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"I'm just a Longshoreman I don't know that science stuff!" I sure wish they would speak English.

"That is the chromosome that determines gender," Margaret explained.

"You made me a girl?" I screamed. The lights went out. I don't know if I fainted or she gave me a tranquilizer.

When next I opened my eyes there was Beth looking down, she asked, "Are you feeling calmer now? You fainted. It must be that you are still acclimating to the hormone levels, so try to stay calm and we'll get through this. Now you see the reason we have been telling you slowly, to give you time to steel yourself for the sensations you will be experiencing."

"But first," she came closer and kissed me on the mouth, the only place I could feel anything.

Her kiss drew a long languid moan from me. When your only sensory input other than your eyes, is your mouth, I guess a kiss can be near as good as an orgasm.

"You liked that did you? Me too!" she smiled down at me.

"On to what we did to you. The replacement parts were grown, and surgically attached to your body. Each part is forced to mature rapidly to an age we determine, and then aging is halted. Giving you a full sized part to replace the original ones. You have female limbs, we replaced your pelvis, well most of as two pieces and forced healed them with the slight surgical modification of making it wider. You have 40-inch hips, which set your sexy thin legs very wide apart. We did the same with your shoulders and collarbones only made them smaller. Your ribs have all been replaced and here is where we started to enhance you a bit, we stopped the growth a little short of full maturity, especially the lower ones. We wanted to give you a lovely thin waist, and it worked perfectly. The hardest replacement was your spine, it was long and arduous work, fusing sections and pulverizing the vertebrae, slipping both halves of the replacements around the old area and fusing the bones together, you now have the most supple spine I've ever seen, if I do say so myself," she stretched and drank from her glass of water.

"We replaced your skull in sections, jawbone and even your teeth, all of them perfect, no cavities. We replaced your skin and scalp in sections as well, we couldn't resist enhancing your lips though, we didn't use collagen like most surgeons, I just grew three sets of them and spliced them together, that gave me an other idea, so I lengthened your tongue the same way. Your voice box was replaced with one we negated the aging at around two years old. (I really love your cute little girl voice now.)"

"We replaced your pituitary gland. I added more saliva glands and deadened your gag reflex so that you'll be able to deep throat a double dildo and drive you partner wild, I don't think you'll drool all the time, just when you see a hot juicy pussy you want to lick, and then you'll start drooling like a Saint Bernard!"

"Most of your internal organs were replaced with smaller feminine versions, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, like that."

"When we removed your prostrate, testicles, and penis, they were replaced with the vulva, vagina, uterus, and ovaries that your female cloned parts created. We were worried that the ovaries might not take so we gave you six of them. If any of your ovaries fail to function, odds are at least two would remain functioning. We got lucky though, and all six are working beautifully."

"Margaret suggested that we enhance you to help you transition into you new life as a lesbian sex slave," she looked devilishly hungry. "So you have a longer vagina three times the glands, that a normal woman has for lubrication that's six Bartholin's glands, and three sets of vaginal muscles. One behind the other, you should be able to squeeze each set individually and do wonderful tricks."

"We lined the deeper areas with nipple tissue grown and spliced together. Margaret and I both wish we could feel things deep within us so you will be the test pilot for an added sexual thrill for many of our lesbian friends. Think about it, as the tissue is stimulated, it will contract tightly around the invader, and send incredible thrills to your pleasure center."

"The last thing, I'm so excited about! We gave you three clits, in a cute little triangular cluster, right where a woman's clit belongs."

"You should enjoy lesbian sex immensely," she concluded.

"Do you think you are ready to start using and feeling your new oversexed slut female body?" she gave me an evil look.

"No answer? Tough, here goes slut!" Beth laughed.

She did something off to the side of my head, and a barrage of sensations, many of which were just damn freaky. Intense sensations from everywhere assaulted me. The one that received my attention first was the huge weight on my chest.

"You didn't say anything about huge breasts!" I accused in my baby girl voice.

"Oh those little things? I wanted you to experience the wonderful sensation that all little girls have, of your breasts growing, and we learned from your hypnosis session that you are attracted to inhumanly large breasted women. So I force grew thirty sets of breasts and inhibited their maturing at about eight years old. I spliced all of the mammary glands together, made up two impressive nipples, and grafted all of the skin together forming a pair of impressive 'E cup' breasts, without the loss of sensation common to the stretched skin normal woman have when they have large breasts. Your big boobs have the tender sensitive skin of an eight-year-old girl. The only drawback is when your fully grown, womanly hormones, start to circulate through those immature mammary glands, they will begin to grow, and with six ovaries feeding them, you should wind up with a set of very impressive breast! Were not sure yet if you'll be able to walk when they finish growing, but we'll deal with that when the time comes," she concluded.

"Hold onto your hat slut, and feel this," she reached out with her hand and caressed my breast and nipple.

"Ooooooh," I moaned.

"Oh Beth, you should see the reaction down at this end! Trade places and I'll show you," Beth went down to my other end.

Margaret said, "Watch!" She caressed my breast just like Beth had.

"Ooooooh," I moaned again.

"Wow! He's going to have to wear a Maxi Pad all the time! Did you see his pussy twitch when I did it?" she asked Margaret.

"No, I missed it!" she pouted.

"Swap again," and she caressed me again.

"Oh God!" I screeched.

"Cool! Do it again," she prompted, bending close to get a better look.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I screamed and came so hard that when Margaret stood up she looked like a drowned cat! The whole top half of her was drenched to the bone. After extended sensory deprivation, my sensitive female skin and nipples and the sight of those two gorgeous women was too much for my male brain.

Beth nearly wet herself laughing at her, and when I came back to myself, I thought I had peed on her.

"Serves you right! Play with fire and you're sure to get burned!" I taunted.

Beth and Margaret laughed.

Margaret took her finger and scraped some of my pussy juice off with it, and slipped it into her mouth, "Mmmm."

Beth told me, "Poor Sid, Margaret and I are lesbian lovers. We love pussy! And now you have one too!" She squealed and went over to Margaret and started cleaning her up with her tongue.

"Damn, Sid you taste good! What do you think Margaret, how is she?" Beth prompted.

That was the first time anyone ever referred to me as a 'she'. I felt like crying. Damn hormones!

Margaret started fingering me and the room began to spin, my breasts shifted and I was on my way to an unconscious orgasmic abyss.

I woke up in a bedroom, a rather frilly girly bedroom.

They had slipped a nightie over my head. I thought to myself, 'Did it have to be lacy and pink?'

"You look beautiful in that sissy pink Baby Doll. And that's a good color for you! You are going to be wearing a lot of pink I think," Margaret declared.

"Oh yes, I can barely keep my hands off our new sex slave! She is making me soak my sexy girly panties," Beth agreed.

"Oh... my breasts ache, are they supposed to?" I whined.

The ladies looked at each other and smiled then the looked back at me and replied in stereo, "They're growing!" And they giggled themselves silly like two schoolgirls who just saw their first naked boy.

I was so tired I closed my eyes and just dropped back onto the bed, expecting to just nod off.

"Hey, it's time for your first sex slave training session, so scoot over! I've been waiting a whole year, to fuck you, and nobody is going to keep me from it," she scooted me over with her butt as she climbed in.

Margaret just stood there with her lower lip protruding, "Hey how about, a second?"

"Go ahead crawl over Sid and slip in on the other side, we can make a lesbian sandwich, with her as the meat!" she slipped her arm around my tiny waist, while Margaret reached around my chest and pretended to be a living bra!

"Oh God, I... can't, too... too... tired!" I complained.

"Margaret, behave! You don't see me loosing control and slipping my finger between her hot labia, like this, or I diddling these three sensitive little clits?" Beth said, as she did just that.

"Uh, Ooh, Eeeee, Aaaaah," was all I could manage.

"Maybe if you did, then I would tweak on these unbelievable nipples," she did as she claimed!

They kept me in a constant state of orgasm, for a half hour, easily. Either I fell asleep as soon as they stopped or I passed out, I don't know which.

I woke up lying in an unbelievable wet spot! I slowly reaffirmed that my nightmare was completely real. I had been turned into a lesbian's sex toy, and to make matters worse my breasts ached and felt tighter. They must be growing just as Beth told me they were. I reached up to massage them. and made the wet spot grow bigger.

'Doesn't this cunt ever dry up?' I thought. It felt like I had a leaky bladder when I wasn't being stimulated, and when I was, look out, Tidal Wave! Three times the vaginal lubrication of a normal woman.

I tried to sit up and made it on my second try. These were little girl tits? Granted they were thirty little girl tits, all rolled into one (each), but damn! I must look like Wendy Whoppers! These babies were almost, rock hard, and the areolas around the nipples were as big and puffy as they could be!

I had always had a thing for soft puffy nipples and could hardly keep my hands off of myself.

I spread them apart and tried to get a look at my vulva down between them.

Just as I had finally gotten into a position to get a glimpse of it Margaret came strolling in, "Shit I wish I had remembered to bring my camera! That is so hot and precious at the same time, I'd love to get a shot, so I could blow it up and hang it over my bed, to masturbate to."

"I just wanted to see my three clits, like Beth claims I have," I explained.

"I knew that, it just really turns me on. What can I say? Oh, here," she reached into her purse and pulled out a compact and showed me my pussy in it's mirror.

"Oh my dear God, I do have three clits! I'm a slut! That's all I could ever be now, a complete lesbian sex slave slut!" I cried.

As I thought over my situation, it appeared completely hopeless to me. My body was hopelessly mutilated, my cock gone, my muscular arms replaces by weak spindly little girl arms, skinny legs replaced my hard manly thighs, and to top it of my small tight hard butt, was now measured by the acre! Everything I was everything I hoped to be, gone! Finally I thought, 'If Beth took everything. My life and future, she deserves to die!'

The moment that thought crossed my mind, I lost control of my body and I became just and observer. My body stood up, walked out into the lab where Beth was working, right up to her and dropped to the floor, with my legs spread wide, and I heard my little girl voice say, "Oh please, please, Beth make me your sissy lesbian fuck toy, please, please, please!" I went on like that for over an hour as I begged her to do unspeakably nasty things to me and make me her slave.

Beth finally spoke, "You must have been contemplating doing violence to me. You will recall we told you that you are a most susceptible hypnotic subject. Well, Margaret felt it would be prudent to leave certain hypnotic triggers in your subconscious, so that anytime you think of doing violence to someone, you will immediately find them, and prostrate yourself in front of them, like this, and beg them to make you their fuck toy."

She continued, "Next time you will be punished severely!"

She sighed, "Oh well, I think Mistress Margaret was looking forward to playing dress up with you, so go find her and remember this lesson, the next one will be much worse."

She said, "Vacuum lock release," and I had control of my slutty feminine body once again.

Beth waved as I walked away, "Bye Sid. Oh, I need to warn you. Watch out, you have more triggers like that one, should you contemplate inappropriate behaviors. There are also a few that we can call upon, if you are uncooperative, or hysterical. We gave them to you, for your own good, so don't be mad sweetheart."

"There are over two hundred ladies on my island, and every one of them, has been eagerly waiting to get a turn fucking you. The fact that you are a man forced to be a bimbo sex slave is making them crazy! I'll see you in a couple hours when I finish my experiments here, I've been horny as hell all morning."

I left her with my face in my hands weeping like a four year old. When I reached my room sure enough Margaret was there. I ignored her and went over to the bed, plopped down on it, and pulled a pillow over top of the back of my platinum blonde head.

"That's enough of that young lady!" Margaret scolded me. I pretended not to hear her.

"Okay you force me to take drastic measures missy. Override slut cunt one," she commanded.

Once again my body began moving without my control. I went over to Margaret pulled up her skirt and slid down her panties and pantyhose and... oh my God, stuck out my disgustingly long tongue, right up her sweet cunt, a full six inches! I discovered myself drooling down my chin and between my boobs.

"Oh baby, oh sweetie. Yes, tongue fuck momma. Take me to heaven you darling slut! Oh, oh, baby, oh, I love you sweetheart. OH YES! FUCK ME FUCK ME! Eeeeeeee!" she came all over my face and had to steady herself on my head so that she didn't fall down.

"My God Sid you are a treasure! Now, I'm going to release you from this compulsion, before you make me cum again, but if you don't quit sulking, you might find yourself tongue fucking every lady on the Island, before you get released again. So please behave yourself and maybe this can be fun for both of us, instead of completely humiliating for you!" she was shaking her finger at me like a scolding School Marm.

"Override release slut cunt one," she ordered.

Once again in control, I realized that my new body, really liked the taste of pussy, and I kept licking her sweet cunt, damn it tasted good. Before she knew it, I had her panting like a bitch in heat. She started to cum again but I didn't want to waste a drop, so I sealed my mouth to her crotch sucking and swallowing every delicious drop, "Mmmmm."

"Oh, oh, thank you Sid, ooh that was good!" she grinned down at me, "So you like eating pussy don't you?"

"You taste sooo good Margaret, I just couldn't help myself!" I admitted, hugging her legs and waist.

"The pleasure was all mine darling," she was stroking my thick platinum blond hair. "Now I have to play dress up too, and change out of these cum soaked clothes. Come with me I know you haven't urinated in twenty-four hours, and I expect you'll find you really need to go by now, then we can both get a shower. No, strike that, we'll have a bubble bath so I can help you to learn to wash that luscious body you find yourself in."

"I won't insult you by reminding you to sit down, but you need to know how to wipe your pussy afterwards, from the front to the back, and never re-wipe. You can give yourself a nasty infection if you re-wipe or wipe your rectum and smear that all up your pussy lips... well you get the idea. If you go number two wipe in the same direction just start at the back of your pussy and wipe away from it. We'll go over some other pussy care tips later, but I figured you needed to know at least that much now."

"I'll go get the bath started," she disappeared through another door in the bathroom.

This is so weird! I have to pee out of my butt! I'm going to have to pee like a girl, for the rest of my life! How depressing!

That's when I found out there was something different, about the water closets, here on the island, none of the seats flip up. Every one of them is fixed, in the down position! No man's land!

There is only one man in this land, sort of, a man's mind, in the buxom body, of a lesbian slut.

I sat down, spread my legs to watch (I had never actually watched a girl pee before) and I guess there's no other way to describe it, let go. It was kind of like draining a water balloon, just stream and empty, no second wind, no squirt left, I was just done. I wiped like Margaret told me and just sat there staring at the gash between my legs thinking, 'look at what they have done to me, I'm a freak!'

"It looks so pretty, doesn't it, or were you thinking something else?" Margaret asked me. I hadn't seen her watching from the doorway.

"I was thinking about how I've been mutilated, and turned into a freak!" I lashed out with the only method left to me.

"I'll have you know, that's a real, honest to no shit, set of woman's organs you have there, and an absolutely first class set, if I do say so myself!" she claimed.

"Oh really, how many real women have, three clits, six ovaries, a vagina lined with nipple tissue, and have pussies that are always leaking like they are constantly in the midst of foreplay?" I didn't even mention the tongue, since it's at the other end, or any of the other differences I've been endowed with, "I'd say that qualifies for freak," I spat.

"Don't bitch about them, until you've tried them," she shot back.

Then she shocked me by asking, "I want you to be totally honest with me, and yourself, how did you really like the way your new tongue works? Did you receive enough pleasure from it, or would you rather settle for a short, ordinary one? One that wouldn't drive your lover to heights, she had never before attained? You heard me right, I don't think I ever came like that before in my entire life!"

"I really loved driving you wild like that. Next time I'll try to do better!" my eyes were down cast.

"Come on the water will get cold," she motioned for me to follow. She stripped as we walked.

I was left with nothing to do but watch as each tantalizing section of her was revealed.

By the time we reached the tub two naked ladies dove in. (The bath tub was so big it looked like a hot tub!)

"That's better!" Margaret lay back, enjoying the release of tensions, given by the soothing water.

When I stepped in and slowly immersed 'my body' it felt much as it had before, but when my bottom went under, I felt, for the first time, warm water seep into my vagina, what a strange feeling! It felt good though, and made me feel cleaner, while the warmth relaxed me entirely.

"Must feel different than before, judging by the surprised look on your face. Never had water inside before eh?" Margaret grinned devilishly.

"My nipples feel different than when I woke up," I tried to look at them.

"They probably do, this is the first time, since we installed them, that I've seen them, unclenched! Anything else feel strange?" she asked.

"You have got to be kidding! I've got boobs and a cunt! Anything feel strange? Duh," I rebuked her.