Cock and Scythe Ch. 02


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"Well, I think you do," Elisabeth finally said with a deep laugh. "And I guess that you now understand why I can´t buy these kind of paintings on the open market but have to get them custom made. It was a thrill to pose for them I must admit. But there a more around that corner. Come and have a look."

She sneaked quickly around the corner. Lucy took my hand and pulled me with her.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I took a step into the adjoining room. Another narrow room but smaller than the previous.

At the opposite end was a big, very colorful painting. It took some time to understand that it was a painting of a pussy, greatly enlarged to show every nock and cradle. The model was on her back with the well spread thighs framing the pussy. The colors were an explosion from pink to deep red and blue ending up in darkness in the mysterious depth.

"Looks marvelous, doesn´t it? So very much to the point and it looks just like the model I can assure you. Very accurate indeed. After what you have seen before I think you can believe that without having to compare the painting with the model, don´t you?"

"Oh my god, it´s marvelous, exuberant, I don´t know what to say" I blurted out, really not knowing what to say. This was something far beyond anything I had seen before. This classy lady suddenly revealed a side I hadn´t thought was possible. And she did it from free will because she liked to do it. She had a strong urge to pose, no doubt about it. Well, she really had something to show. Then she shocked me again.

"Oh, what´s so marvelous? The painting or my pussy?" Elisabeth said suddenly trembling with laughter. "Oh, forgive me, you mean both of them of course since they are so alike, don´t you?"

"Come," she said. "I have something I want to discuss with you. But not here. Let´s go to the studio."

She led the way back through the exhibition room picking up her gown on the way. She put it on but only after we had passed through another room. She gave me plenty of time to admire her round and well-muscled ass while she walked. She opened a door to what obviously was the studio.

I guess it was an artist´s wet dream. It was a big room with two wide, high windows giving a lot of light. I later learnt that they were wetting north which is the best for an artist because the light doesn´t change much during the day. The view was magnificent over water and a green park. On one side of the room was a low podium surrounded by drapes. At the inner side stood s few pieces of furniture. Hanging from the ceiling was a number of spotlights. The opposite wall held a wide work bench with cup boards and a sink. A sofa and a few easy chairs were placed opposite the windows. That left a generous open floor space at this moment only occupied by an easel with a new canvas.

Elisabeth sat down in the sofa and gestured to Lucy and me to sit facing her in the chairs.

"Well, I guess you are curious to know why I asked you to come and why I showed you my very private paintings," she started. "Well, you see, I want something from you. And I wanted you to know right from the beginning that I am serious about my paintings, deadly serious. They must show the real thing, no fakes and no embellishments. The painting must show exactly how the models look. They should be as real and explicit as they can be. That´s why I showed you the paintings and myself to make you understand what I will do to get what I want. I think you saw that Lucy is an excellent drawer. She catches everything very accurate.

Since Lucy finished the present set of paintings I have been planning what to do next. I want another set of paintings. But this time they should include a man. But they must be utterly explicit showing an erect cock when there should be one. And the cock should not only be ready to enter a cunt but it must want to do it. You understand?"

I was totally flabbergasted. She had talked with great enthusiasm but very seriously and used a language I didn´t think was proper in her circles. Well, I had no idea really about her circles. Maybe it was only my prejudices about the upper class. Maybe they were more depraved than the rest of the people. They certainly could afford to be. The evening press now and then ran stories of that kind.

"Well, since I made up my mind I have been looking for the right model. I don´t want one of those young models that are available. No, I want someone mature but no muscle man. An ordinary good-looking man I want, a man who keeps himself in shape. And I also wanted a special shape of the cock, one that stands out and is remembered. But I wasn´t sure what it should look like. But when I saw Diane´s paintings I just knew what I wanted. That´s why I last night told Marianne to get you in battle condition. I knew she would do it. She can´t afford to deny me anything. Well, neither of you seemed to mind. It was quite a show you put on. And it proved that Diane is a good drawer too. She had got it exactly right. That´s why I invited you."

She got quiet and looked me in the eye for some time. Then she nodded as if she had made up her mind.

"I want you as model for this set of paintings. You can imagine what motives Lucy and I are planning. They will be similar to the present set but with two models, man and woman. I of course will be the woman. We will pose together and you must be erect and about to enter my cunt. Well, maybe you should be a little inside too. But just a fraction. It should be that way to give the viewer the best image. But in between I think you will slip inside me now and then. By accident or because we feel like it. And that will not only be acceptable but desirable to give us the right horny and lustful look. So it means that we will get very intimate, as intimate as a man and woman can get. Well, how about it? Are you willing to do it? Please." She looked me in the eye again with a hint of begging.

I had gradually understood from her long explanation what she had in store for me and had had time to make up my mind.

"Yes, if you really think I am what you want I am willing. It will be a honor to model together with you. The only question is when it will take place. I have to go back home the day after tomorrow," I said without hesitation.

"Oh you will! Splendid. Oh, I am so happy," Elisabeth exclaimed suddenly very vivid. "Well, there is no time like the present, is it? I had hoped that you would say yes so we have set aside the full day today. I think Lucy can make the sketches she needs in that time. Maybe we have to meet again later on but I am sure that can be arranged if needed. Let´s start right away then."

She sat back in the sofa with pure joy on her face.

"Lucy darling, get yourself and the equipment ready while Tom and I get a little more acquainted will you." She said, suddenly all business. But when she rose from the sofa she suddenly softened both body wise and her mind.

"Tom, come into my arms, I want a big hug," she called softly reaching out to pull me in. Her body was soft and she clung to me in a full body hug. "Kiss me," she whispered after a while but took the initiative. At first it was a long lingering kiss with small pauses that gradually turned into a deep French kiss. Elisabeth was very active doing much tongue twisting. Eventually she broke the kiss and the hug.

"Lovely, just lovely," she said with a sweet smile. "But let´s get more intimate."

She said no more but just started to undress me. During the process her gown disappeared too and soon she embraced me again. We were both totally nude by then. Her body felt lovely, soft and warm. Again she broke the embrace.

"Are you ready to begin?" she asked turning to Lucy.

"Yes, I think everything is in order," she answered. I had hardly been aware of her presence during the last ten minutes or so and had had absolutely no idea of her doings. Now I saw that she had changed into a painter´s smock. The easel had been moved close to the podium and two cameras on tripods stood on each side. I knew the cameras, rather expensive pieces with remote controls. The drapes around the podium had been pulled away. A thick mattress was on the floor flanked by big mirrors. Lucy pressed a button on a remote and suddenly the back of the podium was lit up showing a picture of a lush bedroom. "Back projection, very useful," Lucy said.

"Well, I think we should start with the cock in solitude," Elisabeth said. "Maybe it will be the counterpart to the painting of my pussy. Tom, please come over here." She knelt on the mattress with her right side against Lucy and now placed me in front of her. When I was in place she started to caress my cock. Soon she moved forward and took me in her mouth. She gave me head very skillfully until my cock was fully erect. Now and then she looked up with a lustful expression on her face. She obviously liked to suck cock. When she was satisfied with the hardness she backed a little until her open lips just touched the tip of the cock head. She kept that position and I saw that Lucy was busy drawing and heard the cameras click regularly and guessed that they were set on automatic. Now and then Elisabeth took my cock in again to regain the hardness. Her best trick was to use her tongue on the underside on the cock head. It felt lovely.

"Done I think," Lucy said after some time and flexed her hands and arms.

Elisabeth immediately rose and moved to embrace me from behind. Lucy started to draw again. Elisabeth kept my arousal on top by using her body to caress my back. Now and then her hand jacked my cock or balls when it showed signs to lose hardness.

"Done," Lucy suddenly exclaimed. Elisabeth moved behind her to see the sketches. "Yes, I think you have caught it," she said. "Lovely, let´s proceed then. The next one will be harder but also more fun. The real thing."

Elisabeth moved back onto the podium where I had been waiting. She came close and embraced me.

"Come to me, Tom. Come to me," she called softly and clung against my body. "What about some necking to get us in the right mood? I both need it and want it very much," she whispered.

I got the message and started to caress her using both hands and mouth. I did my very best and was successful I think. Her breathing got heavy after a while and she cried out when I touched her clit that was growing fast. She sank down on the mattress and spread her thighs to give me access. I dug in licking and caressing and there was no doubt that she liked it. She panted hard and in between small cries came over her lips until suddenly her ass heaved up against my mouth and she cried out in ecstasy.

She sank back and lay on the mattress for a little while with a pleased smile on her face. She sat up and pulled me close to her and kissed my mouth.

"Thank you, that was very nice," she whispered. "Now I really am in the right mood to go on. What about you, need some encouragement? Yes, I think you do although it´s a very nice erection. But it can get a little harder, don´t you think? Well, hang on," she said and laughed throatily.

"Lucy, are you ready to start? We are," she said calling Lucy back to work. She had been moving around doing some exercises to loosen her muscles.

Elisabeth went down on all fours spreading her knees wide apart.

"Tom, come over here," she called. "This will be the first combined position. Let´s see if we can get it right. Put your cock against my opening . . . yes, that´s right. Feels nice doesn´t it? Oh, I have to be a bit higher up, don´t I?" With a remote she pumped up the mattress a little at a time lifting her up until she was satisfied with our relative heights. She watched in the mirror on the side to get it right. I too saw that my bent cock now formed a smooth curve ending at the entrance of Elisabeth´s pussy.

"Well Tom, time to get you real hard before Lucy starts to draw," Elisabeth said with a lustful grin on her face. "Push into me. Let my pussy get acquainted with your cock. It longs for making it feel at home in there. Come, come into me. Now push. Push hard . . . oh yes, that´s right . . . oh my god that´s feels real nice . . . you are not about to come are you? . . . No? Splendid, a little more then please."

She had become very talkative when I fucked her, a bit hesitantly at first but more relaxed when I found that she liked it. It didn´t take her long to come. She froze after crying out and I stopped too.

"Splendid Tom, absolutely marvelous. Now withdraw and put the tip in my opening. We will have two poses, one with the tip just touching me and one with just the cock head engulfed by my cunt lips. Yes, that´s perfect. Freeze it there."

I had to stand with my cock touching her lovely pussy. It was hard not to bang her but she let me go inside her now and then for a few nice thrusts to keep my erection.

"Done, next please," Lucy finally exclaimed.

"Well done Tom," Elisabeth said. "But before we proceed please come into my cunt again. I want to be fully aroused on this one and the clit must be engorged. But for heaven´s sake don´t come. You have to stop if you are on the way. Bang me please, bang me hard"

Which I did. It was very pleasant as long as it lasted. But she came rather quickly and stopped us. She took up her position with my cock head engulfed by her cunt lips. It looked nice I could see in the mirror. I became amazed what she was able to do with just her lips to keep my erection. There was no need to go inside in this pose.

It was rather pleasant standing behind Elisabeth. I was asked to caress her to keep her arousal and her breast was very nice to fondle. They were a real handful with a firm core under the softness. The nipples got hard and stood out.

Lucy was a fast drawer and I was surprised when she suddenly said that she was done. Elisabeth rocked backwards taking me in and allowed us a few nice thrusts before she pushed me out and rose.

"Calm down, there will be more," she said with a sweet smile and kissed my cheek. "Walk around and relax for a while." She went down and looked at the drawings with Lucy. They whispered together for a little while and then suddenly giggled.

"Well Tom, time for another round. Quite another pose this time. A change will be fine. I think it will enhance our performance. Now I want you on your back and I will be on top. Down you go, please."

I lay down and she knelt beside me and took me into her lovely mouth. It didn´t take her long to get me erect, not fully hard though but obviously enough for her because she suddenly withdrew and instead straddled me.

"Well, we need some fucking I think. To give us the right looks. As before, don´t come. Tell me if I get too carried away."

And then she started to ride, slow at first but speeding up. She was very good at it but it was over well before I was about to come. I had just grabbed her swinging boobs when she cried out in the now familiar way and sat down hard on my cock. After a short rest she leaned forward and kissed me, on the mouth this time.

"That was nice. Back to work then. Four positions this time. Then we will have a break," she said matter-of-factly and got in position. As before she wanted my cock to first just touch her opening and then to be engulfed by her lips. The third position surprised me though. She put my cock at her butt entrance and kept it in place with her hand just as she had needed to do if I was about to enter her.

I understood that she tacitly communicated with Lucy looking over her shoulder because I never heard Lucy say that she was done. Elisabeth just changed the position of my cock. So she took me by surprise when she suddenly slid down making my cock to plop through her sphincter muscle. I looked up at her face and saw a big grin. It was a real turn on and I had no problem to stay hard until Lucy had finished. Afterwards I became disappointed with myself that I hadn´t relaxed and got a little limp. Elisabeth would no doubt have let me deeper into her ass and that would certainly have been a lovely experience. She was a very experienced woman I had now understood. And the ease with which she had taken me into her butt told that she was as experienced in that way of fucking.

Suddenly Lucy must have finished because Elisabeth raised her hips making me plop out of her butt hole. She didn´t rose though. I looked up and saw a smile trickle in the corner of her mouth. The smile widened into her lustful grin.

"Well, Tom. That wasn´t bad, was it? Excellent I would say. I wasn´t sure about your staying ability but you met my expectations in full. Well, Diane told me that you were good at it but you never know. I think a reward is in place. Lucy, why don´t you take a break. The caterer will be delivering any moment now. Please take care of it."

Lucy immediately rose and in the same moment we heard the doorbell. Just in time again, I thought. But Elisabeth didn´t even wait for Lucy to leave before she mounted me.

This time she took me for a real ride. She showed great skill and a real talent in reading me. She allowed herself to come several times but kept me in a state of high arousal without letting me boil over. But eventually when she got a little tired she took mercy of me and slowly but purposefully pushed me up the hill. Near the top she suddenly changed gear and fucked me frantically making us both to come in a shuddering climax.

Elisabeth collapsed exhausted on top of me and rested for quite a while. She then sat up again.

"Lovely Tom, just lovely," she purred and kissed me on the mouth, a deep long kiss this time.

She rose and pulled me up too. She embraced me and held me tight for a while.

"Time for lunch," she said breaking the hug. "I am starving, always get after a good fuck. And this was excellent. I never thought that you could hold back for so long. I didn´t really believe what Diane said. But she didn´t exaggerate, not the least."

She brought me with her and showed me to a bathroom.

"You will find a robe in there," she said. "No need to get properly dressed. We will continue after lunch. I will have a quick shower. See you soon. I guess Lucy already is in the kitchen.

She was right of course. Lucy had laid the table in the big kitchen and now arranged a rich buffet lunch freshly delivered. Elisabeth had taken it for granted that I would say yes.

Elisabeth soon joined us. She got a bottle of wine from a wine cooler and asked me to open it. I knew the brand to be expensive. I poured us a glass each and we sat down to eat.

"Please take this pill," Elisabeth said with a sweet smile. "Although I am impressed by your readiness and staying power I think you might need some help. There is a lot more work ahead of us."

It was a blue, rhombic pill. I knew only one such pill was sure that it was Viagra. Not that I had needed it before but it was well known. I looked into her smiling eyes and my hesitation melted away. I took the pill.

It became a very nice lunch. The food was excellent, light and low on fat, designed for women. They soon started to ask questions about me and Diane and bit by bit they wriggled the story out of me. That I was harvesting in the nude amused them and they made a lot of comments how easily Diane had seduced me and made me act as she wished. Lucy was especially interested how I had got that totally exhausted look and nodded knowingly when I had to tell how thoroughly Diane had fucked me to total exhaustion. Elisabeth then told that she had bought the painting Surrender and that it would hang in her bedroom. When I reached out to refill the glasses Lucy declined and giggling said that she had to keep her steady hand. Elisabeth looked me in the eye and sweetly asked me not to drink more.

"Wine has the effect to enhance the lust but reduce the ability and staying power. And I will demand much more of you in the afternoon," she said. "But I will take another glass. It will reduce my inhibitions I think."