Clothed Female, Naked Sam


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When they both turned back to Sam, they were smiling widely. Mrs. Aames scooped up some of the sperm on Sam's belly and rubbed it into her daughter's face, much as she had rubbed it into her own, earlier on. Zoe reached down and scooped up another helping of sperm that was running down her mother's legs. It was extra runny because it was mixed with her mother's juices. She held her finger up and Mrs. Aames sucked it into her mouth.

Three milkings was the limit for Sam, who remained naked while Zoe and her mother wore their school maam clothes. They had Sam do some odd jobs around the house, things that a man was good for - heights and heavy lifting. They both followed him everywhere and watched his swaying cock intently.

Bringing his clothes back to the living room, Mrs. Aames and Zoe both helped Sam to dress.

"I've very much enjoyed meeting you Sam. You're such a nice boy and I know now that you do indeed love my daughter very much. I'm happy for you to continue seeing her on just one condition."

"What's that Mrs. Aames?"

"Every Wednesday, you are to come here for tea, much like today. We will wear these clothes for you and you will leave your clothes at the door. Once you come inside, you will take them off in the entrance hall and I will put them away for you. You will remain naked, but I think you've seen tonight that that's not such an unpleasant experience. At the end of the evening, you may have your clothes back. You may visit Zoe here at any time, but the same rule applies Sam. You are not to wear clothes in my house. You must be nude at all times with the only exception of coming and going. Does that suit you Sam?"

Sam leaned in to Mrs. Aames, giving her a kiss on the cheek and then a big hug. "That suits me perfectly Mrs. Aames. Thank you so much for having me. And tea was delicious."

"I'll give your Mum a ring in the next few days. See when she's available to come round."

"I'll let her know."

"You do that Sam, bye bye."

Sam and Zoe stood at the door for a few minutes as they said their goodbyes and their I love yous.


The following Tuesday, Valerie Knight was getting ready. Mrs. Aames had indeed called and invited her for tea. Sam was in the kitchen eating the meal that his mother had prepared for him.

"You be good while I'm gone."

"Always Mum. Have fun. Love you."

"Love you too honey."

Sam hadn't masturbated all week. He'd seen Zoe twice more, once on Friday and once on Sunday and she had implored him to save it up. It wasn't easy. With his mother out for the evening and the house all to himself, coupled with the anticipation of what the next day might bring, Sam desperately wanted to jerk one out.

His text went off. It was from Zoe.

Be a good boy tonight Sam. Hands off my cock!

Well, that sure told him. It was her cock now. And there was something about that notion he liked. It was her cock.

Mrs. Knight arrived home a little after seven. There was something about her that was different. Something in the way she looked at her son. She'd just spent the evening with Zoe and Mrs. Aames and Sam could only guess as to what went on there.

"Did you enjoy yourself Mum?"

Valerie came and sat down next to her son on the sofa. "I did. Zoe's such a lovely girl and Sandy is a charming woman."

"Sandy? Is that her name?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"No. I called her Mrs. Aames all evening. She didn't offer any other name."

"Well, it's Sandy. But if she hasn't invited you to call her that, you must stick with what you're calling her now."

"I will Mum."

"So? Do you like her?"

"I love her, Mum. You know that."

"Sandy? You love Sandy."

"Oh, no, I thought you meant Zoe. I love Zoe, Mum."

"Well I know that! I'm asking if you like her mother."

"Well, she's kind of cool I guess."

"Cool? In what way Sam?"

"Oh, you know, just... she's not all uptight and rigid like I thought she was going to be."

"She put you at ease then?"

"You could say that."

"She's invited me over again next week."

"Next Tuesday?"

"Naturally. Although, since you're going on Wednesday, it would probably make more sense if we just went together."



"I just mean, you probably talk about different things, you know, old women stuff."

Mrs. Knight scoffed. "Thank you. No offence taken. Glad to know my own son thinks I'm some kind of Granny."

"Oh, I didn't mean that Mum, I'm sorry. I just..."

"It's alright sweetheart, I know what you meant."

Sam breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, it's probably best that you go on Wednesdays and I go on Tuesdays and maybe sometimes, we'll have them both over here, what do you say to that Sam?"

"Uh... cool?"

Mrs. Knight smiled and went and changed into something more comfortable. Sam soon went up to his room and lay on his bed thinking of tomorrow.

When Sam came downstairs the following morning, his mother was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Sam's heart leapt into his mouth when he saw what she was wearing.

She was dressed for work in her navy suit, which she often wore. She was a personal assistant after all and she usually wore a business suit. What was different however was her blouse. Usually she wore blouses without a collar, even T shirts, or if she did wear them with a collar, she'd always wear them wide open to show off her cleavage a little. Today she had on her off white blouse, ecru, kind of beige. And she had buttoned it all the way to the collar.

Her hair was still down though, she hadn't put it up in a bun, even though sometimes she did. And she wasn't wearing a brooch either. That was a relief. He shouldn't read anything into it. Just coincidence. He'd seen her wearing those clothes before, the suit many times. Just a little weird about the collar, that's all, she didn't usually do that. He couldn't actually think of any time she'd done it.

"Hi Mum."

"Hi sweetie, sleep well?"

"Yeah, kind of."

"Good. Your toast will be ready in a minute."

"Thanks Mum."

"You're welcome sweetie. I've got to go, got an early start. Don't forget you're going to the Aames' tonight. I probably won't see you before you go, so if I'm not back, have a good time okay? Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Uh... that may be kind of hard! "Sure thing Mum! Love you."

"Love you too. See you later."

Standing at the front door, Sam rang the doorbell. Mrs. Aames came to the door wearing a white blouse, a black skirt and a grey cardigan. Again, her hair in a bun, three inch heels and no stockings. She wasn't wearing a brooch.

She let him inside and gave him a look. He knew what that meant and he immediately began undressing. "Zoe home?" he asked, making small talk. He shed his last item of clothing, his knickers and handed the pile to Mrs. Aames.

"She's in the living room Sam, you can go right in."

"Thank you Mrs. Aames. Oh... and Mrs. Aames?"

"Yes dear?"

"You look lovely today."

A smile came to her face. "Thank you Sam. Kind words always go a long way."

Sam stood naked at the door to the living room. Zoe was standing in front of the fireplace. She was dressed identically to her mother, the same black, white, grey combo. Her hair was also in a bun, but she wasn't wearing a brooch today either.

"No brooch?"

"Yes Sam, we were just waiting for you to get here. We thought you might like to put them on for us. And by the looks of your erection, I think I may be right!"

Sam walked over to Zoe and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her passionately while her mother took his clothes upstairs. His penis pressed into her and she took hold of it and squeezed his tip. "I love you Zoe."

"I know you do Sam."

"Right then Sam," Mrs. Aames returned to the room. "First thing first. Could you help me pick out a brooch please Sam."

She stood by the side of the door where there was a writing desk. Laid out across the surface must have been at least thirty brooches, of different sizes, colours, designs. There were various gems, sapphires, emeralds, rubies and amber stones, opals and obsidian. Some of them were small and plain, some patterned, some had wings or a horizontal pin. There were even some of those real old lady kind, like a face in white set into a pale blue oval. Some even had more than one section and were linked by a thin chain. There were just so many, even an expensive looking gold sovereign.

"That one," said Sam, pointing to a ruby stone set in a gold surround with a horizontal gold bar sticking out an inch either side.

"Mm, that's a nice one," replied Mrs. Aames. "Could you help me put it on Sam?"

Mrs. Aames lifted her head and pushed her neck towards Sam. He opened out the pin behind the brooch and took hold of her buttoned collar, before carefully sliding it in underneath and back through to fasten it.

Mrs. Aames felt it with her hand. "Mm, perfect Sam, thank you. Now one for Zoe."

Sam had another look "Sapphire... to go with your eyes Zoe."

"Good call Sam. You know what... now that you mention eyes, that emerald one would look beautiful on your mother, don't you think Sam? I couldn't help noticing her beautiful green eyes when she was here yesterday. Why don't you take it home for her?"

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Aames. I'm sure she'll love it. Thank you very much. I uh... don't seem to have a pocket to put it in right now."

"That's alright Sam, I'll give it to you before you go."

Zoe was waiting patiently for Sam to fix her brooch. She smiled continuously as he figured out the mechanism. It was different to her mother's in that it had a spring loaded clip on the back and just slid down over her top button.

"Thank you Sam."

"My pleasure Zoe. You do look lovely. Both wearing the same outfit."

"Yes, we're twins today Sam. Come on, let's take care of you, so we can eat. Oh! But one other thing Sam. We thought we'd try something a little different today. I was passing this shop in town on Saturday and I couldn't believe what they had in the window. I thought of you and I just had to buy them." She opened the writing desk drawer and pulled out a pair of steel handcuffs. "Do you mind?"

Sam shook his head. He was speechless. They were going to cuff him, naked. He was going to be their nude prisoner. His cock jerked up and down all by itself, such was his level of excitement

Mrs. Aames cuffed Sam and then joined Zoe on her knees in front of him. She cupped hold of his balls again and Zoe pushed back his foreskin. They both leaned in at the same time, Zoe swallowing the head of his penis and Mrs. Aames dropping lower to suck one of his balls into her mouth.

This was so debauched. But Sam was loving it.Living the dream, baby! Yeah!

He felt a finger find his back passage and slip inside. He wasn't sure who it belonged to, but either way, he wasn't going to complain.

"Um... Zoe, Mrs. Aames?" Sam squirmed. "Nearly..."

They both stopped their oral manipulation and waited eagerly for the first spurt, competing for his first load, which should be a big one if he'd been true to his word and not masturbated all week. They would soon find out.

Sam blew. The force of the first blast was so powerful hitting Mrs. Aames in the eye that she fell backwards and Zoe moved her face so that Sam shot the rest of his load over her instead.

"Mmm," she moaned.

Mrs. Aames, got back onto her knees. "Hey, no fair, you've got more than me!"

Zoe just smiled as she massaged Sam's creamy goodness into her skin. "Oh, I think there's plenty here for both of us Mum. Wow, Sammy. You really did save it for us." Zoe scooped a little off her face into her palm and splattered it onto her mother's cheek. "There you go Mum, share and share alike."

Sam smiled as he watched these two beautiful, sexy women, mother and daughter, dressed to kill, massage his creamy white goodness into their faces as though it were skin cream.

Sam sat on the sofa between mother and daughter. With his hands behind his back, he had to rely on them to feed him. Mrs. Aames had cut the sandwiches into little triangles, just bite sized pieces. She popped one into his mouth.

"Thank you Mrs. Aames."

"You're welcome Sam, always my pleasure."

Next Zoe fed him one, then Mrs. Aames offered him a sip of his drink. Zoe put the next triangle in her mouth and held it between her lips. She pressed them to Sam and he ate the sandwich. As they'd been alternating, every other, Sam turned to Mrs. Aames, only to find that she too had placed the bite sized sandwich in her mouth. Sam leant in for it, his lips briefly touching those of his girlfriend's mother.

When Sam turned back to Zoe, he found that she was still chewing. He figured he'd give her time to get the next one and pop that between her teeth, but then she did something even more surprising, she leaned in to kiss him, open mouthed and deposited the partially chewed sandwich in his mouth. At the same time she placed her hand over his erection and ran her fingers down his steely shaft.

Mrs. Aames didn't follow suit, with the chewing, maybe that was for the best, it would have been a bit icky coming from her, but Zoe continued to feed him that way. Clearing up was more difficult, because they didn't release his hands, so Sam had to make more trips to clear up, taking just one item at a time and carefully placing it on the kitchen counter.

He nearly made it too, but the last plate he dropped and it smashed on the kitchen floor. Mrs. Aames and Zoe came out to see the mess and both stood in the doorway, shaking their heads with disappointment.

"Oh Sam, that was one of my best plates. How am I ever going to teach you to be more careful?"

Zoe whispered in her mother's ear and a smile washed over both of their faces. Mrs. Aames went back to the living room while Zoe smiled at Sam, lifting the hem of her skirt and flashing her hairy bush at him. When she heard her mother coming back, she straightened up.

Sam's eyes bulged when he saw her holding a short length of bamboo, about eighteen inches long. She pulled out a chair and sat down, eyeing Sam.

"Come here now, please." Sam inched closer to Mrs. Aames. "Bend over my lap Sam."

"What are you going to do Mrs. Aames?"

"I don't like to do this Sam, but how else will you learn to take care with other people's property?"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Aames, really I am."

"I know you are Sam. But this punishment will just reinforce the need to take care in future."

"Yes Mrs. Aames." Sam eased himself over her lap. He felt her bare hand first, just smoothly rubbing over the target area.

"I'd like you to count them out please Sam. I think ten is only fitting for a first offence, don't you?"

She didn't give Sam time to respond, he heard the disturbance of air and then a sharp, seething pain throughout his backside.


She continued until all ten had been administered, then rubbed his backside with her hand again, exploring downwards between his legs, just letting her fingers graze over his balls. She tickled them for a few moments until she felt his hard cock pressing into the channel between her legs.

"Okay, up you get."

Zoe helped Sam return to his feet. As Mrs. Aames went to return the cane, Zoe gave Sam a kiss on the mouth. "Are you okay? Did it hurt?"

"Not too much. I'm fine. Did you enjoy the show?"

"Oh God Sam. Last week after you went, Mum and I went to our rooms and didn't see each other again all night. I could hear her moaning and I bet she could hear me too. You have no idea how good you are making us both feel."

"I love you."

"Love you too!" Zoe kissed his nose just as Mrs. Aames made her presence known.

"Okay Sam. That backside looks a little sore. Maybe some pleasure will help you get over the pain."

"Yes Mrs. Aames."

"Zoe, bring Sam back into the living room."

Zoe grabbed the end of Sam's cock and led the way.

"Okay Sam, up onto the coffee table. Stand on it please."

Sam got up, his erect cock now at breast height for the two ladies.

"Now, you don't have your hands free, so Zoe and I had best do this."

This time, Zoe cupped his balls and began massaging them, Mrs. Aames went around behind Sam and caressed his reddened ass cheeks. As Zoe continued to fondle his balls, her mother spread Sam's ass cheeks and flicked her tongue up the groove between them. Sam twitched his whole lower half. That was some intense feeling.

"How's it going in front Zoe? Are his balls getting tight?"

"Yes Mum."

Sam felt her tongue again and then she prodded it at his back door. One firm push and she was partially in, Sam clamped his cheeks on Mrs. Aames' tongue as his balls receded from Zoe's hands and began to bellow out hot spunk.

Zoe caught it all in her cupped fingers and Mrs. Aames came around and grabbed Sam's cock, making sure to milk it for every last drop into her daughter's hands.

"Turn around please Sam."

Sam did as Mrs. Aames instructed and then he felt Zoe's hands spreading his cum all over his own backside."

"It'll help with the healing Sam. There's a lot of protein in semen that will aid skin recovery."

On leaving, Mrs. Aames handed Sam the emerald brooch to give to his mother and Zoe reminded him not to jerk off. She'd be seeing him on Saturday and they were going to have a day as regular boyfriend and girlfriend and partake in lots of sex.

Arriving home, Sam found his mother spread out on the sofa. She was still wearing her suit but he was pleased to see that she had unbuttoned her collar and two other buttons. It was just his mind getting the better of him that made him think Mrs. Aames had said something to her and thinking of it now, it just seemed so silly.

"Hard day Mum?"

"Long day, sweetie. We had a potential new customer and I had to try and make a good impression today."

"You make a good impression every day Mum. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about."

She smiled at him. "Come here you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a hug, kissing his cheek a few times in the process. "Did you have a nice tea?"

"It was lovely."

"Good, I'm glad you enjoyed. Sandy makes for a wonderful host."

"That she does Mum, that she does. In fact, she um... she gave me something to give to you. Said it matched your eyes Mum."

Sam took out the brooch and handed it to his mother.

"That's so pretty." She attached it to her jacket lapel.

"Is that where you'd wear it Mum?"

"Where else would I wear it?"

"Um..." Sam pointed to his own neck.

"Oh, on my collar? I don't know Sam. Hmn? What do you think? Shall I give it a try?"

Sam's smile told Valerie all she needed to know.

"Okay then, for you sweetie."

Valerie did up the open button just above her chest. Then her fingers found the next one and she did that up too. Smiling at Sam, she fastened her collar. "Could you help me sweetie?"

Valerie gave Sam the opened brooch and he took hold of her collar as he threaded the pin through behind.


"How do I look?"

"Beautiful Mum. You always look beautiful."

"Oh come here, baby!"

She grabbed him and hugged him tight.

"I love you Mum. You know that, don't you?"

She looked at him, cupping his face between her hands, while he held both of his around her back. She had a tear in her eye as she nodded, leaning in to give him a kiss on his mouth, just a peck, but as a show of genuine affection.

She leant in to hug him again and Sam could feel himself getting hard, so pushed his backside out so he wouldn't press into his mother.

Valerie walked over to the mirror to take a look at her new brooch. Sam sat on the sofa to help soften his erection. Valerie posed from side to side and then swept her hair back in a ponytail. Checking out her look again, she wound her ponytail up into a bun and reached in her pocket for a clip. She turned to Sam. "There, how about that?"