Cock-Sucker Tales: The Random Rod


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Some hours later, heading in the opposite direction, the lost and wandering youth happens across a group of six fusilier infantrymen camping overnight in the greenwood. Initially friendly they share their evening meal with him, but then the captain makes it obvious he's expected to compensate them for their hospitality with sexual favours. Roderick readily agrees to suck the captain off and they retire to the privacy of his tent where the soldier drops his military trews, the youth crouches and begins lustily feasting on his primed trouser-artillery, but as the mutually pleasurable blow-job approaches its inevitable climax the sergeant unexpectedly parts the tent-flap to make his report, and observes what's going on. Once the activity is revealed, an audience gathers, the rest of the troop jealously demand a share of the action. Hauling the hapless youth up and out of the tent, they strip him, tie him face down over a fallen trunk, forcing his legs wide-spread and his anus lube'd with gun-grease, then -- as in the Fleshpole Garden Party, Roderick patiently awaits each new rectal invasion, as the soldiers throw dice to determine in which order they are to take him, breaking off at intervals as the next winner takes his turn.

Laughing and joking they eventually march away leaving the hapless Roderick still tied up, until several hours later his undignified predicament is discovered by a passing highwayman. As 'Swift' Nick Nelson enters the clearing he's confronted by an enticing vision. The two perfect curves of raised bottom. The legs parted so that the testicles hang between like two ripe plums, with the thick penis dangling between them like a knotted bell-rope. And the puckered orifice indicated by criss-cross snail-trails of drying semen, a sight that so inflames his passion he is compelled to embed his own lusty dart in the target so invitingly presented. So he parts Roderick's buttocks and takes his pleasure where the soldiers already have.

Once the grunting and rutting, and the mutual spurting is done, he releases and befriends the runaway. Roderick is bashful at first, but as they stand together naked, the very visible mutual physical attraction of the two virile young men soon overcomes his shyness. They cavort nude like wild woodland creatures in a nearby stream where a waterfall forms a still cool pool, splashing water over each other's bodies, then they lie together on the mossy bank sheltered by reeds on a bed of celandines, their bare skin drying in the sunlight that filters through the leaves overhead, leaning over every now and then to kiss and lick each other's now-quiescent cocks. Looking up to watch a kingfisher darting over the rippling murmur of the water, almost like the symbol of something beginning, a new start, for a better tomorrow.

Roderick had enjoyed frequent sex with Aubrey. They were both healthy generously-endowed young men. How could they fail to enjoy sexual congress? But from the first encounter with 'Swift' Nick, Roderick knew that this was different. The two new companions are now more than friends, their affectionate closeness has grown into the most meaningful relationship of Roderick's eventful young life. Once dressed they determine to continue Nick's outlaw trade together. Masked, with a brace of pistols and a 'Stand and Deliver!' the duo hold up a stage-coach. Firstly, a dainty Lady dismounts in a flounce of gowns and cleavage, her hands in the air, 'I do fear that should you two big powerful highwaymen take it into your minds to relieve me of my most precious pearl, I'd be quite helpless to resist you.'

'Fear not Madam' said Swift Nick hastily, 'your... dubious, maidenhood is entirely safe with us.' Is that an expression of petulant disappointment on her face?, as her younger brother, of some nineteen years, is the second to emerge from the carriage behind her. The dashing highwayman seizes the opportunity of instead taking the comely youthful passenger at the point of his pistol into the undergrowth for frenzied sex. Needless to say, despite his protestations, the 'victim' is far from unwilling to participate in the adventure, and happily surrenders his anus to the insistent penetrations of 'Swift' Nick's lustful penis. As he divests the other passengers of their valuables Roderick can hear the squeals and moans of delight they're making behind the shivering shrubbery.

The final occupant of the carriage, a miserly elderly grey-haired man looks up at Roderick through thick gold-rimmed spectacles, 'I pray the merciful Lord you don't intend subjecting me to perverted sexual humiliation?'

Roderick is about to reassure him that he has no such intention, when the miser removes his dentures and puts them in his pocket, then falls on his knees, fumbling at the belt buckle of the younger man's breeches. 'Have mercy I beseech thee, Bold Sir Highwayman, don't force me to extract your mighty organ' as his penis swings free, Roderick merely stands there with his pistol pointing vaguely in the direction of the carriage, and his trusty weapon now pointing at the rutted roadway, dumbfounded by the unexpected turn of events. 'Dear god, please no, don't ram that mighty appendage down my poor virgin throat.'

Before Roderick has time to protest that nothing is further from his mind, the miser had thrown himself upon it and begins to suck it ferociously deep into his toothless maw. His gimlet piggy eyes bulging and his face flushed red with exertion, as he slurps and makes lusty glug-glurping noises deep in his scrawny throat. The miser's head is slowly drawn up as it erects in his mouth, despite Roderick's distaste for the disgusting little man.

For one moment, and one moment only, the miser draws back, 'If you have one ounce of mercy and decency you will not fill my mouth with your vile seed and compel me to devour it,' his attention all the while fully focused on the glistening monster hanging one inch from his thin nose. Roderick merely stands there, incapable of even protesting as he returns to the interrupted task, and he's sucked off, as the dainty lady watches, sniggering behind her white-gloved hand. Until Roderick groans once, and is emptying into the miser's greedy gulping maw. Choking, and wiping his sperm-flecked mouth, the miser stands up, his eyes gleaming. As he fumbles in his pocket and replaces his dentures, he's muttering 'he raped me, he forced me to do it, the highwayman raped me' to the rest of the carriage occupants 'I feared for my life, I had no choice.'

'Of course, of course' tut-tuts the Lady in feigned support, as Swift Nick and the youth eventually emerge re-buckling their breeches while sharing grins of mutual satisfaction. Come nightfall the duo of Highwaymen invest their ill-gotten gains by taking a room in a tavern called the 'Ram Inn'. A sturdy ostler, barely months younger than himself, tending the horses in the cobbled courtyard catches Nick's eye. Following him into the latrine he watches him taking a piss, unleashing a steaming torrent of urine and sluicing the rich yellow stream into the trough. Noting his interest the grinning ostler stands back so he has a better view, inviting appraisal. And Nick's impressed by what he sees. Although Roderick is initially reluctant to part with more of their stolen cash, Nick insists. So they use gold coin to hire the ostler's favours. Once in the room they gleefully undress him, and seeing the strapping youth naked Roderick's doubts dissolve. While, faced by two solid raging erections the ostler readily goes down on them, sucking Nick lustily, then Roderick, then switching his oral attention from one to the other, careful to show no favouritism. Then they lay him on his back on the bed, feel him up, take turns to suck and be sucked in all manner of three-way combinations, then enter the ostler from behind, first one, then the other, with much delighted giggling. Wiping a generous sperm double-shot from his face, a tingle in his bottom and a coin-jingle in his pocket, the ostler leaves with a smile.

Once he's gone, with their lust not so much diminished, as aroused by the appetiser, they turn their attentions on each other. As the narrative emphasises, both are aroused and visibly magnificently endowed, they fully appreciate that singular quality in each other, and enact every physical permutation it's possible for two lustfully inventive adult males to devise when it comes to the insertion of penises into every available orifice in each other's sweat-glistening bodies. Pausing only momentarily between frenzied bouts to regain breath, and stamina, before mutually devouring each other's nakedness again, re-coupling in new configurations of limbs with raucous throaty laughter and thrusting taut buttocks. However, innocently answering queries in the courtyard below, the ostler unintentionally gives away the fugitive's location. And, nakedly entwined yet again in the midst of their prolonged and graphically-described fornication, the constables break in on them to arrest them, and drag them off to a jail. A short journey escorted through the swirling mist brings the two prisoners through the winding alleyways of the sleeping town where only occasional lights glow dully in leaded windows above closed shops, and their clattering footfall echoes back at them ominously. They're marched into the Police Station and shoved roughly into the holding cell. Their right ankles shackled by a length of chain to the wall of the dirty prison-cell with straw on the floor, and a lone slack-jawed guard slumped lazily at a desk with a tankard of wine.

Once incarcerated, 'Swift' Nick glances critically around their chamber -- and swiftly as his alias would indicate, devises a sexual ruse which he explains to his companion. Their chains are long enough, so they must ensure that Roderick is observed crouching to noisily suck Nick off. His partner agreeably gets naked and ducks down, extracts Nick's cock and plunges it deep into his throat, his head bobbing up and down the glistening length, which soon has the desired effect of luring the attention of the prurient jailor. He watches through the cell-bars, his shifty feral eyes wide, the crotch of his loose pants tenting, as though he's concealing a hefty truncheon. A faint trace of moistness at its peak which might be spilt wine, or more likely excited pre-emission.

From Nick's leering and winking invitation -- 'you want my friend to suck you off too?', the jailor soon gets the idea, unlocks the door and slouches into the cell with them, lowering his own pants. A full pleasing monster hard-on bounces free to slap up against his hard stomach. Roderick orally relinquishes Nick while still holding onto his balls as though reluctant to release him entirely, and in an instant transfers his warm mouth to the jailor's groin, engulfing the hose-like stiff new fuckmeat with such skill and practised technique, tonguing and teasing up under and around the foreskin, that he soon has the jailor weak-kneed, his eyes rolling back in his head and closing with ecstasy, while Nick stands back, watching with approval as he continues to wank his own spit-shiny prong energetically towards climax.

Roderick enthusiastically services the jailor, feeding like a hungry animal as though he's forgotten this is a ruse and is simply caught up in the moment, totally absorbed in deep-throating it down to the heavy balls, absorbing its leaking fluids, reluctant to unmouth it for a second, while Nick utters a strangled cry and spatters a shower of sperm over his crouching friend's head, splashing slithering dollops, droplets and spiders-web strands that cling to his bobbing hair, and, as if overcome by the force of orgasm, Nick staggers backwards, circling behind him to deftly seize the keys from the jailor's belt. Too late, the slow-witted and sexually-intoxicated oaf bounces a little on the balls of his feet as his moaning grows more frantic and louder and he begins to pump Roderick's mouth full with his own powerful creamy ejaculation, barely realising what's going on.

First Nick is unshackled. Then, Roderick is released, lurching wobble-kneed to his feet with his mouth still dripping-full of cum, as though he's equally beffudled by the sudden turn of events. Working together the two prisoners soon overcome the jailor, and tarry only long enough to take advantage of his exposed body. Looking down at him with his pants scrunched up around his ankles, it seems too good an opportunity to miss. So they bend him over, spread his legs, and first Roderick, then is companion, slide their cocks up the tight bum-hole. They leave the bleary jailor shackled with his own chain, naked, and sexually spent, to make good their escape. Circling around the cellblock, losing any pursuers in the bustling town, and disappearing quickly into the dense forest tangle beyond.

At first they see only squirrels, rabbits and lizards. However, they soon run into the same squad of six fusilier infantrymen in their scarlet uniforms camped in a greenwood glade with musket fife and drum, who recognise them from the 'Wanted' poster nailed to a nearby tree, and apprehend them. Recalling their earlier encounter, the Captain smiles in lustful anticipation. Stripping the two escapers, two soldiers hold the naked Roderick between them, as the Captain stirs his helpless semi-hard cock with the point of his bayonet, then lifts his balls on the flat of its blade, balancing them precariously. They laugh and jeer as Roderick sweats uncomfortably, not knowing what to expect, before the two are forced down onto their haunches.

The Captain drops his tight white military breeches, takes position in front of the crouching Roderick, angles his hefty man-meat down and slaps him sharply across the face with it, so hard it leaves a red blush-mark, then he slots it easily into his open mouth. 'Right men, cocks out. England expects every one of you to do your duty here. Line up. First take one mouth 1-2-3, then the other 1-2-3, then one butt-hole 1-2-3, then the other 1-2-3. In formation, from the left. Starting... now. Shoot your seed at will.' As they're lowering their own pants, the troopers glance confusedly at a tall gangling Private, the Captain groans -- half in exasperation, half as a result of Roderick powerfully sucking the cock impaled in his face.

'No, not at Private Williams -- although we've all enjoyed and learned to appreciate our latest recruit's body and sexual skills over the last few months.' The lanky soldier looks down and shuffles his feet in evident embarrassed pleasure. 'And indeed, it might well have been you again had these two strapping bucks not come along with their firm young bottoms and deep-throats, just in time for our regular evening's sport. No, I mean spunk off when you're ready and where you choose, right?' 'Yes sir, thank you Captain sir' they salute in chorus, their line of stiff cocks twitching in unison as they do so. The two crouching youths know better than to argue or protest. They accept their fate as best they can as the troopers assemble, as if on parade, to take their turn, massaging their sturdy erections in readiness.

The rich stench of stale sweat, male arousal and testosterone as they step forward in pairs, the sound of grunts, squelches and slurps as the sucking and fucking extends. Nick can see Roderick with a fat cock pumping his throat, its outline clearly visible bulging his cheek out of shape. From the corner of his eye, Roderick can see Nick being energetically buggered beside him, watching his free-swinging ball-bag bounce with every new anal slam. Even young Private 'Will' gets caught up in the excitement, and bends down to suck a couple of his companions as they wait, his own long red cock urgently stiff and dripping blobs of eager pre-cum. As the spurting ejaculations begin in Nick's mouth and Roderick's anus -- then vice versa, and across both of their upturned faces, Will stands to attention, ludicrously without his breeches, perky cock equally erect swaying as imperceptibly as a flagpole, with a wisp of ooze unfurling from its shiny head, and he plays a triumphant blast on his bugle.

The following morning, after a night of repeated oral and anal assault, the infantrymen briskly march their aching prisoners back to town, and return them to the jail. This time there's no conveniently gullible jailor to enable their escape. The following morning Roderick appears before the court, only to discover that the presiding magistrate is non-other than Squire Fleshpole, his father's aristocratic landlord. The charges are read, and the first witness is brought forth to deliver his evidence, the miser from the stagecoach robbery. 'Yes, your honour. I can confirm that's the guilty man, m'Lud' he splutters, his sallow skin colouring,' I'll never forget how this evil villain raped my mouth in such a cruel and lustful way. I still have dreams about it... er, nightmares you understand. No virtuous citizen remains safe from sexual violation while he walks free.'

The leering Squire calls for an adjournment for a private 'hearing' in his chambers. Alone together, Fleshpole sits behind a polished desk upon which the charge-sheets are spread, lit by the flickering light of a blazing log-fire, while Roderick nervously stands to attention before him, unsure what to expect. Surely, he should have suspected...? for predictably it involves Roderick bending down over the desk as his former-master tugs impatiently at the youth's pants, until Roderick feels the coarse material of his trousers rasping down over the sensitive curves of his raised bottom, to fall into a heap around his ankles. Then the familiar sweaty palms and probing fingers take repossession of the puckered orifice so invitingly revealed. There's a smear of goose-grease, which the Squire obviously keeps in his desk for use at such plea-bargaining occasions. Followed by the insistent pressure of the Magistrate's stiff cock sliding back into where its been numerous times before, welcomed by the warm clutch of Roderick's tight sphincter. The uniformed court usher outside the door tactfully pretends not to hear the throaty copulatory grunts and whimpering sighs that seem to go on for an inordinately long time.

Eventually the sexually satisfied Squire re-buttons his trousers, as Roderick straightens up. The intimate sexual friction and vigorous humping have had their inevitable effect on Roderick's responsive aroused genitalia, so that, as he straightens, the uppermost document that had been on the desk beneath him, is now adhered to his groin where he's torrentially ejaculated. Very carefully he pulls the sheet loose and returns it to the desktop apologetically, where it, and its fellows are gummed together by glutinous pools of his ejaculate. The print smudged and smeared, blurring and distorting, the parchments crinkling and rippling under the effect of its moist seepage. Fleshpole very critically picks up the sodden documents between thumb and forefinger, holding them by the one remaining unblemished dry tip, and drops them into the log-fire with an expression of distaste. They sizzle, spit and bubble, the pages curling up as the flames first boil the moisture, giving off a pungent aroma, then devours them to black crisp.

'It would seem there are no longer any documented charges against you' Fleshpole smiles grimly, wiping his fingers on a soiled handkerchief, 'so you are free to go.' He gestures Roderick aside, opens the door where the usher waits. 'There's been a sorry miscarriage of justice' he explains, 'this man is to be released.' Thanking the Squire profusely for his kind generosity the smiling youth allows himself to be escorted out of the courthouse into the bustling street. It is midday. The sun is shining. He glances around, then sets out for new adventures...

--- 0 ---

We shall resume our consideration of Roderick's epic travels in a later instalment of 'Cock-Sucker Tales'...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Reading this story is the most fun I've had since the last time I sixty-nined with my well-hung Boyfriend

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This is amazing. Humorous, but sexy as hell. Where can I get the book? Does it really exist?

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