Coach's Conquests Ch. 05


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"Are you done denying yourself?" Kevin Sr. asked.

Jack nodded as he inhaled the scent of sweat and cum as the orgy went on, and a tsunami of memories kept flooding back into his mind. The gangbangs, the orgies, the times he drank in so much cum he almost suffocated in ecstasy. He looked up into Kevin's eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, and smiled.

"Kevin Reynolds, can I suck your cock?" he asked.

Kevin nodded and placed his hand on Jack's cheek, pulled him forward, and thrust his cock into the man's awaiting mouth. Jack felt the familiar pull as he sucked in the shaft and began to bob in time with Kevin's hand on his face, feeling the muscles slide past his teeth and tongue. He was so wrapped up in the all-so-clear and natural sensations in his mouth that he barely noticed the restraints around his body loosen and fall to the ground. The next thing he knew, however, was Kevin pulling his cock out of his mouth and pulling his head forward, just as the chair under his ass was pulled away.

Jack fell forward, barely managing to fall to his knees, as Michelle pulled his chair and set it against the wall. Kevin, meanwhile, shoved his cock back into Jack's mouth and began pumping with vigour, keeping both hands in front of Jack's vision, while he made eye contact with someone over his shoulder and gestured with his head for them to come forward.

Jack glanced up and saw the head nod but ignored it until he felt a young man's cock caressing his ass, thrusting up and down over the tight hole. Sure, he'd had anal toys in there at Victoria's behest, and the occasional dildo fucking, but his hole hadn't had a real cock inside it since the graduation orgy. Now, a long thick pole was making Jack's ass quiver with the anticipation of another good hard fucking. He tried moving his head off Kevin's cock to see who was having the privilege of fucking him after so long, but Kevin's hands clamped down on the sides of his face.

"Not yet, boy toy." Said Kevin, his voice echoing his pet name for Jack back in their high school days, which made Jack's cock twitch at the mention of the word, "I want you focused on me at all times. After I'm done with your mouth, you can see who has your ass on loan!"

With that, Jack redoubled his efforts to bring Kevin's cock to orgasm, not caring who had taken his ass for themselves. It went on for half an hour, the sounds of the football gangbang in the background as Kevin moaned with each thrust, Jack grunted and groaned and the unknown ass-fucker letting out an occasional grunt and exclamation of pleasure as he thrust in and out of Jack's ass. After twenty minutes, the orgy participants started moaning as their cocks erupted all over the young man's ass, mouth, and other body parts.

Meanwhile, Kevin let out a low warning that he was cumming, which made Jack clench his mouth around the cock, not letting it escape as the prospect of well-earned cum, not second-hand cum from his wife's mouth or pussy. A minute or so later, Kevin let out a loud grunt as he came, his cock erupting rope after rope of hot cum into Jack's mouth. Jack swallowed each load, totalling a lucky seven globs down his throat, his tongue slick and his mind racing with satisfaction and joy at doing what he had long thought was shameful, but now he no longer cared.

He truly did enjoy being the center in Kevin's bukkakes and orgies, and now he was experiencing that joy once more! Once all the remnants of Kevin's cock was cleaned up from Jack's eager mouth, he pulled his cock out and let go of Jack's face. Jack then turned around and to his shock, looked upon the face of Kevin's son as he continued to thrust in and out of his ass, eagerly picking up speed.

Jack's shock turned to lust as he began to egg the young man on, "Come on, fuck me, big boy! Fuck your dad's bottom bitch! Fuck me like I'm your property!"

Kevin Jr. grinned as he looked over at Michelle, who was eagerly licking up excess cum from her ex's back, near the cleft of his ass as he pounded Jack's ass. The older man's anal muscles clamped down in response to the speed Kevin Jr. was fucking, and within moments, the young man let out a low warning of his impending cum, only to then erupt a split second later, sending an equal amount of cum into Jack's ass. When he was spent, he pulled out and let Jack fall to the floor.

As Jack breathed through his open mouth, he finally got a good glimpse of his surroundings. He was in the locker room, surrounded by a dozen or so young men, his daughter, and his old football captain. He was naked as he was all the times he was fucked in this very room, and he felt more alive than he had been in the last twenty years of being married to the whore that was his wife...or soon-to-be ex-wife if he had a spine.

He sat up and looked over at Kevin Sr., "I'm sorry I threatened you." Jack said, "And I take back everything I said today!"

Kevin smiled, "I'll forgive you on one condition!" He said, "I want to hear from your mouth right now, who are you, what are you, and what do you want?"

Jack smiled and stood up, noticing that the bukkake had ended and every eye was on him. He turned to the group at large and said, "My name is Jack McGuire. I'm forty-seven years old, and I am gay. I always have been, and I always will be. I hid it after I graduated because I was ashamed of it, but now I have no shame whatsoever. As for what I want, I want to end my loveless marriage and I want to be the center of a never-ending orgy. I want to drink cum like it's ambrosia and I want to experience an endless orgasm of being fucked and stuffed with cock."

There was silence after he spoke until a single set of clapping could be heard to his right. Jack turned and saw his daughter smiling at him as one by one, more people started to join in and soon applause could be heard from the entire locker room.

Kevin walked over and took Jack in his arms, pulled his right leg up, and dipped the other man, planting their lips together and thrusting his tongue down Jack's throat. They shared a long kiss for what seemed like an eternity, all the while Kevin rubbed his half-erect cock against Jack's crotch, causing Jack's cock to spring back to full mast.

Kevin then pulled Jack back to stand up, took him by the hand, and led him into the showers, where the football team watched as the two men bathed each other, rubbing their hands over each other's bodies, paying extra attention to Jack's ass, chest, and crotch before they towelled off and Kevin gave Jack his clothes back.


Many hours later, Victoria arrived home from her workplace, expecting a well-cooked meal on the table but walked into the kitchen to find it completely empty. There was no cooked meal, no table set in the way she'd expected, not even a single dish or piece of cookware in the sink.

She looked around the kitchen, and the dining room, and eventually went to look around the house, before she realized it was empty. Jack was gone. She looked in the guest room to find it tidy and set up like no one had inhabited it since that morning. The closet was empty, there was no laptop on the desk. The only thing she could find of his was Jack's chastity cage, which sat on the dresser, along with a folded piece of paper.

Confused, Victoria unfolded the paper and read the note hastily written on it. The note read;

"Victoria. If you are seeing this, then it means I've left. I'm done with you. I'm done with our marriage. And most importantly, I'm done with your vendetta. I don't care for your revenge, and I don't care that you don't love me. As far as I'm concerned, you never did, and I'm done pretending otherwise. You are a horrible woman and a fucking whore. I've rekindled my friendship with the Reynolds and I've reconnected with our daughter. We're happy without you and we're never going to be threatened by you ever again.

"Enjoy the house to yourself, for as long as you can afford it. In case you've forgotten, it was bought in my name and my money, and I have made a contingency of you leaving us alone. Make any move against the Reynolds, and everything you have within that house gets taken away. Power, water, heat, internet, finances, even your phone. All gone if you come after them.

"Kevin and Clarice never did anything more or less than live their best lives. You were always jealous of Clarice's popularity and modern behaviour, and you were never satisfied with your lust for Kevin. Deny it all you want, I know the look you had when you first laid eyes on him. It's the same look I had, and yes, I'm done pretending I'm straight! I'm free and clear, and I have everything I need for now. As a token of my sincerity, I've left you something special in the fridge.

"Goodbye, Victoria. Remember, make any move against the Reynolds, and your future ends. May we never meet again. Signed your soon-to-be ex-husband, Jack McGuire. P.S., you should be receiving my divorce papers tomorrow with my signature on them. If you refuse to sign them, I'll follow through with my threat and your finances, internet, and cellphone will get cut off. If you come after me or the Reynolds, the other utilities go away and the police will be called after you. Don't do anything foolish, and enjoy yourself, in whatever twisted way you want."

Victoria dropped the note and ran to the kitchen. Throwing open the fridge door, she was greeted with the sight of a black box. She pulled it out and set it on the table. Opening the box, she saw that within it was a series of documents.

She pulled each of the documents and read them all. The documents were copies of existing papers, each one with Jack's signature on them. She read them all, and her eyes widened in realization at the truth. She owned nothing in the house except for her clothes, jewelry, the car out front, and her sex toys. Everything else was in his name. She sat down at the kitchen table.

After a minute, she pulled out her cell phone and dialled her husband's number. It rang twice before it was picked up.

"Hello?" came a male voice, not Jack's.

"Who is this?!" Victoria demanded.

"Who is this?" the voice asked back.

"This is Victoria McGuire!" Victoria practically shouted, "Who the fuck are you and where is my husband?"

"My name's Chet and your soon-to-be ex is currently being fucked from both sides by a pair of BBCs." The voice responded, "If you like, I can forward you a picture of the scene for confirmation."

Victoria hastily declined but then a minute later, heard a ding that signalled she got a text message. She opened it and yelped, dropping the phone on the table. Sure enough, it was a picture of two young hard-bodied black men spit-roasting Jack.

She quickly picked up the phone and yelled into it, "Put Jack on the phone, now!"

Chet sighed and handed the phone to Jack, tapping Xavier on the shoulder. Xavier sighed and pulled his ten-inch cock out of Jack's mouth as Jack took the phone in his hand.

"Hello?" he breathed.

"Jack McGuire, I demand you stop what you're doing and come home at once!" Victoria demanded, angrily, "Dinner hasn't been made yet, and I'm starving! Whatever nonsense you've concocted, it ends now!"

"Fuck off." Said Jack, "You're not the boss of me!"

Victoria gasped, "Excuse me?!" she said, aghast.

"You heard me, slut!" Said Jack, "You're not the boss of me! I'm my own man, now! I've been liberated from your clutches! I've been reminded of my life before you and how freeing it really was. Whatever you've done to me has been undone, and I don't have to do anything without your say-so anymore! Michelle and I are free, thanks to the Reynolds. Goodbye, Vickie, go fuck yourself, or wait for your bulls to come and do it for you! I'm done!"

"Wait, what about our lives?" Victoria tried, "I thought you loved me!?"

"Yeah, about that." Jack added, thoughtfully, "When you don't show affection for more than twenty years, it takes its toll. You never loved me, and I now realize that I don't love you either. The only person I love is Michelle, and I'm certain I'll eventually find a nice man to fill the void that was what I thought was love for you! Are you done?"

Victoria sighed, "Jack, I'll give you one last chance to change your mind and come back home." She said, darkly, "If you don't, I'll go straight to the police and tell them that you've been brainwashed and kidnapped and that those teenagers are raping you at the behest of the Reynolds. All the evidence I've compiled will be included and their careers will end!"

"Yeah, about that 'evidence'...You may want to check your vault." Said Jack, thoughtfully. Victoria's eyes flashed with fear as she scrambled up the stairs, phone clutched in her hand. She punched in the combination of her vault lock, opened it, looked inside and let out a shrill scream.

"Where is it?" She demanded.

"Gone!" Said Jack, maniacally.

"Gone where?" asked Victoria.

"I burned it all." Said Jack, "But not before I presented it to Clarice. She laughed at the audacity of it all and said that it wouldn't hold up in court, even if you tried to present it to a judge. And before you say that it would have worked and that's the reason why I burned it, you're wrong. I burned it because I wanted to burn it. I wanted to erase everything you had because I wanted to see how the flames would dance around the so-called 'evidence'. Call me crazy, but I liked how they looked as your fake files crumpled into ashes."

Victoria sat on the bed, defeated, "Jack, please, come home. Let's talk about this. I'll let you fuck me, all three of my holes will be yours forever! I'll do anything, just please don't leave me in this house alone!" She begged.

Jack smiled as he heard the sincerity in her voice, "As long as you stay away from Kevin and Clarice, and don't try to make Michelle come back in any way, I'll visit you once in a while." He said, "But let me be clear, you have no control over anything. Not me, not our daughter, not even the company. Now, if you'll excuse me, Anthony is eager to cum and Xavier looks Antsy. I think they want to cum together so I have some work I need to get done."

With that, Jack hung up the phone. Victoria sat alone in the marriage bed for a long time, sobbing her eyes out, before her sadness turned to anger. She quickly dialled her phone to her Bull's cell. It rang for four rings before someone answered.

"Bull's Corral!" Came a deep male voice.

"Hi, this is Victoria McGuire, I'd like to book the Full Bull special for tonight, and I'd like the premium offer." Victoria said, "I'm really horny and I would very much like to be pounded into a cummy paste!"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. McGuire," said the male voice, "We're completely booked for tonight."

"What?!" Victoria gasped, "Who booked you?!"

"Your husband." Said the voice, "He paid extra in advance and signed up for an Ultra Premium account, under the condition that you be excluded whenever he set up an appointment. Unfortunately, it means we're completely booked for the foreseeable future. I apologize for the inconvenience Mrs McGuire."

With that, the man hung up, leaving Victoria to stew in her grief.


End of Chapter 5.

This story is concluded in Chapter 6.

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