College Fund Ch. 05


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I had to take three-four gulps of air to calm my nerves. I walked slowly down the hallway to the living room. To prepare myself for this role of a lifetime, I silently repeated to myself, "You are Daddy's little girl - you are Daddy's little girl - you are Daddy's little girl..."

He was sitting upright in a leather recliner. I walked to within five-feet of him and stood with hands clasped behind my back.

It was the first time I'd laid eyes on him and Billy's description didn't do him justice. Yes, he was old, Billy claimed he was in his sixties, but he looked much younger. His full head of gray hair made him look very distinguished, and he had a ruggedly handsome face.

He wasn't at all the pervert I was expecting to see.

"Mommy said you wanted to see me Daddy," I said softly an octave higher than my real voice, and glad I remembered the opening line under such stressful circumstances.

His eyes narrowed, and an odd smile appeared on his face as he casually, and quite lewdly, stared up and down my body. I took note he was wearing a full length, maroon silk robe.

"Princess, you have developed into a beautiful young woman," he began. "You are the vision of an angel."

"Thank you, Daddy," I replied.

"You have reached the age where it is now my responsibility to continue your education," he said. "Your mother has been teaching you how to cook and is now my duty to teach you what you'll need to know to make a man happy and satisfied in the bedroom."

"Oh Daddy," I gasped, lowering my eyes.

"Sweetheart, it is a tradition in our family that dates back generations for the males to train the females on how to properly conduct themselves in the bedroom...when a man asks for your hand in marriage he expects you'll already know how to be a good wife in every room of the house...I am going to provide you with the training you will need to keep your man interested and satisfied in the bedroom."

"Princess, come here and sit on Daddy's lap!" he said.

I batted my eyelashes and shyly said, "Yes, Daddy."

His legs were strong and sturdy enough to support my weight, but the skirt was so short, when I settled onto his lap the back of the skirt rode high and my panty-clad buttocks came in contact with his thighs.

"Oh dear," I exclaimed and rose to smooth the skirt but his strong hands prevented me from moving.

"That's okay, Princess," he said. "Daddy likes the feel of your panties on his legs."

"But it's embarrassing, Daddy," I said, averting my eyes from his.

He laughed and said, "Sweetheart, you will be required tonight to do many things I'm sure you'll find embarrassing..."

"Ohhhhhhhhhh..." I sighed.

He placed a hand on my back for support then his other hand found my bare thigh. He slowly moved his hand back and forth over my thigh. His fingertips stopped just short of the panties. I shifted uncomfortably and he scolded me.

"Princess, sit still or I'll have to give you a spanking...and you know how much it hurts when I spank your bare bottom!"

"Yes, Daddy," I said softly.

"Sweetheart, have you ever kissed a boy?" he asked me.

"Daddy, that's kinda personal!" I exclaimed.

"Don't be impudent with me, Princess - I am your father and you will answer me truthfully or that pretty bottom of yours will be so sore you won't be able to sit for a week!" he sternly said.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Daddy!" I quickly replied.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?" he asked again.

"Once Daddy..." I meekly said.

"Where did he kiss you?" he asked.

I decided to have some fun with him. "In the trees behind our house."

"I meant, dear, did you kiss him on the lips?" he asked.

"Oh no, Daddy - he kissed my cheeks," I said.

"So you've never kissed a boy on the mouth?" he asked.

I scrunched my face and said, "Oooo, Daddy - that's gross!"

His face softened, and he said, "It looks like I'll have to teach you everything...Princess, lean in and kiss my lips."

I hesitated long enough for him to add: "Princess, that was an order - you will obey all my orders without question - do you understand me?"

I batted my eyelashes and softly replied, "Yes, Daddy..." and leaned forward and placed my lips lightly on his. He held my head, and mashed his lips hard to mine.

He drew back and said, "Do what I do, dear," then kissed me harder; his lips parted and his tongue was pushing at my mouth. I opened my mouth and our tongues came together.

His hand resumed stroking my thighs as we kissed. My prick began to throb. I couldn't decide which was more erotic: his hand on my flesh, or the exquisite feel of the material of the panties rubbing against my penis.

When he broke the kiss I was gasping for air.

"What is the difference between boys and girls, dear?" he asked.

I feigned ignorance and replied, "Well, Daddy, boys are stronger and they're better at math than I am."

He chuckled and said, "That's true, dear, but what I meant was what is the difference between their legs...what do you have between your legs, sweetheart?"

"Oh Daddy, do we to talk about that?" I said with a slight frown.

"Princess, we are going to talk about everything! Now stop making me angry - what do YOU have between your legs?" he asked again.

"Oh, Daddy...I have, uh, I have a va-vagina," I said shyly.

"Yes, dear, and do you know what else it's called?" he asked.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Princess, boys have different names for it...have you ever heard those names?" he asked with a smile.

"No, no, Daddy, I'm a good girl - I don't know what you're talking about!" I said with righteous indignation.

"Well, sweetheart, boys call your vagina a snatch and cunt and beaver and a lot of other names...but mostly, we call what you have between your legs a pussy!" he said.

Ohhhhh..." I said with mock embarrassment.

"Dear, what do boys have between their legs? And don't play shy with me! What do I have between my legs?" he asked forcefully.

I buried my face in his robe and shyly whispered, "A have a penis between your legs, Daddy."

"...and it is also called a dick, a prick, and other things, but from now on I want you to call it a you understand me, girl?"

"Y-Yes, Daddy..." I said softly.

"So Princess, what does Daddy have between his legs?" he asked.

"You have's called a..." I paused.

"Do you WANT a spanking? Is that why you won't answer me?" he said angrily.

"You have a cock, Daddy, you have a cock hanging between your legs!" I said.

"What else, dear? What else is hanging between my legs?" he asked.

"A scrotum, Daddy, a scrotum that holds two testicles - two have a cock and two balls hanging between your legs, Daddy!"

He kissed my cheek and said, "Good girl, I knew you could do it..."

He moved his hand from my thigh to my stomach and asked, "What else do girls have, sweetheart?"

And before I could answer he brushed the palm of his hand lightly over my breasts. I guessed he was tired of this game so I quickly answered, "Breasts, Daddy, girls have breasts!"

"Good girl," he said again, "...but I like to call them titties."

He squeezed and fondled my breasts and nipples drawing an "Ooooo, Daddy" from my parted lips.

That was no act, his hand caressing my 'titties' caused my nipples to harden to their full length. It seemed when he squeezed them, electric jolts of pleasure shot straight to my prick and balls.

"Kiss me, Princess," he said.

I leaned in, closed my eyes, and pressed my moist lips to his. This time, even his lips sent waves of pleasure to my throbbing erection.

His hand dived beneath my skirt again and didn't stop until it began to lightly stroke my hard-on thru the thin material of the panties.

"Ohhhhh, Daddy," I moaned into his mouth.

"Oh my dear, your little clitty is all love Daddy touching you between your legs, don't you, sweetheart?" he asked.

Oh Daddy, yesss - it feels so good!" I groaned.

"Princess, in your bed at night, do you touch yourself down here?" he asked softly.

"Ohhhh Daddy...I'm not supposed to tell you - it's a secret," I said in a whisper.

I knew my answer caught him by surprise.

"W-Who told you that, dear?" he asked in all sincerity.

"Mommy said what she and I do at night is a secret just between the two of us..." I said.

I heard him groan. He shifted on the seat until I felt the bulge in his robe against my thigh.

"What do you and Mommy do in your bed at night, Princess?" he asked me; and by the tone of his voice I knew this new twist in the game excited him.

I buried my face in his robe and said, "Oh Daddy, this is so embarrassing...Mommy told me never to talk about it with anyone!"

"Sweetheart, remember what I said? You will have no secrets from me...if you refuse to tell me everything, I will not only give you a sound spanking, I will also thrash your mother with a belt until she tells me you want me to use my belt on her, Princess?"

"No, Daddy, no - please don't spank Momma, she was only trying to help me...she told me you would be training me soon - she wanted me to be ready!" I said in a frantic and desperate voice.

"I am going to ask you one more time, dear: what do you and Momma do together in bed at night?" he asked firmly.

I hesitated and forced a choking sob out of my mouth. "Oh Daddy, s-she puts her hand on me 'down there' and rubs it like you are doing now...she said every girl should know how to m-masturbate!"

"Your mother taught you how to masturbate, dear?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Y-Yes, Daddy...she does it for me - then she has me do it for her to make sure I know how..." I said softly.

"So you and Mommy rub each others clitties at night?" he asked with obvious excitement. "Has she taught you anything else, dear?"

"Oh Daddy...please, I can't-"

"Tell me everything, Princess, or I will take you over my knees right now and it will be very painful for you!" he said relishing this new game.

"Well, Daddy...she has me raise my nighty and I am bare naked underneath..." I said.

He moaned and asked me, "You don't wear any underthings at night any more?"

"No, Mommy said not to while she is training me...they only get in the way..." I sighed.

"What does she do next?" he asked.

"Oh Daddy, I, uh..."

"Tell me everything, girl!" he said forcefully.

"Mommy plays with my titties...she feels them and massages them until the nipples are hard and my pussy is, uh, you know..."

"No, I don't know - until your pussy is what?" he demanded to know.

"Mommy plays with me until my pussy gets wet, Daddy...she said a girl must get wet down there before a man can, uh, you know."

"Keep talking, girl," he ordered.

"She makes me lie back on the bed, and, uh, open my legs real wide for her," I confessed. "She then uses her hands on me down there...she strokes my clitty like you are doing now..."

"And then what happens?" he asked.

"She takes her hands away and tells me to finish it myself while she watches me," I said softly.

He moaned again. "So you masturbate in front of your Mother? Do you have an orgasm, dear?"

"Y-Yes, Daddy - oh Daddy, it feels sooo gooood..." I moaned convincingly.

"Is that the end of it then, dear?" he asked.

"Oh God, Daddy, please don't make me tell you the rest of it!" I said with mock fear and indignation.


"NO, DADDY, NO - I'll tell you everything - I promise!" I frantically exclaimed.

"Go on, girl, finish your story?"

I moaned for effect then continued.

"Mommy takes off her nighty - she is bare naked underneath, too...she tells me to kneel between her legs and use my hands on her like she does for me..."

"So you masturbate her to orgasm, too?" he asked.

"Oh, Daddy, this is sooo embarrassing...when her, you know, pussy gets real wet she makes me kiss it - then she tells me to lick her clitty...I have to use my hands and mouth until she, uh, you know, has an orgasm."

He pulled me close and kissed me hard. He grinds the bulge in his robe against my thigh. He squeezes my 'clitty' hard - too hard. I feel his heart pounding. My story has brought him close to climaxing in his robe. I knew my ad-libbing had disrupted his plan and wondered how he would proceed.

"What has Mommy told you about men, dear? What happens when a man gets excited?" he asked.

I found it satisfying he trusted my storytelling enough for me to create another scenario.

"Oh Daddy," I sighed. "Do I have to say this?"

"Yes, Princess, you must tell me what you know!" he said.

I had to think fast. "Well, I, uh...Mommy explained when I am alone with a man, and if his, uh, 'thing' gets hard it is my fault and it is my duty to make it, uh, you know, un-hard - to make it soft again..."

He pulled me closer and moaned into my ear. I could tell he liked where my story was going.

"...and how do you make a man's 'thing' go soft, dear?"

"Mommy said there are four ways to make a man, you know, cum, so his 'thing' will go soft again...I can take it in my hand and move my hand back and forth on it until the semen and sperm shoots out of the little slit..."

He moaned louder. "Yes, dear, what are the other ways?"

"Mommy said I can do what I do for her - take it in my mouth like I take her clitty in my mouth, and suck it until the man, you know, cums in my mouth..."

"Ohhh, yes, dear - men always like that!" he said. "What else, Princess?"

"Well, Mommy said the most common thing that men want to do to a woman is stick their 'things' inside the woman's, uh, pussy...then they'll push it all the way in and pull it out to the very tip and push it in again until they, uh, you know, shoot their stuff inside the woman...that is how babies are made, Daddy."

I heard him chuckle then say, "Yes, dear, very good!"

Then he added with a question mark in his voice, "What is the fourth way to make a man cum, Princess?"

"Well, I don't know how this is even possible, Daddy, but Mommy said some men like to stick their hard 'thing's in the woman's bottom - I don't know how a man's 'thing' would even fit 'back there', Daddy, I mean, a man's 'thing' is sooo big and my rosebud is sooo small I would think the woman would be in great pain taking it 'back there'!"

"Sweetheart, have you ever seen or touched a man's hard 'thing'?" he said.

I thought I detected a sense of urgency in his voice. His constant moaning, and shifting on the seat told me he was ready to cum...that my story had gotten him so aroused that he would abandon his original plan so he could empty his full and swollen balls.

"No, Daddy, I've never touched one," I said softly; then suddenly thought of something to add. "Mommy showed me pictures of them on the internet..."

He moaned and pressed his bulge against my thigh harder. I decided to give him the opening he needed to move on from here.

"Daddy, is your 'thing' as big as the ones I saw on the internet?" I asked innocently.

"Princess," he groaned, "'s time for you to find out for yourself!"

He took my hand and guided it to the bulge in his robe.

"Take it in your hand, dear..." he said. "Good girl, now give it a squeeze!"

"Ohhh, Daddy..." I moaned, and squeezed it harder.

"Daddy can't wait any longer, dear, I want you to get on your knees between my legs, okay, Princess?"

"Y-Yes, Daddy..." I sighed and did as I was told.

"Open Daddy's robe, Sweetheart," he said.

Once again I said, "Yes, Daddy" and reached to unfasten the belt. My hands were trembling from the unbelievable lust I was feeling in my cinched balls.

He mistook the meaning of my trembling hands and said, "Don't be nervous, Princess, I know you are going to absolutely love Daddy's hard cock!" he said.

When I opened the robe, I put on a good show for him.

"OH DADDY," I cried out with wide eyes, "IT'S SOOO BIG!"

"Don't be afraid of it, dear...give it a kiss, Princess - kiss Daddy's cock for him, Sweetheart!"

"Y-Y-Yes, Daddy," I stuttered.

I kissed the shaft just below the large, purple plum of his glans. I began to kiss my way down his throbbing erection, but he couldn't wait any longer.

"I will teach you how to kiss and lick it later, dear, right now I want you to wet your lips and slide them over my cockhead!"

"Yes, Daddy," I said and obeyed his command.

My original idea was to feign ignorance and incompetence so he could tell me exactly how he wanted his cock sucked, but I could tell he was beyond the point of no return - he needed to cum as soon as possible.

I used all the skills of my lips, tongue and vacuum-like mouth to bring him off in less than two-minutes.


His body jerked and bucked and leapt off the recliner but I managed to keep the exploding tube of flesh between my lips and gulp down several loads of jizz until finally his body came to rest and his cock softened in my mouth.

After a minute or so his breathing returned to normal and he sighed, "That was wonderful, did very well for your first time."

I batted my eyelashes and replied, "Thank you, Daddy."

"Stand up, dear, we're going to your bedroom now!" he ordered.

"Yes, Daddy," I said and followed him down a different hallway than earlier.

When we entered the bedroom it was awash with the color pink. My eyes quickly adjusted and I stood staring at a four-post bed with a canopy over it. The room was frilly and feminine. The walls were covered with posters of teenage boy's, I guessed they were the latest heartthrobs of young girls everywhere.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw something that made me swivel my head. Oh my goodness, Timothy sat on a chair next to the door. I wondered what he was doing here - is this normal for 'Daddy' to enjoy someone watching?

The bedspread had been folded neatly back and Daddy sat down...his robe still open, his soft penis hanging downward.

"Princess," he said, "...your brother will be joining us you, he is grown-up now and needs to learn what his role as a man is - it is your responsibility to not only obey me, but him as you understand me?"

But Daddy," I protested and rolled my eyes for effect, "he's my brother!"

He ignored my comment and said, "Timmy, get over here and stand next to your sister!"

"Yes, sir, yes Daddy!" replied Timmy.

The game had taken a twist I hadn't expected; I freed my mind so I could go with the flow. It would take some major acting on my part to pretend this forty-something-year-old man was my teenage brother.

When I saw he was wearing Spiderman pajamas my job got easier. In fact, I had to practice some self-control so I wouldn't laugh at the sight of him in those ridiculous pj's.

"Princess, now is when your training truly will learn that your only duty in life is to obey men...your only responsibility is to submit to men - to provide them with a happy household...make them happy by obeying their every command in and out of the bedroom...if you disobey, or disappoint your man in any way - you will be punished quite severely, do you understand me, girl?"

I don't know what it was, perhaps I was getting too caught up in the game, but his words made my prick and balls swell and throb. My brain was lost in a haze of lust and desire.

"Y-Yes, Daddy," I softly said with downcast eyes.

His voice softened as he said, "It is time for you two to REALLY get to know each other...I want to watch you kiss - not a sister/brother kiss, no, real kissing...get to it!"

Timmy stepped forward and took me in his arms. At first I struggled, tried to push him away to make it look good for Daddy.

"Princess," he said ominously, " you see the paddle hanging on the wall? You either obey us or I will use that on your bottom, do you understand me, girl?"