Coke Whore, The Next Chapter


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For once the fates smiled on Nancy, the surgery was a complete success. Dave was sitting with Nancy in her room a few days afterwards. She was getting discharged today. Nancy softly asked her husband, "Dave?"

"Yes, my wife?"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, my wife."

She smiled, "Even if we can't fuck for a month?"

"Nancy!!" Dave cried. His jaw dropped.

Nancy laughed, "Well I guess it will be a lot of coke whore blowjobs huh lover boy."

Dave blushed and said, "Listen to me my wife, whether we fuck again or not, as long as I have you I will be complete." Nancy swooned at his words wrapping her arms around him she kissed her beloved husband. Dr. Bailey walked in interrupting the two love birds.

Sternly she said, "Remember no vaginal penetration for four weeks. It is important for your recovery. Once you resume relations please use a condom, for a couple of months, and your cycles may be irregular for a little longer." Both nodded at the doctor. They thanked her for all her help. Smiling she shook their hands. Walking out she gave them a wink. Dr. Bailey was pleased with her work, she felt good about saving the uterus. It was touch and go, but everything went well. Nancy's uterus was almost as good as new. Dr. Bailey scowled when she thought what that "doctor" did to this poor girl. She was lucky, the doctor thought, "Very lucky indeed."

The boys were happy when Nancy came home. They missed their mom, and were tired of staying at Em's parents house. They were good little helpers. The doctor imposed exile was difficult but Nancy, true to her word, gave plenty of blowjobs to Dave. He reciprocated by caressing her ass, and paid special attention to her coral tipped mounds of love.

Exactly four weeks later, Dr. Bailey pronounced her fit.

Exactly one hour later Dave and Nancy were going at it like it was their honeymoon again, after he ran out to buy some condoms first.

They fucked all night. They fucked at every opportunity. Two months went by, and they were bare backing again. Dave would miss watching Nancy suck his cum out of the condom though, but damn it was good to be rid of the raincoat.

Six months after the surgery, Nancy noticed her stomach was feeling funny. She attributed it to the dinner from last night. But the following morning she still felt rough. "Dave?"

"Yes, my wife?"

"I'm not feeling well this morning, and I didn't feel that good yesterday. I think I better see a doctor." Dave frowned that she kept her illness from him even for one day. He gently scolded her. Dave called the doctor's office.

Understanding Nancy's history she was scheduled for the first appointment this morning. During her examination, Dr. Mirchelle noticed tenderness in Nancy's abdomen. Going over her chart he decided to run a few additional tests. He wasn't sure if it was the flu, or something else. He wanted to rule out anything and most everything. The doctor gave Nancy a prescription to help her stomach, and told them he would rush the tests. He should have some news by late afternoon.

Around six o'clock, the phone rang. Nancy answered it. Dave hurried to her side. A few moments later, she hung the phone up looking at Dave stunned. Her blue eyes were welling with tears, Dave asked what was wrong. Nancy replied softly and almost in shock, "Nothing is wrong I am perfectly normal for a pregnant woman."

"Wh, wh, what did you say?!"

"I am perfectly normal for a pregnant woman." She replied again.

"How, I thought, you said, what happened, is it real, are you pulling my leg, Nancy!?" he cried as his jaw dropped to the floor.

Nancy said quietly, "I don't know how, unless when Dr. Bailey worked on me she somehow fixed that problem too. Dave, are you okay?"

"I fucking don't believe it. You're pregnant Nancy?" Dave asked starting to hyperventilate.

"According to the tests... yes, a little over three months," she said. Suddenly Nancy jerked in fear eyes wide she looked at her husband, "Dave we got to call Dr. Bailey and find out what happened! Oh my God! I was an addict, what if I hurt our child because of my past? Dave I'm scared, what if my eggs are bad, Dave!!" Nancy started crying as fear set in. She should be happy, but she was a junkie, and an alcoholic. Is their child okay? She could miscarry, or Heaven forbid their child could be born with deformities. "Dave hurry, call Dr. Bailey!" She cried. Frantically Dave called the doctor. He held his wife in his arms as she sobbed softly. He was going to be a Dad again. He still couldn't fucking believe it. Nancy couldn't get pregnant, but here she is. He started to feel happy, but his joy was tempered by Nancy's worries over the baby's health.

Dr. Bailey's office called back and asked him to bring Nancy in first thing in the morning. After a fitful sleepless night the dawn broke through. They met with Dr. Bailey. She explained that it was possible that after the procedure for Nancy to become pregnant. Nancy shook her head no, telling her when the abortion was done; she overheard the doctor saying he made sure she would never get pregnant again. Dr. Bailey replied, "To put it bluntly he really screwed you up internally. Five years ago, I would have agreed with that quack. With today's technology, and medical advancement it was possible to repair the damage. I was not aware that you were told that you couldn't have children. When I warned you to use a condom it was because with a freshly cleaned uterus the chances of becoming pregnant increase dramatically. I hope everything is okay with this news?" Dave and Nancy beamed at each other nodding yes.

"Good, "Dr. Bailey smiled, "Let's see how both mother and child are doing."

The examination showed a strong fetus. Dr. Bailey explained that there shouldn't be any health issues; just take care of you now. Nancy felt relieved. Dr. Bailey then said, "Listen." She turned the monitor up and placed the stethoscope on Nancy's belly. A heartbeat! Nancy listened in awe then it really hit home, she looked at her husband and screamed, "Dave we're going to have a baby!!!"

He looked at those sapphire blues of Nancy and simply said, "Yes my wife."

Chapter 6

During the next five months, Dave and Nancy enjoyed each other as her pregnancy moved forward. Dave continuously caressed Nancy's ever growing tummy. Nancy marveled at how her body was changing as their child grew within her. Sex was still very enjoyable, and with her hormones going batty it got intense at times. Dave remembered making love to Emily when she was pregnant. It was exciting. That was when doggy style became their favorite position. Dave plunged into Emily with her swollen baby filled tummy hanging down. Emily loved it, and so did he. He told Nancy this pleasant memory. She looked at him taking it all in, then asked a question, "Dave?"

"Yes my wife?"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, my wife."

Her smile broadened, and then she asked, "Do you want to fuck this hippo?"

"Nancy!! Of course I want to fuck you, get your pregnant ass over here." He said with a shit eating grin on his face.

Dave gently removed her clothes, as he did he fondled her swollen breasts. Her coral nipples were darker and larger as her titties filled with milk. She moaned as his fingers squeezed her nipples. Carefully he removed her panties, and rubbed her huge tummy playing with her distended belly button giving it gentle caresses with his tongue. Nancy sighed as Dave lavished attention on her swollen stomach, laughing when the baby kicked him on the chin. She loved that feeling of life moving inside her. Gently, Dave rolled Nancy onto her knees. Her protruding abdomen hung down, the beautiful ass of his wife up in the air. Opening her legs slowly, she wiggled her butt seductively at him. His cock was getting harder by the moment as her honey pot glistened with anticipation. "C'mon Dave lick my pregnant pussy," she teasingly said. Dave growled and started tongue lashing her pussy, up and down her slit his tongue moved. Then he licked her rosebud, swirling his tongue around, then continued lapping her pussy with tongue firmly planted in her gash. Nancy whimpered in ecstasy, "Oh yeah, Dave lick my pussy, yeah there, oh yeah baby stick your tongue in, nnnngh, faster Dave, faster, mmmh, lick my ass too you brute, suck your coke whore's ass." She was in heaven.

Dave stopped his assault. Nancy cried in anguish, "Noooo, don't stop now!!!" Then without warning he plunged his cock into her hot steamy tunnel. Slowly he pumped his cock in her pussy causing her to mewl in delight. Faster he moved his hips starting to fuck her hard. She started panting as her pussy squeezed his manhood. He reached around her sides and fondled her heavy tits with his hands, squeezing and kneading her swollen nipples. Rubbing his hands along her baby swelled tummy, Nancy moaned even louder. Dave started to tease her pussy taking his cock out and running the head along her clit. This drove Nancy mad with lust. She started fingering herself. Dave slowly inserted his cock back into her pussy causing her to sigh loudly. Reaching into a drawer on the nightstand, Dave pulled out a little white vibrator. Slowly he teased her ass with it. With little effort he pushed it past her anal ring. Nancy whined her approval. Dave assaulted her pussy with his cock and her ass with the vibrator.

After a few minutes, Dave pulled the vibrator out with a loud pop. Nancy groaned again. She was so close to climax. He reached back and pulled out a dildo. He poured some KY on it, and then he lubed her anus with his fingers pushing them into her ass. Satisfied he slowly drove the dildo into her slick asshole. Her euphoria building as he plunged his cock deeper into her pussy and the dildo deeper yet in her ass. Dave ravished her with his tools of love. The first orgasmic wave hit Nancy, followed by another, then another. After the fifth one, Dave roared as he pumped his seed into her. Happy but exhausted they lay in each other arms.

Nancy awoke, a few moments later to her husband's snoring. She thought about their session and smiled. The smile changed to a scowl another bad memory came into her head. She remembered getting pregnant at fifteen. It was her coke dealer's child. She wanted coke so bad that in her drug induced delusions, she believed if she was pregnant with his child; he would gladly give her the drug for free. Finally when she was about five months pregnant four days after her sixteenth birthday she hugged Jesse as she revealed her news. He didn't react the way she hoped. His anger made her shrink in terror. Jesse backhanded her hard, almost knocking her teeth out, screaming at her, "No fucking whore of mine is gonna birth my fucking kid. I don't give a fuck if your five months, or nine fucking months along your white body is mine bitch, and you ain't gonna tie my ass down with no fucking kid. You ain't nuttin' but a fucking whore! Got that bitch!" Suddenly without warning he punched her in the stomach. Nancy collapsed in pain.

When she woke the next morning she was strapped down on a raised mattress in Jesse's garage. Terrified, she began crying profusely. Realizing what was about to happen she struggled. The dope dealer, her baby's father refused to give her any drugs before the doctor started working on her. It was his punishment for her getting pregnant. When the doctor stuck those things in there, she screamed; he didn't stop. She never felt so much pain before in her life. It felt like her insides were being ripped out. Thankfully she fainted.

Nancy awoke several hours later, painfully she curled into a little ball and began whimpering. Her lower body was on fire, the pain was still intense. She thought she was dying. Faintly she heard Jesse talking with the doctor. She struggled to listen. The doctor said that she won't be having any kids any more. He took care of that. Jesse asked when he could put the bitch to work to pay off the abortion. Doc said maybe a week. The drug peddler smiled and said, "Good, she ain't getting anymore coke until she pays off her medical bill." Both he and the doctor started laughing hard.

Nancy began crying. She wasn't crying because she had an abortion, or she couldn't get pregnant again. That didn't matter. What really bothered her was she couldn't get a fix until she paid off the doctor. She screamed in agony not because she was in pain from the abortion; but because withdrawal was starting, and she hated it. Frantically she started thinking she could pay the doctor off like she paid Jesse for her fixes. She knew she could. That day she became a true coke whore.

Nancy pulled herself back to the present. The memory faded quickly. She knew unlike those years ago, today she was wanted and loved. One thing though continued to plague her. She was dismayed having sex while pregnant wasn't a new experience that she could share with Dave, and Dave alone. Quickly she dismissed that too. Happily she thought she was having his baby!

Roberta Emily Segrove, 8lbs, and 10.5 oz., was born almost one month later. Nancy's water broke while Dave was at work. He called an ambulance and met her at the hospital. Samuel and Charlie were both at school; he left instructions for Emily's parents to pick them up. Sixteen hours later Roberta came into the world. Nancy was beaming with pride as she held her daughter, their daughter with the sapphire blue eyes. Dave was busy calling everyone, and Bobby Diangelo was happy that they named her Roberta. Of course she would be known as Bobbi!

Their first day home, Dave watched in amazement as Nancy was breastfeeding Bobbi. Seeing their daughter suckling on Nancy's boob turned him on. He stared at the dark coral nipple on her other breast as it dripped milk, his cock stirring awake. He remembered that Emily couldn't produce enough milk when Samuel was born; the doctor gave her an injection to dry her up. Sadly he thought, she never got the chance with Charlie. Nancy's bountiful boobs didn't have that problem. "Nancy how does that feel when Bobbi sucks on your titty?" Dave asked curiously.

"It feels good honey, every time she sucks, I can feel contractions in my pussy. Kind of a turn on." she replied. Dave just kept staring. Finally Bobbi had enough. Dave carefully picked his daughter up, burped her and laid her in her crib, and then he walked over to Nancy and sat by her side. Nancy's boobs were leaking some milk. Dave felt his cock swell at the sight.

Nancy realized she was turning Dave on smiled and asked, "Dave?"

"Yes my wife?"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, my wife"

"Would you like some milk from my titties?" She then rolled her nipples between her thumb and forefinger squirting her milk onto Dave's face. "Nancy!!" He cried jumping back startled at what she did. Nancy laughed, and squirted more. Dave took his fingers and wiped his face. He tasted her milk. It was warm and creamy. He readjusted his cock in his pants. Lustfully, he watched his wife milk herself.

Nancy smiled seductively cooing, "Want some more lover boy?" He groaned and nodded his head. She reached down and held her boob out. "Come and get it tiger." Dave lay on her lap. She leaned forward taking her dark coral nipple, and guided it to his waiting mouth. He gently sucked. A little came out. He sucked harder savoring the flavor of his wife's milk. Nancy convulsed. Wanting more, he sucked real hard. Milk poured into his mouth, Nancy screamed with pleasure, "Oh God Dave that feels so good, don't stop suck some more, suck my titty good." With every suck Nancy's pussy contracted, and got wetter by the moment. Dave sucked greedily as Nancy purred. She couldn't believe it she started to cum. She was cumming with her husband latched onto her milk laden breast. She didn't even touch her pussy.

"Nggggh, ohh yeah, shitt baby, YES, YES," she screamed. After her orgasm subsided, Nancy started crying. Dave realized she climaxed thinking it was good, but she seemed upset. Reluctantly Dave stopped his suckling asking her what was wrong. "Nothing Dave, nothing, all is good. We shared something that I'll only share with you. My full milky breasts! No one will ever suck my milk except you and our child. When Bobbi sucks my boob I provide her nourishment to grow, but when you suck I get so aroused, I have orgasms!! I feel whole now Dave, I love you so much. Now get your lips down here and pay attention to my other titty!" Dave didn't have to be asked twice. Soon Nancy was spent after three more orgasms. Dave smiled at his wife realizing her wish had come true.

Two months later Dave came home from work. Walking into the house he noticed the boys weren't home. Sitting down at the table he looked at the mail. "Can I get you anything sir?" Dave whirled around to find Nancy standing in the door way wearing her waitress outfit from the Pink Pagoda. "Man, she looks fantastic," he thought, "even after having our daughter her body is smokin'." Nancy with a throaty growl said, "There's a five dollar cover charge, but you get the first cup of coffee free."

Dave thought, "Coffee?" as he pulled the five out and handed it to her she quickly put it under the garter on her thigh. He gazed longingly at her fishnet covered legs.

He reached out to touch her, she quickly slapped his hand and scolded, "you know the rules! No touching!" He laughed as he remembered this game from a long time ago. She came back with a cup of hot coffee, slowly she bent over giving Dave a wonderful view of her tits asking, "A spoon? A napkin? Of course, sir." She turned and sashayed away, her ass swaying seductively. Dave felt his cock grow again. She waltzed back with a small stack of napkins, and a spoon. Just as she reached his side, she dropped some of the napkins on the floor. "Oh, excuse me, sir," she said.

Turning she bent at the waist to pick up the napkins thrusting her ass into Dave's face. Her black g-string barely covering her asshole and pussy. The aroma of her sex was driving him crazy. She straightened up, "Would you like cream in your coffee sir?"

"Sure" he croaked. She undid her halter and her breasts bounced free. She bent over his coffee cup and started squeezing her nipple. The milk flowed into the cup. Dave squirmed with excitement as his wife put her cream into his coffee.

"Is that enough sir, would you please check it?" He picked up the spoon gave it a stir, and tasted the best cup of coffee he ever had. "May I have a little more cream please?" he said, smiling at his waitress.

"Very good sir," she replied giving both her breasts a squeeze, she deliberately missed the cup squirting him with her milk. "Oh dear, terribly sorry sir, forgive me sir." She casually started to lick her milk off his face. Dave groaning his cock tented un-mercilessly. "For twenty dollars, you can suck my tits." putting her hand out waiting for him. "No money, no milk, honey." Dave quickly pulled the twenty out, and handed it to her. "Now sit on your hands," she ordered.

He quickly complied. Damn he thought, "I forgot to adjust my erection." She sauntered over to the CD player and put a song on. She began to sway with the music, and slowly inched her breasts to his eager mouth. So near, yet so far as she teased him. She gave her nipples a squeeze, and milk streamed onto his face. He anxiously licked the milk off his lips, and opened his mouth for more. Intentionally, Nancy kept missing his mouth. Finally the song ended. The second song started, she whisked the g-string off and straddled Dave's legs all the while keeping her tits just inches from his hungry mouth. She ground into him, and he could feel his pants getting wet from her steamy cunt. She climbed off, bending over she reached back and spread her ass-cheeks wide showing him her asshole in all its glory. She clenched and unclenched her cheeks causing her rosebud to pucker and bloom. Dave growled like an animal at the sight, his cock started to throb anticipating release. Turning around, "You like sir?"