Cock Teasing Tara Ch. 01-02

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Cocktease is made to pay - with pussy.
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Tara was a neighbour of mine. A pretty little thing who looked like your normal secretarial type. Very cool, calm and collected most of the time but every now and again she had a VERY dirty mouth on her. Hinting at what pleasures awaited the right man...or men...if they could only get her to drop her guard.

I had a lot of time for her and filled several enjoyable hours a month flirting with her. The little brunette had told me herself that she had a strong sexual drive and that her husband didn't. She had told me that her husband was the only man ever to see her naked and that she did everything to please him in the bedroom but he just wasn't interested.

He himself had told me he liked nothing better than for her to leave him alone. That if she badgered him for sex that he "Rolled on...fucked her...then rolled off." What a jerk! Didn't he realise how lucky a man he was having a wife that was prepared to do bed!

Boy! I thought. What an asshole...and what an incredible waste of a great piece of pussy!

Several times I had tried in vain to seduce her. The most I had achieved was a Xmas kiss. In the clinch I had let my hand wander over her lithe body. No resistance was given as I had run my hand over her T-shirt clad breast. I thought I was home and dry. I had gently squeezed her small tit through the flimsy material and Tara had moaned into my mouth as I teased her nipple. I thought the petite 32-year-old mother of two was finally mine.

As soon as I had tried to push my luck and go for gold she blew me out. My hand had wandered to her pussy mound and when she didn't try to stop my stroking I thought it was finally my day to bed the beauty . Perhaps I had tried for too much too soon but it was just so tempting. I had worked my hand underneath the shirt and was heading north towards those unprotected tits.

"John! No!" and the cock tease had spun on her heels and fled my house.

Other times she would flirt outrageously...but only when no one else was around. Especially my wife. Tara had let me squeeze her ass and encouraged me to tell her my fantasies. But now she had shut me down. She was cold towards me. Cock tease!

It was obvious why. I had told her to put out or stop the teasing. No more wiggling that superb ass. No more telling me she wasn't getting laid enough. I could only take so much. She was playing with fire. I had warned her of the consequences.

So the horny little bitch had changed her attention to an easier target. David. He was eighteen years old and seemed to love the little brunette laughing at his jokes and playing to his ego. She looked like a prim and proper housewife until she opened that deliciously dirty mouth of hers and whispered her sexy little sentences. Long dark hair scraped back into a ponytail and a small pair of glasses to frame her gorgeous face. horny lady.

I worked behind the bar at the local pub where Tara came every Wednesday night for the quiz. I had high hopes that alcohol would be her downfall but she sipped Pepsi every single time. But not tonight. For some reason tonight she was drinking Black Russian cocktails. A strong mixture of Vodka, Tia Maria and coke.

She sat next to David and her quiz team were in a little alcove gathered closely round the brass-topped table. She was on about her fifth drink and was decidedly woozy. As they discussed possible answers I saw the young man slowly caress the thigh of the prick teaser. I was behind the bar and had a great view but the people around her were totally unaware. The lights were dipped and I watched in disbelief as Tara slowly leant back and spread her thighs. David hesitantly moved his hand over her jeans zip...

"Go on, go on..." I silently urged as he thought about unzipping her.

David gently rubbed the mound of her pussy through the denim material.

"Now...unbutton those jeans, get your hands on the goods" I willed him on silently.

This continued until closing time. David would rub her thigh and then...nothing!

The quiz ended and the crowd went home.

I watched through the window as Tara tottered off in one direction and David in another. She had been there for the taking tonight and he had been too stupid or inexperienced to see it.

My best mate Lee had been my sounding board for many a plan. Between us we had cooked up many a plot to relieve Tara of her underwear. Whilst not as blatantly flirtatious with Lee she still took enjoyment from winding him up with sexy chitchat. I thought that this time I could persuade him to help me fuck the hot little bitch.

I had told him over the phone what Tara had been up to and he came to my house to hear me out.

"What's the plan?" he enquired.

"Well this time next Wednesday she has a man by the side of her...not a boy."

"Me?" He asked.

"Yup. You let your fingers do some exploring but don't be a prick like David. Unzip the bitch and get inside her panties."

"She'll never go for it. Not with her friends sat at the same table."

"Tara didn't stop David. In fact she spread 'em for him" I answered.

"Plus I'm the barman. Her drinks will have TWICE the amount of spirits in it she expects."

"But she might just say no...she hasn't let you go very far with her before has she?"

"No." I admitted. "But there is a camera behind the bar. Just been installed and most people don't even notice it yet. High definition. Three grands worth. If you can get some action going on just ease the table away from her a little. If she's captured on film she isn't going to want hubby to see her getting felt up. Not with the little bitch not complaining No one can really see what's going on but it will all be in glorious Technicolor."

"Blackmail you mean?"

"Or rape." I replied.

Lee seemed stunned.

"Rape?" You aren't serious are you?

"We'll have to see how far we get with her willingly but I'm not letting her leave the pub till I've had her. The little bitch can't be allowed to get away with all these mind games. She's driving me crazy! I swear to God if I don't get inside that brunette soon I'll end up just throwing her onto the bar and taking her in front of the customers!"

"Okay..." Lee mused. "Count me in. I can't wait to get me a piece of that ass."


Lee had ensconced himself by the side of Tara who, as usual was flirting with him. It was only 9PM but the tease had already downed 5 Black Russians. She thought that was ten measures of spirits. It was in fact twenty. Johnny boy behind the bar had been very heavy handed with the bottles. The booze was kicking in and she seemed tipsy already.

I had checked the CCTV camera that was meant to be scanning the bar for trouble. It was homed in on Tara and Lee as planned.

By 10:30 PM Tara was fairly wasted. She had consumed over half a bottle of Tia Maria and another half of my imported strong Russian Vodka.

Lee winked at me and moved his hand onto her thigh. Whilst holding a conversation with someone else on the table he began exploring.

Tonight the little brunette wore tracksuit bottoms not jeans. The thin material allowed Lee to stroke her leg and thigh. Tara's eyes seemed to widen as he moved his hand over her pussy mound. As with David she leant back and spread open. The booze had loosened her up nice and easy.

Lee was not David however. He was a different animal all together. More experienced and more of a predator. He didn't back off as the youngster had.

Instead he nonchalantly tried to finger her through the thin material. Tara, in her drunken state was in no position to object. Indeed, when Lee's hand moved under the waistband of her joggers she guided his right hand to the spot. Tara knew his actions were hidden from her friends by the cloth on the large table.

Lee moved his hand slowly and gently over her mound. He wasn't going to rush this pleasure. Gently he pushed the material of her panties to one side. Slowly he inserted his digit into her wetness.

I saw Tara struggling to keep her composure as Lee leisurely increased the tempo of his finger fucking. Tara was starting to respond with little gasps and groans.

I signalled to Lee with a finger across the throat. People were starting to look at the bitch as she gently moaned. People might notice and that wasn't part of the plan. She wasn't to be shared...not tonight anyhow.

It was 11PM and the quiz had ended.

And the winners were!

Well Lee and me if we played our cards right.

I approached the table they were sitting at.

"Sorry folks...time to drink up and go home."

One of my friends who was in the same team as Tara chimed in.

"What about her...she's in no fit state!"

As I escorted the last of them to the door I pulled him back for a quick word.

"Don't worry Pete. Lee and me will look after her. And if you leave now I'll make sure you get a copy of the video she's about to star in. I know she has wound you up over the years. Well tonight Tara gets hers. If me and Lee pull this off tonight we can all have a bit of her can't we? "

Pete shrugged his shoulders.

"Fair enough. No one can say she doesn't have it coming. The bitch flirts with every guy in here but never lets me so much as touch her ass!"

I ushered him outside gently

I locked the big oak doors and returned to the bar. I switched the lighting above the alcove Tara was occupying on full. I wanted the high definition CCTV camera to capture what was going on at the moment.

Lee had wasted little time.

Tara had her arms around his neck and was drunkenly kissing him.

I got on the other side of her and she was trapped between us.

"I gotta go." She slurred as she went to rise.

I quickly pulled her back onto the bench seat.

"No rush. No one hear bar the three of us."

I pulled her to me and kissed her as Lee pulled off her trainers. She was drunkenly unaware. Perhaps I'd given her too much. I swirled my tongue around her mouth and she tongued me back.

With the footwear off Lee was lowering her black joggers as carefully as he could. He was on his knees in front of her pulling them from her gently. She was that drunk that she felt nothing at first.

Damn! I thought to myself. I hadn't wanted to have her this out of it.

As I continued to kiss her I pushed her red soccer shirt upwards over her head.

Now the panic set in. Under twin attacks she realised Lee nearly had her bottoms off. She made a drunken lunge but he quickly pulled them from her as I forcefully whipped her top over her head.

I pushed her back onto her seat as she tried to cover herself up. She knew she was too drunk to try to escape. Pleading was all she had left to protect her modesty. As she cowered before me I fully realised I finally had her where I wanted her. Totally in my control.

"Come on boys! You've had your joke...let me get dressed and we won't mention this again!" She'd sobered up now!

She sat with her one arm across her chest and the other in front of her panties. I just stared at the vision in front of me as Lee once more took a seat beside her.

"You need to take off your bra now angel. We really need to see those tits" He whispered.

Tara started to sob uncontrollably. Reality had kicked in through her alcoholic haze.

I positioned myself to the other side and gently pulled her arm down to one side pinning it there with quite some force.

At the same time Lee took a firm grip of her other hand and roughly pulled it away, exposing her panties.

With both hands now secure us boys knew she couldn't protect her goodies anymore. Me and my friend drank in the sight of the luscious Tara.

"You really have a wonderful chassis...!" I acknowledged as I ran a finger over her trembling body.

With his free hand Lee had pushed Tara's red lace panties to one side. I moved a bit further away from the brunette but never let go of my firm grip of her hand.

Lee looked quizzically at me until I nodded at the camera. I still planned on a VERY interesting DVD as a souvenir.

I went to remove her glasses but Lee stopped me.

"No! leave them on...she looks hornier!"

Tara now had her head thrown back against the soft headrest of the cubicle bench seat. She had her eyes closed as Lee was once again gently fingering her. Knowing she was held down anyway it seemed she was accepting her fate. Perhaps this was going to be easier than I had anticipated.

Her bra was a front-opening affair. Red lace trimmed with black. The matching top for her panties in fact.

I let go of her hand and angrily took hold of her ponytail and she gasped at my roughness.

"Lee asked you nicely to remove your bra but it's still on. NOW TAKE IT OFF!" I hissed. I had decided to be more domineering. I wanted Tara to know she had to play the game by our rules.

Tara moved her shaking hand nervously to her bra and played with the front of it. She managed to undo it one handed as Lee still controlled the other as he worked his fingers into her moist pussy. He was gently fingering her to the point of orgasm. The earlier foreplay had obviously taken its toll. Her breathing was become more ragged by the second. The bitch was so turned on it was unreal.

"Huh..huh..huh..." she panted. "Oh god...Pleeeease!"

I slowly pulled the garment away from her smallish tits. Personally I always thought they were just right but her husband had always mocked their size. I knew she was self conscious over their size so complimented them.

"Very pert, very suckable."

I kept hold of her hair as I fondled her tits. Massaging and kneading them. A gasp was emitted from her lips. I looked down at Lee. I was unsure if the gasp was because I was now roughly pulling and tweaking her tits or because Lee was now on his knees in front of the highly aroused cock tease.

He had pulled her panties from her without me noticing and had pushed her thighs wide apart.

Tara had once told me that her husband didn't eat her out and she thought she was missing out. She wasn't missing out anymore!

Lee prided himself on his expertise with his tongue and was using every inch of it to turn Tara on even more. Willingly or not she was grinding against his face to get the full benefit of his licking. I knew how much Lee loved the taste of a woman and knew he'd be down there for ages, feasting on that wonderful pussy. A pussy that till now had only been seen by one man and never felt the sensations it was now enjoying.

"Let me have a look at her bush" I asked.

Grudgingly Lee pulled away to give me a better view. Me and the camera.

Tara went to close her legs.

"Keep them spread bitch...we haven't even started yet" Lee commanded.

He inserted two fingers into her sopping wet pussy. His hand was palm up and he was teasing her G spot. A pro like Lee didn't need long to locate it and Tara was soon feeling the benefit of his expertise.

I took in the sight of a wonderfully trimmed bush. The lady certainly kept herself in prime condition and if her husband wasn't prepared to compliment her then I certainly was.

"You look beautiful naked Tara. Even more than I anticipated."

"Please guys, huh've had some fun. Oooohhhhh!...My husband will be expecting me soon. Nnnggghhhh"

"Not for another hour I reckon. You normally have a few drinks after hours and your friends take you home. There is a taxi picking you up in forty-five minutes. If you are a good girl till then no-one need know about this and it will be our secret."

Yup. I was a good liar. I fully intended to share the cocktease with my inner circle of friends.

"Stand up!" I commanded suddenly.

Tara was in shock and complied immediately. Lee was a bit stunned too. He had been enjoying the taste of Tara but I knew we only had a limited time.

"Hands on your head and turn around slowly."

She did as bid. The fight had left the bitch.

"How many men have seen you naked?" Lee asked.

"Just one" she replied hesitantly.

"You mean just three" he sneered.

"Topless?" I asked


"Turn your back to us but keep your hands on your head."

Again she complied immediately although still unsteady on her feet from the copious amounts of alcohol.

She was now unwittingly giving the CCTV camera a wonderful view of her best asset. The twin peaches of that ass had enthralled me for years. I had always looked longingly at it but here she was in front of me with it wiggling in my face.

Lee and I reached out with almost synchronised timing and ran our hands over it. I turned towards the camera and winked. I applied pressure to her shoulders and she leant over the table.

"Spread them, angel." Lee instructed her.

Tara moved her feet apart but I beat Lee to it. I felt her up from behind and boy was she wet! His tongue and fingers had really worked her up!

"You are about to knock the number of men you've had up to three!"

I pushed her onto all fours and she gripped the table in front of her.

Lee had already shed his jeans and was soon easing his cock into her. Tara looked too horny for words. Perspiration covered her lovely face and Lee gripped her ponytail. I knew he had fantasised about taking Tara this way for a very long time.

As he pumped rhythmically into her I slowly undid my belt. I watched the expression on her face as a man other than her husband pleasured her, for pleasure it now was. Any thoughts of resistance were long banished from her mind.

As my cock sprung free I eased it towards her lips. Tara greedily took it into her mouth and I was in heaven.

The plan had worked. The cock teaser was a tease no more. She was on the floor of my pub being fucked by my friend as she felt my tool leak pre-cum into her mouth.

She was losing herself as Lee picked up pace and I could feel Tara's response as he picked up the pace and pounded into her. The foreplay hadn't just turned Tara on, it seemed as if Lee wasn't going to last long either. She went over the edge and an orgasm wracked her little frame. Lee continued ramming into her as she pulled her mouth from my cock.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck " she repeated over and over as Lee finally came inside her.

The sight before me was just too much. I could hold on no longer and ribbons of my cum shot onto her face. It dripped from her glasses and she went to wipe it away from her chin.

I stopped her and pulled her to her feet.

"What now?" she whispered breathlessly.

"Leave my cum on your pretty little face for a while."

I led her forward and she tottered on unsteady feet to the edge of the bar.

I pointed to the camera directly on her cum splashed face.

Lee laughed.

"Smile...You are on candid camera!" he said in triumph.

I nodded in agreement. I pointed to the clock behind the bar.

"And we still have Tara, a camera, a pool table and over half an hour to kill!"

Then Tara did something totally unexpected. She passed out.


I knocked on the door with some trepidation. It was now 11 AM. Until 1 AM the previous night myself and my friend Lee had spent some quality time with a little brunette. The owner of the door I was knocking in fact.

She answered the door but immediately tried to shut it in my face. My six feet and 200 lbs versus her five feet and 95lbs. Not much contest really.

As I pushed past her Lee quickly followed in my footsteps.

"No way to treat such an intimate acquaintance is it angel?" I enquired.

"Please...if you try raping me again...I'll..I'll..."

"You'll what?" I interjected.

"I'll phone the police!"

Tara was shaking. Whilst putting on the pretence of anger it was in fact a mixture of fear and trepidation.

"And tell them what?" I asked in a calm manner totally contrasting hers.

I led her by her arm into her lounge. It was the immaculate domain of a house-proud mother of two.

"Well...that you both raped me!"

"Hah!" Lee laughed.

"Take a seat sweetie." I instructed her.