College Teacher


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'So another is seeking the favours of my wife,' Kit said smirking at me after the two boys had gone.

'After two weeks with them, you'll probably have three wives on your hands,' I retorted.

'I doubt it. Are you looking forward to it?' he asked.

'Some ways yes and some ways no. I'd rather really spend the whole six weeks with you on some lonely deserted island where we could stay naked all day and make love in the sun on a beach. Now that would be my ideal holiday.'

'We'll do that next year then,' he smiled at me and held open his arms for me to move into them for a kiss.

We had something similar that first week of the holidays after seeing off the boys by spending it by the pool in the woods. Swimming and lying about naked and making love out in the open instead of in the tent. Half of the following week too as we packed up the four tents that the boys had used. We even moved out tent to a new patch of grass to allow where ours had been standing for a year, time to regenerate itself. We were now both of us bronzed all over without any white patches and really looked healthy. We'd even done some Greek wrestling. Covering our naked bodies with oil and then doing battle by the pool to see who could throw the other in first. All slippery as we were, it didn't look as though either of us would win except he cheated by grabbing my cock and balls in a grip and twisting them to force me back till I fell in.

Still, it was a lovely time with just the two of us, having fun and me getting to have him fuck me at least twice a day when I wasn't sucking on his piece of meat that was now my totem.

We left the college very early on the Friday morning for we had two trains to catch to get us up to Flakestone Manor, North Yorkshire, where the Hawkins' lived.


It took us nearly twelve hours to get to Flakestone Manor out in the middle of the North Yorkshire Moors, this last stage being by taxi from our main station of arrival. Hawkins had given us a detailed map giving us the directions which the driver was able to follow. It was expensive, but worth it, for we would never have found the place had we been driving.

It was a place of hodgepodge design being a quarter Elizabethan, a quarter Georgian and half Victorian, all having had the periods added to the first as the family's wealth had increased as well as the inhabitants themselves. Set in a fold of low hills that I think should give it some protection during the winter months, it still had some spectacular views through the small little valleys that these hills created.

The Georgian part of the Manor had taken precedence over the other styles as being the entrance and it was by a short flight of steps of a pillared portico that the driver pulled up, giving a toot on his horn as he did so.

Young Hawkins himself came bounding down the steps first followed by Fontaine and two liveried servants.

'Bang on time,' Thomas said as we emerged from the taxi. 'You lost Edward and have to pay the forfeit,' he cried as he half turned to Fontaine who looked crestfallen at this piece of news. We didn't find out what this forfeit was till a week later. It was only handshakes as a greeting because of the servants who were getting our things from the vehicle. Kit paid and we were led into the Manor and shown up a large staircase to the second floor, there only being the two, but it still held a multitude of bedrooms.

We were shown into one each and Thomas drew me to one side and whispered that it would be advisable to spend half the night in each bed but be back in the right one by seven at the latest.

'Now you've just time for a bath before dressing for dinner. Drinks first at half six. I've taken a guess at your sizes, but there are a few suits in each wardrobe that should fit. When you're ready, give that bell a ring,' which he indicated, 'and Victor will come and fetch you. I'm so pleased that you came,' he smiled at both of us before leaving.

'Well let's have that bath and dress for I'm dying for a drink,' Kit said. He came and gave me a kiss and I told him what Thomas had said to me about the sleeping arrangements and he smiled. 'Then we'll have to do just that,' he said as he went through the connecting door that Victor had shown us that led to the other bedroom. I had my bath and found a dinner suit that fitted me and was just trying to tie the bow when Kit returned ready.

'I can't seem to get this tie right,' I said exasperated, looking at the pathetic attempt in the mirror

'Let me show you,' he said, coming up behind me and then showed me how to do it correctly from behind me. His body was up and touching mine as he had his hands round my front to do the tie.

'Don't lean in too close Kit,' I said, 'or we'll never get down to dinner.' He smiled over my shoulder and I saw that the tie was now perfect and so I turned round and gave him a kiss.

'Thank you,' I said as I then pressed my groin in close to his.

'You hussy,' he smiled. 'Later. Let's go for drinks.'

I pressed the bell and a few minutes later, Victor knocked at the door and led us downstairs to a lounge that was at least modern in its décor and we were then introduced to the others that were gathered there.

First there was Lady Elizabeth Hawkins and Sir George Hawkins, mother and father respectively of Thomas. The Reverend Nathaniel Sturgess, his wife Matilda and daughter Cynthia and last, making the party up to ten people, the Right Honourable Reginald Monkton, M.P.

I had been introduced as Doctor Colin Smith and had to explain to each as we talked that it was only an honouree title and was nothing to do with medicine. After being congratulated by Lady Elizabeth and Sir George on how well I had been teaching Thomas his political history, I was collared by the parliamentarian.

'Are you the fellow who wrote about the English politics?' he asked as an opener.

'Yes sir,' I replied.

'Damn fine book. Ought to be read by all politicians,' he said a little bit pompously. 'What're your views on the present crisis we're facing?'

That was it. I was lumbered with him not only during those drinks but at the table and even after when the ladies had retired. He was only a back bencher but still asked some astute questions and I answered them as best I could but adding the rider that not being privy to what was being said privately in the Foreign Office, Home Office and Ten Downing Street, I could only give him my views from what I gleaned from the newspapers and foreign magazines. Even so, I must have really made an impression on him which later drew me right into the inner sphere of British politics. But that was to come later in the following year. He was staying at the Manor till Sunday and I had him as a constant companion the whole time and so never really got to talk to any of the others that whole time. Sir George later apologised that my first weekend should have been spoilt by the M.P.

It was Kit who called a halt to our first night there by asking if we could be excused early for it had been a tiresome journey and were quite ready to sleep the sleep of the just. Our host and hostess agreed and we had Victor show us the way back to our rooms, pointing out where breakfast would be served, in the morning room and that tea would be brought to our rooms at seven in the morning.

We thanked him and he left us and I felt the sudden relief from being away from our Reginald Monkton.

'You look tired,' Kit said, 'and that's why I asked for us to be excused because you seemed to be getting quite an ear bashing from that fellow down there.'

'Thanks,' I said, 'I'll admit I'm tired, but not so much that I can't give my husband his tonic for the night.' He smiled at that and came over to me and kissed me and pressed his groin up to mine.

'You are the most wonderful tonic that any doctor had ever prescribed. Let's go to bed and we'll sample the tonic together.'

As we were in my room, we undressed and spent the first half of the night in my bed as I went up onto my knees and had my husband have his way with me. Not only was it a tonic, but his prick moving in and out of my backside was a balm and soothed me from the irritation of that pompous bore. His hands on my hips and feeling the slap of his thighs against my rear had a calming effect as though we were back in our college rooms.

He then gave me the thrill of holding me very tight and pulling me back onto him and feeling him swell up inside me as he came in his pumping jerks. Though I hated it when he pulled out of me, leaving that space vacant, I quickly turned round and got the condom off to be able to suck on his still hard cock, licking round the head and getting out of the eye what sperm was left.

Having messed up my bed enough, we left it and he gathered up his clothes and went through to his room and got onto his bed where he presented me with his backside for me to stuff my cock in and fuck him. Which I did to our mutual pleasure and then we kissed and cuddled together till we fell asleep.

Like at college, we were awake around six in the morning and with only just a brief kiss to each other, we adopted the sixty nine position and had the joy of sucking on that hardest erection of the day and taking the contents into our mouths to swallow like a Whitstable oyster.

I was in my own bed when a maid brought in the morning tea and ran the bath water for me before leaving me to bathe and then dress myself. I collected Kit from his room and we went down for breakfast and was pleased to see that only Thomas and Edward were there and taking their advice, ate quickly so that we could get out before any of the others came down.

'Did you have a nice night?' Edward asked with a shy smile.

'Perfect,' said Kit. 'The doctor knows just the right kind of medicine to give me for a good night's sleep.' I went a bit red in the face at this being spoken of at the table.

'Then I hope that the good doctor will prescribe some for me when we go camping,' he said with another open smile at me.

'I need some of my own medicine myself to keep me going,' I replied using the same innuendo.

'We'll see to that Colin, won't we Edward?' Thomas said through a mouthful of scrambled egg.

'Mmmm,' he mumbled through his mouthful.

That morning, afternoon and Sunday too, I got my first lessons in horse riding. By the latter afternoon, I could canter but still not control the horse properly and wasn't let out of the paddock at all which led me to be a spectator as I watched the other three put their horses through their paces. This lack of horsemanship led me to play a role later that I thoroughly enjoyed later on in our stay.

Even though I loved Kit to bits and really enjoyed the fucking of each other over the weekend, I couldn't help but wait for the Monday when we would go camping and get to have and be had by Edward Fontaine as well as have Thomas again.

The morning came and after breakfast, dressed ready for hiking, we were shown an ordinance survey map which showed where the Manor was and, marked on the map, were the places where we expected to spend each night on our week's tramping about.

I remarked, when we set off that we were not carrying tents and it gave Edward a laugh as Thomas told me that two of the servants had an exact copy of the map and would have the tent set up ready for us as well as preparing and serving us dinner. So all we carried was a change of underwear, socks and water and food for our lunch.

Now the Yorkshire Moors are a lovely place to trek about if you are a dedicated rambler, but roughly twelve miles a day for a week was enough for me for a long time to come. The best part of which was the sight of the erected tent towards the end of the afternoons. Lunch had come and gone and we could see the tent on our first day and it was a glad sight because for me for it meant a rest, a good meal and then sex. Though I wouldn't have minded the latter in any order. As it was, during our walk in the afternoon, Edward dropped down alongside of me and took hold of my hand.

'I'm glad that you agreed to come Colin,' he said. 'I was most jealous when I found out that Thomas had been able to take the place of Kit at the college camp site. After we had found out that you and Kit were like us, I most desperately wanted you. Like Thomas, I think we both wanted you to make love to us at our first seeing you. Did you enjoy having Thomas?'

'No more than being with Kit,' I replied and following up on what he had just said, continued. 'But I've been looking forward to this so that we could get together for ever since I saw your bed empty and you in with Thomas, I wanted to share a bed with you.' He gave my hand a squeeze and a lovely smile.

'Then it will be us together tonight and I can't wait,' and so he held my hand until we came in sight of the tent. As Thomas had said, the two servants had driven up in two vehicles and had erected the tent for us and even a portable shower. What amazed me was that they had even erected two beds inside the big tent and as we drew closer, began setting up a table and chairs and when we actually got there, drinks were served immediately while one started to cook on a portable stove.

We shrugged off our rucksacks and gratefully sat down and drank the large iced gin and tonic straight down and had it instantly replenished.

There was no coyness about Thomas when he'd finished his drink but stood up and took all his clothes off and naked in front of us and the servants, went and stood under this shower contraption and soaked himself before using the soap provided and when finished, took the proffered towel to dry himself before going into the tent to get dressed in fresh clothes. His discarded ones had been picked up and put into a wicker basket in the back of one of the jeeps. When he'd finished with the shower, Edward took his clothes off to shower and so it seemed the thing to do and so when he'd finished, I followed by undressing until I was in my original birthday suit and had that refreshing shower. A towel was given to me by one of the servants who didn't seem to turn a hair at my and the others' nakedness which showed that he'd seen it all before.

I recognised one of my shirts and so knew which was my pile and got dressed and left the tent just as Kit entered. There was another drink waiting for me as well as the delightful aroma of food that was nearly ready to be eaten.

The table had been re-laid with a fresh cloth and glasses and cutlery placed out with napkins and a chilled bottle of wine that had just been opened. The others waited till Kit appeared before the wine was poured and a few minutes following that, we were served with our dinner.

I don't think a gourmet cook could have produced a better meal than that which was cooked on this portable stove. It was delicious and the wine went down a treat. So much so that I think we went through eight bottles at that sitting.

When we'd eaten enough, I heard the elderly of the two servants say to Thomas that everything was in its usual place and that they would be back at seven thirty to see to breakfast. With that, the two men got into the jeeps and drove off. The silence of the moors seemed even louder after the noise of the vehicles had dissipated.

'Well what do you think of the set up?' Thomas asked of us. It was Kit who answered.

'Delightful and most unexpected, but only two beds in the tent,' he said with a smile. 'Do Colin and I sleep outside?' This brought forth a laugh as was intended.

'No. We have to share for bodily warmth as it can get chilly out here at night.' We talked a bit more between us and then, all of a sudden, there was only Edward and myself sitting at the table.

'It looks like they're making up for lost time Colin,' he said to me with a shaky laugh. Kit and I had, when we first arrived at the Manor insisted that our Christian names were used. At college where we were called Sir and they by their surnames was now of the past for we were now equals out in the world and therefore we were to be called Kit and Colin and they, Edward and Thomas. 'I'm feeling a bit nervous now,' he continued. It was now getting a bit on the dark side and I could see that a lantern was lit inside the tent and with him saying what he had, now made me feel a little nervous too.

'Me as well, but let's go in and see what they are doing and follow suit,' I said as I stood up and gave him my hand which he took as he got up and we went into the tent together.

'It seems they've already started,' he said still with that tremor in his voice for we could see that both Kit and Thomas were naked on one of the beds and were kissing each other.

'If you can't beat them, join them,' I said and began to get undressed and after a slight hesitation, so did Edward. I got onto the empty bed and watched as Edward finally took off his underpants and wasn't surprised to see that he already had an erection. He took my hand with a shy smile and got onto the bed with me and came into my arms for our first kiss. It was clumsy at first but after a few minutes, it became a bit more passionate as we rubbed our bodies together and felt each other's erection against our thighs. A quick glance showed that the other two were ahead of us for Kit was just about to shove his condomed prick up into Thomas.

'I've been dreaming of this night for a long time now Colin. Will you fuck me like you did Thomas?' Edward asked.

'I'd love to for I too have been wanting to have you for a long time,' I replied and he reached under the pillow and brought out a condom for me to use, though he took it out of the wrapper and as I lay on my back, paused for a moment to look at my brown body and then slowly putting his hand out to take hold of my cock.

'It's just how I imagined it would look like when hard,' he said. 'When I saw you swimming, I knew that it would be much bigger than it was then.' He stroked it again.

'Why don't you kiss it first,' I said softly and the look he flashed to me showed that he was delighted at the suggestion and so he moved down and placed his lips on the partly exposed head of my cock in a kiss. 'You can suck it as well,' I suggested, and as he had it there under his lips, he opened his mouth and took in the head. I gave out a sigh as his mouth closed over it and I felt the heat surround it and increase my heart rate to cause it to throb even more than it was doing already. I gave out a sigh as I watched his head bob up and down a few times before he lifted his own head to release me and take in a deep breath,

'Wow!' was all he said as he then rolled the condom down over my length and then came and lay back down beside me. 'I nearly came just doing that,' he said, his eyes sparkling and I pulled his head and kissed him.

'Well don't come too early for I want to have your cock too you know,' I said as I moved and helped him up onto his knees and I saw him look over to the other bed and so I did too and saw that Kit was really moving his cock in and out of Thomas' backside to some evident pleasure from the look on Kit's face and the gurgles of delight from Thomas.

'Now relax and enjoy,' I said to Edward as I got between his legs and positioned my cock up between the cleft of his bum. For what we are about to receive I muttered to myself as I placed both hands on his hips and pushed my cock up into Edward's backside. There was a slight resistance at first but overcame that and pushed myself right in to his gasp and felt his muscle twitching like mad. I settled the cheeks of his bum up against my thighs first, loving the feeling of his body heat surrounding my cock before I began to move and fuck him.

Having now had lots of practice at this, I wasn't like a bull in a china shop on the rampage, but took my time at first in my slow movements of sliding my cock in and out of him, pulling back just far enough to expand his ring piece before sliding back inside.
