Cockatoo Pt. 18

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James and Alex have to deal with being business partners.
7.8k words

Part 18 of the 44 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/27/2015
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We finished dinner in the restaurant, then walked upstairs to the flat and sat out on the terrace, drinking and talking about what our next steps should be in the plan to launch the new club. We threw around ideas for possible names, some better than others, and we provisionally settled on Cockatoo Cabaret as a tie in with the bar.

I also mentioned that when I had googled Koh Samui Blue, I discovered there were barely any hits, and most of them were press reports referring to the pirate attack. There was no website, Facebook page, Twitter account, or Instagram for Koh Samui Blue or Cockatoo, and I suggested I add this to my IT stuff, as it was easy to set up and get running. Alex and Areeya liked the idea and happily agreed that I should get on with it as soon as possible.

When It came to setting up the club, Alex wanted me to see what was already on the island and to see what other places in Thailand, such as Pattaya or Phuket had offer as well as Bangkok. Areeya had seen posters for Miss Tiffany's Universe competition which was to be held in a couple of weeks in Pattaya. Miss Tiffany's is Thailand's biggest local Transgender beauty competition and has produced several winners of the Miss International Queen competition. We agreed it would be too good an opportunity to miss. We wouldn't ever be able to afford to attract these competitors to be in the show, but I could at least see what the best of the best.

Something had changed in Alex since I told her about the deal I had made with Kritsada. She had become distant and distracted and I hoped that a good night's sleep would improve her mood. It had been a long day for me, and the effects of the flight to Bangkok together with the activities at Cockatoo had caught up with me, and I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

'I'm sorry, I have to go to bed or I'm going to fall asleep right here.' I announced.

Areeya said she was going to sleep on the boat tonight as Sam was flying in for a few days holiday in the morning. I had completely forgotten about that, so I kissed Areeya goodnight and turned to Alex who said, 'You go ahead, I'll be there in a moment.'

I went inside and could see Alex talking animatedly with Areeya for some time, until Areeya threw her hands in the air and walked off down the stairs. Alex pulled her knees up against her chest, wrapped her arms around them and stared out into the darkness. I thought it would be better to give her some time to herself, so I undressed, fell onto the bed and was asleep in seconds.

I woke sometime during the night, and I stretched out my arm, but Alex wasn't there. I sat up and could see a strip of light shining under the closed kitchen door, and heard what I thought was sobbing. I got out of bed and walked across to the kitchen door, where I could clearly hear sobbing through the door. I slowly eased it open, and there was Alex, sitting on the floor, with her arms around her knees, crying her eyes out. I knelt down in front of her, reached out and touched her arm, when she noticed me for the first time.

'Alex, what's the matter? Why are you crying?'

She looked at me and her eyes were rimmed with red from crying.

'Because I'm a fucking screw up, that's why.'

I put my arms around her.

'No you're not, you're wonderful. Why do you think you're a screw up?'

She bit her lip and turned her head away.

'Come on, come back to bed with me, please?'

I stood up and took her hand and gently pulled her to her feet. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight to me. She was still crying but not as much as before.

'Come on, let's go to bed and talk there.'

With my arms still around her, I walked her back out to the bedroom where I picked her up and put her down on the bed. I lay down beside her, put my arm around her shoulder and held her tight. She had now stopped crying, and I stroked her hair hoping it would soothe her. She pulled her head back and bit her lip as she looked away from me. I brushed a lock of hair away from her face as she sniffed, and I smiled as she had to wipe her nose.

'Don't you dare smile, I must look fucking horrible,' she said.

'What's the matter? Why were you crying?'

She looked away and said, 'Because I'm a cow and I'm scared.'

'You're not a cow, and why are you scared?'

'I'm an ungrateful cow because you do the most wonderful thing anyone could ever do for me, and then I fuck it up by getting mad at you for what you did with Kritsada. I can't get anything right.'

I hugged her as tightly as I could and said, 'Listen, it wasn't you that screwed up, it was me. I shouldn't have just barged ahead and agreed it with Kritsada without talking to you first. I was so scared that you might say no, I didn't want to take any chances. I wanted it so badly, I was only thinking of myself. It wasn't your fault you reacted that way. It would have been more difficult not to.'

'Areeya didn't, she took it in her stride.'

I thought for a minute, 'Areeya has less to lose than you, she has the family business to fall back on, but you don't, this is everything for you. I think Kritsada realised I was being a fool, not telling either of you, because he offered me a couple of days to say no if I wanted. He's smarter than I thought.'

She looked at me and I knew what she was going to say, 'Do you want to back out?'

'No, not a chance. Cross my heart and hope to die in a cellar full of snakes.'

She giggled, 'Where on earth did that come from?'

'What we used to say as kids.'

She sniffed, 'I don't want you to back out either.'

I leant forward and kissed her. 'So, what are you scared of?'

She bit her lip again, 'I think I'm losing Areeya to Sam.' That explained Areeya's arm waving outside on the terrace.

I hugged her again, 'Baby, I don't think you will ever lose Areeya, she loves you in a way that nobody could ever replace. I promise you she isn't going to leave you for Sam. Not going to happen. Hell will freeze over before that would come to pass.'

'Maybe.' She said, searching my face to see if she could see the truth somewhere there.

'I promise you, Areeya loves you and Sam is not going to change that, period.'

She sniffed again and smiled.

'Come on, let's try to get some sleep. Everything will look better in the morning, I promise.'

She leant forward and kissed me, 'I love you, Mr James.'

I said, 'You sound like Pao.'

'She loves you too, you know that.'

I kissed her back and said, 'Well, I love you sweetheart.'

I'm not sure she heard me as she was already asleep.

I awoke sometime after the sun had risen and it looked like yet another beautiful day was on it's way. Alex wasn't in the bed and I yawned and stretched and called out her name.

'I'm over here.' I turned over and she was sitting at the desk, working on her computer in her robe, glasses perched on the end of her nose.

'You know I love that look, come over here and give me a kiss.'

She grinned and walked across and sat on the edge of the bed. I reached out and linked my fingers with hers and said, 'How are you this morning?'

'Better. I'm sorry for last night. I had a bad moment. Thank you for being there.'

I kissed our interlocked fingers, 'Least I could do as I was the cause of some of it.'

She bent down and kissed me and I tried to grab her.

'Steady, tiger. I have some work to do, so you'll have to keep your dirty thoughts to yourself for a bit.'

'I'm sure I can help myself out,' I said.

She looked at me over the top of her glasses, 'If you so much as touch your cock by yourself, I will have to punish you severely.'

'Yes ma'am.' I said.

'That's right, and don't you forget it.'

She laughed and then disappeared off to the shower, leaving me to make coffee and breakfast. I sat outside on the terrace, enjoying the morning sun and the chug, chug sound of the fishing boats as they headed out to sea. Alex came out onto the terrace, dressed in her best business suit, gave me a kiss and said, 'We're having dinner with Areeya and Sam tonight, don't forget.'

'You OK with that?' I asked.

'Yeah, I was tired and emotional last night. I'll be fine. I'll see you later, I have to go to see our accountant. Should I tell him about the new business partner?'

'If you mean by that, do I still want to do it, yes, I do, and I won't be backing out. I guess we need to see a lawyer too?'

'Second meeting today, I'll set up a session for us all to do the paperwork.'

With that she gathered up her computer and disappeared down the stairs. Areeya, I knew, was up at the airport to collect Sam; so I planned a swim, followed by some work on my ideas for social media, then lunch somewhere, and a massage later to iron out some of the kinks in my back before dinner with three lovely people. I smiled as I thought back to a few months ago, when I was flogging away at my dull job in rain soaked Cambridgeshire. How much my life had changed in such a short time; I might as well now be in a different universe.

When I went to see Kritsada I had just enough time to dash into Siam Paragon, Bangkok's flashiest shopping mall, to buy a iPhone, iPad and a MacBook Air, so I now felt fully equipped again. After the swim, I spent a few hours setting up accounts and getting the basics done for the website. It would need some good photography and I would ask Areeya if she knew someone locally. Lunch was Tom Yam Goong and a beer, after which I popped into Cockatoo. Pao wasn't there yet, so I treated myself to a massage in one of the many massage shops along the strip. A Thai massage is one of the wonders of the world and this one was no exception. By the time I got back to the apartment, Alex, Areeya and Sam were already there, sitting on the terrace, late afternoon beers in hand.

Sam jumped up and gave me a big hug, and Alex fetched me a beer. We were planning to eat downstairs, and then head off to check out what was happening at Cockatoo. Areeya told us that they had caught the Mamasan at Cockatoo skimming off the top, had fired her today, and Pao was now in charge of the bar. I was delighted for her, not only was I very fond of Pao, but she was also a great girl, and I knew she would do the job perfectly. Over dinner I asked Sam what was happening at my old company.

'Big changes, James. After you resigned there was a lot of bickering and backstabbing. The Board had a big clear out and a lot of people have already gone. They've confirmed me as your replacement and it's all gone so well it might be made a permanent role looking after South East Asia.'

'Congratulations, Sam, that's great news.'

'Thanks, James, that's lovely coming from you.'

How did I feel about that? I was pleased for Sam, as she had done a great job picking up my role during my convalescence and she deserved it. I did feel an unexpected pang of jealousy; after all, I had done the groundwork in Bangkok, and she was reaping the benefit. If it hadn't been for the trouble stirred up by that journalist, that might have been my job. On the other hand, that had given me the chance to move on with my life in a completely different direction. Would I have preferred the job to my new life? No contest; I had the better of the two options. Sometimes, you have to play out the hand you're dealt. I wondered how Alex would feel about Sam being out here full time, but Sam's job might not get made permanent, so it might never happen.

'I have some news of my own, Sam. I've decided to stay out here, there's nothing for me back in the UK, and I feel this is where I want to be.'

Sam smiled broadly, 'Well done, I'm pleased for you, but I'm not really surprised. It wouldn't happen to have anything to do with a certain old university friend, I suppose?'

I laughed, 'Maybe. OK, not maybe. Certainly.'

We clinked glasses and she said, 'I'm delighted for you. What are you going to do out here?'

'I've agreed with Areeya and Alex to overhaul their business processes, put some technology in place to help the business, and to set up some social media for them.'

She frowned, 'That sounds good, but it won't keep you busy for long, will it?'

'No,' I said, and thought I may as well tell her the rest. 'I'm going to take a stake in the business here as well, setting up the new venture.'

'Oh, that sounds great. What's the new venture?'

Before I could reply, Areeya said, 'We should be getting over to Cockatoo, check out what's happening tonight. Maybe go for a late night swim afterwards?'

Alex was all for it, 'That's a great idea, I have to sort a few things out at the restaurant, but I'll catch you up at Cockatoo.'

Sam looked doubtful and said, 'I haven't got any swimming things.'

I said, 'Ah, don't be so English. You won't need to wear anything, Sam.' Areeya and Alex burst out laughing, and Alex shouted, 'You've changed your tune since last time.'

Sam looked puzzled, and I went very red.

Leaving Alex at the restaurant, the three of us walked down to Cockatoo. Areeya and Sam were arm in arm, which left me feeling like the spare wheel on a bicycle. The bar was heaving when we got there, the sound system was on full blast and people spilling out into the street. Areeya went to get some beers as everyone of the girls was busy, either serving, or with customers.

Through the crowd I spotted Joy playing pool with a guy who fancied himself as a player. He wasn't bad, but she was just toying with him, let him win on the last ball, and he punched the air. Joy saw me watching and gave me a little smile as he put his arm around her shoulder. She whispered something in his ear, and he grinned and nodded. Joy took his hand and led him through the curtain at the back of the bar.

I spotted Pao and pushed through the crowd towards her. She saw me, gave a little squeal and pulled me into a big hug.

'Hey, congratulations, Areeya told me you're in charge, I'm delighted.'

I had to shout to make myself heard and a broad smile broke out across her face.

'Thank you, Mr James, I very happy too.'

A group of young Australians pushed between us and Pao got surrounded and serenaded with a chorus of Waltzing Matilda. I eventually found Areeya and Sam outside on the pavement, where at least we could hear each other talk. Areeya handed me a beer and we chatted happily for a while. It gave me a chance to watch Areeya and Sam together, and they seemed very happy with each other. All those signs of mutual attraction were there; the brush of fingers on arms, the way their bodies mirrored each other, heads close to each other, and the sudden little smiles. Was Alex right about Areeya? I had wondered about what Areeya really felt about me arriving on the scene. Was this not the same thing, just the other way round?

Sam excused herself to go to the toilet and Pao, bless her, sent us out another round of beers. As I drank, I turned to look down the strip, and my heart skipped a beat. Alex suddenly appeared through a throng of people further down the road, and it was as if I were seeing her for the first time. Her hair was tied up in a loose bun, and she was wearing a short, strapless white dress that accentuated her colouring and her figure. She stopped to speak to one of the girls outside another bar, and they laughed together at something Alex had said. She looked radiant, and I thanked whatever God was up there, that we had met and that she loved me.

'She still has that effect on me,' whispered Areeya in my ear as she saw me watching Alex.

I turned to her and smiled, 'Was it that obvious?'

'You looked as if you had been hit by a thunderbolt.'

I nodded, 'You should tell her you still feel that way, Areeya.'

Areeya sighed, 'I try to, James. I know she is frightened that I will leave her, but I won't do that.'

I kissed her and said, 'You're very special, Areeya.'

'Hey, no kissing until I say so,' Alex arrived and punched us both on the arm. 'Place looks busy tonight, should we go somewhere else?'

Sam came back at that moment and we talked about where to go. The other bars would be just as busy, and none of us felt like going out of town.

Areeya said, 'Why don't we go to the boat? We can sit out on the stern with drinks, and then go for a swim. If it gets too late we can all sleep on the boat.'

Sam and Alex both agreed quickly and it left only me who hadn't said anything. Alex, sensing my reluctance, put her arm through mine and said, 'Don't worry, it will be fine, nothing will happen.' I thought that I couldn't avoid the boat forever, and at least this time it would be tied up.

'OK,' I said, 'Come on, let's go.'

It was a clear, still night and, although the clinging heat of the day had subsided, it was still humid on the strip, and the walk out along the pier to the boat brought a little relief. The sky was so clear that even a short way from the lights of the strip, the stars could be seen clearly, with a full moon tracing it's silver path across the water. I walked arm in arm with Alex, and she rested her head on my shoulder as Areeya and Sam walked ahead, hand in hand.

'Do you think I'm being stupid?' she said softly.

'In general, you mean?'

That got me a soft punch.

'No, you idiot, about Areeya.'

'It isn't about being stupid. Look, we all have things to worry about, but Areeya still loves you and that's a fact. The two of them are happy together, but I don't see either of them thinking this is a permanent thing. Put yourself in Areeya's shoes. How did she feel when I arrived?'

'Mmm, I hate it when you play the mature one. You're right, all I could think of was lusting after your hot body.'

I gave her a punch this time.

'I guess that makes me a thoughtless, selfish cow, then?'

'No, you're none of those. We all have fears and desperately try to keep them hidden away, but sometimes we can't do that, and they come out and scare us to death, but It doesn't make them true.'

She squeezed me her arm, 'You are a lovely bloke, did you know that?'

'Yeah, all my girlfriends tell me that, just before they dump me.'

'Liar, you told me you only had one girlfriend, and you dumped her.'

I laughed, 'Sad git, aren't I?'

'Not any more,' she said, and pulled me into a long kiss.

Areeya shouted back to us, 'Can't you two wait until we get on the boat?'

We giggled, and walked quicker to catch up with the other two. Areeya had left Cockatoo 3 moored to a buoy and as we reached the other two, Areeya was readying the small tender dinghy we would use to get out to the boat. She expertly fired up the small outboard, and we all climbed in, and were soon stepping up onto the stern of Cockatoo 3.

Areeya put on the lights and Alex went to the galley to organise the drinks. Sam was obviously impressed with the boat, as she couldn't stop saying 'Wow' as she looked around. Areeya put on some soft jazz, and after Alex brought out beers, we sat around the table and clinked the bottles. Sam glanced at me and said, 'Isn't this where it all happened? The attack, I mean.'

Alex reached out for my hand.

'Yes,' I said, 'right here is where it happened. I thought I would feel bad about coming back here, but I don't. It was traumatic alright, but luckily, it turned out OK.'

Areeya said, 'Luck had nothing to do with it, James. If it wasn't for you and Alex, none of us would be here right now.'

I said, 'Enough about that, let's get the party started. Who's for a swim?'

Areeya and Alex immediately stood up and started to undress and I followed suit, slipping off my t-shirt and dropping my shorts and boxers. I was now used to seeing their naked bodies, but Sam just sat there with her mouth wide open as we threw our clothes into the corner. 'Come on, Sam.' Areeya said as she moved towards the stern ladder. Sam shrugged and said, 'Oh hell, why not,' stood up and pulled her dress over her head. She had a beautifully toned body and small firm breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra, but tried to keep her knickers on. Areeya said, 'Oh no, all off.'