College Fund Ch. 03


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I didn't know how to respond to that. I hadn't liked the man when I worked for him.

I handed him a couple towels and said, "I have to get back to work – nice seeing you again."

Inside of ten-minutes my iphone 'dinged' so I checked the message. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight when I saw Earl's photo, and read his offer to me...he wanted 'Massage #2' and his donation would be very generous – more than the going rate.

I stood frozen, wondering what I should do.

It wasn't so much that he now knew I was gay, no, I need to get over that, I'm queer and I'm here and who the heck cares if people, it was more about my dislike for him...the way he treated me when I worked for him...his constant leering at me; the way he always touched me when he scolded me, and then – oh my goodness – it finally occurred to me - the man likes me – Earl the Boss is attracted to me!!

I had an idea. I texted him "Yes, I'll meet you in Room 4 in fifteen-minutes at 3:30" and he instantly replied "Great!"

I stood around the corner and watched him go into the room at 3:25. I waited outside the door periodically checking the time on my phone. At 3:35, with a hand on the doorknob, I took a deep breath, then pushed open the door and rushed inside the room.

"Boss – Boss, I'm so sorry I'm late again - please don't be mad – my alarm clock didn't go off – I know you warned me I'd be fired if I was late again, but please – I need this job – my mother is sick and I have to support her – I'll do ANYTHING you want, please don't fire me - I really, REALLY need this job!"

He was standing near the massage table with a towel wrapped around his pudgy waist. I watched the expression on his face go from bewildered puzzlement to delighted amusement.

I stared at him with a look of fear in my eyes; I even managed to visibly shake and tremble.

He folded his arms before him, and calmly glared at me.

"If I don't fire you the other men will think I'm playing favorites...what can you POSSIBLY do to convince me not to fire you?" he said with a frown on his face.

I figured there were two different scenarios for this game: either the Boss blackmails me into sex, or I am the aggressor and seduce him. His question told me he wanted me to seduce him.

I relaxed; my fearfulness was instantly replaced with a calm and confident demeanor.

I pointed at the massage table and said, "I know you fired your masseuse and haven't hired a new one yet, Boss...I can give you a massage whenever you want one – I went to school for massage therapy..."

"Boy, you don't know what all the masseuse did for me," he said with a smile and a sparkle in his eyes. (he was definitely 'into' this game).

I batted my eyes and smiled back at him.

"Boss, I've given massages to men before, and to be honest with you, some of them had very 'happy endings' if you know what I mean," I said softly.

"What makes you think I want a little pipsqueak like you touching me?" he asked. "The masseuse was bigger, and in much better shape than you!"

I slowly raised the tee shirt over my head then tossed it twenty-feet away. His eyes drank in my firm, hairless chest.

"Not bad..." he said.

I smiled coquettishly at him and said, "I've seen the way you stare at me when I'm working, Boss..."

I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of the shorts and very slowly pushed them down my legs until I stood before him wearing only the jockstrap. I kicked the shorts away then turned around and showed him my bare ass.

His eyes grew wide as saucers as his gaze moved up and down my young, taut body.

I continued: "...and the way you touch my arms, my back, and rub my shoulders when you talk to me gets me feeling all warm and fuzzy..."

I noticed the perspiration on his forehead.

"...and sometimes when I'm alone in bed at night..." I said then stopped.

His breath caught in his throat. "Go on – sometimes when you're alone in bed at night – you what?"

I lowered my eyes to his crotch and said, "I think about you and touch myself..."

I heard a low groan escape his throat. Beads of sweat rolled down his face.

My hand dropped to my own crotch, and I brazenly rubbed myself until my prick hardened and tented-out the fabric of the jock. It was easy to get an erection, the game was making me excited, too.

"Ohhhhh...what do you think about when you touch yourself?" he asked barely audible.

"I picture your penis, Boss – your hard penis, and I imagine I'm kissing and licking it...I take it in my mouth...I fantasize a lot about sucking your hard cock – giving you pleasure – sucking your cock until I make you cum in my my dream I swallow all your cum, Boss...and I absolutely LOVE the taste of it..."

I peel the jock down my legs and step out of it. I take hold of my erection and slowly stroke it – he can't take his eyes off the show I am giving him.

"Please don't fire me, Boss – I'll be a good boy..."

He suddenly coughed and his face turned red.

I walk up to him, open his towel and let it drop to the floor. I take his erection in my hand and very slowly move my hand back and forth.

I cradle his scrotum and feel his balls high in their sac – I don't want him to climax too soon so two fingers gently encircle his balls and push them lower.

"Please let me massage you, Boss – I want to give you pleasure – do you want to cum in my mouth, Boss?" I coo in his ear.

"Oh God, yessss..." he moaned.

He climbed on the table and laid on his back. In a voice hoarse with lust he said, "Just do the front today, boy..."

"Yes, Boss - thank you, Boss," I say with a smile.

The massage and blowjob took less than five-minutes. I was in uniform by the time he was able to climb off the table.

He wrapped the towel around him and asked in a timid voice, "Maybe next week I can spank you for being such a naughty boy?"

I smiled sweetly at him and said, "With the right donation to my college fund, I'll be more than happy to lay naked across your lap!"

The look of awe and wonderment on his face made me feel good.

I gave him a peck on a cheek and just before he left the room I dipped my tongue in his ear and whispered, "Boss, I am a naughty- naughty boy who needs to be spanked by a strong man like you!"

He left the room with that 'deer-in-the-headlights' look and I knew I could add one more man to my list of regular clients.

My relationship with Billy was growing increasingly more frustrating with each passing day.

He no longer demanded I come to his apartment every night so he could 'teach' me the art of satisfying men. Maybe he felt I no longer needed 'instruction,' that he taught me everything he could, but still, I thought he and I had something special.

He even seems annoyed now when I pop-in unexpectedly.

One night, from my apartment window, I saw him park his car in the lot, and I gave him a few minutes before I knocked on his door. When he opened the door he gave me a look of what – disgust, indifference – I don't know but when the first words out of his mouth were "What do YOU want?" it hurt my feelings and made me want to cry.

I consider Billy my first true boyfriend; even developed a huge crush on him, but now I feel only sadness when I think of him.

I am alone again. I have no one I can call a real friend. I can laugh and joke with the other boys at work, but everyone goes their separate ways when we leave the fitness center.

Work has become the focal point of my life. I told Ally I'd work more hours, even six-seven days a week if needed. He says Towel Boys need time-off for other interests so they don't burn-out so early in their 'careers.'

"It ain't exactly brain surgery," I said to him one day.

"No, it's not," he replied. "...but a brain surgeons career isn't over when he turns 30 years-old!"

Huh? "What do you mean?" I asked him. "The older I get the more experience I'll have!"

"Very true," he answered, "...but there will be fewer men asking for your services...Johnny, the vast majority of our clients desire younger guys...don't get me wrong, you are young looking for your age and you'll be in high demand for several more years...but once a Towel Boy begins looking his age – his career is more or less over!"

I hadn't given it any thought, but I had to agree with him...guys my age really don't look very far into the future...we think we'll always be young and full of cum.

"Take Billy for example..." he began before I interrupted him.

"Billy? Heck, he's my age or a little older...I mean he looks older, but he's still young!"

He slowly shook his head and said, "Billy will be thirty in two-weeks – thirty is the death knell for boys in this business."

I was stunned. "Thirty? Really?"

"Yes, and sadly, Tommy told me requests for his services have dropped sharply the past's only a matter of time before Tommy will have to replace him with a younger boy, and I'm afraid it will be sooner rather than latter."

"Yeah, but he's good at what he does!" I protested.

"So are a hundred twenty-one year olds and men will always want the youngest boy they can find!"

"Ohhhh...maybe that's why Billy hasn't been very friendly to me lately – he's worried about what he'll do after he leaves the business," I said, thinking I found the mystery of Billy's behavior towards me.

"Well..." said Ally hesitantly, "...I shouldn't mention this to you, but, uh..."

"What?" I asked, growing impatient with him.

"I think Billy knows he been training his replacement," said Ally. "He's a sharp kid, and I think he figured out that Tommy intends to replace him – with you!"

It was like a slap in the face. How could Tommy do such a thing?

"Johnny, don't get mad – you're a smart and logical boy - think this thru..."

"Ally, I'm not sure I can keep doing this knowing the life of a man I care for is going to change for the worse because of me!" I admitted to him.

He looked me directly in the eyes and said, "Johnny, listen to me...Billy will be fazed-out regardless if you're here or not – it's simply the nature of the business...I admire your loyalty to him, but it won't change a thing...change is difficult for most of us, but I've spoken with Billy, and yes, he'd love to continue what he's doing, but he KNOWS his time is coming to an end...the only thing those of us who care for him can do is to help make the transition to his next life, and career, easier for him."

"I don't understand what you mean," I said to him.

"We need to help him accept – no, it would be easier to SHOW you examples of what I'm talking about rather than to try and explain it...what are you doing after work – do you have plans?"

"Well, no, why?" I asked.

"I want you to come to a bar with me – we'll have a couple does that sound?" he asked with a smile.

"Isn't 'drinking' against the rules?" I asked him.

"Drinking to EXCESS is against the rules," he said.

"Well, okay," I agreed. "I haven't gone out anywhere in a long time."

"Well then it will be good for you," he said. "Your last client is at 4 o'clock...when you're finished with him we'll leave, okay?"

"Yeah, okay, sure it sounds like fun," I said.

I had a few minutes until my 4 o'clock would arrive so I used my phone to double-check his request, and see if I could learn more about him.

It is important for a Towel Boy to know as much about a client as possible...likes, dislikes, anything that may help us not to say or do something that may upset him, or discover information that we can use to maybe nudge him into upgrading his request.

He'd requested the service the company calls "Standard Package One" and us Towel Boys nicknamed the 'Slap and Tickle' – a regular massage with a handjob finish.

I looked at his browser history and saw he was a 'lookee-loo' – that is, he had looked at all the Towel Boy's photos on many occasions, but had never before requested any service.

It warmed my heart to see that in the past two-weeks, he had browsed only my photos. That told me he may not have had enough money until today to request a service; or, he is a shy guy who finally found the nerve to go thru with a massage.

I was still reading when I heard two very light raps on the door followed by silence.

I smiled and thought, Yep, a shy guy. Most clients generally rush into the room without knocking, and many of them don't even bother to say "Hello."

I opened the door and saw a nice looking guy wearing big black glasses with a towel around his waist who appeared to be cold, he was shivering.

"Hi, my name is John, please, come inside!" I said cheerfully, noting his head of unruly blonde hair. I guessed him to be in his mid-thirties.

"Uh, if this is a bad time for you I can come back later," he said staring at the floor.

"No, no – this is a perfect time!" I smiled and waved him into the room; you have to be gentle with the Shy Guys.

He suddenly turned, screwed-up enough courage to look at me directly, then offered his hand and said, "Hi, my name is Andy."

Isn't that cute, I thought. No client had ever introduced himself to me, much less bother to shake my hand.

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Andy!" I said enthusiastically. I had seen him swimming many times, and brought him towels in the locker room, too.

Instead of taking the towel from his waist, throwing it on the floor and climbing onto the massage table, he stood perfectly still.

Normally, I am fully clothed in my uniform for a 'Slap and Tickle,' but I decided this time I'd take off my tee shirt, maybe it would help him to relax if he wasn't the only one nearly naked.

I guided him to the table aware his eyes were staring at the firm, taut flesh of my belly and chest.

"Okay Andy, go ahead and remove the towel and we'll get started," I said smiling.

He hesitated then meekly asked, "Do I have to?"

How cute is this guys shyness? "Well, Andy, you did request our Standard Package One, so yes, it would be best if you weren't wearing the towel."

He turned his back to me, hurriedly unwrapped the towel and let it drop to the floor then scurried onto his stomach on the table...I caught a brief glimpse of his hard cock, and considered it flattering he'd gotten an erection simply by looking at me.

His back and shoulder muscles were so tense I concentrated on that area to work out the tight knots.

A standard rule is a Towel Boy does not speak unless the client initiates the conversation. In this instance though, I thought it best to give this shy guy some encouragement to help build his confidence.

"Andy, I have to say, you have a great body – a swimmers body – you must work hard to keep in such good shape!" I said.

"I, uh, try to take care of myself," he said and I felt his muscles slightly relax.

"I've seen you swim – you're fantastic – were you on your high school swim team?" I asked. I never say 'college' because most of our clients never went to college.

"No, I, uh, never tried out for the team," he said.

Of course not, I thought, he was too shy to try out.

He was finally relaxed. I moved my hands lower and explained, "I'm going to work on your hamstring and sciatic nerve now" and when I began massaging his buttocks and thighs, he shifted uncomfortably on the table.

"How does this feel?" I asked in a soft voice. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"

" feels great," he moaned.

My original plan had been to make quick work of 'Andy' so Ally wouldn't have to wait too long for me, but this man's shyness, and lack of self-confidence tugged at my heart strings. I didn't want to destroy any progress I may have made with him.

He really did have a swimmers body...long and lean...very soft but firm flesh...he was almost hairless and I wondered if it was natural, or did he shave himself to be able to effortlessly glide thru the water.

In a soft voice, I didn't want to spook him, I said, "Okay, Andy, why don't you roll over on your back so I can do the rest of your body."

I heard a tiny squeak escape his throat then he said, "Is that necessary – I mean, I feel great now if you want to stop."

"No-no, I want to give you your money's policy – I have to provide the service you paid for," I explained.

I placed my hands on his hips and said, "Okay, turn over this way..."

He whimpered as he grudgingly rolled onto his back. He immediately placed his arm over his face and eyes so I couldn't see his embarrassment.

Oh my goodness – what a gorgeous cock! Hard, long and slender – just the way I love them...I became briefly distracted as I stared at it – my own prick stiffened inside the jockstrap.

I regained my composure and massaged his chest and belly. When I pinched his nipples into hard points he groaned out loud. I couldn't take my eyes off his beautiful penis as I lovingly massaged his chest.

I avoided his crotch and massaged his thighs and calf muscles all the while fighting the urge to reach down and squeeze my own erection.

Okay, John, this is it, I said to myself as I took his hardness in my hand to finish the massage.

"Andy, is my grip too tight, or would you like me to squeeze it harder?" I softly asked him.

Suddenly, his body began shaking and flopping about like a fish out of water.

He cried out, "NO-NO-NO" then sperm and semen flew out of his cock-slit like cannon shots. I recovered from the surprise of his premature orgasm and stroked him hard and fast to try to milk his balls dry.

He ejaculated an impressive amount of spooge. I checked his face, his eyes were tightly closed so I dipped a finger in his goo and tasted his cum.

Hmmm, pretty good! Not too thin or thick, with a mild tartness.

When his body finally came to rest the self-recriminations began.

"John, I'm so sorry – I didn't mean to do it so early – oh my God – I'm so-so sorry – your hands felt so good I couldn't control myself – I'm so sorry!"

He tried to climb off the table but I gently pushed him back, found a nearby towel and wiped the pools of jizz from his chest, belly and thighs.

"Andy, you did great – it was my fault – I waited too long – you are perfectly fine – I love touching your body and I wanted to make it last as long as possible!" I said as convincingly as I could.

Feeling kind of guilty about it, I gave him the same line I use on all my Slap and Tickles: "Andy, I'm only sorry I wasn't able to take you in my mouth – I would have LOVED to taste you and swallow every drop!"

He nearly leapt off the table when I took his flaccid penis in hand and used the towel to clean him.

"Maybe next time you can request our next level package – we can work together to make it last longer, and believe me – you will absolutely LOVE cumming in my mouth!"

I heard a deep groan from him.

I helped him sit up. He couldn't look me in the eyes.

"Andy, look at me!" I said sharply.

When he finally raised his eyes I pointed to the bulge in my crotch.

"Andy, this is how much I loved massaging you," I said, and felt a thrill rush up my spine as his eyes grew wide staring at my tented-out gym shorts.

I helped him wrap the towel around his waist and guided him to the door.

"I would love to see you again!" I said with all sincerity. There was something about him that intrigued me.

When he left, I cleaned the room. I imagined I could still feel his firm flesh; his beautiful hard penis was etched into my memory.

Before I left for the bar with Ally, I took a long, cold was the only way my erection would settle down.

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liz33ndliz33ndabout 7 years ago
Very well organized

Love your style

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