College Road Trip


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In the room I set aside my suitcase while mom leafed through the pamphlets on the small table. Opening her cell phone she dialed a number. I just stood there while she ordered a pizza to be delivered to the hotel, telling the driver she would meet him in the front lobby in forty-five minutes.

She then redialed as she stared at me, waiting through rings until the phone was answered.

"Hello dear...yes we made it to Barstow." She told dad. "It's been a long drive and we are both tired, so we are going to bed early. I wanted to let you know to not call" she stared into my eyes.

"She's doing fine dear...yes I warned her" a small smile crept over her lips. "I don't think we need to worry about boys" she said calmly.

We had started at eight that morning, arrived in Barstow a little after six; and by eight we were stretched out side by side on the bed watching television, our bellies full of warm pizza.

"You should take your shower" Mom said quietly.

I knew a hint when I heard one, so slid from the bed and started for my suitcase.

"Skip the night gown" Mom's voice pulled me short.

Once again I reveled in the warm spray, and the itch between my thighs was insane. I refused to touch myself; something inside me told me now was definitely not the time.

Nude, I stepped out of the bathroom. I wanted to race to the bed but I forced myself to walk slowly, making sure she got to see every part of me. She did as her eyes followed my every movement, and roamed over every inch of me. By the time I reached the bed I swear my juices were going to drip down my thighs.

"My turn" mom said as I slipped between the sheets.

I lay there, one hand lightly pressing between my thighs, desperately fighting off the urge to finger myself. It was becoming so intense I was startled when the bathroom door opened. I caught a brief glimpse of mom in the light of the bathroom, like last night, she was totally nude. Then, the image was gone as she flipped off the light and plunged the small room into darkness. I felt the bed shift as she sat and then slid under the covers.

We lay there, perfectly still. I wondered should I make a move, should I let her. All of this was so alien to me. Then, her soft voice broke the darkness.

"What is it like?" she asked in a soft voice.

"What is what like?" I asked.

"Having a woman...touch you" she almost whimpered out the words.

I couldn't help it, I just acted on instinct. Rolling over, my hand found her taut belly and slid up.

"Ooohhhhh" Mom gave a small moan as I cupped her breast.

"Oh soft" she groaned as my thumb found her hard nipple.

I slid the sheets down in the darkness, until I felt the cool room air on my hand. I cupped her soft breast, barely wrapping my hand around the mound of flesh. I kneaded softly while thumbing her nipple into submission.

"Oh God...I need...I need you to..." she groaned.

I didn't need her to finish, I knew what she wanted. I leaned in, opening my mouth. I sucked in the turgid bud, for the first time tasting my mother's flesh.

"Nnngggggg" mom moaned, even as her back arched, feeding me more of her succulent breast.

I could taste the lilac of her body wash as I left kisses from one breast to the other. I wanted to devour her, to attack every inch of her; but I forced myself to move slowly. I remembered my first time with Lucy; my own fears and insecurities.

As my mouth closed over another nipple, I felt delicate fingers rest at the back of my head, pressing my face into her flesh; she was mine I thought.

"Oh" I heard mom whisper.

Slowly, inch by inch I slid my hand down her belly, feeling the soft flesh buckle and flex as the heat inside her rose. I could feel her volcanic heat as my fingers slid between her supple thighs.

"Oh God...what are good...we can't..." Mom softly moaned.

Then a soft plea slipped from her lips..."please" I heard her whisper in a hoarse voice. Without waiting, I sank one finger between her folds. Her ass rose from the bed to meet my invading hand, pure liquid heat surrounded my finger as tight walls clamped onto me.

"Oh God...oh God yes...oh God..." Mom babbled as her hips rose and fell, meeting my thrusting finger.

I added a second finger, expanding her tight walls and heard her grunt in pleasure. I was using my two middle fingers, the longest, trying to get deep. It also let the heel of my hand bump against her throbbing clit with every thrust in.

This wasn't about me; this was showing her what it felt like; the pleasure of another woman who knew her body, who knew her needs. I slowly began to pick up the pace of my hand as two hands rested on the sides of my face. She pulled my mouth free of her breast, bringing my face up. Warm breath washed across my lips in the darkness.

"I going to cum" she whispered, almost breathless. "Right there...don't stop...oh my God." She begged softly.

I timed my hand, and when her hips lifted, I shoved in hard, grinding the heel of my hand against her clit. Her ass hung in the air over the bed for a moment, her body vibrating. She pulled my face lower, as our lips met.

"Mmmmmmnngggggggggggggggg" a low moan vibrated across my lips. I felt a hot gush of fluids wash over my hand as she hit her peak.

She collapsed onto the bed, shaking and shuddering as her orgasm rolled through her; moaning my name over and over. I can't even begin to describe the level of love and pleasure hearing that word brought to me.

I brought her to two more orgasms before she collapsed onto the bed in a heap of sweat and cum; exhausted. As she lay on her side I curled up behind her, spooning my body in tight, holding her close to me. I could feel the tremors still rippling through her as I pulled her close.

" good..." Mom whispered; as sleep slipped over her.

"I love you" I whispered into the darkness.

In the pre dawn light that filtered through the hotel room curtain, I rose and padded to the bathroom. Having sated mom and left myself, I was horny beyond belief; but more my bladder now screamed for relief. When I had finished my morning duty, I walked back into the room and froze in my tracks. I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful than what I saw.

My climbing out of bed had slipped the sheets down to her waist. Mom was stretched out on her back; her auburn hair cascading in waves on her pillow around her face. Her full breasts rose and fell with her even breathing, my eyes tracing the curve ending with the pink buds of her nipples. Without hesitation I reached down and slipped the sheets lower, watching that trimmed thatch of brown hair come into view.

By the time the sheets cleared her feet I was on the bed, on my knees between her ankles. Leaning down I softly kissed my way up those full thighs. With my face this close to the sheets, I could smell the remnants of her sex that had soaked into the bed last night, and the heady aroma drove my lips higher.

"Mmmmm" I heard her softly moan as I kissed along her inner thighs.

"Carol...what are youuuuooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh" her words turning to a drawn out groan as I slid my tongue along those fur covered lips.

I extended my tongue and slowly slid it between her warm moist folds, looking up to see her staring down at me wide eyes. Her creamy juices coated my tongue as it slid deeper.

"Oh can't...I've shouldn't...not even your father..." Mom babbled as for the first time I fucked her with my mouth.

It was like a dream come true as I slid my tongue in and out, bathing it in the tart flavor of her pussy cream. The taste invaded my senses, driving me on, when I felt her hips buck under me: I pulled my mouth free and used the tip of my tongue to flick over her hard bud.

"Oh my God...Oh my God...what are you doing?" Mom groaned. "You're going to make me cum" she gasped as her body bucked even harder.

"Mmmmhmmmmm" I hummed, sending a shock wave through her pelvis.

"You want want me...ohhhh myyyyy GAAWDDDDDDDDDDDDD" Mom's voice rose to a scream as her head dropped back onto her pillow.

I don't know if anyone in the neighboring hotel rooms heard her, but at that point I didn't really care as hot juices splattered over my face and flooded my mouth. Mom bucked and heaved on the bed as her orgasm tore through her.

As she collapsed onto the sheets I pulled my face free and looked at her. Her eyes were glazed and her mouth hung open as rippled made her soft belly flex.

"Now that is a breakfast" I smiled.

"You're a witch" Mom gasped as she trembled.

We got a later than expected start because mom insisted on showering first. Personally I wouldn't have cared if she had or not. The idea of those juices plastered to her thighs made me shiver with renewed lust.

This time the drive was much quieter; mom didn't ask questions much and the events in the hotel were never brought up. I could tell she was thinking, and I tried to give her the space to sort things out. The drive from Barstow to Berkley is about six hours; and we hit the city limits about four in the evening.

"I had planned to take you to your dorm today" mom said suddenly. "But it's a bit late." She added as if trying to explain herself.

"Would you mind a hotel until tomorrow?" she asked softly.

"I would love it" I reached out and curled my fingers with hers. She glanced down at our hands and then back up at me.

" bed?" she said in a quiet voice.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" I smiled and squeezed her hand.

Mom pulled into a gas station and played with the GPS until a new map appeared. Pulling out she followed the directions until we pulled into the parking lot of a small motor inn. The rooms were more private with their own entrances, it wasn't high priced. I think it wasn't as much the price as it was the privacy, but I didn't say anything.

As we parked and pulled out suitcases from the truck, I thought about how tonight was our last night together. Tomorrow I would be in the dorms and mom would be heading home. I watched her walking in front of me and wondered what she was thinking. As soon as the door to the room closed, I found out.

"Yesterday was...wonderful" mom whispered a she came up behind me standing beside the bed. "Today it's your turn." Her hot voice filled my ear.

"Oh God" I gasped as two hands reached around and gripped my breasts through my t-shirt.

Just like she had yesterday, I should have fought this feeling off, I knew how wrong this was; but there was no fight in me as my body surrendered to her. I gave a soft gurgle of pleasure as one hand slid down my taut belly and propped the button on my shorts.

" don't have to...ohh!" I squeaked as she turned me backwards to the bed and pushed me back sitting on the edge.

"Yes I do" mom husked as she knelt between my thighs. "I know" she reached for my shorts.

I tend to keep myself shaved; I find the sensations of a hot mouth on slick lips to be more pleasurable. I could tell from her soft rumble she approved as she slid my shorts over my hips. Her hand pressed against my inner thighs, opening me to her.

"Oh God...oh God..." I moaned as soft kisses led up my thighs.

I eased back, stretching out on the bed, lifting my feet to dig my heels into the edge of the bed as hot lips closed over my moist sex. It was like all my desires came home as she licked and sucked; as she nibbled and tasted. My body rocked and bounced, my gut flexed and my thighs quivered. Through my climb upward I could only mutter one word.

"" I moaned. "There...right there" I groaned as her tongue found my clit.

Like Lucy, she knew every button and every trigger; and I lost control over my body in mere moments. Unlike Lucy, this was not just pleasure; this was raw pleasure mixed with pure love as I stared wide eyed at a massive orgasm barreling down on me. I wanted to tell her how perfect it was, to tell her all the things a lover would. I opened my mouth...and screamed.

"Awwww FUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" my voice wailed across the small motel room as hot juices bathed her face.

She sucked my clit, I squirted; she lashed my walls I squirted. I felt my body convulsing and couldn't stop it as waves rolled through me. God it had never been this good, not even with Lucy. I didn't know how she did it, but it was unbelievable, and then she did more.

Her face pulled back and her husky voice filled the room.

"You like like your mother licking your pussy?" she rasped up at me.

"Yes, oh God yes; I love you" I moaned.

"Then let's try...this" she said.

Just as her words pierced my numbed mind; I felt two fingers drive deep up inside me with a wet slurp. I felt them curl...and curl...curling inside me; and then a bolt of white heat slammed into me as the tip scraped across that sensitive spot along the top of my vagina.

"Oh my fucking" I gurgled as a second massive orgasm rolled over me.

Mom had found in moments what had taken Lucy months to discover. My G spot sent a bolt of fire through my belly as hot cream flooded the bed. I could hear mom slurping and swallowing as I filled her mouth. Somehow I went from being stretched out at the edge of the bed to being on my back the full length of the bed.

Mom threw one full thigh over my head and my vision filled with that fur covered mound. I reached up and dug my nails into her ass and jerked her hips down, mashing that soaked pussy into my face.

"Oh God, eat me your perverted mothers pussy" Mom groaned as I jammed my tongue into her.

For two solid hours we devoured each other, I had never had sex so intense, so long ever. Pussies and tongues, lips and fingers, we were both insatiable. At one point mom jammed a slender finger up my tight ass while I literally chewed on her clit; the two of us erupting like fire hydrants.

By the time we collapsed onto the bed we were both gasping for breath; and the bed was soaked in our sweat and juices. I spooned behind this marvelous woman, and felt like crying. I had just found her and she was leaving tomorrow. This drive had brought us closer both physically and emotionally, and I didn't want to lose it.

But the next day mom helped me unpack and settle into the dorm. As she prepared to head home she gave me a soft kiss.

"See you at Thanksgiving sexy" mom whispered.

A month and a half I would have to wait until my chance to go home. I knew it was going to be an interesting holiday feast.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago


Great story.

mfj77mfj775 months ago

Wow! Very descriptive and hot. Question how mom deduced Carol's lesbian leanings. Did Carol's mom have some discussions with Lucy? Was Lucy the person "run out of town"? How was mom getting all over tan without Carol knowing? While satisfying as a stand-alone story, would love a follow-up.

And last, the comments - Can't get how someone that doesn't like incest stories are reading and then negatively commenting - REALLY? And to complain about not taking a different route to drive. - REALLY? And then complain about a relatively minor typo (missing "l") - give me a break! Agree that many (most) of the stories on this site could use a good proof-reading but I can usually overlook most grammar error, and typos and I'm sure "helpful" computer assisted replacement words (waist / waste, sight /site, etc.) The only errors that drive me nuts is when character names change in the middle of the story or the wrong character is referenced and it's obvious due to the context.

Keep the stories coming!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

awful .

the trip from kansas to cali should have take two days with one overnight stop .

the sex scenes were a bit gross , but to each their own .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Damn! That was beyond wonderful!

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