Co-worker Crush Ch. 01

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Wife succumbs to attraction to her co-worker.
6.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 04/08/2012
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My wife recently started working in the internal Marketing department for her company. Part of her duties is to meet with Branch managers from around the country both at the home office and at their branches to review with them the marketing campaigns and the services they have access to through the home office.

After a recent trip to a branch that recently brought in a new manager I noticed a difference in her. Many of her other trips seemed arduous and she complained about the managers being either un- interested or incompetent. This time, however, she was raving about the new manager and how motivated he is, how sharp and intelligent he is and how she thinks he will be a terrific addition to the company and that branch.

It was easy to tell she really liked this guy and was almost looking forward to working with him to re-invigorate the sales and marketing at his branch. I happen to work in a related industry and I had heard of this guy, Jim, from people who knew him. Most people believed he was a motivator and he had been very successful at his previous company. I was considering a change of employer myself and my wife suggested I meet with Jim just to bounce some ideas off of him. She gave me his number and when I called and told him who I was, he was very complimentary about my wife and said he would be glad to meet with me.

Not knowing what to expect and having never met him before, I was extremely impressed with the man. He is about my age, married with three daughters and a graduate of one of the military academies. He's about 6'1' tall with dark hair and a square jaw, very handsome with penetrating blue eyes. He is very charismatic, always looking directly at you when he speaks.

My wife didn't mention it but he is quite a big guy. He mentioned that he felt overweight and had not been working out regularly. He probably weighted about 250 lbs when I first met him. I saw him again not long after our first meeting and he had already dropped 10 lbs. This surprised me only because weight is always one of the first things my wife comments on when she is describing people.

After seeing him, I almost would have said he was fat, but she never mentioned that which in most other cases she always did. After meeting him I thought about it and I realized why she didn't mention it. The positive of all of the other positive characteristics I mentioned above outweigh (no pun intended) his weight and she doesn't see him as fat or overweight.

After our meetings my wife was very eager to discuss them, particularly what I thought about Jim.

"Isn't he great?" "Don't you think working with someone like him would be great?" These were questions she asked me.

"I love working with him, I think his branch is going to be really successful, they are already ahead of goals he set" she raved.

I mentioned that I really liked him and could see the charisma and drive she described. When I said he's a really big guy, bigger than I expected she replied, "Really, I didn't notice that". "I mean he is a big guy but I didn't think he was fat".

It was obvious to me at this point that my wife was extremely attracted to Jim. She often brought him up when speaking about work and her face practically lit up when she spoke of him. His branch hired a woman away from the home office and when my wife talked about this I could sense the jealousy in her voice. She wished that she had gotten that job! It's obvious she wants to be around this guy so one night we got into an argument about other people we see or know who we are attracted to.

We've had this dance for a while, on again off again. She knows I have a fantasy of watching her with another man and/or having a threesome. She has said different things at different times about it. Sometimes she says she could never have sex with someone unless she is in love with them. Sometimes she said she could do something like a threesome but the conditions would have to be perfect and it would have to include alcohol and someone she would not see on a regular basis.

Recently we have been talking while making love and she has brought up the subject. "You may not feel the same way if it actually did happen." She also said "what if I fall in love with that person?"

Don't get me wrong, I don't want her having an affair and I don't want her to leave me for someone else, but I think our relationship could survive her having intimacy with someone else. Full disclosure, several years ago I admitted to my wife that I had been unfaithful.

The twist was it was not with other women, but a man. I have had over my life a few relationships with other men where we performed oral sex on each other. I am not gay and do not want a relationship with a man. To me it was just sex, a release that we both wanted and there was no drama and no expectation of relationship. So because of this I almost want her to have someone else. Maybe it is selfish because I want to relieve some of my own guilt for cheating. I guess I rationalize it by saying; adults can just have sex for the sake of sex and it being enjoyable to both parties.

Truth be told, I have fantasized about a threesome with her and another man. What she doesn't know is that in my fantasy, I'm having sex with both her and the man.

Well, that is a long and boring background of what was going on in our lives when she finally did have sex with another man. It started innocently. She had planned to spend two full days working in Jim's branch. That week she was all a twitter with preparations for her two days at his offices. She was supposed to get there Thursday morning.

The plan was to meet all afternoon the first day, have a working dinner, meet again starting at breakfast Friday morning and then when would head back to the home office Friday afternoon. Although Jim's office wasn't that far away from our home, Jim suggested she stay at the Marriot hotel, just over the bridge from his offices. The home office would not have sprung for it since it is less than 50miles from home for her but Jim agreed to cover the cost from his branch budget.

You'd have thought she was getting ready for her first date that Wednesday evening. Trying on all sorts of different outfits, mixing and matching skirts and tops, it was like a fashion show.

"How does this look?" "Do you think this looks too casual?" She was really worked up about making a good impression on Jim.

She finally settled on three outfits to take and confirmed with me that I didn't mind if she stayed overnight. I had no objections knowing Jim lived near his branch and probably would not be staying at the hotel. She slept restlessly that night and awoke early the next day getting ready for her date- I mean- branch visit.

She was off and I went to my office and made some sales calls that afternoon. I texted her but did not hear from her via phone. She texted back that it was crazy busy trying to get everything covered and that she'd call me before bed time. My oldest child is in college and was not at home and my other was planning on going to his girlfriend's house for dinner after practice so he would not be home either.

I decided to hang around my office and have dinner with some co-workers. We ate at a nice Italian place which is about 10 miles from Jim's branch which put my wife's hotel stay on my way home. We had a few bottles of wine between the three of us at dinner but I wasn't drunk. I left the restaurant around nine. During dinner I had texted my wife to see how it was going and she said that she, Jim, branch marketing person Mary and two other branch employees were having desert in the hotel lobby restaurant which is a trendy and expensive place.

She texted that were just about to finish and she would be heading up to her room soon. I figured since my kids were out I might stop by to see if we could have a hotel quickie after Jim and the other employees left. Then I would head home and make sure my teenage son had gotten home safely by midnight.

I wanted to surprise my wife so I didn't call or text her when I was on my way. When I pulled in the hotel around 9:15 it was quite busy and crowded. Before going to the front desk I went to the side entrance of the lobby restaurant just to make sure she wasn't still there. I looked around the dimly lit booths looking for a group of five people. I didn't see any tables that size as I scanned the room looking for my wife's blond hair. Finally I spotted her, sitting at a booth in the corner. There was no group left; it was just her and Jim. I guess all of the other employees had left for home by now.

My wife and Jim were sitting very close to each other intently talking. Occasionally he would reach over and touch her arm or shoulder as they spoke. If you didn't know better, you might think they were a couple. I imagine they ended up sitting next to each other when the other three employees were there all gathered in the same booth. Maybe the others excused themselves one by one leaving my wife and Jim alone.

Regardless of how it happened, here they were together at the end of the night in a hotel. My immediate reaction was one of jealousy. I know my wife finds Jim attractive and she admitted that if they were both single and he came onto her she would sleep with him. But he is married and so is she so I have nothing to worry about, right??

Instead of going over to say hello, I decide to grab a seat at the bar and have a drink and watch them to see what happened. I ordered a scotch and sat back to watch. They continue to talk and laugh occasionally and now my wife was starting to return Jim's touches with some of her own. At one point his left hand went down below the table and did not come back up right away.

I was not certain but I think he could have been touching her leg as his shoulder seemed to moving back and forth slowly. She gazed into his face as he spoke; it was almost as if no one else was around. I didn't really have to try to go unnoticed, I probably could've walked right by the table and she would not have noticed.

A few more minutes passed and finally the waiter brought over their check. Jim grabbed it without looking at it and put his credit card in and gave it right back to the waiter. He was off quickly with it and they were right back into deep conversation. I paid for my drink and left the bar figuring they would be finishing up and Jim would be heading home. It was 9:45 pm by now and they had been working together since 9:00 am.

I went to the front desk and told them my wife had checked in earlier for us but only asked for one key and I requested a second one. They asked for ID to prove who I was. I showed them my driver's license which has the same last name and address as my wife's and the address she gave them on check in. They quickly obliged and I headed up to the room. I figured I go up to the room and surprise her when she arrived. Little did I know I would be the one getting the surprise?

The room was nice with a king sized bed, a nice balcony overlooking the river and a bath with Jacuzzi tub and shower. The closet was just inside the doorway with two mirrored sliding doors, one was pushed aside. Inside, my wife's clothes she had picked out for the next day were hanging along with the obligatory ironing board and hotel issue robe. I noticed she had left her bra and panties for the next day on the dresser. They were her most slinky and sexy set.

I was getting hard thinking of her coming to the room and me ravishing her. I knew she probably had a few glasses of red wine and would be horny so I would not have to work too hard to get her into the king sized bed. Besides, she loves hotel sex. As I was looking around I heard the elevator bell ring as a car stopped at the floor she was on.

I heard voices approaching the room and quickly realized my wife was not alone heading back to the room. My heart began to race; she was bringing Jim back to her room. She had no idea I was there waiting for her, nor did she expect me to come to the hotel. As far as she knew, I was home already.

Thoughts were running through my head, should I just sit on the bed and greet them when she opened the door? Should I try to hide to see what they might be up to? My stomach was in knots as I weighed the options. My curiosity won out. I quickly slipped into the closet behind the sliding mirrored doors. Both were pushed over to the side closest to the hallway leaving the other side open where my wife's clothes were hanging.

As I stood in the corner of the closet (luckily it was roomy) I had a perfect viewing field of the king sized bed and the entrance to the bathroom. My heart was pounding, I was sure someone could hear it if they stood near the closet. Without a second to spare I heard the sound of the electronic key card activating the room lock and the door opening.

My wife entered and stood at the opening. I could not see her but it sounded like Jim was just outside in the hallway.

"You really didn't have to walk me up to the room Jim, I'm a little tipsy but I knew I could find it o.k." she said to him.

"I just wanted to make sure my favorite marketing person was safe" he replied. "Who knows, an attractive looking women like you might get some unwanted attention from all these business men staying in the hotel," he added.

My wife replied, "At my age, you enjoy all the attention you can get!"

She giggled slightly. Then there was an awkward pause as neither said anything for a few long seconds.

Just then he says, "you sure you don't want me to tuck you in?"

She sighed but didn't answer right away.

Then she said "well you could come in for a few minutes if you would like."

I couldn't believe it; she was actually inviting him into her room!

She turns and walks into the room and he follows, letting the door close behind him. She lays her sweater over the desk chair opposite the bed then turns to see him standing right behind her. He is a pretty big man and I can barely see her as he stands with his back towards my vantage point. The top of her head comes just up to his chin.

"I had a great dinner tonight and want to thank you for that" she says to him.

"The pleasure was all mine. I really enjoyed our conversation once the other's left, I had enough business discussion by the time dinner arrived" he said.

"You are so easy to talk to and I really enjoy your company too," my wife replied. "Just between you and me" she says, "I wish I was the one who got the internal marking job at your branch instead of Mary."

My wife was relatively new at the company and Mary got the branch marketing job because she had been there for a while and had more experience with their marketing program and would be able to help Jim.

"I like Mary," Jim says, "but I like you better!"

With that he reaches his arms around her waist and pulls her to him. He ducks his face down to her and leans in to kiss her. My stomach is sick and my heart is beating out of my chest.

Just then however, I notice my cock is hard too! My wife raised her arms up to wrap them around Jim's neck and she looks up to accept his advance. They kiss softly at first and then their heads turn and they are in full on tongue deep in your mouth kissing mode.

Jim's hands start to move up and down Ginny's back and he pulls her in tighter, wrapping his big arms around her, almost swallowing her up. She starts to run her fingers through his thick dark hair and it's obvious she's responding quite positively to his advances.

I could tell by her tone and what she was saying when they arrived at the room that she was drunk. If she has more than two glasses of wine in a three hour span she will be quite tipsy. When she drinks red wine in particular she gets horny. I noticed a few empty bottles of red on their table when I watched them in the dining room. To my knowledge she has never cheated on me. After my confession to her about my infidelities she reiterated that she had not done so, but it sure looked like she was ready to right now.

I could tell Jim was now grabbing her ass and pulling her tight to him. She was responding by continuing to run her fingers through his thick dark hair. It looked like the conditions were right for her to fuck Jim. She knows I have almost explicitly given her permission, it is someone she is extremely attracted to, and she has had some wine so she is horny and her inhibitions are down and he is coming onto her. Making it perfect is that I am there to watch and she doesn't even know it. She always said she probably could not be with someone if I was there watching.

They continued their embrace, their tongues fighting as their heads moved left then right alternately. Jim still had his business suit on from the day and my wife was now sweater less and just had on her blouse and tight skirt. Jim moved his hands up to her shoulders and she moved her arms to his waist. They were making out furiously as their lips stayed locked and tongues intertwined. Ginny reached up and put her hands on his lapels and began to remove his suit jacket from his shoulders. His arms went down as the jacket slid off.

My wife put the jacket over the chair they were standing next to without breaking their lip lock and they continued to make out like teenagers. Ginny moved her hands back to Jim's waist and they began to rub his ass. Jim's left hand went her tits and he began to massage them through her blouse and bra.

This went on for only a few moments and soon Ginny was unbuttoning his shirt while they continued to kiss deeply. Jim's shirt was finally unbuttoned and she pulled it from his waist and he let it fall to the floor. Suddenly he broke their lip lock and pulled her blouse from inside her waistband and pulled it up over her head. There she was, staring up at him in her silky bra, she looked so hot and sexy with her skirt still on, her blond hair slightly tussled and her face beaming with lust. She's just 5'4" and at 125 pounds rather slim for being in her late 40's.

Jim pulled off his own t-shirt and Ginny removed her bra. Her big beautiful natural 34C tits were freed from their confines. She is just a few years away from 50 but her breast still hold their own against gravity. Her nipples are a dark pink with areolas that are about 3 inches wide. Her nipples were standing at sharp attention as Jim reached out his meaty hands to grab one in each and begin to massage them. Ginny did the same as she began to rub his chest. I couldn't see it but at that point but I knew it was probably matted with thick dark hair. They stood there for a minute or so just looking at each other in heat rubbing their hand over the others chest.

They both leaned in and began to kiss again, Ginny mashing her tits against Jim's hairy chest. Jim's hands went to Ginny's ass again as he squeezed her cheeks. My wife was running her hands up and down his broad back. Although he is not as fit now as he was when he was in the Navy, you could tell he was a strong athletic guy. His slight paunch was a natural result of working long days and not getting to the gym regularly. Suddenly he unzipped her skirt from the back and it fell to the floor at her feet.

She slipped out of her high heeled shoes and used her feet to slide them and the skirt away. There she was with her arms around another man, her tits rubbing his hairy chest and she has only her panties on. Not to be outdone, my wife dropped her hands to his waist and began unfastening his belt.

That done she undid the fastener on his dark suit pants and unzipped them. They slid down his legs and landed at his feet. He too kicked off his slip-on loafers and stepped out of his pants and slid the pile off to the side. While doing this, their position changed slightly so that they were both standing so I could see their profile.