Coeds European Road Trip Nightmare Ch. 03


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He stroked his cock admiring his twitching seated pony, the other two panting girls looking up waiting for his command.

"We have nearly finished," he said tugging his foreskin his cock pulling to its full rampant length. Keeley still hadn't removed the biting electrode fearful of what her might do. He signalled his permission and her hands desperately pinched the metal allowing the teeth to spring open. Her hands fondled her own free melons in relief; massaging her nipples reassuring her breast the punishment was over. He also removed her neck bind.

"Stand up," he said to Diora helping lift the leggy babe to her feet pointing at Keeley." Now I will fuck her up the ass"

The Brunette began to rise from her chair but his palm pressed her back down. He ordered Diora to stand behind her as he undid her ankle ties then gripped Keeley under the knees; lifting her legs up and pushing them back to her shoulder as she sat.

"Hold" he ordered Diora taking the heel off either foot pulling Keeley's legs high and over her shoulders so her chest pressed against her midriff her ass pointing out at him invitingly.

"Hold her there," he ordered, "don't let her pull her legs down."

Keeley was panting her anus stretched, his cock now able to press easily at her open entrance.

The brunette squealed as his cock pressed then popped into her anus the pink flesh sucking him inside like she might a huge Popsicles between her luscious lips

She gave a deep long belly groan her eyes popping her lashes flaring watching his entry. In the bent upturned state her breasts pressed up to her chin the nipples erect pointing out like horns. Her face was able to look down close over them to her open thighs watching his cock ease all the way in.

"Oohhhhhhhh" She gave a long moan feeling his rod press hard inside her then begin to withdraw almost to the limit her ass screaming to close, then in again but faster, then out, then in faster still

She gasped his thrusting back and forth increasing Diora feeling her ankles twist between her hands the babe's legs trying to pull back. But Diora held tight. Was it the fear of the undertaker or a dark desire to see the woman who'd just cum in her mouth receives similar humiliation. She couldn't tell herself or dare not; but either way she held tight her teeth clench against the pulling legs of Keeley.

The cock pumped back and forth the undertakers hands also on Keeley's legs just under the knees pressing hard making her ass rise to accept the deep ruts. Her cleavage was now an impossible deep crevice; her bust pressed hard together the sweat like a river between the clenched valleys of flesh. Her eyes and load groans told him the sensation was like a deep hot monster thrusting away against her rubbery walls building heat and pressure within her confines.

"That's it bitch all the way in. Is your ass on fire? Is it!"

The chair she was on creaked and swayed under the heavy pounding and the weight of Diora pressing the babe hard onto the wooden frame. The wood wailed as much as Keeley; the chair legs shuddering the babe's teeth chattering as he increased to a frenzied blur.

"Oh heavens ohhh no tooo much uhhhhh!" She squealed in teeth clenched effort.

But he continued her body writhing ankles twisting high above her shoulder the grip of Diora slipping. But the undertaker's hands pressed in under her knees making her body rigid on the vibrating chair. His massive rutting was translating all the way through to creaking snapping wood.

Keeley's ass filled grunting was reaching a crescendo.

There was crack the chair legs buckling and suddenly all three bodies collapsed along with her chair. The mans cock slipped from her big holed ass the wet length springing up the buggered babe in a crumpled mess legs and arms crossed gasping in relief. Diora had also fallen to her knees on top of the heap Keeley and the collapsed fucked to destruction chair.

The undertaker signalled for Diora to get back on her knees. She backed away but he sprang forward gripping her wrist pushing her down. Keeley had staggered to her feet still groaning and moved to strike him. The undertaker's big body took the few pitiful blows his torso not even responding to her clenched hands. Diora tired to get up wanting help the fight but the man pressed her shoulder down hard with a shocked yelp at his strength and with his other hand twisted Keeley's arms behind her back,

"Behave bitches," he growled," both of you on your knees and start swallowing my cock."

Keeley groaned as her twisted arm forced her down until she relaxed unable to fight back now on hands and knees like Diora; big jugs pressed together between outstretch arms.

His hand was on his cock beginning to jerk hard pushing the seeping head towards their faces, rubbing the eyes across one then the other girls nose and cheeks. He looked over to the gimped girl wriggling in sensation the buzzing dildo like a never-ending nightmare up inside her. Cassandra's pussy was growing hotter and hotter; her clit swelling. Now this huge man jacking himself glistening in sweat both her busty friend knelt like dogs obediently waiting for the come. "Oh she wanted to see the come"

He gripped both women by the hair dragging them to their feet bringing them to the gyrating seated gimp.

"Kneel either side bitches!" He ordered straddling the surprised animated Cassandra. Then with his massive cock tapping against Cassy boobs he lowered himself onto her buzzing upright cock. Her dirty big strap-on filling his ass.

He gave a deep belly groan a hand pulling Diora's head close another holding his cock as pony impaled his ass on the vibrating black pole. His butt pressed onto her lap taking the vibrator deep inside the thing agitating his prostate heightening his impending climax. His hands wanked himself with purpose the tip slapping under Cassy's tits a hot babe head either side of her domes pulled close for the final act.

He was jerking hard and purposefully his cock end threatening to explode. Both flanking women's faces locked in horrified masks of surprise. He shouted while gripping Diora mane slapping his frustrated cock against her face. "I'm about to come pony, hurry I want us to come together, hurry I'm filling up I can feel it any second and your friend will be drowning in my filth" He pulled Diora head and pointed her mouth over one of Cassy nipples. Then pushing hard he made the redhead swallow the erect nut.

Cassandra body gave way her legs gripping tight together her body jerking like she was having some seizure. Slime was pouring from her mouth as her tongue flicked out like a manic snake the orgasm of screaming intensity but her locked jaw unable to show. She jerked up hard fucking his ass the man pulling Diora from the teat drool hanging in strands, his other hand bringing himself to final climax.


The undertaker's cock erupted out at Diora face one huge explosion filling her eyes sockets already a long stream from her nose sliding down the tip. He allowed another eruptions spattering her cheeks her rearing head instantly smearing it across Cassandra's orgasmic tits. His hips spun to the girl kneeled close on the other side. With his hand still on Diora head he had no way to pull the brunette closer but she knew what he wanted complying with embarrassing ease. Pushing her chin forward and lifting her nose the third and forth shots filled her nostrils and coating her luscious lips with so much that when she gasped her mouth looked like it had a plastic bag over it. His final piss like jerk continued on Keeley, cumming in her ear as he pushed her newly spunked on face down onto Cassandra tits hot tits.

All this while his Pony was unable to remove the burning spark inducing dildo storks, its constant pussy and anal buzzing now a horrendous effort inside her hot explode body. As her tits felt the smear of spunk makeup her eyes once again rolled back and she thankfully feinted.


The sun was a big ball of orange on the horizon as Cassandra struggled up the hill. The cornfields were no longer gold but burnt amber as day faded and the cloudless night closed in. Her body was aching from the effort the rocky climb steep the ground uneven and near impossible in her hoof like stilettos boots. The undertaker was helping pushing the cart from the rear but Cassandra still hand to pull with all her might. With her arms behind her back in the black bandage her harness was looped around her shoulders and around a tight waist belt. This allowed her to pull the two arms of the rickety cart up the slope.

He'd only used the whip a few times on her exposed strapped ass but that was enough incentive to keep up with the pace. On the trolley the three long boxes creaked and shifted weight sounds of hammering coming from within. The undertaker didn't listen just grunted and huffed with effort helping his long legged pony pull her load bit by bit towards the hillock summit.

Earlier after her climactic feint she being woken with drenching of water then led back upstairs. Her friends now both tied at the ankles and hands were demanding he let them go. All three had done as he asked and he'd said it was nearly over. But he said nothing removing Cassy's dildo and leading her with some difficulty up the cellar steps.

She was then made to stand in the outside heat tethered to the cart and the old funeral parlour as the man had first hammered and struggled with her friends in the cellar then reappeared with spade and climbed the hill. Only after a hour of sweat induced afternoon sun had he finally return and one by one hauled three coffins up and out into the daylight stacking them on her cart.

"Lets go pony," he had said cracking the whip, "time to do your chores."

Now a good hours terror filled climb later the gimped Cassandra could see miles in every direction, just flat featureless plains, The path if you could call it that snaked up between the hundreds of poorly constructed crosses until it neared the peak. There a single gnarled tree stood like an evil old witch its branches like withered pointing hands.

As she neared her panting frantic breath increased making her exposed prize tits bob up and down like a boat on an undulating ocean. Near the tree there was three deep trenches along side each other. The babe knew they were graves. She began to panic and tug biting on her mouthpiece. But the undertaker locked the wheel of the cart and taking her head soothed her like he would any beast.

"Calm, calm pony there, there, don't make a fuss."

He pulled the first box off easily putting it on the floor the lid slipping off showing an empty casket. Then the next more heavy, hammering from inside along with muffled noises as he dragged then slid it into the grave. Followed by the other box, weak scraping resonation from the inside the lid until thud! It also fell into its hole.

The mans spade was standing erect near by and he began to fill the holes Cassandra tugging at the wheel locked cart her heels slipping as she tried to pull free. Within a few minutes he had finished his task his massive body easily able to move dirt at a considerable rate.

He pushed the empty box into the final hole leaving the lid standing against the crooked tree trunk.

"Now pony, " he said with a grim smile the sun now a shimmering haze on the horizon shadows staring to draw long, giving the cross strewn hill a zebra striped completion, "you have being a good girl and I give you a choice."

He looked down to the box then to a sturdy tree branch.

"You can go in the box or if you wish I can make things quicker. While you dangle I take your ass. This will make sure your torment is over."

He pulled a rope and noose from the cart flinging it over a sturdy crooked part of the tree and looking back at his black clad babe he added. "The sensation for me while you ass clenches around my cock is impossible to recreate any other way." He looked to the horizon in thought before adding." I will come like a horse, this is for sure."

Cassandra's blue eyes looked up at the noose then down to the grave her mouth dripping inside the gag her tongue very tired and dry. He undid his buttons on his baggy shorts pulling his dirty erect cock from them tugging the foreskin readying it for action. Seeing the dangling noose then his hard on like a pole ready to lift and impale in her final moments her legs buckled. But looking over to the two newly filled mounds the occupants in deep black cells she knew what her choice had to be, and so did he.

The undertaker smiled and licked his lips in anticipation....


The scream filled the car with an almighty thunder Diora twisting on the wheel dust billowing up. In the back Keeley was flung upside down her heels shoes dancing on the cabin roof. Across from the driver Cassandra had nearly ripped her body from her seatbelt, Diora thanking God she'd had it on. The sleeping chick had just erupted like someone had fed a cattle prod up her ass.

"Jezz jezz,jezzzz!"

She just kept blurting out high pitch yelps of fright the car spinning to a halt Keeley already reaching around to grip on to the blouse of the animated girl. Diora was looking at her in shock and seeing her mind was totally detached gripped her face looking into her wild eyes.

"Cassy honey calm down, calm down."

The girl seemed to relax but then this only added to her panting and cussing.

"Fuck, shit fuck, fuck!"

Diora was smiling now understanding. The butter wouldn't melt face was releasing a stream of profanities a marine would be happy with.

"Cassy you've been dreaming." The red head then burst out laughing her blonde friend still looking horrified.

"Must have been some nightmare," Keeley said curling her long hair in her fingers a little surprised by her friend's manner.

Cassandra was shaking her head. "No, no can't be I..." She though back to the disgusting imagery refusing her own mind had conjured it up. "We... I... I mean." The girls looked at her seeing that she was covered in sweat, like a dipped toffee apple at Halloween.

"Hell you've really screwed yourself up," Diora said adding. "I think you need to take your mind of things.

She opened her driver door and got out.

"Com'on Cassy you best drive for a while. I don't think you should have any more sleep at the moment."

A few minutes later she was in the driving seat Diora stretch out like a tired cat. Keeley also had legs up high on the backrest as both felt the tiring heat of the afternoon sun. Cassandra wasn't answering questions about her dream. She just wanted to flush it from her mind and let the air billowing through her open window dry her off. She felt bruised and tired the exertions in her dream seeming to live in her body. Between her legs she rubbed her thighs nervously together. She was damp and realised she creamed herself while asleep.

Shaking her head in embarrassment she held the wheel tightly keeping a constant speed. The road was pool cue straight the ground stretching to the shimmering horizon. She though it a mirage first but slowly a black speck grew into a long post, then a cross then a figure ahead. She peered through her round spectacles; squinting her eyes as the nearing figure expanded sideways until she could see a broad man and donkey towed cart.

"Oh my God," she gasped, her friend sitting up in concern.

On the cart as they neared she could now see a long crate. Diora shielded her pink sunglass eyes.

"Hey has that man got a..."

Diora was cut short as she screamed in panic. Her friend had twisted the wheel direct at him. The man's handsome face looked astonished as he jumped for his life. Cassandra hit the carts side crushing a wooden wheel. The whole thing tipped the donkey moaning.

"You fucking bastard!" She screamed looking over her shoulder her eyes filled with terror her foot hard to the floor. Keeley was looking out of the rear window and could just see through billowing dust the donkey veering off dragging a wrecked cart the man on his knees looking up impassively.

Diora tried to grip the wheel but Cassy gave her a stare that made her freeze. It was 60 miles later before the blonde's body slowly relaxed on the pedal and two awkward distance filled days later before she could begin to explain her actions to her friends.

But on that afternoon deep in Poland the man lifted himself from his knees, his shoulder was aching but he had more pressing worries. His cart was shattered and his donkey looked lame. He shook his head at the crazy insane driver before looping a rope around his cargo. The long wooden box would be difficult to pull and he had to go a long way. As he heaved the weight the wood made a deep unearthly noise as it slid along. There was one benefit to this, the straining man thought; "at least it drowned out the incensing scratching coming from within."


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FantasiaRealmsFantasiaRealmsabout 11 years ago
Unending Brilliance...

... how something so dark, so intensely dark could be so blindingly brilliant... the ending was superb. I'm ready to devour another sinful bite now... I could never be full of such unimaginable decadent reading.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
I hope I don't have nightmares .

This was like watching a train wreck , I didn't want to see it but couldn't look away . It would be nice if you put in some punctuation though it's missing at least half of what it needs . Still it was well told despite the grammar and punctuation .

HAMFANHAMFANover 13 years ago
As close to a snuff story as Literotica gets - thank God

This story made me think about the complicity of readers (esp male) in what they read - so much so that I am seriously contemplating an essay (something like "On the male continuum: Serial killing, rape, BDSM, non-consent, reluctance and control"). It was sheerly terrifying to be aware of how much I was even "enjoying" (can't find the word) the snuff section; I was empathising both sides - the womens' terror, the woman's "choice" and the male "logic" (well, I'm a man, I muse on where that logic goes and why we have it).

Seriously provocative, FINC. Well done.

My first comment on Lit, the best story site on the Web (with thankfully no snuff section; contemplating the what and why of real life is bad enough).

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I LOVE all of your other work.. Was really enjoying this story too, but the end bothered me so much that I have been having nightmares for 3 nights about being buried alive.

I wish you had ended it in a sexy - not fucked up psycho killer way.

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