Cold Hands Ch. 02

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The Saga of Skip, Hannah, & Haley continues.
12.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/18/2023
Created 11/08/2022
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All characters engaging in sexual congress within this story are at least 18 years old or older at the time that it happens. This is an original work of fiction, Copyright 2023 © by Scottish Texan. All rights are reserved by the author. This work is not to be published or reproduced without his express consent. Any references to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. is granted limited license to publish this work under their own rules and guidelines that are available for viewing on their website.


This is Chapter Two of a series. If you have not yet read Chapter One, then I strongly suggest that you click here ---> <a href="">Cold Hands Ch. 01</a> in order to start at the beginning of this story. You will almost certainly find yourself lost and confused should you not take this advice. I have placed this series in the 'Group Sex' category on because it contains elements of FFM Polyamory. The characters in this story are not from 'way out in the country' or backwoods folk. But neither are they from large metropolitan areas either. The setting is an East Texas city with a population of between 105k and 110k. Outdoor lifestyles including Hunting (gun use) and Fishing are a natural way of life for persons such as these. Everything else contained in the story is fairly straight forward, so I don't know what else to place here as a trigger warning. Continue reading at your own risk.


I started getting sleepy towards the end of the movie. I remembered watching River Tam defeat a whole horde of Reavers in solo combat while Malcolm Reynolds succeeds in getting the truth about the origin of Reavers broadcast broadband to all of the colonies. The very last thing I remembered before sleep overtook me was watching the Airlock open revealing River standing alone among all of the Reaver corpses.


+++Chapter Two+++

I awoke to the sound of my alarm blaring; the tone was a trumpet playing Reveille thanks to the app that I had installed on my cell phone. My phone made a better alarm clock than the digital time piece that sat beside my bed on the same end table. The app allowed me to use anything on my phone stored in my ring or notification tones library for the alarm clock. Plus my phone constantly updated to the atomic clock at the National Institute Of Standards And Technology in Boulder, Colorado. Your own cell phone does the same since all of the cell towers that served us must be perfectly synchronized in order to work correctly. I could also set the alarm specific to the day of the week, so if for some reason my schedule changed, I could customize that individual day on an as needed basis.

It wasn't until after I had rolled over and turned it off that my mind finally began to catch hold and I thought of Hannah. I felt that something was out of place and it took me a moment to realize that I was in my bedroom, not in the den. I threw off the covers and rolled up into a sitting position on the edge of my bed. As I began to take stock of the morning, I realized that my last waking memory was of sitting on the couch, snuggled in between Hannah and Haley. I whipped around and searched my bed only to find it empty. I was dressed in only my underwear, but I distinctly remember being fully dressed when I had fallen asleep on the couch last night.

"What the fuck?" I muttered. "Damn it!"

I couldn't believe my own stupidity. I had known Hannah for less than 36 hours but I was already so comfortable with her that I was actually expecting to wake up with her in my bed beside me. Something had to be seriously wrong with me. I should have been at least two or three months into a relationship like this before having these feelings or expectations. There was no way in hell that I wasn't going to fuck this up someway, somehow and lose her forever. As that thought passed through my mind, my body reacted with a shudder from a sudden cold chill. She was too perfect for me. Everything about her matched my expectations of the proverbial 'perfect woman'. I could not afford to fuck this up. Checking the time on the clock and doing some mental calculations, I realized that today had to be Monday and it would soon be time for me to make my way into work.

I staggered out of my bedroom and into the dining room where upon I noticed a piece of paper on the table. It immediately caught my attention since it was out of place. Normally, my table stayed clear of everything most of the time since I ate my meals in the den on a TV tray. The only time that the table saw any actual use was when I had company over. Since Hannah and Haley were not here, the first thought that crossed my mind was, 'She left me a "Dear John" letter and is breaking up with me already. I have already fucked up and this is her goodbye missive. Damn it all to hell!' Letting out a huge sigh, with a huge feeling of dread I gently picked up the letter and began to read its contents.

Hannah was here, but now she's gone.

But she left this note, to carry on!

Okay...I am willing to admit that I totally suck at writing poetry. I hope that I am not being too presumptuous because when I offered space to you for your personal items at my residence, you didn't raise a fuss or object. I also hope that I am not assuming too much thinking that my sister and I will be spending a good amount of our time at your house and probably sleeping over sometimes too. If you check in the den, you will find two suitcases. One is mine and the other is Haley's. We both packed up a few necessities to keep at your place should you be willing to let us. If that is a problem, then just leave them be and we will take them away the next time we visit. Otherwise, please put them in the second bedroom and we will unpack them the next time that we are over there.

It was at this moment that I felt an immense sense of relief wash over me. I should never have doubted her for a moment. I mentally kicked my own ass for being so insecure for a few moments before I returned to reading.

I have to be totally honest with you. Haley is forcing me to come home with her in spite of the fact that I wanted to sleep with you in your bed tonight. The two of us tried to rouse you after the movie was over, but you were dead to the world. You did manage to stumble into the bedroom with the two of us under each one of your shoulders to guide you there, but you were never fully awake. I figured from when you and I slept together that you probably leave your underwear on while you sleep. You woke me up once or twice last night when you tossed and turned a little bit. It seemed to me that maybe you were slightly uncomfortable sleeping totally nude. I can relate since I usually go to sleep wearing my panties too.

When Haley stuck around to help me undress you, I tried to run her out of the room. But she objected with, "I already saw him fully naked just this morning. What difference does it make if I see him again?" Haley insisted on helping me to get you undressed and into bed so I just caved in and let her stay. I hope that you don't get upset with me over that.

I am a Senior at Legacy High School. I was serious when I told you that I wanted to cause a ruckus and let my classmates gossip about us. I know where you work because you wrote that down, but I have no idea as to what your schedule looks like. If you want to pick me up from school then show up in the main drive around four o'clock. I'm going to do a study hall after regular hours, but I'll look for your truck right about then. If I don't see you, there is an extra curricular school bus that makes a final run once all of the activities close down for the day. I can catch that home if you're at work and cannot come to me. I'm really going to miss you something awful until we are together again.

Love, Hannah

XOXOXO from both of us!

The very last sentence with the 'hugs and kisses from both of us' was written by a different hand. The handwriting was very similar, but being able to see it on the same page with another example, the difference was obvious. I smiled as I realized that Haley must have come back after the letter had been written by Hannah and added that with her own hand. That alone made me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. When I had met Hannah, I had been smitten instantly.

But now as I was thinking fondly about Haley I came to realize that I was getting really close to BOTH of these girls. I needed to get a grip on myself though. Haley was going to be my future sister-in-law if everything went well. I needed to control the lusty thoughts that were beginning to pop into my head anytime I thought of Haley. Hannah was going to kick me to the curb if I made any moves on her sister. Starting with rejecting her advances at the Ice House, I had done well so far. I chastised myself once again for being such a screw-up.

With my work schedule, there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to meet Hannah after school. I typically worked from Eight O'clock on weekday mornings until Five O'clock in the evenings and sometimes even Six. I read her letter all the way from beginning to end twice more before carefully folding it and taking it to my bedroom. I quickly decided that it was a keepsake item. It went straight into the top drawer of my dresser, the same drawer where I kept my underwear. When I die, I want that letter to be placed inside of my coat pocket so that it could be buried with me!

Fortunately, I had a habit of trying to stay on top of upcoming projects at my job so that I could be properly prepared for them, so I knew that we wouldn't have anything important on the books until Wednesday at the earliest. Since my boss was also my Dad's best friend as well as the owner of his own company, I figured that he would be okay with me taking a sick day for today.

I called up my job and spoke with a supervisor and let them know that 'something of importance' had come up over the weekend and that I needed some time off to attend to it. When they asked me about reporting back to work, I informed them that I expected to be there on time Tuesday morning. The supervisor wished me good luck and we both hung up from the call. I wandered back into the den and found the two suitcases as expected. Picking them up, I carried them into the spare bedroom. Luckily, I had furnishings in there, sparse though they may be. It was only a dresser with mirror, a side table and the queen sized bed.

I set both suitcases on the bed and noticed that each handle had a leather encased name tag on it. Curiosity got the better of me, so I tried the latches on Hannah's and found it to be unlocked. After the latches popped open, I slowly and carefully opened the lid hoping not to disturb anything inside. The very first thing that caught my eye was another letter on the same stationery that I had just put into my underwear drawer.

Dear Skip-

Don't be alarmed that you found this note. I knew from my dreams that you would open up my suitcase just to see what I left behind. I'm not angry with you for snooping and you have done absolutely nothing wrong. You have every right to know what is being brought into your home by someone who, by all other accounts, would still be considered a total stranger.

I made sure that Haley left her suitcase unlocked, so it is perfectly okay to check its contents as well. This afternoon is not going to get here soon enough. I am dying to hold you close and feel your lips on mine again. I really hope that you can arrange your schedule to come and pick me up from school. But if for some reason it just isn't feasible, I understand.

Your loving, Hannah

A cursory look revealed that it was nothing but several changes of clothes plus the usual toiletries and feminine products. I didn't open up Haley's because I was fairly certain that its contents would be similar in nature. I almost took Hannah's bag to my room, but decided at the last moment to leave it where it was. However, I did go into my room and move a few items in my chest of drawers around. The lowest drawers were usually empty anyway, so I moved all of my stuff in the top half to the bottom half to give Hannah plenty of space for her stuff.

By now, my hunger was getting the best of me, so I knocked off of my chores to cook a late breakfast. In the past, I have discussed the subject of eggs with other people only to learn that everyone's tastes varies. I am included in a group of people who can discern a difference in flavor between common white-shell chicken eggs and brown-shell chicken eggs. My preference is for the brown egg because it has a flavor to me that I can only describe as 'not domesticated'. I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'wild' or 'gamey' because I associate those descriptions with the differences between beef, buffalo and venison. However, I have discovered that there is a significant portion of our population that cannot taste any difference between White and Brown eggs. That is a crying shame.

This morning was definitely shaping up to be a 'Bacon & Eggs' kind of morning. I pulled a can of biscuits out of my fridge, 'flaky' style of course. Using a stick of real butter (not margarine) I greased a cookie sheet and popped open the tube. I set the oven to preheat then arranged the biscuits on the cookie sheet. I pulled out a package of bacon from the fridge and started frying that up in a skillet. Next, I cracked four eggs into a small bowl and used a fork to whip them into a scramble. The oven 'dinged' indicating that it was at the desired temperature, so I took a second to place the biscuits inside and set a timer. Once my bacon was nice and crisp, I set it aside on a plate that I had already covered with a paper towel for the rashers to drain on.

Whenever I finish a jar of pickles, I wash out and clean the glass container. It gets repurposed for a variety of uses. One jar that I kept on the counter adjacent to my stove top was for collecting bacon grease. It has a variety of uses and doesn't need refrigeration. I probably mentioned already that one of those uses is for making roux. I opened the jar and added the contents of my skillet to what was already congealed inside of the jar.

Before setting the empty skillet back on to the burner, I emptied the bowl of scrambled eggs into it. The light coating of bacon grease along with any crumbs would be the perfect seasoning for my eggs. After I replaced the skillet on the stove, I checked to be sure that the heat from the burner was low enough that I would not scorch my eggs. Then I added some freshly ground black pepper and a dash of salt to them.

The eggs were soon completely cooked to a slightly damp stage that I call 'soft scramble'. As I was plating them up, the timer for the oven dinged. The biscuits looked like perfection with their lovely golden-brown tops. I turned everything off and took my plate to the dining room table. I briefly returned to the kitchen to retrieve my soft butter, a carton of orange juice (not from concentrate) and a clean glass.

As I sat down with my meal and began to masticate, I was all at once aware of a certain feeling of contentment that I was feeling that morning. Unlike the depression that had settled over me on last Saturday after my hunting fiasco, life was pretty damn good today. I had entered the weekend without a girlfriend only to exit on the other side with a potential wife and a future sister-in-law to boot, both of whom had showered their affections upon me just yesterday.


After breakfast, I spent the morning cleaning out my truck. I kept a handful of plastic shopping bags around for just such things as that. I generally kept the interior relatively clean, but there was always a fast food bag or paper napkin or some other debris that had missed making it into the trash bin. It only took a brief moment to tend to that chore. Next, I headed over to a local gas station that offered discount pricing. As an added bonus, they also had one of those automated car washes that would put a roller behind your rear wheel and push your car through the bay at a specified rate for their machines to properly perform their jobs.

If you paid at the pump to fill up your car then you could also select an option to get a discount price for the car wash, paying conveniently for both at the same time. The gasoline pump would issue you a unique pass code to enter at the car wash entrance to activate it. After I washed my truck, I pulled into one of the vacuum bays and cleaned up the floorboard too. I hate to admit it, but this was quite possibly the cleanest that the old girl had been since she left the dealership several years ago.

I stopped in at my favorite home improvement center and bought a couple of items that I needed for repairs back at the house. I installed those items as I was killing time, waiting for the hour Hannah had specified that I should arrive to pick her up from school. I knew that she was wanting to put on a show for her classmates, so about an hour before I was supposed to be at the appointed place, I stripped down and got into my shower to clean up my personal appearance.

I pulled out all of the stops, even blow drying my hair to style it into place. I wasn't going to dress up in a suit and tie as if I were headed to church on Sunday. But I definitely wanted to look my 'casual' best. One of my favorite button-down shirts was a red and white plaid with a breast pocket. My mother used to tease me anytime I wore that shirt. She claimed that I had stolen one of her red and white plaid table cloths and took it to a local tailor for fitting. Thinking about my mom brought a smile to my face. I was really looking forward to bringing Hannah and Haley over to my parents house for them to meet one another.

I made sure that I pulled up to the High School and parked a good fifteen minutes before the appointed time. The goal after all, was to attract as much attention as possible. About 5 minutes before Hannah was due to meet me, I checked my hair in the mirror then got out of my truck. I circled around to the right side fender and casually leaned on it as I waited for my girl. A few minutes later, one of the doors to the school opened up and the love of my life stepped out. What a sight for my sore eyes!

She wore her sweater like a jacket, open and unbuttoned. A plain white blouse was beneath the sweater. Her Auburn hair shown like a beacon in the afternoon sunlight. She had on a green plaid pleated skirt that resembled a parochial schoolgirl type uniform with white socks that ended just short of her shins and dark brown penny loafer shoes. I made a mental note to myself that at sometime in the future I was going to ask her to dress up just like this sans underwear for a role play love making session. Apparently I had a hidden 'schoolgirl' kink, who knew?

"Skip!" She shouted out as soon as she spotted me. Clutching her books to her chest, she ran across the quad towards my location. I stood up straight and held out my arms in welcome. She flew into my arms and I held her tight as I spun her around in a single circle before setting her back on her feet. She took a moment to go over to my truck and set her books on the hood before once again leaping into my arms and locking lips with me. Hannah wrapped her legs tightly around my waist so I put one hand on her ass to support her while putting the other around her back to hold her close as we locked our lips together and our tongues explored each other's mouths.