Coastal Cock Fest Ch. 01

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Rough market traders use mother and daughter.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/23/2016
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Following the twenty four hour service Fiona had provided to the neighbour she hated the most things got a little tense around our neighbourhood. Fiona was getting a lot of disapproving looks from people in the streets around us, not least the women.

I had certainly been pushing the boundaries, getting closer and closer people involve in my quest to fully expose Fiona as the local whore.

After the Marvin episode I thought it might be best to take a week out, considering she'd fucked the two men at the top of the parish committee, her friends husband and a load of blokes from the village.

I knew someone who had a caravan on a site on the east coast in a place called Ingoldmells. It was a horrible little place full of arcades, rough boozers, fair rides and a shitty market. That said we could go there and let our hair down without nobody knowing us.

Now I've been unfortunate enough to go to this area of England on a couple of occasions so knew what sort of clientèle frequented the place. I knew that this god forsaken place would provide me with huge amounts of opportunity in which to exploit and humiliate my whores.

We set off late on Sunday evening avoiding all the traffic we would've been in on the way down if we had waited until the Monday. We arrived late to the site which was called Coral Beach Leisure.

It definitely wasn't the sort of leisure resort you expect to see with the words coral and beach in it. It was a run down shit hole in my opinion, which was confirmed when we passed the entertainment area and sealands bar.

Drunk males and scantly dressed women staggered about pissed, hurling obscenities, or still swigging from bottles. I looked at Fiona and Alice's faces in the rearview mirror and could tell they were not happy with the choice of holiday destination.

The last time Fiona had been away was about three years ago to Portugal on a five star resort. She admitted to me after she'd got back that she'd had a crap time with Alan who was pissed all the time.

"Don't like so glum you pair, you'll have lots of fun here I can guarantee that," I said laughing.

I weaved my way around the small roads looking at the map I had been given off my mate, after ten minutes I found our area of the park and our run down shitty caravan that we'd be staying in for the next six nights.

"Number 357, this is us," I said swinging in to the parking bay beside the beige static caravan.

I opened up and we all grabbed bags and bedding out the car and piled in to the van. Shit it was cold in there even though it had been a sunny day all day, I found the heater and cranked it up in all the rooms to warm the van up whilst we unpacked some gear.

We were soon unpacked and just settling down to a can of beer whilst Fiona and Alice fixed us a late night snack. Once we were all sat down eating I spelled out a few ground rules.

"Ok whores, just a few ground rules," I said and saw them both look up from there pasta and gave me a 'not again' look but never said anything, they knew better than that.

"Firstly as this is our home your both to be naked all the time when in the caravan, so lets get them clothes off shall we," I said looking up from my pasta, watching until they were both naked and back eating their pasta.

"Secondly we all sleep together in the bedroom at the end," this they didn't even make them bat an eyelid as we regularly shared a bed back home.

"Thirdly you do not refuse any man if you are approached, there will be some fun and games over the next few days," I said and waited for a response.

"Yes owner," said Fiona.

"Yes owner," said Alice.

The following morning I enjoyed a breakfast out on the patio area in the early morning sunshine whist Fiona and Alice had a lie in. Alice surfaced first and was eating eggs when I went in, she was naked of course and looked incredible.

We shared a pot of tea and discussed what we could do today, by the time Fiona was showered and up we'd decided that we'd take a walk around the park and get our bearings and then have a walk round the shitty market.

Before we left I made sure they were both dressed appropriately for a day time walk around in a family holiday area, but so conservative that men wouldn't notice.

The park was a good size, there was a pool, not massive but had a good area to sit around. This was behind the entertainment area which housed the large room with the stage, arcades and lounge area with an attached restaurant.

Outside there was the Seaman's bar which was the place that adults alone would use to get pissed and watch sport. Along here was a there was three takeaway's and a couple more arcades.

Still being quite early there wasn't a lot of people around yet only the odd older bloke fetching papers and a few early rising families.

Once on the walk to Ingoldmells market I noticed a definite increase in the amount of men about, especially in groups. the stag do's were the easiest to spot as they normally had one bloke in toe dressed like a woman or in some other ridiculous get up.

the market was how I remembered it from years ago, big, cramped, full of shit and full of scrotes. The market though, as shit as it was provided the first interaction between my whores and men in the area.

It was the loud mouth stall owners selling shit that always spotted them and their big tits and browned legs, with instructions not to refuse any man any request we found ourselves stopping at most stalls as the tradesmen went on the charm offensive trying to sell them both loads of shit.

By the time we had made it round nearly every trader knew we were here for a week and knew we were on the Coral Beach site. We also knew now that the pubs and clubs around Ingoldmells were a hive of debauchery once the families had disappeared.

We stopped on the way back for a few pints and vodkas and decided that we'd hit the bars in this area that night after seeing a good tribute band on. We carried on steadily boozing back at the caravan whilst we got ready.

By eight we were all pretty well oiled, Fiona and Alice were now dressed in what I considered to be their normal and most suited attire. Leg's, stomachs, cleavage's were on show as well as arse's in tight skirts.

The walk to the bars was a lot more entertaining then this morning, we'd barely left the the site when a group of lads were whistling and shouting across the road at Fiona and Alice not even concerned by my presence. this continued all the way to the bar with the live band on.

It was bust when we arrived, the band was playing and people were dancing on the dance floor and all around the pub. It was obvious that a lot of the people inside were very pissed to say the least.

We made our way through to the bar and I ordered a pint and two double vodka's with coke. I turned and gave the girls their drinks and nodded in the direction of a space down on the left side of the pub.

I followed behind them weaving our way between wobbling men and half naked women, some dog rough and others quite respectable. Much more respectable than most of the blokes in here who seemed to be all dressed in tracksuits and trainers.

As we made our way through the crowds to the gap in the crowd Fiona was pulled sideways in to the crowd on the right, as we passed I glanced in and saw her between two men gyrating in front of her and behind.

Me and Alice made our way over to the side and turned to face the dance floor in front of us, from here I could just about make out Fiona between the bustling crowd.

It looked as though she was deep conversation with one of the men and then they looked over and then Fiona headed in my direction leaving the two men to turn back to their two friends.

When she was back with me and Alice she told me that they were traders from the market and had told her that they couldn't forget her tits and that's why they had pulled her over.

I looked over and saw them looking so pulled Fiona in for a kiss and then did the same to Alice making sure that they saw it. It would make the situation all the more exciting when it all unravelled later on.

I went back to the bar and fetched myself two pints and Fiona and Alice two vodka and cokes each. I wasn't at all surprised to see that when I returned we had company in the form of the two men I'd seen her sandwiched between earlier.

They introduced themselves as Steve, the eldest easily over fifty and Kurt somewhere around thirty at a guess. They were both traders and had remembered Fiona from this morning's walk around.

We all chatted and enjoyed a pint, danced about a bit and became much more at ease with each other to the point where the two men were blatantly flirting with Fiona and Alice and like instructed they were flirting back.

I went for another round of drinks and when I returned I could sense that the situation had changed slightly. There was an awkward tension in the air.

Fiona was now backed up against the wall with Steve in slightly to her right side whispering in her ear, Alice was still talking to Kurt who's hand was now on the small of her back, and lowering to her arse.

Steve looked back around at me and then moved in to kiss Fiona and he found no resistance only a willing response as she was instructed to do.

They broke off and Steve turned back and stepped closer to me and took his pint from the tray I'd left on the side. "You OK with this laddo?" he said after taking a big gulp of his beer.

"Yeah, we have a strange but understanding relationship," I told him before taking three big gulps from my beer.

I saw Steve wink at Kurt as he turned and he nodded back, the green light had been given.

Steve not wanting to miss the opportunity kissed Fiona again and dropped his hand on to the inside of her right thigh and pushed up a little raising her already short skirt.

As the disco lights flashed it wasn't long before the white fabric covering her pussy could be seen between her legs as her skirt continued to rise.

Steve whispered something in Fiona's ear and her legs immediately parted almost eight inches and Steve helped the skirt up uncovering her thin white thong. Kurt looked down between her legs and smiled and then shared a dirty smirk with his friend.

The conversation between Alice, myself and Kurt had ceased and all eyes were focused on Fiona's parted legs and raised skirt. Steve traced his fingers along the top of her thong and toyed for a moment with the love heart jewel in the middle.

I watched his hand move around to her waist and then move down the edge of her thong his thumb on the outer side and his forefinger underneath so that he was able to pull it away from her pussy lips.

When he got to the bottom, right between her legs he pulled the material down and across so that her pussy was free. He hooked the thong as best he could down the right side of her pussy and then pulled her in for another kiss and whispered in her ear again.

Fiona nodded to whatever he had said and his hand immediately went back between her legs only this time his thick forefinger traced her slit downwards and then curled up inside of her hole.

Fiona turned her head in to Steve's shoulder and sunk herself lower on to his thick finger and then he expertly located her clit with his thumb and pressed it hard.

Steve fingered Fiona for about a minute or two and then pulled his finger out and turned for his pint. He finished it and said he was going for another round.

Fiona straightened herself up and finished her drink before Steve returned, I'd watched Steve go over too his other two friends and they all looked over and laughed, he'd obviously just told his mates that he'd fingered Fiona and when his finger went to his friends nose my suspicions were confirmed.

When he returned he had the other two in toe with him and he introduced them as Digger, another fifty plus trader and Lee the youngest I guessed at around twenty eight.

Steve took up his spot next to Fiona and Kurt used the extra people coming over as an excuse to guide Alice alongside her mother against the wall.

Steve immediately wanted to show his friends what he'd been up to and how easy Fiona was and after whispering in her ear again her thighs immediately parted wider than last time. Digger and Lee nearly spat there beer out at how easy it had been for their friend to get her to open her legs.

Digger wasn't going to wait to be invited he reached and rubbed right between Fiona's legs with the underside of his four fingers. Back and forth three or four times pushing the material of her knickers in to the folds of her cunt.

Fiona just looked at him and smiled offered no resistance or any attempt to stop him, "You naughty fucking bitch," he said pulling his hand away.

Lee reached in and did exactly the same and he to was greeted with a smile and no resistance as the third market trader in the space of fifteen minutes rubbed her cunt.

Once his friends had had a good feel Steve roughly pulled her gusset aside and roughly pushed a finger inside her. Again she met his finger thrust by sinking in to it getting his finger as deep as possible.

Steve wasn't as gentle as he was the first time, not now he had an audience and one finger soon became two and two was soon to become three as he hammered them home furiously.

Fiona had her head buried in her Steve's shoulder masking her screams that would've been ringing out as her thighs slammed shut on his hand and she came hard.

Letting her finish before pulling his fingers out he then had her suck them clean before moving away to drink his pint. Digger immediately took his place and seconds after Steve's fingers left Diggers huge digits were filling her hole.

He pulled her head close to his with his other hand and gave her a wet kiss. Alice in the meantime was busy in the corner kissing Lee and getting fingered by Kurt.

We shared another two rounds of beers and vodka's for the women in that bar and by the time Digger said we were moving on all four men where well acquainted with my whores hungry little holes.

As we went from bar to bar sinking beers, shots and spirits the behaviour became more and more risky, but seemed somewhat more excepted and accepted by the patrons of these terrible bars the traders led us round.

Fiona and Alice were openly passed around the four as we stood and drank or danced on the crowded dance floors. Their skirts were raised deliberately and then they were twirled around and displayed to all of the on looking eyes before their privates were groped and tongues invaded their mouths.

By the time we staggered in to the last pub which was located right next to the entrance of the now closed market we were all well oiled, any inhibitions were long left behind in the first bar as I followed the four traders and my unsteady whores through the door of another pub.

The atmosphere her was rowdy but nowhere near as noisy with the music only coming from a jukebox on the wall. It was clear that Steve and his friends were very well known in here as they slapped backs and shook hands with everyone they passed on the way to the bar.

One thing I did notice was the distinct lack of females in the bar, I looked round and could see two others who were about twenty two at most.

They too were scantily dressed, which seemed the norm around here, but more importantly they seemed to be in similar situations to what Fiona and Alice had been in. Surrounded by a group of men and being groped and kissed by more than one of them.

A drink was passed back between bodies for me and then we moved through the groups of men at which point Kurt and Lee broke of to the left with Alice and I saw Fiona being led down a corridor with a plague above the door saying lounge.

I decided to follow Alice given that she was younger, and much less experienced than Fiona in these situations.

She was led over to a table in the far corner that was occupied by six men, all mid to late twenties or early thirties and known to Kurt and Lee as they greeted like good friends.

Alice was then introduced as 'some hot little bit' that they'd pulled and was shoehorned in to a seat with Lee and next to another.

Kurt pointed me out and said I was with Alice and that our relationship was strange to say the least, which made a few of them laugh before we shared a nod of the head as acknowledgement.

Just to demonstrate Lee pulled Alice close for a deep wet kiss and then pushed her towards Kurt who lent in to kiss her too. This was proof enough to their friends who bumped fists and high fived their friends.

It was my round at the bar so I disappeared to fetch three pints and a vodka, I carried them back on a tray and wasn't surprised to see that Alice being taken full advantage of.

She was still sat beside Lee but now sandwiched next to Kurt, her legs had been lifted and draped over each of their legs so that they were open leaving nothing but her thin white thong covering her sodden sex from all of their friends.

From what was being said it hadn't gone unnoticed that her cunt was swollen and her thong was almost transparent from moisture. As I placed the traders beers on the table I think it was Kurt that said to one of his friends opposite;

"What do you expect Reece, she's been letting me, Lee, Digger and Steve do this for the last few hours," he said moving his left hand between her legs to rub her pussy through her gusset.

"Jesus christ," his mate said, "little slag," he then said when she didn't stop Kurt from pulling her thong aside revealing her puffy wet pussy lips to Reece.

Lee then reached in and spread her pussy lips and dipped a finger tip in. Once he'd done Kurt dipped one in before they both left her exposed and passed Alice her drink and then took their own.

I stayed for another ten minutes watching as all their friends reached in to rub and finger Alice's hole leaving her each time exposed on display. I caught Alice's eye and nodded in the direction of the lounge and she nodded back and gave me a drunken smile.

She was a good whore.

The lounge was a lot less crowded and I ordered a beer at the small bar on the way in before following the room round until I saw Digger heading in my direction.

"Going for a piss lad, their over there," he said pointing to a table on the left of the room.

I couldn't see Fiona or Steve for that matter just the backs and side profiles of eight or nine older burly men. I hung back and waited for Digger and then followed him over. He told me that these were all blokes off the market and that he'd told them about me and my situation.

A lot of the men shook my hand and told me 'fair play laddo' another local annoying saying that they all used. They parted as Digger passed through and I followed and then noticed the back of Fiona's heels.

She was on her knees between Steve's legs sucking his big hard cock as he sprawled on the cushioned bench. Her head was going up and down about three of four inches of solid cock whilst her right hand gripped the bottom which she jerked occasionally.

Steve looked up at me and smiled before saying, "She sucks great cock laddo."

"Tell me about it," I said knowingly.

Her skirt was up round her waist showing off perfectly rounded arse which the strangers kept reaching in to rub and slap. Of course the odd cheeky hand found her pussy and It wasn't long before she to had been fully exposed when her thong was stretched over her bottom.

I stayed chatting to some of the men about nothing in particular, Fiona finished Steve off and swallowed his load and then waited patiently as Digger moved in to position and freed yet another big long cock.

Midway through taking care of Digger all the music stopped and the pub started to clear out, it was three am, or that's what I thought it said as I struggled to see my watch.