Club X Ch. 03


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Heath hated the idea that she might think he was really trying to be abusive with her. Cupping her face in his hand, he asked, "So, you're trying to tell me you don't like it when I have to do that, even for show?"

Keeping her eyes trained on his incredible green gaze, wincing a little, she couldn't lie. "If I'm going to be honest, I have to confess, it's kind of hot when we play like that, especially like we did today, trying so hard not to laugh, and still trying to keep up the Dom and sub act, made it a lot more fun, at least for me."

He began to smile, just thinking about it, he had had the most fun he could ever remember having in this place, or probably ever, with her today. Gently tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear, he said, "So, what do you propose we do then? Like I told you, we're still expected to show up for at least a couple hours a day down there and put on a show. Remember, I supposedly won you, and since you're a novice, I'm also meant to be training you to become submissive."

"But you did say there are no cameras in the room we're in now, right?"

He turned his head and glanced around the room again just to be sure, then up at their reflection in the overhead mirror, smiling at the sight of their embrace. "No, I don't think there are. I'm sure the club's guests expect some privacy, at least while they're in their rooms."

Lila ran a finger along his chin. "Then I propose you forget about trying to be a gentleman in our room, and we see what it would be like to make love like two normal people without the nasty name calling, hair pulling and ordering me around."

Getting harder with every word she said, completely on board with the idea of making sweet, sweet love to his lovely Lila, a slow grin curling his lips, he said, "Well, if that's what you want, then I hope you know that means you'll also have to stop trying to rip my hair out by the roots whenever you come."

Watching her blush a very pretty shade of pink, she sounded all flustered, as she said, "Well, I can I help it with you. For some reason you just get me so wound up I lose all control. And I guess I could try, but no guarantees." She still couldn't believe how hot he could get her.

Heath chuckled and said, "Really, you do that hair pulling thing just with me?" damn near tickled pink by that little admission.

She heaved out a breath. No point in trying to deny that she'd never experienced anything even close to what she had with him. "Yes, just you," she said. "I've never once screamed before in bed, and with you it's all seem to do, that, and apparently try to rip your hair out of your head, which I've also never done before."

Still chuckling, Heath hugged her to his chest. "God, I love you, Lila." And the moment the words left his mouth, they both froze and no one moved an inch. He wanted to smack his head. Why in hell would he ever say a stupid thing like that? But he knew why, probably because he was already crazy about her, and never wanted to let her go.

Carefully he pulled back and dared to look in her eyes, hoping she hadn't picked up on what he'd said. "So, you think you'd like to actually try to make love for a change?" He said, hoping she'd just let it go.

Seeing how uncomfortable he looked, she decided what he'd said had to have been just a slip of the tongue. And of course being in bed naked with a woman could make a guy say things he really didn't mean. But it still sounded pretty nice to hear him say it especially since she was pretty sure she was actually falling pretty hard for him.

Talk about hard, Lila could feel how erect he was against her thigh, and she knew it would only take a few kisses to push him to make love to her like she'd wanted, since the very first time they were together. Wrapping him in her arms, Lila took his mouth in the hottest open mouth kiss she'd ever bestowed on a man in her life. And Heath did not disappoint. Groaning as he flipped her onto her back, without ever losing contact with her mouth, finally after what felt like an hour long, panty-melting lip lock, he lifted his head, looked into her eyes, and whispered softly, "Let's make love, Lila."

Holding his gaze, running her finger over his handsome face, smiling into his eyes, she murmured back, "I'd love that."

Heath couldn't believe how good it felt to be skin to skin with her in an actual bed, with soft cotton sheets and pillows, instead of up on some leather table with spot lights and cameras trained on his ass while he was forced to order her around.

Spreading her thighs, he smiled at the sight of her glimmering little pussy, all pink and flushed, just waiting for him to have a taste. Dropping his head, lashing his tongue through all that soft damp heat, his cock lurched as he moaned. Fuck, he'd never tasted anything sweeter than her. Pushing in his tongue, her pussy was so tight, he could barely get inside her, then sliding in a finger, he began to work her little cunt till she was groaning, and shamelessly pushing down to meet his hand.

"Yes, Heath, just like that," she told him, as her heart nearly beat out of her chest. And then when he sucked her clit between his lips, teasing it out of hiding with his tongue, she wondered if she'd die, it just felt so insanely good. "Please," she finally murmured, tugging him up, as her body began to quake. "I need you inside me," she nearly begged.

Sliding up to savor her mouth, lifting her ass in his hands, after spreading her legs open even wider, aware of each delightful little sigh that escaped her lips, he slowly pressed inside her, inch by incredible inch. Heart pounding, body trembling with need, Heath didn't think it could get any better than this. Her legs tight around his waist, lush breasts pressed to his chest, hearts beating as one, he lifted his head, gazed into her eyes and told her the truth, murmuring, "God, this feels so good like this with you."

Running a finger nail around his perfectly shaped mouth Lila nodded. "The kinky stuff's kind of fun, too. But it just feels so amazing to have you wrapped around me like this, kissing and holding each other close and taking our time, and especially knowing that no one's watching, and this is just for us."

Dropping his head to claim a pretty pink nipple between his lips, Heath softly groaned as she thrust her hips up to bury him that much deeper. "Yeah, I love this," he admitted, releasing her breast to hold her gaze as he slowly filled her over and over again, his cock harder than it had ever been, with her hot little pussy clenching him nice and tight. This right now with her felt perfect. No degradation, no barking orders, just slow sweet love.

Her legs circling his thighs as she looked into his eyes, holding his gaze, he said, "And I'm glad you're enjoying this too."

What an understatement that was. Nodding, she tugged his head down, circled her arms around his neck and kissed him, her tongue sliding over his, she made love to his mouth, while he continued to make hot, sweet love to her body.

This had to be heaven he decided as the slow heat of his mounting release made its way through him, and her too, by the way she was clenching him harder, arms tightening around him, her breath coming hard and fast in tight little pants. Picking up his pace, lifting her ass higher with his hands, he began to really ride her, the sweet sounds of their coupling filling the air as he pounded her tight little cunt, skin slapping skin, he felt the rush of release nearly overflowing the condom he came so hard. Her body quaking in his arms, lowering his head he took her mouth again, hating the idea of ever having to let her go.

And the way it felt with him at that moment, Lila almost let slip that she loved him, too.

But how could she, when there was no way to know what lay ahead for them once this wild week was over. Once this was finally all behind her and summer break was over, she'd be going back to work, and she imagined, so would he. Her debt would be paid, and she hoped he felt like he'd gotten his money's worth, especially considering how much he'd paid for her. Strange, she knew she should feel degraded, having been haggled over, and sold to the highest bidder, like some kind of chattel or even worse. But since Heath had been the one who'd claimed her, she couldn't feel any shame, only relief and a sense of something intangible - that she was beginning to suspect was genuine emotion.

Staying in the room for the evening and watching some television, like a normal couple, discovering they both enjoyed a few of the better comedies, they shared a pizza and salad, and a lot of laughs before turning in for the night.

Listening to her shallow even breaths, Heath made sure that Lila was out like a light before he tugged on his jeans and t-shirt, along with his shoes. Then he headed out of the room, careful to make sure the door was securely locked before he left. No way did he want some perv breaking in and finding her naked in bed - especially that nutless wonder Lars.

Downstairs Heath found Kassie wandering out of her main floor office, as always, with her trusty clip board in hand. Giving her a friendly smile, he asked, "Lars giving you any more grief over the auction, Kassie?"

Her warm dark eyes smiling right back, she shook her head. "No, hopefully he's over it."

Although that didn't seem too likely, especially with a relentless whack-job like Lars, Heath let it drop. "Listen I want to apologize for the way I lost it on you yesterday after you and Lars walked in on us. It's just that he had no right to barge in like that. But I still shouldn't have snapped at you. I hope you know it was really him I was angry with and not you." When she nodded, seeming to accept his apology, he smiled and finally got to the point. "I was wondering though, do you keep any of the auction records around anywhere?"

Kassie's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "I have most of those records in my office. Why?"

Heath shrugged, trying to act like he wasn't about to shout hallelujah when he discovered that she could very well have in her possession evidence of his late sister being auctioned off. "I was just wondering if you had any record of say - the last eight months or so." Leaning close he smiled into her eyes, really turning on the charm. And the way her eyes were warmly shining back, he had a feeling it was working. "Just between you and me, Kassie, I was kind of curious what Lars might have bid before, so I could see what all the fuss was about. If the guy could have afforded to buy this latest novice before he gave up and walked away, I don't understand why he didn't. And if in the past he's only won on the least expensive ones he's bid on, then I'd know he was just being a jerk because he probably couldn't even have afforded her."

Kassie nodded thoughtfully. "I see your point. So, do you want me to try and go back and see which auctions Lars has bid on before, and how much he's paid?"

Heath shook his head, as he reached out and ran a teasing finger over her high smooth cheek bone. He felt like a bit of shit flirting with her to get what he wanted, but since she was a woman, and he'd seen her eyeing him before, he couldn't feel too guilty. And if it got what he needed to find out what really happened to his sister, so be it. "I'm sure you've probably got plenty to do around here, without looking up stuff for me, so if you wouldn't mind I'll take a look at whatever you've got, just to see what he's bid before, so I can find out how much he was really willing to spend."

Although her breasts were beginning to heave as he ran a gentle finger along her hairline and then down over her cheek again in a very sensuous little circle, she still shook her head. Finally letting out an unsteady breath, she murmured, "Sorry, Heath, but I could lose my job if I let anyone see into the club's records."

Going in for the kill, he leaned in very close to her lips, and whispered with a teasing little grin, "But no one would know but us. And I promise, I'd never tell."

Finally, she let out a tiny whimper of what he thought sounded like surrender, then with a look over her shoulder, and then past him, she seemed to check the hallway to be sure that they were alone. Carefully watching his eyes, she unclipped her pass-card from the black lanyard around her neck and whispered, "If anyone catches you, I did not just give this to you. The auction records are in the bottom drawer of my desk in black binders, but they're not that easy to decipher. And you'd better be quick. Try and find out whatever it is you need to know and then get out. If anyone finds you in my office we'll both be kicked out of here, and I'll be looking for another job."

Taking the pass-card from her fingers, Heath bent and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. "Thanks, Kassie, you're a sweetheart."

A few moments later he was sitting in her office, only a single desk light on to see what he was doing, the door securely locked, skimming through the black binders she'd told him about. But the records didn't have any names of the women who'd been auctioned, perhaps to protect the club from prosecution if the auction records were ever discovered by the authorities. But then he noticed what seemed to be some kind of simple code at the top of each auction record. Rifling through the binder's he opened the most current one and found the auction where he'd bid on Lila. There was a date, August 1, but no year, but the binder did have a roman numeral for the year on the spine, he noted. And then he saw a letter L.S., N, a Bl, another Blu and the number 27 then H.M. 20 - 7.

Lila Sands had been a novice, as the club referred to anyone uninitiated into the BDSM lifestyle - which most likely explained the letter N. And he guessed she'd be about twenty-seven, with blonde hair and blue eyes - which was probably what those letters meant. And his initial's H. M. were there and the number 20. That would be the twenty grand he'd paid for her. And then seven must be for the week he had her for. He looked up then and smiled.

Best money he'd ever spent.

He knew his sister had only been nineteen - barely old enough to legally be in a place like this - and her hair had been dyed jet black last time he'd seen her. They shared the same eye color, since both his mom and dad were green-eyed. And luckily green eyes were not that common. So, he was probably looking for a novice with initials K.M., about 19 years old, with black hair and green eyes.

So, picking up one of the bid binders from eight months prior, he started to leaf through it. And before long he found a notation for November 27. A novice K.M. was auctioned with Blk for black hair he imagined, G for green eyes and she was 19. He clutched the binder in his hands, his stomach twisting. It had to be his sister. Then he saw the initials of the bidder, and he clenched the binder in his hands - L. Z. - Lars fucking Zucker, the son of a bitch. And there was also the number 5 and a 7. The bastard had paid five grand for a week with his sister on November 27, right around the time the coroner suspected she'd died. He scribbled the information on a scrap of paper, although he didn't really need to, since it was indelibly burned in his brain that the same twisted son of a bitch who'd tried to take Lila from him had most likely played a part in ending his kid sister Karen's life.

Carefully putting everything away, just as he'd found it - at least now he had something tangible to tell him what had happened to his sister. And he also had something on that bastard Lars.

Just down the hallway, Heath found Kassie coming out of one of the playrooms, and he held out his hand as though to shake hers, slipping the pass-card right into her palm. Pulling her into a quick hug, he quietly whispered into her ear, "Thank you so much."

When he got back to the room, thankfully Lila was still sleeping soundly, so he pulled off his clothes and crawled in beside her, glad he could finally hold her as she slept. Right now he needed the feel of her in his arms to stop him from losing his mind, now that he felt he knew at least one of the names of the people who'd had some involvement in his sister losing her life.

As Lila's slender little arm slipped around his waist like she belonged with him, bringing her warm little body even closer to his, it felt as though they'd been sleeping together forever as he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, relishing the feel of being able to hold her like this. There was almost nothing better than making love to Lila, but this was a close second, having her warm in his arms, her sweet scent filling his senses, calming him better than anything else ever could.

Staring off into the dark, he'd have to call Jerry to tell him what he'd discovered. And hopefully by then, his buddy would have something more on Lars soon, too. Heath felt sure the twisted little fuck had done something to do with his sister's death, and probably thought he'd gotten away with it - but he had news for him - he was finally going to pay.

The next day, after sharing a light breakfast in their room, Heath and Lila, were just about to enter the usual room they used for their few hours of kinky fun, when Kassie appeared and directed them to a different playroom at the far end of the hallway. And once they got inside the other room that Heath had never used before, a creepy feeling ran down his spine when he glanced around and became aware that there were a lot more cameras pointing at them in here. One for nearly every apparatus in the room: the leather table, spanking bench and the St. Andrew's cross, bolted firmly to the front wall. Everything seemed to have a lens pointed at it, as well as one mounted on the ceiling probably capable of surveying the entire room.

Clearly Heath was going to have to up his Dom game, and now he just hoped Lila was prepared to fully submit.

Glancing around the room, Heath was tempted to leave and take Lila back to their room, but knew there was no way he could, without arousing the management's suspicions. And whoever had arranged for this extra level of surveillance, would be wondering why they'd walked out.

Unable to figure a way out, that wouldn't draw extra attention to them, Heath decided they'd better just get into a scene. Grabbing her roughly by the shoulders he said without warning, "Get your ass up on the cross, bitch - now!"

Lila's eyes searched his, but he just kept his gaze intense. When she didn't move, he lowered his face to hers and ground out menacingly, "Did you not hear me, sub?"

With a quick sharp nod of her head, she turned and rushed over to the large wooden cross on the wall. Stalking over right behind her Heath roughly yanked on the silk sash circling her waist, watching her robe fall away from her body. His lips curved into a wicked smile seeing her clad in sexy red lace today. And his gaze turned positively feral as his threatening grin widened. His tone now even more menacing, he lowered his face to hers. "How fitting, it's what I see when you disobey me, sub - red!"

Lila's eyes flew open, and her heart began to pound, wondering why he sounded like he meant what he was saying this time. Clearly, he wasn't playing today, he was serious, and all of a sudden, this shit was getting scary.

Heath put his thumb under chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. "You dare disobey me again, slave, and you will pay the price. Do I make myself clear?"

Although her head quickly bobbed up and down, that didn't seem to be enough for him. "Yes, Master," he harshly muttered, through clenched teeth, so close to her face she could feel the heat of his breath.

Trying not to shiver, Lila licked her lips and carefully repeated, "Yes, Master," her wide-eyed gaze glued to his, wondering what the hell was going on.