College Fund Ch. 04


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"I'd like to talk to you about something – it's work-related," he said between sips.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Not here – too public...let's go back to my place, or yours if you're more comfortable there," he said.

"Ooooo, sounds serious," I said mockingly.

"Johnny, it is serious..." he said, and from his deadpan expression I could see it really was serious. "It could change your whole life!"

OH...he definitely had my interest now.

Inside his car, I moved next to him.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

Even though it was dark, I could tell he was smiling.

I placed a hand on his chest, leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I want to give you your birthday present," I whispered in his ear as my hand moved to his thigh.

He sighed and said softly, "That's not necessary..."

My hand stroked his thigh then brushed over his crotch. I felt a stirring inside his slacks.

"I know it's not 'necessary' – but I want to do it for you," I said. "I want to show you how much I still care for you."

He sighed again and I didn't wait for his reply. I worked his belt and slacks open then slowly lowered the zipper. My hand was inside his boxers in an instant.

"Kiss me,'s been too long – kiss me like you used to kiss me," I whispered.

Another sigh. He hesitated then turned his face to mine and I felt and tasted his sweet lips for the first time in a long, long while.

I caressed his hardening prick into full erection then pushed at his boxers until I freed his wonderful cock. I immediately lowered my head, wet my lips, then drew his cockhead into my mouth.

I moaned before he did. It had been sooo long since I'd done this for him.

On the drive home, I cuddled next to him and held his balls like he used to have me do for him when we first met.

With my head resting against his arm, I asked, "What's so serious you didn't want to talk about it in the restaurant?"

There was a long silence before he spoke.

"Tommy wants me to retire," he said.

I flinched. I hadn't expected to hear that. I should have, Ally had explained to me how it would go down when Billy turned thirty, but I couldn't help but feel sad for him.

"I'm sorry," I said softly.

", don't be...all of us should know when it's time to get out," he said.

"Billy, thirty doesn't mean anything – you're still a young man!" I countered.

He chuckled and said, "Yes, it's young for lawyers and accountants and businessmen and computer geeks, but it's not young for what we do."

"No, I'm sorry, I don't believe that," I said.

"Well, thanks for your sentiments, but I know you're a smart kid who knows better!" he said.

An ugly mental image of Billy crept into my brain. I pictured him in 'that bar' dressed ridiculously, rubbing the cellulite fatness of old men's thighs trying to hustle drinks, or a trip to the backseat of a car.

"What are you going to do?" I asked with genuine concern.

His laughter surprised me.

"Johnny, don't make it sound like the end of the world...I knew this day was coming – I prepared for this! Thanks to Ally, I saved more than enough money to live on for a long time...frankly, I need the rest!" he said laughing again.

"Oh, I'm happy to hear that," I said. "You know, you'll always be young and beautiful to me."

"Well, thank you...right now I'm more concerned with your future – not mine," he said.

"My future? I've done some stupid things but I'm learning – I'll be alright," I said.

"Johnny, I had a long talk with Ally and he's afraid your heavy workload is going to burn you out early...he likes you a lot – he wants the best for you!" said Billy.

It was so nice to hear that it brought tears to my eyes. Ally had been rather distant since I returned from suspension, and I thought he didn't like me anymore.

"Listen, what I want to talk to you about is a client of mine...a very, very rich man...he's the reason I was able to save so much money," said Billy.

"What does he have to do with me?" I asked, half suspecting what Billy was getting at.

"I showed him your photos and told him everything I know about you – he wants to meet you – if he likes you, you can cut your workload in half and earn twice as much in donations than you do now!" he explained.

"Why don't you keep seeing him?" I asked.

He paused then answered, "He wants someone younger...Johnny, he went absolutely gaga over your pictures – he wants you!"

That is certainly flattering, I thought.

"Well, sure, okay, if he wants me I say 'let's do it'!" I said.

Billy parked the car in our lot and said, "C'mon inside and I'll explain some things to you...this man is different from the ordinary client...after I tell you what he expects, you may not want to do it!"

Thirty-minutes later I was staring at the far wall of his apartment in stunned silence.

I hadn't noticed Billy get up and leave the room, but now he stood before me holding a shot glass of whiskey. My hand was trembling so bad I spilled some of it before I could down it in one gulp.

"Kind of creepy, huh?" said Billy.

"Creepy?" I repeated. "After five-minutes it went way beyond creepy – my God, Billy, that is the sickest thing I've ever heard! Creepy? How about appalling or disgusting? How on earth did you ever manage to do that for so long?"

"John, it's simply role-playing, and Ally says that is your strongest area of expertise!" he said.

"I'm not THAT GOOD of an actor..." I said. "I wouldn't begin to know how to act the way that man expects!"

"I will teach you everything you'll need to know," said Billy. "Will you think about it? Will you at least consider it?"

I looked at the sincere expression on his face then said, Once a week, huh?"

"...and he's out of town quite a bit on business! Sometimes it's only two-three times a month...Johnny, you'll earn so much for your college fund you will be able to actually afford to go to college!"

I had to laugh at the bemused smile on his face. Yes, it sure sounds creepy, but I've come to know men fairly well, and some of their requests border on creepy, as well.

"When do you need an answer?" I asked him.

"He's out of town for ten more days...give it some thought and I'll ask you again next week, okay?" he said.

I guess the initial shock had worn off - I was able to smile again, and I said to Billy, "Okay, I'll consider it."

"Good!" he said.

Then I added, "But only if I can sleep with you tonight!"

We kissed and undressed each other to our undies in the living room then walked hand-in-hand to his bedroom.

In bed, I again wished him a Happy Birthday...twice.

The next day I walked into Ally's office and asked him, "Can I get your advice on something?"

A wry smile crossed his face and he asked, "Did Billy speak with you about his client?"

I was surprised he knew about it. I nodded and said, "Yes, he did...I don't know what to make of it – what do you think?"

He sat back in his chair, gave me a thoughtful look then said, "You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with..."

I don't know why, but his answer disappointed me.

Then he added: "On the other hand, an opportunity like this comes along maybe once in a lifetime – if at all!"

He winked at me and I left his office confident I knew what my answer would be.

It was five o'clock and I was changing into my street clothes in the locker room.

Ally walked in, he was carrying my uniform and said, "Someone requested the Deluxe package from you" and he tossed me the jock, tee shirt and shorts. "I told him room four in a half hour, okay?"

"Yeah, I can be ready by then," I answered.

I didn't bother to look at the clients photo on my phone. I was pretty sure it was the NFL player; he was the only client I had who ordered the Deluxe massage.

I heated the oils then prepared the table. I opened the legs of the table wide because that is how he likes it. I then stripped to my jock so the oils wouldn't stain my shirt or shorts.

I stood by eagerly awaiting his arrival thinking about how much I love running my hands over his huge, powerful body.

At exactly 5:30 I heard a light rapping on the door.

Odd, I thought. The man usually bursts into the room and says "Get naked, white boy!"

I opened the door and my breath caught in my throat when I saw Andy standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist.

When he saw me wearing only the jock he turned red and said, "OH – are you expecting someone? I can come back later!"

I was so happy to see him I forgot about protocol and called him by his first name.

"No, Andy, I was expecting you," I lied. "Come inside."

"Well, uh, I dunno about this...maybe another time..." he stammered. His eyes tried not to look at my nearly naked body, but he was struggling with that.

His shyness was so cute and sexy I felt my prick twitch in the pouch of the jock.

I took his hand to prevent him from running away.

"C'mon, it's okay, I have to dress this way so the oil doesn't ruin my uniform," I tried to reassure him.

"Oh..." he said, then suddenly added: "You have a nice body."

That brought a smile to my face. "Thank you," I replied.

Once he was inside the room, I made a show over locking the door for privacy then I turned and said, "Follow me!"

My little bubble-butt is one of my best features and I was confident he was staring at it as I walked ahead of him to the table.

I said to him, "Here, let me take the towel so you can lie down."

"Oh God, do you have to? I mean, I, uh---"

"Andy, look at me," I said and he slowly raised his eyes and stared into mine. "I am a trained professional – it is my job – don't worry about anything – I've seen it all before!"

I heard him gulp then he abruptly dropped the towel and scurried as fast as he could until he was lying face down on the table.

I saw why he had been reluctant to lose the towel – I caught a glimpse of his beautiful erection jutting straight out from his crotch.

"Would you like to listen to some music?" I asked him.

"Sure, I like all kinds of music," he said.

"Yeah? So do I," I said.

I found some soft jazz on satellite radio. I wanted music that would simply blend into the background.

"Oh, that's perfect," he said.

I stood between the wide open legs of the table, dipped my hands in the oil and began with his back and shoulders. He was tense at first, but I worked the knots out in a short time.

He had very little body fat and his properly proportioned physique was muscled in all the right places...physical fitness was obviously very important to him.

"You keep yourself in great shape," I remarked.

"Well, I sit at a desk all day so exercise is important to me," he explained.

"What do you, if you don't mind me asking?" I said, knowing asking that question violated the fitness center's privacy policy.

"I, uh, work at a software company," he said.

Oh good, he's a computer nerd like me, I thought.

I dipped my hands in oil then moved on to his hairless legs.

"Do you shave yourself for swimming?" I asked then immediately regretted asking something so personal.

"No...I have alopecia – I guess I was born this way...kind of gross, huh?" he said rather sadly.

"No-no, I love it," I hurriedly said so as to not kill the mood,"...your body is firm, and yet soft at the same time...I think it's very sexy!"

I wasn't lying. My penis was now semi-erect, and I felt the familiar pressure building in my balls.

I worked his feet then calves them moved to his powerful thighs and hips. Once I began massaging his thighs he began squirming on the table. I purposely worked his inner thighs longer than usual, my hands coming close to his crotch without actually touching anything there.

"Ohhhhhhhh..." he moaned.

"Why don't you turn over on your back now," I said to him. I was breathless with anticipation of seeing his gorgeous erection.

My own prick was fully hard now...I reached down and lowered the front of the jock freeing my hardness to bob in front of me while I worked.

He hesitated and my hands went to his hips and applied pressure for him to turnover.

"Don't worry, Andy, I am a professional...besides, you have a beautiful penis and should be proud of it!" I said. I heard him groan.

Uh-oh, I thought. Was that an inappropriate thing to say?

He rolled over on his back and immediately shielded his face and eyes with his arm.

I was glad he did that – now I could openly admire his hard cock without him seeing me.

I massaged his chest and belly, loving his natural hairlessness. I understood now why some men like my own hairless body. The flesh feels so soft and smooth, almost like a girl's.

I gently rubbed his breasts, and boldly pinched and rolled his nipples into hard points. His moaning became a non-stop, but almost silent "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...."

I worked the front of his legs and by the time my hands began kneading the flesh of his thighs, his body was visibly trembling; almost shaking...beads of perspiration gathered on his forehead.

I coated my hands with hot oil one more time then simultaneously cupped his balls in one hand and grasped the shaft of his beautiful hard cock with the other to prepare him to climax in my mouth.

He suddenly cried out "OH GOD" and his body violently rolled and shook on the table.

Recognizing his premature ejaculation, I squeezed his cock and vigorously stroked it while I watched thick ropes of sperm and semen shoot from his slit. His balls held an impressive amount of jizz.

When he came to rest, he groaned one more time then pleaded in a child-like voice, "I'm sorry – I am so sorry – I didn't mean to do that – please forgive me – I am so-so sorry!"

I could almost feel the humiliation he was experiencing. My heart went out to him.

I whispered in his ear, "It's okay – everything is fine – you can finish any way you want – it doesn't bother me..."

I kissed his cheek and truthfully said, "I loved watching you got me so hot I nearly lost it too – I almost shot my load with you!"

When I saw the expression of horror and shame on his cute face, I knew this was a critical moment – that if I didn't handle it properly I would never see him again. I was sure he would stop coming to the fitness center altogether, and he would be out of my life forever.

"I better go..." he said abruptly and tried to climb off the table.

I gently held him still and said, "Andy, we're not done yet – let's go take a shower so I can wash the oil off you."

He wouldn't look at me. "No-no, that's fine – it's not necessary – you don't have to feel obligated to do that!"

His pleading tugged at my heartstrings.

"Andy, it's part of the package you ordered – please...if you don't let me wash you I wouldn't be doing my job..."

I could see his face soften.

"I could lose my job if the boss finds out I didn't give you everything you ordered!" I lied.

He finally allowed himself to look at me, and said, "No-no, you were wonderful – I'll tell him that."

"Andy, please, let me wash you – everything will be okay then, alright?" I said in a tone of mock desperation.

His body relaxed. He took a gulp of air and said, "I don't want to cause you any trouble, John..."

I helped him off the table, took his hand and led him into the shower stall. On the way, I was aware of him taking sneak peeks at my still hard and throbbing prick.

He wanted to wash himself but I wouldn't let him. I had a plan, and had to follow it to the proper conclusion. Depending on how his body reacted, it was going to be a quick shower, or a very long one.

I lathered his back and chest and used my hands instead of a washcloth. Slowly I ran my hands all over his upper body and from time-to-time, casually glanced at the state of his penis.

I had no idea how quickly he could recuperate from his orgasm. After five-minutes his penis hadn't moved, not even a twitch so I worked on his breasts and nipples since he had responded well to that before.

His eyes were closed so I stared at his long penis limply hanging down between his slightly split legs. I debated going for it directly, but didn't want to spook him.

Another five-minutes went by and he was still limp. I lowered my head and took a nipple in my mouth and gently nipped and licked it – oh yes – his beautiful penis lurched into a semi-erection.

"W-What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm washing you – relax, Andy, I'm a professional, remember?" I said.

In a voice I barely heard, he said, "Oh...okay...."

His submission thrilled me. I decided it was time to follow thru with my plan.

When I dropped to my knees and began lathering his legs and thighs, it startled him, and he asked again, "W-What are you doing?"

"I'm washing the lower part of your body, silly!" I playfully said.

He simply replied, "Oh, okay...."

"Open your legs wider so I can get to your thighs," I said to him, not knowing if he would obey me.

He did and I immediately lathered his inner thighs until he was fully erect. When I heard him groan I wet my lips and slid them around his purple, plum-shaped cockhead.

"OH" he shouted and tried to jerk backwards but I was able to keep him in my mouth.

My tongue became ever-active and worked in unison with my lips. He moaned loudly and I abandoned all pretense of washing him. I cupped his scrotum in one hand, and grasped the seven-inch shaft with the other.

I went into full blowjob mode and sucked him fast and hard; my tongue never leaving his silken flesh.

"Oh God, John – that's wonderful!" he said in a slightly louder voice.

When his hips began thrusting his hard cock deeper into my mouth, my hand stroked him faster – my head bobbing back-and-forth on his boner at a frenetic pace.

I felt his balls rise and prepared myself for a deluge of sperm and semen.

With one final and violent thrust of his hips, his cockhead struck the back of my throat and he cried out.


My tongue was in overdrive lapping up the jizz directly from his cockslit and depositing it backward into my rapidly swallowing throat. His cries of ecstacy was music to my ears.

My own prick throbbed, and my balls ached for release, but this was HIS time for pleasure not mine.

I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of sperm and semen he gave me so soon after his first climax. I had the distinct impression, that given the opportunity, Andy would be a very sexual kind of man.

His spurts slowed to a dribble then ended. I first licked him clean then soaped his flaccid penis and washed him.

When I stood and faced him, my heart warmed and I felt a glowing pride. The expression on his face was priceless...I knew darn well I had just given him the most spectacular orgasm of his life!

He stared into my eyes then held my head and leaned in and kissed me full on the lips. The excitement I felt was palpable. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth and it thrilled me when he licked at my own cum-coated tongue.

He suddenly stopped, backed away from me and sheepishly said, "Oh God, John, I'm sorry about that!"

I smiled and gave him a peck on his cheek and said, "Andy, you don't have a thing to be sorry're a good kisser!"

I turned off the water, grabbed a towel and dried his marvelous body. I wrapped a dry towel around his waist and said, "Thanks, Andy, that was wonderful!"

"I, uh, don't think it's right to leave you like that," he said, his eyes staring at my erection.

I softly laughed and said, "You don't have to do a thing" then I winked at him and said "I'll take care of it later!" He blushed.

He turned to go to the locker room but suddenly stopped, faced me, averted his eyes and asked, "John, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"

"Why Andy, are you asking me on a date?" I said teasingly.