thought I'd be shipped out as a slave.

"What are we going to do?" Jant asked.

I was all for staying here, I was safe, with good company, and hopefully Shelia could dig up more.

"He'll have to stay here," Shelia stated.

"Yes," I echoed her.

"It may be a couple of days for me to root out any rumours," she continued.

I smiled at the thought of spending nights with the sexy Jant, my cock was twitching already.

"Now, this visit is in my diary, I'll have to do a write up, shall I say you were worried about hairs on the areole?"

Jant was deep in thought.

"Jant," I prompted.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"My official reason for visiting, excessive hair on their breasts," Sheila said.

"Oh, yes if you want to," she agreed. "I was thinking, maintenance have access, not just the bots but supervisors too."

"Why would any of them bother," Shelia asked, then answered her own question. "Unless he saw something, would they know about the memory thing?"

"They might, a nosey one could find out."

"And we all know you implant a personality."

I knew with a vengeance, the reality of an alter ego was blazed in my mind. It was very much easier with me fully in control, now only his grumblings and emotional state impinged on me.

They both fell silent for a while, me comparing the youthful beauty of Jant against the maturity of Shelia, Jant won hands down, maybe it was the sexual relationship with her, but she brought the bigger thrill to my groin, and the rise in the angle of dangle.

"Well," said Shelia. "I'd better get back."

She turned to Jant. "You'll have to walk me out, I'll get lost otherwise."

Jant snorted, then looked at her. "Oh, of course, I found it confusing when I first got here, it's built for a hundred but there's only twenty three of us."

They ignored me, except for Jants little wave at the door, and I was alone again.

I was beginning to feel a little hungry, the breakfast I'd had was hours ago, I wondered also as my belly rumbled about how soon I would get my life back, and what sort of life it was going to be. For want of anything better to do I played with her screen, creating a slideshow of random images.

One or two of the astronomy ones made me switch to that tag, a kaleidoscope of the immensities of our universe flicked before me, impressive enough to last till Jant returned. She brought the holdall with her and triggered the lights up full.

"Frank," she greeted me. "What you watching?"

"Oh nothing," I replied, now blinking in the bright light. "Just passing time looking out on our backyard."

"What, the stars?"

"Yes, and the future generations that will populate them."

She hefted the bag from her shoulder and plonked it down on the bed.

"I've got some more food for you, and I've got powdered coffee and whitener."

She began pulling out packages, I went for the oval plate again, unwrapping it like some bizarre repeat present. A spaghetti bolognaise was my deal of the day. I headed over to the micro, mouth proving Pavlov's theory.

She lay back on the bed, coat at mid thigh but legs demurely closed ankles wrapped inches from the floor. I crossed quickly and put the hot plate on the bed beside her, sitting on the floor and leaning back on her legs.

As I ate I told her my thoughts.

"Jant," I began. "I'd give it a ninety eight percent chance on being the maintenance people, but I'm no nearer on why."

I took a mouthful.

She squeezed one of her legs under my shoulder. "I'd vote for a hundred."

I raised my arm up and put it on her knee.

"I'd go to ninety nine point nine nine, never say never."

I took another mouthful.

She sat up and put her hand on my head. "Probably."

"I've got something else that will please you," she teased, rubbing her groin. "Something you'll have to find."

In the middle of my meal she was making me horny. I took another mouthful, trying to perceive the flavours and textures, but the feel of my rising cock snuck in. I glanced over at her as she lay back down, her coat riding up again.

With her legs open to accommodate me her panties were in view, and there through the transparency was a dark bundle, tenting her gusset out.

I put the fork down, started swallowing my last mouthful and turned to face her. One hand snaking up her leg. The other to my zipper, then my button, and then the shorts to give it full freedom. I brushed my knuckles along her lips as I worked the thing out with my thumb.

I let it roll down between her open legs as she widened them, her hands pulling on her knees. I slid the fingers up, knuckles grinding on her clit whilst my thumb sunk into the fleshy folds opened before it.

She squealed in pleasure, her hand coming down to cover mine.

My alter ego's emotions surged, as my cock hit full capacity, a mere for taste of things to come.

I awkwardly pushed my trousers down as I stood, my hand pulling her panties loose as she lifted her hips then her knees. Then I was lying atop her, my knees balanced on the edge as she shuffled on far enough for me to enter her. My throbbing cock probed through, my head slipping into her tunnel.

I edged up slowly as her hips flexed to take me, the velvety tunnel gripping and enclosing me as she groaned. Her hands were on my shoulders, her legs folded around my back. I swivelled my hips as I drew back out, pushing back in to establish the stroke.

Her arms slipped down along mine, holding my wrists, as I rocked back and fore above her. Her body was alive beneath me. I felt the power of my cock in her.

Her hands were now pulling and teasing her breasts till one hand slipped off and headed down between her legs. The sexual self excitement, along with my performance, combined to send the bliss she craved surging through her body, her back arching and her legs swinging down and around to meet mine.

I lay forward on her as she lay panting, her legs parted slightly and I began to thrust again, it was my turn now, my shot at the big O.

Her legs widened further as I began to establish a rhythm, a low 'Umm' her response as we synchronised her slight thrust with mine. As the seconds passed, the strokes grew more frantic, with each pushing the other to fulfilment.

I came, and with my surging seed I triggered hers as well. Her hunny pot milking my juices out, the ripples squeezing on my sensitised head to give a 'dry' extra one at the end.

I felt her hot breath on my neck; the hot short gasps a wave of sensations as I savoured my release. With us both sated my cock sulkily shrank back, exiting with a plop when she stretched to kiss my chest.

She flopped back with a sigh.

"Sex on demand," she said, pulling and pushing me to the side of her. "You've been a fantasy of mine for as long as I've played with myself. They gave me the best orgasms ever when I used keeping a boy in my room to have secret sex with; when I walk in he ravishes me, unable to resist my body."

I laughed a little at the way it came out, like a rushing gushing confession, it fitted with our actions, if I could remember mine I might be jealous. As it was I still basking in the glow of our horizontal gymnastics.

"What funny?" she asked, snuggling up to me.

"It just struck me, I still don't know what your 'something else' is."

"Oh, god yeah," she said, twisting herself round to sit up.

She looked on and around the sheet then rolled me over to find it under me. I sat up as she handed it to me, still in the small black bag.

"It's your new ID, we downloaded you onto it, and it's authorised in this section so you can use it to join us in the mess hall or anywhere."

I opened the bag and saw the slim bracelet, it was just a few molecules thick yet the monomer chains that held the information were virtually unbreakable, it was near invisible as well when moulded around your wrist.

As I fumbled it out of the bag she took it from me, bunching my fingers and stretching it over them.

"There, you're officially human again," she declared.

"Where did you find it?" I asked, adjusting it to sit back where it should.

"I had a new one made," was her surprising reply. "Your old one did a better disappearing act than you did."

To remake my ID was no casual matter, memories of the ritual of getting 'sized up' as a child flooded back, only at secure census offices was the swap made, three times in my life I had experienced it, the last at puberty.

"You made one?"

"Yes, same as we make the ID's for our guests when they've made the swap."

There was more mystery here. "What swap?"

A look of consternation clouded her face; she'd told me something she shouldn't have.

"Ah," she stalled, deciding her next move.

"Come on," I prompted her.

"Well," she started again. "We actually swap bodies."

I bit my tongue and waited, letting the pause lengthen.

"The androids we make here are part clones," she explained further. "It's a bit complicated to explain."

Complicated wasn't the least part. Years back, no decades actually, our CEO had surreptitiously set up this project, he dreamed of immortality, and when we found this planet he set his plan in motion.

Mind swaps had been going on forever, but that was into computers, creating semi autonomous 'intelligences' , we'd even learned to selectively 'reprogram' criminals. He wanted to jump to younger bodies every ten years, be forever in his thirties.

She said he was still alive even today, living on a pleasure planet with the body swaps continuing. The ones I had been 'birthed' with were all meeting the same fate, their owners would have their own minds implanted and be off to live the sweet life.

On one level I was intrigued, but the gross abuse was an overwhelming negative. They might only be androids but the image of the fun loving innocents I'd left behind were of young healthy individuals, full of the zest of life.

I thought about it, body replacement seem to have the edge over sex slaves. Corporate CEO's would have the money to burn, and the organisation to hide in plain sight, in fact money was the only player in this game.

I sat quiet, looking at her but not focusing, this was far more dangerous knowledge than I wished to know, it made the waters that much muddier.

She pulled me to her as she lay back down.

"Well say something," she implored.

"I don't know what to say," I replied. "Could you create identities to get us out of here?"

"I've never thought of that," she said with a half laugh.

A quick scenario flicked through my mind, kidnap any returning couple, dispose of them for a couple of days till we were clear, easy to do.

I had the urge for a cup of coffee.

"Can we use the mess hall now?" I asked.

"Yes, if you want to."

"Fancy a coffee with me?"

She smiled and tried to cuddle me as I sat to pull my trousers up. With a will of its own my cock reacted.

Fortunately the object of its attention was herself rolling to the side of the bed clutching her soiled panties, it gave another flicker as I rolled to the edge, watching her bend to put the fresh ones on.

I was churning over the new facts in my near complete puzzle.

She looped her arm through mine like high school lovers, and I wondered what reception I'd get, out here in the wild so to speak. Clauda knew about me, probably a few others too, I wondered too what my story might be.

The coffee there was as good as the coffee in the restaurant, though the decor fell back to company standard.

I was acutely aware of the looks we were getting from the few occupants of the place, the disbelief on a couple of faces showed I was new to some, the rest showed a different kind of shock, perhaps at our daring.

Things settled as she started talking about her childhood.

"I lay and looked up at the stars when I was young, did you?" she rushed on before I could answer. "I wanted to be the bold explorer, have exotic adventures."

"Me too," I replied. "I got to be a nanobiologist instead."

The words from my mouth opened my mind wide, the surge of knowing was like a fast forward through my life, in seconds my mind felt full and strong again.


Jent was out of her seat and leaning across the table to hold me, I opened my eyes to look her square in the face.

"Sorry," I said, as I steadied myself. "I've just recovered the rest of my memories, Flash Bang Wallop, and suddenly it's all there." I was so pleased I leant forward and kissed her.

Her kiss back was hot and passionate, as I leant into the table my cock was responding under it.

There was a hush in the conversation, I broke the kiss and sat back, my cock not quite a bulge yet.

She leant back and turned to come and sit alongside, oblivious to the eyes on us.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

There was concern in her voice.

Yes, my sudden revelation had been a tornado ripping the shutters down, rebooting my life again as memories came onstream. I was more alright than I'd ever been.

"It's all there, the whys and wherefores of my life. Like a light coming on, reason joined back with experience," I explained.

I turned to her and felt my plump cock resting on my thigh.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to lie down?"

I'd have to hold it in my pocket if I were to walk now.

"No, but I'd like a fresh cup of coffee?" I put my elbows down.

She smiled, turned in her seat.

"I'll get it," she said over her shoulder as she stood and carried the cups away.

I stayed head in hands and closed my eyes, silently glorifying in the extent of the extra dimension of thought as perspectives narrowed on the logic of my innocence, and the amount of 'talking' it would take just to walk away.

Jant returned, bearing fresh cups. My cock was back to normal, ready to slip back down my leg.

"Can we take this to your room?" I asked.

"Yep, sure," she replied, pausing as I stood.

I offered a hand for my coffee but she turned and led the way.

Back in the room she set the coffee at the bedside, sitting on the floor with her back to the bed. I sat with the coffee between us.

"Jant," I began. "I've been thinking... my best course is to reveal myself, surrender to the authorities. Can I do that?"

"I am the authorities," she said flatly, her face turning serious.

"I guessed," I replied.

I waited a second.

"What now?" I asked, breaking my rule.

"We stay as we are, unless you force our hand it'll all end quietly. Please Frank, don't rock the boat."

"All I want to do is get things back to normal," I replied.

"Just give it one or two more days to see if Shelia comes up with anything, huh."


I sat back and sipped on my coffee, watching Jant's long legs stretched out before her.

Jant stirred.

"Oh, well, I've got to make the final rounds," she exclaimed. "Then do the handover and I'm finished."

She got up, gathering the cups. "I'll be back in about half hour, okay."

"Yes," I replied." I'll be waiting."

My feeble attempt at humour raised a smile from her lips. She turned and blew me a pouty kiss as she walked through the door.

I stood and looked at the other two packages she'd brought; the meal I'd left there had disappeared, probably the tidy up by the domestic bots. The remaining packages revealed four sandwiches of Pastrami on white bread and a selection of dainty cupcakes. I finished the sandwiches, leaving the cakes to share later.

I was back flipping through random channels on the screen, most of it was Tri V trash, soaps and serials with some centuries old. I was glad when Jant walked back in through the dilating door, at least now I could get her to take me back to their mess, and a decent meal.

"Jant," I greeted her.

"Frank," she replied.

"Are you hungry?" I enquired.

"I suppose you are," she quipped back.

"Well if there was a horse handy..." I followed on, an odd expression of my great grandmothers.


"Never mind," I told her. "Yes, I've finished the sandwiches you brought, and my tummy is still rumbling on."

"What about the fancies?"

That must be the cakes. "I've left those for coffee later."

"Alright, come on then, you'll need your strength later," she said with a smile on her face.

I followed her back to the mess, just one other table with two quite pretty girls this time. Jant took my arm as we walked in.

"I won't be a minute," she said softly, then went through a well camouflaged door. I made my way to the nearest table by way of the coffee machine, bringing two cups. She returned some minutes later pushing a little trolley, she served me a braised chicken breast dish, it was so good I finished what she had left over.

The coffee was half cold when we got to it and I went and refilled our cups, it was nice just sitting there, my surroundings no longer a mystery. I knew also that we'd be having our first session of sex that night within ten/fifteen minutes, if we stopped to shower first.

The thought of us naked in the shower, me washing her breasts, was enough to start my cock stirring. Quickly lying back on the hard plastic chair, I put my hand in my pocket, like some furtive masturbator. I slipped it up my thigh again, feeling it's thickening length, as it got big enough I slipped it under the waist band.

Jant was watching me with some amusement, I caught her knowing grin as I pulled my hand back out. I was struck by how nice she looked, not a stunning beauty but pretty enough for me. Over her shoulder I saw the rooms other occupants standing to leave.

Jant heard them to, looking over her shoulder to glance at their departing backs. She turned to the trolley beside her, removing her holdall from its innards.

"Shall we go as well?" she asked.

I stood, conscious of my cock still rampant and trapped by my trousers, and collected the two cups to take back to her quarters as well. I followed her back, now getting familiar enough with the route to navigate it myself if need be.

It only took a little persuasion to have her join me in the shower first, she'd stripped her coat off and was halfway on the bed before I'd made my case. She turned and sat, slipping the straps from her shoulders and twisting her bra round to unclip it.

As she spilt her beasts out I was fascinated by them, the little jiggle as she moved. She had nipples that echoed Shelia's 'perfect' composite, the areoles dark but moderate, making a shallow cone atop of which sat her nipples, proud and firm.

I was busy stripping my own clothes, topless I was standing trying to remove my shoes, my trousers and shorts round my ankles complicating matters. Then suddenly Jant was on her knees before me, holding my calf and sliding my shoe off.

I pushed my fingers into her hair, steadying myself as I lifted the other leg, then she stood, her fingers encircling my cock and gently guiding me towards the shower. Her hips were 'poetry in motion' in front of me.

With the water streaming over us she took the soap and crouched before me to wash my groin. I looked down on her as her hands soaped under my balls, coming up and over to lather my shaft. I gave a little groan of pleasure when her hand softly enclosed my head, her other hand stroking the length.

She teased me with the slow stroke before unexpectedly standing.

"Your turn to wash me," she said, handing me the soap.

She had a funny kind of smile on her face. Wry? Enigmatic?

I took the soap as she stretched her arms up before me, inching forward to let the water cascade across her mounds, with the hard pointed nipples dancing in the sparkling flow. I tumbled the soap in my hands and then took both breasts, swapping the soap from hand to hand as I built the lather.