Close Encounters: Garden Variety Ch. 03

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Decisions. First Time. Meetings.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/04/2024
Created 02/12/2023
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Darci had a rough night. It was nowhere near as bad as Mary's, but still rough. She held her best friend and lover late into the night as the woman cried herself to sleep. At three in the morning, she awakened to Mary crawling between her legs, frantic to make love. Afterward, they lay in each other's arms as she talked about the incident that left her rectum scarred, how it affected her entire life, and her hope that Irwin could heal her and wasn't just filling her head full of bullshit.

In the morning, Darci carefully crawled out of bed to not wake her lover and made her way over to the exercise room.

She had a lot of good memories of this room, and very few involved exercising. Derrik wasn't much for working out, but after buying the house, he was more than willing to trade one of the three guest bedrooms for somewhere Darci could exercise nude. When she suggested putting mirrors on one wall and getting some floor mats, he jumped at the idea. For the next few weeks, her fitness routine often ended with her in front of the mirrors, either on all fours as Derrik pounded her from behind or on her knees as he watched her suck his cock. Her pussy still dampened from the memory of those little performances.

Darci slipped on a pair of shoes she kept in the room, grabbed a bottled water from the small fridge in what used to be a closet, then started the treadmill for her morning walk. Darci loved being outside, but she could walk naked here since the window faced the tall privacy fence separating them from the neighbors. Not the greatest view, but the machine had a holder for her tablet if she brought it along.

The world felt bigger and smaller at the same time as she revisited yesterday's events in her head. Smaller because she no longer wondered if there was life beyond the stars. Yet it also felt larger because she was Earth's unwitting first contact with an alien lifeform and needed to hide that from the rest of the world until Irwin felt ready to make his presence known.

Last night's revelations also made Darci feel like a horrible person. Irwin said his kind could regrow limbs and perform miraculous feats of healing. That meant he could likely repair spinal injuries and nerve damage. If not caused by a genetic defect, Irwin could make the blind see and deaf hear. She wondered how much longer could his kind make the human lifespan?

Darci stepped onto the sides of the treadmill and took a deep breath. So many people desperately needed what this alien plant and his progeny could do. The guilt of keeping Irwin and his abilities from the world stole the air from her lungs. She found a little solace in knowing her secrecy was only temporary.

The bug-creatures Irwin showed them last night went from using sticks and simple tools to building massive civilizations and colonizing other planets with the help of his kind's ancestral memories. Humans already have computers that do the same thing, just digitally. Darci had a fleeting impression there was more to Irwin's method of communication, and he could share thoughts, feelings, and concepts, as well as data. The idea of plugging into a 'hive mind' disturbed her, but what if groups of the world's top engineers and physicists could use Irwin's kind to organically 'cloud-compute' the solutions to the world's problems. How would that change Earth? On top of that was the possibility of extending human lifespans. If Einstein or Tesla lived to be two or three hundred years old, what amazing feats could they have accomplished?

The implications of how Irwin's presence could change the world threatened to crush Darci beneath their weight, and she stepped back on the treadmill's belt to distract herself.

A smile gradually crept across her face. Darci had the chance to be the mother of this new age. She understood that Irwin's offspring would essentially be clones, but the idea that at least some of them would carry a little bit of her with them as they grew excited her more than expected. Maybe she had a breeding kink? She thought back to her fantasy in the kitchen and the feel of Irwin pumping her full of cum. Adding the possibility of becoming pregnant made her weak in the knees. She stepped off the belt for a moment and felt a droplet of moisture run down her thigh.

Darci flitted through a couple of her favorite fantasies involving men and not horny plant tentacles, and more droplets joined the first. Was this what women meant when they talked about their biological clocks ticking? In reality, there was no chance Irwin could get her pregnant, but 'incubating' his seeds felt like a close second. She could hardly believe her excitement over the idea of Irwin impregnating her but quickly shrugged it off as she stepped back on the treadmill. She could enjoy the idea all she wanted. It's not like it could actually happen.

Then there was Mary. Pushing everything else to the side, she would help Irwin grow just to help her friend and lover. While Darci teased Mary about how badly she wanted to experience anal sex, the scarring inside the woman's rectum made many things Darci took for granted extremely uncomfortable. Mary rode her motorcycle everywhere because she wanted to, but also because sitting in most cars was unpleasant. The woman wanted to buy different bikes but was stuck with the crotch rockets because riding something like a cruiser or a hog was genuinely painful. When shopping for furniture after the divorce, they chose Darci's couch primarily on the softness of the cushions. Worse yet, every trip to the bathroom was an ordeal for the woman. If Irwin could take that pain away from Mary, she'd happily spread her legs for him any time he wanted.

The thought caught Darci off guard. This wasn't a revisit of her fantasy but actually opening her legs to the plant sitting in her living room and letting those vines do whatever they wanted to her pussy. The thought didn't make her nearly as uncomfortable as she believed it should.

"Damn woman, you need a fan in here or something," said Mary from the doorway. "I can smell you all the way out in the hallway and it's making me horny."

Darci stepped off the belt and looked behind her. Mary's blonde hair was a messy, frizzy mess from crawling out of bed barely a minute ago, and she wore the bed's comforter wrapped around her shoulders like a cape. Dragging the blanket behind her, she shuffled into the room, followed by Beans and Shadow as they chased the comforter's trailing edge. Mary shooed the cats away as she sat down on the exercise bike, sucking in a deep breath as her bare pussy touched the bike's cool vinyl seat.

Darci chuckled and stepped back on the treadmill's belt.

"Dar, I want to thank you for putting up with me last night. Reliving those memories is always rough, and I needed to remind myself of life's pleasures. That sounded corny as hell, but I think you know what I mean."

Darci stopped walking and let the treadmill carry her off the back of the machine. The elastic cord attached to the bracelet on her wrist pulled the safety key out and making it slap her lightly in the thigh as the belt stopped. She took Mary's face in her hands and kissed her softly. "I love you, Mary. I loved you back in college when we couldn't find a man and were each other's Friday night fuck. I loved you the entire time I was married to Derrik when you were my best friend. And I love you now, as a best friend and lover. If you ever need me, whether it's like last night when you were hurting or something minor like a rough day at work, I will always be there for you."

"What if I decide to settle down, get married, and have a few kids?"

"Then I will probably be very jealous of your husband, at least for a while."

"What if I'd rather have a wife?"

Darci's breath caught in her throat. "Are you...?"

"No, at least not yet, but the thought has crossed my mind. I wanted you to know I was thinking about it. That way, if I ever did pop the question, it wouldn't be a total surprise. Uh... Dar? You okay?"

"Sorry! Sorry. Just daydreaming a little there," she replied, trying and failing to keep the dopey grin off her face. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Back to reality," said Mary. "What are we going to do about Irwin?"

Darci looked down at the wide bike seat where her friend sat. One asscheek hung off the edge, and Mary's hips cocked to one side to avoid discomfort instead of sitting on it like a normal person.

"I'm going to help him grow bigger," she said. "I've been thinking a lot about what he said this morning, and I think I will help him with his seeds too. Unless he's completely full of BS, his race could be a huge benefit to humanity. But even if that wasn't the case, I'd help him just for the chance he could heal you."

"And if he is full of shit?"

"I still have a juicer."

"As if," Mary chuckled. "I can't see you killing anything, much less him."

"True, but I'm not above handing him over to the government."

Mary pulled Darci close and rested her head on the woman's breasts. "You'd have sex with an alien plant just for me?"

"Not to cheapen how much I want to see you healed, but the best way to get what he wants will be to keep me aroused and coming. I don't think this will be much of a 'sacrifice.'"

"Your mind's made up then?"


"I hope you won't get jealous if I eventually want your boyfriend to fuck me."

Darci laughed. " I'd be a hypocrite if I did. I've been wanting to fuck yours for months now."

"What do you want to do about James?" Mary asked. "Do you still want to join us on occasion, or are you sticking with Irwin?"

The brunette's mouth twisted in consternation. "To be honest, I want James to throw me over his shoulder, half-court toss me across the room onto the bed and fuck me senseless. I miss the feel of a man on top of me and running my hands through chest hair as I ride a cock. I don't think Irwin is quite up to the task just yet."

"You realize that if James 'half-court tossed' you onto your bed, you'd probably bounce and end up on the floor on the other side."

"Not of your box spring disintegrates when you hit the bed." Darci laughed, then her expression sobered. "I miss Derrik when I think about those moments. Our sex life was fantastic those first few years."

"Seriously? He actually did that?"

Darci giggled. "Only once. We had to get a new box spring the next day."

"That is hilarious. I remember giving you a hard time for breaking your bed back then." Mary bit her lip in uncertainty, "I don't want to say this, but maybe I should call things off with James. If we're going to literally have sex with an alien, it feels like he should know about it. I don't see any way we can tell him about Irwin."

"Probably not, but I don't think it's necessary to quit him altogether. Irwin has been with me for weeks now, and neither of us has gotten sick from any space microbes."

"I meant to ask Irwin about that last night and forgot with everything else we talked about. But James deserves to know about any risk I might be putting him in. Either that or I need to break things off."

"I know you really like him."

"I do, but he's just a fuck. I can find some strange dick anywhere."

"And give no thought to informing them of the same risks?"

Mary's eyes narrowed. "Ooooh... you got me there."

"Maybe there's a little more there than 'just a fuck'?"

"Nah, as far as people I'm most likely to settle down with, you are at the top of that list, Dar. Even if that wasn't the case, he's got two other booty calls besides me and is looking forward to adding you to that number. He likes his gigolo lifestyle."

Darci rubbed her hands together and did her best villain impression. "Gooood, that means I'll get you all to myself," she cackled.

Laughing, Mary shook her head. "You're a dork sometimes, but I love you."

"Love me enough to consider changing my last name to Barnes, apparently," she said, taking off the treadmill's safety bracelet and dropping it in the machine's cupholder.

"Actually, I was thinking Labarre was prettier. I'm just kidding, you would definitely become a Barnes, and I call dibs on the tux. Let's go say hi to Irwin, shall we?"

"We shall," said Darci, her voice a lusty growl. "Because if you keep talking like that, I'm going to drag you back to bed. That's assuming we make it out of this room."

Mary grinned as she stood up. Letting the comforter fall to the floor beside the exercise bike, she leaned in close until her nipples brushed against Darci's. "I love getting you worked up like this. Now that you're all wet let's see if your boyfriend is thirsty."

The predatory look on Darci's face vanished as her breath caught in her throat. "I'm actually about to do this, aren't I?" she said in a whisper.

"You said you're doing this for my sake, but I won't hold it against you if you back out."

"No... no, I'm going to do this. I want to do this." She took a deep breath and grabbed Mary's hand for support. "It just feels a lot more real now. Let's go."


"Alright, Irwin, I've decided I will help you grow bigger, and I want to help with your next generation. What do you need me to do?" Darci asked, taking one of his vines in her fingers.

In her mind, the piece of parchment paper returned with a drawing of her standing naked in front of Irwin as he was now. The next image showed his vines running up the insides of her thighs, the tips turning dark green with her moisture.

Darci let go of the vine and stood with her legs slightly apart as she had in Irwin's image while Mary knelt on the couch and watched from the side. What happened next felt surreal for both women. A vine stretched away from Darci and gripped the far edge of the end table while the other five vines reached toward her knees, getting thinner as they elongated. The brunette shuddered at the vines' touch as they absorbed the sweat and juices running down her inner thighs. But there was another sensation too.

"Dar, you okay?" Mary asked in concern. Darci's hands were balled into tight fists, and her face was bright red.

Darci hopped backwards, her breath exploding from her lungs in laughter as she bent down and rubbed where Irwin touched her. "That tickles!"

Mary felt a touch on her hand.

"Tickles?" Irwin asked.

"Certain places on the human body can be what we call 'ticklish.' Two of Darci's ticklish spots are the back and sides of her knee. Try using a little more pressure."

"Big, momentous occasion of true, interpersonal contact with an alien species, and I screw it all up by being ticklish," Darci grumped.

Mary rolled her eyes, "Stop it, Dar. You two aren't even in the same kingdom. Your expectations were a little unrealistic if you thought things would go off without a hitch."

"Kingdom?" Irwin asked.

"We have a system for classifying living creatures," Mary explained. "We are in the animal kingdom, and you are in the plant kingdom. At least, I think you are. Anyway, ready to try again?" Mary asked both of them.

Darci nodded and stepped forward, standing with her legs apart as Irwin reached toward her. The plant used one vine as an anchor again, but this time twisted two of the other five vines around one another as they moved toward her inner thigh. The last vine in the middle created a scaffold between the other four, giving them something to lever against. Her breath quickened as the vines slowly made their way up her inner thighs, inching ever closer to her sex.

Irwin finally touched the lips of her pussy. Darci gasped and shivered, telling out a little whimper at the intimate contact. The plant froze and started to form an image in her mind.

"No images. No talking. Just keep going," she panted.

Irwin's vines remained still for a moment before moving inward and slipping between the folds of her sex.

"Whyyy," she whined when he stopped again.

"You appear close to orgasm. I'm not certain I'm prepared to experience that again."

"What do you mean?" Darci asked as Mary reached over and laid a finger on Irwin's vines.

He quickly drew up an image of Darci sitting in the kitchen, clearly in the throes of orgasm. A vine touching her arm led back to Irwin. He had both his normal cartoon eyes and a line across them as confetti exploded out the top of his head like the 'mind blown' emoji.

"You experienced her orgasm?" Mary asked. "That's amazing!"

"I have memories going back hundreds of thousands of years. None of my ancestors experienced anything like a human orgasm. It was inconceivably pleasurable. I have been looking forward to this moment but expected it to come far in the future when I was larger and understood it better."

"First rule of having a human partner... there's a phrase I never thought I'd utter, is that if you start something you don't leave them... we'll use 'wanting.' The usual word may give a bad impression. We'll get into teasing and orgasm denial some other time, but generally, you finish what you start. If you don't, then don't expect your partner to be very happy with you for a while."

"I am frightened. In my first encounter with a human orgasm, the pleasure was so intense I could not move or think for a time. Immediately afterward, I wanted to do it again, but once I had the chance to reflect upon the experience, I felt vulnerable."

Mary laughed while beckoning Darci over to the couch. "It's a good thing you are technically both sexes. As you've seen, our males have higher muscle density and are often much larger than us because of some unintentional selective breeding. Sex puts us in a one-on-one, intimate situation where we are vulnerable, and the men have all the advantages. That's why we are choosy about who we open our legs to."

"I did not realize the importance of this. Darci, you put this trust in me, and I left you wanting. I am very sorry."

"That's okay," she said, bending over and kissing Irwin's bulb, "you didn't know, and I was too excited to discuss this with you beforehand. As Mary said, there were bound to be hiccups."

Mary stood up and let Darci lie on the couch with her feet toward the alien plant. The blonde then lifted one of Darci's legs up onto the back of the couch and pulled the other outward so her foot rested on the floor.

"The other thing to remember about women is that we can be very forgiving, sometimes to a fault," Mary continued. "Women usually take a lot longer to orgasm than men. But if he is willing to put in the effort afterward with his fingers or a toy to get us off, we'll usually call it good."

Irwin sent them a question mark, followed by a man with his head between Darci's legs.

"Straight men are often a little squeamish about semen, though they have no problem wanting us to drink it. Some men will do that after they cum in a woman, especially if they are bi, but it's not something I expect."

"Me neither. Derrik never did." Darci piped in as Mary threw a leg over her head, straddling her face.

Mary shivered as Darci pulled her hips down and began covering her vulva with little kisses.

"In this case," said the blonde as she suppressed a moan, "I'm going to play the role of that toy and make sure she gets off. Disconnect if it gets to be too much for you," she said, then leaned over and attacked Darci's pussy with her tongue.

Darci did the same, spearing her tongue past Mary's folds and as deep as it would go, then bobbing her head, tongue-fucking the woman. She jerked her hips as Mary focused on her clit while working two fingers into her vag. The brunette shuddered as she felt a light touch that wasn't Mary on the inside of her thigh. The same touch that tickled earlier sent shockwaves straight to her pussy and her entire body tensed in anticipation. Darci moaned into Mary's sex. Irwin was taking too long, she wanted him to touch her pussy NOW.

The light touch of the vine slid more quickly up her inner thigh in response, reminding her that the plant could hear her thoughts. Mary's thrusting fingers slipped out and held her pussylips open for Irwin. She also stopped licking her clit to watch, which was probably the only thing preventing Darci from cumming right then and there.