Clone Saga: Final War Ch. 01


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"Ow, FUCK!!" he cried out. The little ring packed a hell of a punch.

"That didn't look like it made you stronger." said Mia.

"No, it doesn't seem to work when I'm cool and calm."

"Interesting." said Dr Arnott.

"Get yourself worked up then Streek, stop fucking around." said the other Mia.

Streek approached the bag with his fists raised again. It wasn't too hard to get himself worked up. There were several faces he could imagine; Captain Naeme, Clevens, Tank, Sadie, his clone, Skylar. He allowed his anger and hatred to rise. He threw another punch. It really hurt again, but this time he felt the raw power fill him.

Streek continued to pummel the punching bag with a series of punches. His body was racked with pain and raw energy. Each right punch caused the ring to surge and fill him with more power. Then he threw his hands forward, releasing the stored up energy. The bag was ripped to pieces and the bright blue ball shot out into the far wall of the cargo bay with great speed. A thunderous boom echoed around the large room and a large, smouldering dent was left in the wall.

"Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" both Mias said simultaneously and excitedly.

Streek was breathing heavily and his heart was beating fast as he looked over at the far wall. "How do you feel Streek?" asked Dr Arnott.

"Great. I felt really powerful, ...and the release, feels good!"

"Found another way to get your rocks off eh?" teased Mia.

Dr Arnott looked over the scanner in his hand. "The discharged power is greater than any portable weapon we're able to produce. Hmmm, as suspected, it's your nanobots that hold the charge. Likely a part of their defence mechanics, like the bio-regeneration. In fact is seems your bio-regeneration works much faster while your nanobots are holding a charge, in addition to you becoming stronger. They can only hold so much though, then they need to release before the raw energy tears you apart."

"But we've got nanobots. Why can't we do it?" said Mia.

"It's not automatic like the regeneration. It seems there needs to be a trigger for it. What were you doing the first time it happened Streek?"

"Trying not to be killed by my crazy clone. I fought back, even though I was wearing a slave collar."

"I see, fighting for your survival. That might do it. How did you feel?"

"I was angry, ...furious, she had threatened Bernie."

"Ah, it is obvious your feelings for Bernadette run very deep. Perhaps it is an extreme emotional response that is the trigger."

"So we've been going about this the wrong way." said Mia.

"We've been trying to do this with a clear and focused mind, as per our martial arts training." said the other.

"But an extreme emotional response is what's needed eh?"

"We've got a lot a rage deep inside us. We just need to tap into it."

"Give me the ring." they both said together.

Streek took the ring off and threw it between them. The two young redheads pushed at each other. One of them snatched it from the air. "Fuck you, give it here bitch!" said the other. She just smiled at her clone as she put it on.

Makita had set up another punching bag. Mia approached it, "Just need to get mad." She raised her fists and clenched her teeth as she looked at the punching bag. "Fuckin' Blue-coats! Fuckin' Black-jacks! Rapist assholes! You'll pay for everything you've done!"

There was an intense look in her green eyes and she growled as she threw a hard punch. The powerful shock surged through her body and she cried out in pain, but she didn't get any stronger. "Damn it! Why can't I do it?!" she yelled angrily and threw another punch. There was just more pain, making her legs go weak and she staggered back.

"Why can't I do it?!!" she yelled out coming forward again and throwing another hard punch. The powerful shock surged through her and she dropped to the ground.

"Mia, that's enough!" called out Dr Arnott.

"Drakk it! That little ring packs a punch. I'm mad a hell!" said Mia, sitting up.

"Pass the ring sis. Let me have a go." said the other Mia.

"Perhaps it was a fluke. Maybe it is something only Streek can do. I need to look over this data more thoroughly. I don't want you girls killing yourselves in the meantime." said Dr Arnott.

"If Streek can do it, I can do it." said Mia putting on the ring.

Dr Arnott sighed, "There is something else I wanted to show you Streek. Would you mind getting a belt for him Makita."

"Yes, let's belt him up." said Makita, she reached in amongst Dr Arnotts' gear and handed a grey black metallic belt to Streek.

"Thanks. What does it do?" asked Streek, feeling the weight of it, pretty heavy for a belt.

"That's a personal energy shield. Our weapons division have finally perfected it for practical use. We're making it standard issue for all Resistance personnel."

"This'll stop me from getting shot?"

"That's the idea. It works like the energy shields on a starship, absorbing all incoming fire. Its' charge is finite, an alarm will warn you when it is getting low."

Mia screamed out in pain as she hit the punching bag, then she cursed loudly and lashed out again.

Dr Arnott continued, "They haven't been able to practically replicate the two-way function of a starships' shields, so it will absorb fire from the wearer as well."

"So it will take the fight up close and personal." said Streek. "That's where I shine."

"Yes, but don't become reliant on them, like I said, the charge is limited, and we don't know what weapon technology our enemies are developing, they may come up with a weapon that can penetrate our shields. Also, it won't protect you against slower moving thrown weapons, like blades and grenades, so you need to look out for that. Would you like to test it out?"

"Yeah, let's do it."

Streek tested out his new shield belt for a while. The two Mias kept at it, but only continued to curse loudly as they were continually shocked. Dr Arnott had left with Makita to go over the data he had obtained.

A while later, the Mia clones had settled down. One of them handed the ring back to Streek. "We're gunna get our own shock rings. I'm not gunna give up on this until I can do it."

"I don't doubt it." said Streek.

"So, the Ivan Drago is heading off for her first mission soon eh?"

"Yeah, we launch at zero seven hundred tonight. Just a simple recruitment mission."

"Don't ever go assuming things will be simple. The dangerous galaxy is getting a whole lot more dangerous now."

"Yeah, I learned we gotta be ready for just about anything."

"I don't know if we'll be here when you get back, so I'll see you when I see you. Take care out there."

"You too Mia, ...and Mia. Good luck with the energy absorption thing." Mia came forward and hugged him and then the other Mia came and wrapped her arms around him as well. Streek had only known her a short time, but they had become quite close friends.

Streek left the cargo bay and started making his way through the maze of starship corridors. Outside a set of turbolifts he came across Kira. The slim, young and pretty brunette was one of the students he was instructing in close quarters combat. She was wearing her yellow tracksuit.

She smiled when she saw him. "Hi Sergeant McKenzie."

"Hey Kira, how's it going?"

"Good thanks. Ha, I still need to get used to you being a man. I was just going to the gym to work out. Do you happen to have time for some more tutoring?"

"Sorry, I gotta get ready. I'm going to be out in the field for a while."

"Oh." her smile faded. "...Take care out there."

"I will. Don't worry, I have a good captain. I'll be back before you know it. I've asked Captain Mia Bolton to give you a little tutoring while I'm away, if that's allright with you."

"The Mia Bolton, wow. She's a bit of a legend around here. so are you Sergeant, after New Heidi and Verona."

"Well stuff like that tends to get blown up out of proportion. Mia is an awesome fighter though, you could learn a lot from her."

"Yeah, I will. See you later Sergeant. Good luck."

"Yeah, see ya Kira."

Streek was a little apprehensious about having Mia train his student. He remembered how she trained him, throwing him in the deep end against dangerous holobots. She can be pretty intense, but that might be good for Kira, ...if it doesn't kill her.


Around Twelve hundred hours SGT, Streek was back inside the Hornet, running all the pre-flight checks. The cockpit still smelt like marijuana smoke and sex. "You ready to go there bonehead?" came Bernies' voice over the comm.

"Ready when you are Blondie."

"Ivan Drago to control, requesting clearance for departure."

"Hornet One to control," added Streek, "Requesting clearance for departure."

"Clearance granted." said Rolley over the comm. "Good luck out there Bernie and Streek."

The flat, curved form of the Ivan Drago, lifted off from the steel floor of the spacious landing bay and turned on the spot. The thrusters on each sloped wing powered up and it smoothly flew out through the atmospheric shields and into space. Moments later the red and white, spearhead shaped fighter did the same, flying out behind it.

The two spacecraft zoomed off, leaving the Sunnydale base. They flew by the moon their base was orbiting. It's surface was half pale white and half dark, and not from the shadow. It's dual-tone surface had it nicknamed 'Yin-Yang' by the Resistance members.

They flew past LIS-542, the huge peach, brown and white gas giant with the large shining ring system. Streek smiled as he looked down at the rings, remembering what they got up to in there. "It's still beautiful." said Bernie over the comm.

"Almost as beautiful as you." said Streek.

"Barf, It's just a big ball of gas." came Bens' voice.

"You are! Get ready to dock with us when we're clear of its gravity well Streek."

"Aye Captain."

Soon they were out in space, with the gas giant and its' moons far behind them. Streek slowly approached the Ivan Drago from behind. He lightly manipulated the controls as the Hornet moved into its' tight slot underneath. He realised he was coming in on an angle and overcorrected, the Hornet scraped loudly along the side.

"Hey go easy!" said Bernie over the comm.

"Just feeling my way in."

"My Baby doesn't like it rough. You haven't been practicing this have you? Just been spending all your time on combat scenarios."

The Hornet eased into place and the clamps grabbed it and pulled the fighter up into the underside of the starship. Streek powered the Hornet down and opened the canopy. He climbed out of the cockpit and up the short ladder to the hatch above him.

The hatch opened up and Ben-Two offered his hand. Streek grabbed it and was helped up into the ships corridor. "Welcome aboard the Drago Sergeant."

"Thanks Sergeant." Like Bernie, he was a clone of his best friend since high-school, Ben Anders. He was wearing a brown jumpsuit with a 2 printed on the chest so that he could be told apart from his identical clone.

"How's the Hornet flying?"

"Fine, very smoothly."

"Any chance I can take her out for a spin some time? Y'know since I saved your life with it and all."

"Maybe. If the opportunity comes up."

"I've shot down six other craft with it, including the Cthulhu. How many have you shot down?"

"Sixty four."

"I'm not talking about Sim-fighters dickhead."

"I'll rack a score up soon enough."

"Ha! If you don't slam it into an iceberg first."

"Bernie told you about that?"

"No secrets between clones." said Ben-Two laughing as he walked off down the corridor.

Streek entered the cockpit. Bernie was sitting in the Captains chair, he bent down and kissed her on the cheek, "Hey Baby."

"That's 'Hey Captain Baby' while we're in the cockpit."

Streek sat down in the chair next to her and gave her a mock salute, "Aye Captain." He looked up at the viewscreen, it was a holographic three sixty degree viewscreen like the one in Dr Arnotts' Avatari. He turned and saw the ringed planet getting smaller behind them.

Streek let out a sigh, "So, ...back to New Heidi."

Bernie looked at him seriously, "You sure you're okay with it Streek? Things were pretty fucked up there last time."

"Nah, I'm fine. I'm just not sure why General Bolton wants us to recruit ...him. I don't like the guy."

"Oh, he's not so bad once you get to know him." said Bernie smiling.

Streek brought up a holographic star map on the console in front of him. "You're taking us through some systems flagged with high pirate activity." He remembered the time Ben had plotted a coarse through Pirate territory and it had ended very badly for them. But they only had a small vulnerable shuttle then, not a powerful warship like the Ivan Drago.

"Yeah, I am. We are in unprotected space. I'm not going out of my way to avoid Black-jacks."

"You're hoping to run into them aren't you?"

"Maybe I am."

Soon the Ivan Drago launched into hyper-warp and started speeding through interstellar space, away from the Lister system.


Nine hours later, the Ivan Drago dropped into the Forza system, another red dwarf system. It soon jumped into hyper-warp again without incident. Six and a half hours after that, it dropped into a binary star system called Shodan.

"I'm picking up a couple of ships a few hundred clicks away." said Ben-Three from his station in the cockpit. "Mid-sized gunships by the look of it, no identifiers."

"Bingo, we got some pirates. Our identifiers show us as a neutral trading vessel. Our real power output is masked. Let's see what they do." said Bernie.

"Remember, some PA ships are xenoform as well." said Streek.

"That'll make it a fair fight then. But I'm not too concerned if it's not. Pirates never worry about a fair fight."

Ben-Three spoke up again, "They've changed coarse Captain, heading our way."

"Yeah, those pirate fuckers are looking over at us, thinking we're a nice wet pussy. They're coming to get some action. But they don't realise the Drago is actually a big fat cock, ready to fuck them hard."

"Two hard cocks." said Streek. "Permission to engage them in the Hornet Captain?"

"Oh I'm not gunna stop you. I know you've been dying to take the Hornet into action. Go get 'em Sergeant."

Pretty soon the two star ships descended on them, firing a barrage of red lasers. They were both pretty much identical. a bulky disc shape, almost twice as big as the Drago. They had black hulls with blue Stingray motifs painted on the side. There was no mistaking they were part of the Pirate Alliance.

The Ivan Dragos' powerful shields soaked up the volley of laser fire as they passed. The Hornet fighter disconnected from the underside of the ship and drifted downward, before powering up its' thrusters and shooting off.

The two pirate gunships came around for another pass. This time the Ivan Drago had deployed its' twin repeater laser cannons and had them powered up. As the Pirates started firing again, the Drago returned fire with a barrage of yellow laser bolts that pummelled the shields of both ships.

"It doesn't look like they're xenoform." said Ben-Three in the cockpit. "Our shields are sitting comfortably in the green. Theirs are a different story."

"This is the point where they realise they picked a fight with the wrong bitch." said Bernie grinning. "...They're fucked!"

"It doesn't look like they're making another pass. They're running."

"I'm taking us after them. Destroy them at your leisure Sergeant, just watch for the Hornet."

The Ivan Drago shot off in pursuit of the two pirate ships. The Hornet swooped in ahead of them, firing its' quad lasers at one of the enemy craft. Missiles began launching from the black ships, one after another.

Streek targeted the incoming missiles and they began exploding in space. A couple got through and exploded on the Hornets' energy shields, but they barely had an impact on the powerful craft. More missiles exploded on the Dragos' shields.

One of the Pirate gunships broke away from the other. Streek continued to pursue it as they both fired laser bolts at each other. The Drago continued to wear down the shields of the other craft.

"That's it Captain, their shields are failing. They're hailing us."

"Not interested. Go in for the kill." said Bernie.

"Aye Captain."

The Dragos' powerful laser cannons continued firing, they stopped impacting on the energy shield and started slamming into the hull of the black gunship. The ship desperately tried to moved about and avoid the laser fire as pieces of it were ripped off. The yellow laser fire tore into the centre of the ship and it was suddenly engulfed in a large silent explosion. Debris scattered through space in all directions.

"Yeah! Take that you pirate motherfuckers!" said Bernie joyfully. She opened up a comm to the Hornet. "That's one Pirate ship that's had a good fucking. Haven't you finished with your bitch yet Streek?"

"Just give me a minute baby. I'm enjoying myself here."

"Don't keep me waiting too long Stud."

The Hornet stayed in pursuit of Pirate gunship, easily absorbing all its' fire and steadily wearing down its' shields. Soon it met the same fate as its' sister ship, exploding violently.

"Was it good for you Baby?" asked Bernie.

"Fuckin' fantastic." said Streek.

"Good, now return to the Drago. We've still got a mission to complete. Unfortunately it's not hunting down pirates this time."

"Aye Captain."


Streek returned the Hornet to the Ivan Drago and docked much smoother this time. He made his way to the cockpit where Bernie, Ben-Two and Ben-Three were.

"That's a few less pirates the galaxy has to worry about." said Streek.

"Ah ha, sit down Streek. We're about to jump." said Bernie. The ship shuddered slightly and the viewscreen went black. Bernie stood up, "You two, put together a report on how the ship performed in our little sortie. I'm going to inspect the engine room. Would you care to assist me Sergeant McKenzie?"

"Sure." said Streek smiling, he knew what sort of assistance she had in mind.

When they left Ben-Three said, "Why does she always get him to assist her in the engine room? We know a lot more about engineering than him."

Bernie and Streeks' lips were locked together, kissing passionately as they entered the engine room. Streeks' hands groped at her ass and large boobs. His hard cock strained out in front of him.

Bernie was all hot and flushed, "I'm not your captain right now Streek, I'm your dirty whore. Use me however you want."

Streek gave her a big grin, "Shut up and take your clothes off whore!"

Bernie quickly pulled down her jumpsuit and slipped off her grey D-cup bra and panties so that she was standing in front of him wearing only her boots and a smile. Streek had slipped out of his own jumpsuit and his hard six-inch cock was poking out in front of him. "On your knees." he told her.

Bernie obediently got dropped to her knees and straight away got hold of his cock and balls. She rubbed his balls and shaft as she took the cock-head into her mouth. Streek moaned with pleasure at the feeling of the warm, wet mouth sucking him. Her tongue rubbed around his head. Streek still marvelled at how good she was at that.

She looked up at him with her beautiful blue eyes. Streek smiled down at her, "Ooh yeah, you're such a good whore." He ran his fingers through her light blonde hair as she began bobbing her head back and forth, taking him deeper and sucking harder.

He stood there in ecstasy for a while as Bernie expertly rubbed and sucked his hard member. "Yeah, that feels fuckin' great baby, but I wanna get some of your hot pussy as well."

Bernie took is wet cock out from her mouth and smiled up at him, "My hot pussy wants you too."

She stood up in front of him and he leant forward and kissed her as he grabbed her big boobs and squeezed them. Then he firmly turned her around and bent her over so that she leant up against the pulsing bright blue power core. Bernie wriggled her big round butt at him and Streek gave it a playful slap. Her pussy looked nice and wet.