Combat Healer Ch. 04

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Monster Girl Harem.
6.8k words

Part 4 of the 15 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 09/11/2022
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Combat Healer Ch. 04 -- Monster Girl Harem.

Submitted: October 6, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright 2021 Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, male lead, LitRPG, monster girls, mystery, femdom, group sex, threesome, big tits, dark fantasy, nonhuman, oni, elf, minotaur, holstaur, cowgirl, magic


This fantasy story is a 'LitRPG' (also called GameLit), which is a genre that involves some stats, much like a videogame. The overall concept of stats is introduced right away, but you can certainly enjoy the story even if you're not overall familiar with the genre, simply because most of the focus is on the story itself.

Like all my stories, there will be lots of hot sex once the main characters have had time to develop their relationships.

Hope you enjoy.


- CHAPTER 4: Demonstration -

Several Years Ago

A young Oni woman with rosy skin and white hair stepped into the dimly lit shop, looking around as her gold eyes slowly adjusted to the light, hoping to find what she was looking for. She knew this day would come, when her growth as a fledgling mage would come to a near halt, and she'd finally have to pay for a Focus Ritual in hopes of advancing any further.

However, upon entering the city for the first time, she'd been drawn to this place, a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that wouldn't go away until she finally let it lead her down a dark alleyway to an obscure weaponsmith.

But why?

Why was she so drawn to this place?

And why did her skin crawl as she entered the shop, feeling like something was watching her?

An elderly man looked up from a hilt he was engraving, not seeming phased by the bright red skin of his unexpected company, but looking a little grumpy.

"What can I do you for?" he wondered.

She frowned at that, uncertain if it was just his manner of speech, or if he was propositioning her. "Umm, I think..." Her voice trailed off as she focused toward the corner of the room, behind his wooden counter, seeing a tall black metal staff resting in the corner.

She immediately pointed toward it. "How much for that mace?" she asked seriously.

He laughed. "That piece of junk? What you want it for?"

She frowned at that. "My business is my own."

"And my business is my own," he retorted, looking annoyed. "Now get out of here. It's not for sale."

For a split second, she decided she was just going to leave after all, feeling like a complete fool, but then her gut wrenched, and she immediately knew she had to leave here with that mace at all costs. Regretfully, she unshouldered her bag, and reached in to dig out her money.

All of it.

The money that was meant to buy her chance at a Focus Ritual.

Her hand was trembling as she stepped forward and dumped the coins on the counter.

"Is this enough?" she asked, swallowing hard.

Her heart was racing.

The man glanced at it for half a second, only to do a doubletake, his beady eyes suddenly wide. "Well, I'll say. No idea why you want the piece of junk, but for that much I'll sell to your kind." He then scoffed, standing up as he grabbed a large piece of parchment, only to walk over to wrap the mace up and hand it to her. "Take it and leave."

She was shocked by the admission of bigotry, not realizing that's the main reason why he didn't want to sell it, but she couldn't bring herself to care. She'd just purchased the mace with every coin she had, and she needed to take it and leave.


And not because he asked.

So that's exactly what she did.

But she couldn't go far, the mace seeming to call out to her, begging her to touch it.

So she unwrapped it and did as it wanted...

How it must have been providence that the weapon was waiting for her in an obscure shop down a narrow alley, because what happened when she touched it shouldn't have gone unnoticed.

But it did.

* * *

Loving how cute Mel was being, begging to know my little secret, regarding why I used a slingshot, I was grinning practically ear to ear, really enjoying being the one to tease for once.

"Okay," she finally said with an exaggerated sigh. "How can I convince you to tell me, Allie?" She lowered her voice. "Want me to drop your pants right now and wrestle your cock with my tongue?"

I looked at her in shock, wondering if she was serious.

"You'd really do that?" I asked in disbelief. "Because I'm not sure that I'm interested in doing that kind of thing in public..." I paused. "But I also doubt that I'd try to stop you."

She grinned, her gold eyes dancing in amusement. "Nah, probably not." She then scoffed. "Don't want people thinking I'm easy. Next thing you know, that elf will be over here, pulling out his cock so I can service him too."

I grimaced, prompting her to let out an adorable chuckle, clearly poking at my sore spots, as all Oni loved to do.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you," I replied with a sigh, leaning closer again, even as I tightened my grip on her hand affectionately. "Two reasons," I began, suddenly having her full attention.

Damn, she really believed me that I had a valid reason for using a slingshot in battle.

Which, I did have a reason, but still.

Having her confidence was a nice change of pace, compared to the laughter I got from everyone else who didn't understand the value I held in a fight with the Scourge Beasts.

I continued. "First, I have a sort of unique ability as an Essence Diviner. If I concentrate, I can often anticipate the monster's attacks, both physical and magical. Normally, that isn't necessary since both Turg and Dagru have amazing 'Battle Instinct,' but if I sense something they might not see coming, I'll use my slingshot."

Of course, I was referring to my Foresight skill and Stun spell, the latter of which could be used without the slingshot, but had a more limited range if I simply cast it normally.

Her gold eyes were wide in surprise as she absorbed that. "You provide a distraction?" she guessed.

I nodded, still planning on keeping the Stun spell a secret for now until I got to know her better. "Yeah, I'm a good enough shot that I can often hit a sensitive part on the monster, interrupting the magical attack. Or even just pure distraction if it's a normal attack." I grinned. "But that's not even the best thing I can do."

I paused to look away from her curious expression then, scanning the ground around us while we walked. Letting go of her hand, I then darted away to grab something small off the ground, only to return to her side and continue walking.

"Want a demonstration?" I wondered, holding up a small rock between my thumb and index finger.

She rolled her eyes. "Of course, silly!" she said dramatically, only to quickly look around to make sure she hadn't drawn too much attention.

She hadn't. There weren't many people out here yet, and most were occupied in the distance with their own business.

Concentrating on the rock, I activated my 'Imbued Spell,' combining 'Cure Poison' with the basic 'Heal' spell, the first of which could get rid of intoxication, while the second was able to only heal basic flesh wounds, along with certain ailments like minor Fatigue.


SPELL: Imbued Spell



Level: 5/5

Element: Light

Cost: 2 Essence

Effect: Imbued any item with a spell.

Cast Time: Variable

Use Time: 30 seconds

Cooldown: None

Limitation: Cast Time varies depending on size of the object.



SPELL: Cure Poison



Level: 3/5

Element: Light

Cost: 6 Essence

Effect: Neutralize any form of poison.

Cast Time: Instant

Use Time: 10 seconds

Cooldown: None

Limitation: None (Intelligence: 24)






Level: 5/5

Element: Light

Cost: 4 Essence

Effect: Restore flesh and recover minor ailments.

Cast Time: Instant

Use Time: 10 seconds

Cooldown: None

Limitation: None (Intelligence: 24)


Once I was done, I let go of her hand again, both of us stopping as I took a step back, before glancing both ways and flicking it at her. She had a confused look on her face, until the moment the pebble hit her red muscled stomach.

Instantly, her white eyebrows shot up, her gold eyes wide in absolute shock as she felt the effect.

"Holy fuck," she hissed, looking down at her free hand, before grabbing her leather-clad thigh, her staff still on her shoulder. "Did you just Silent Cast? And on a rock?"

"Amazing, huh?" I commented, definitely fishing for compliments.

Her expression was suddenly intense. "Amazing as fuck," she said seriously. "What did you use on me? I still felt warm from the ale earlier, but suddenly the sensation vanished. And my legs were a little sore too from all my traveling, but that's gone as well."

I intertwined my fingers in hers again, pulling her along, focused on the stone structure just ahead of us now. "Heal and Cure Poison. Figured you'd notice the effect of at least one of those."

Her voice was low, an awe to her tone as she replied. "And you can do that in battle? Heal from a distance like that? Fuck, silent casting alone is impressive."

I nodded. "That strategy could backfire if I accidentally hit the monster, instead of my teammates, but that's why I practice as much as I do. I have zero Ranger skills, so I have to rely entirely on my normal physical capacity to hit my mark." I glanced at her again. "And the hit might sting a little, but the healing spell would eliminate the wound even if I shot them with a blunt arrow." I laughed at the ridiculousness of shooting a teammate with such a projectile. "Obviously, that's not ideal though."

"No, it's not," she agreed, pensive now. "The slingshot really is the best weapon for that kind of skill. Although, a blunt arrow would fly further."

I nodded. "True, but there are two problems with that. First, wooden arrows vary so much that it's difficult to hit a target for the untrained. And second, the larger the object, the more difficult it is for me to use that skill. With a pebble, marble, or small rock, I can do it in barely a second or two. And the spells dissipate quickly, so I have to use it right away. It would take too long to do an entire arrow, and I couldn't do it in advance because of how quickly the spells would weaken. I've actually tried just doing the tip, and it doesn't work."

Her white eyebrows shot up. "Oh. Well then, yeah. That really is the perfect tool." Her gold irises were suddenly full of affection. "I love how you're secretly a badass," she whispered.

I grinned, stopping at the entrance to our destination.

Damn, how did I get so lucky?

She was amazing. She preferred humans, especially ones that were her size or smaller, and she saw the value in my skills. She gave me the benefit of the doubt, assuming I'd have a legitimate reason for using a slingshot over other projectile weapons, unlike most.

I cleared my throat, sounding a little cocky now. "Well, I'm not a badass in the way most people consider, but yeah. I kind of am, aren't I? Proud of your badass boyfriend?"

She laughed again, her chuckle echoing down the stone hallway leading to the four training rooms. "Wow, you're sure humble, aren't you?" she said playfully.

I shrugged. "I am the best healer after all, even if most don't see the value in that, since all the other healers are more than sufficient."

Mel frowned then, looking suddenly concerned, though I had no idea why.

I decided to quickly move the conversation along. "So, are you ready to show me what else you can do?" I wondered.

She looked surprise, glancing down the hallway lit with yellow Light Crystals. "Oh, is that why you wanted to bring me here?"

"Yep," I agreed, giving her a small tug and walking with her down the short hallway. The Light Crystals were only needed for this section, since the actual training areas were lit by the blue sky above. As we approached the first doorway, I realized someone was just coming out at the same time another person was going in.

I stopped in my tracks when I recognized the individual exiting. An elf with black hair, wide shoulders and broad chest, wearing a cotton tunic and brown leather pants, having a long steel sword strapped to his waist.

"Jackel? I thought you were still in bed!"

The tall muscular elf looked at me in surprise, his dark green eyes having their familiar flash of silver due to the dimmer lighting, since the other person closed the metal door. "Oh, hey buddy. I did sleep in, but-" He stopped midsentence, focusing on Mel, then our hands, and back at her again. "Who's this?" he wondered seriously.

"My girlfriend, Melantha," I said cheerfully. "And also, the newest member to our team," I added.

He gawked at me, before focusing on her. "You fucked him to join our team?"

She smirked. "Nah, I just promised him I would is all," she teased, glancing at me in the corner of her eye. "He's very gullible," she added with a wider grin.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring Jackel's amused expression. "Anyway, she's a Battlemage, so I was just going to see what all she can do."

Jackel was immediately impressed by the Focus alone. He reached up to scratch his smooth chin as he looked her over again, focusing on the staff she still carried on her shoulder. "A Battlemage, huh? Mind if I watch too?"

Mel looked at me, seeming uncertain. "Well, that's up to Allie," she replied.

I appreciated the fact that she didn't want to ruin our date, but my response was interrupted by Jackel bursting out laughing.

"Allie?!" he roared, literally doubling over. "Oh yes, I must also call you Allie from now on."

Mel frowned. "No you won't," she snapped back. "He's my human, and that's my pet name for him."

Jackel laughed even harder.

I sighed, scratching the back of my head briefly, before tugging Mel along again. Jackel followed after us, once we passed him, still laughing.

"Okay, Allister," he finally said. "I won't use your girlfriend's nickname she picked out for you, but I'd still like to see what she can do."

"I don't know," I replied playfully. "This was kind of supposed to be our first date."

Suddenly he was serious. "Oh, well then I'll see some other time."

I smirked at how that sobered him up.

That was one of the things I liked about Jackel. He was definitely a manwhore and a player, but when it came to women and dating, he took that kind of stuff very serious in the sense that he wouldn't mess with someone else's game. In a very real sense, he truly was a buddy. Fun to hang out with, always offering unwanted tips on how to get laid, and ready to take his leave if it would interrupt someone else's attempts to get laid.

"Nah," I replied, glancing over my shoulder up at him. "It's fine. We have more plans today anyway, and it might also be good if she can see what you're capable of."

He nodded, all his playfulness sincerely gone now. "What role do you think she'll play on the team?" he wondered.

I stopped at the entrance to the last room as I considered that, before focusing back at Mel, while Jackel moved to my other side. "As a Battlemage, she would probably function best as part of our frontline attack, along with Turg and Dagru."

Mel nodded. "In the past, that's often been my role. I've also protected the Mage before, but that was a unique situation where he needed a lot of time and concentration to cast his spells. And then I've protected the female healer before as well."

"Yeah," I agreed, ignoring the fact she pointed out the healer had been female. It felt like a playful jab at me, considering the healer was almost always female, but I was talking business now. "And while that is an option, it would probably be better for the team to have Jackel continue protecting me. It lets him conserve his strength, which is important considering he's kind of our secret weapon, as well as our Behemoth Slayer in the event a high-level Essence Beast makes an appearance."

Mel leaned forward a little to look up at Jackel in surprise. "You're that powerful?" she said seriously.

He smirked, though I could tell he was holding his flirtatious smile back. "Allister and I both have a few secret skills we like to keep to ourselves."

"I already told her about mine," I teased.

Jackel sincerely looked surprised, focusing on me before giving his attention back to her. "Oh, well, I'll tell you, of course, since you may end up seeing it eventually. But I prefer not to use the skill here."

I leaned toward Mel, prompting her to lean closer in response. Our lips were suddenly only a few inches apart as I spoke. "He has an Immortal Form," I whispered.

Her gold eyes nearly bugged out of her head as she looked at him again. "Holy fuck," she exclaimed.

Jackel laughed. "I have Allister to thank for obtaining it though," he admitted cheerfully. "He definitely has a gift."

Mel immediately went from impressed at him, to suddenly staring at me in awe again. Damn, this was awesome, having her look at me like that. I'd already told her that I helped my teammates get stronger, due to my analyzing skills that could pick up potential in certain circumstances, but it appeared she'd just now finally understood the full implications of what that could do.

"Well shit," she said seriously. "If I knew you were so amazing, then I would have skipped the boyfriend part and just forced you into being my pet instead."

Jackel barked out more laughter, finding it especially hilarious because she said it with such a straight face.

Mel finally grinned when I rolled my eyes.

"I can be your pet too," I replied.

Her face lit up, her gold eyes mischievous. "Oh, I was just teasing. I think I've made it very clear you're already my pet, my little Allie."

Jackel had to place his hand on the wall to support himself, he was laughing so hard now.

I took the opportunity to lean forward and peck her on the cheek, causing a sincere blush to darken her red skin slightly, before reaching out to open the door and lead her inside. The moment the metal barrier cracked open, the hallway was flooded with sunlight from the open-air room.

Jackel collected himself as he followed us in and closed the door behind him.

Mel was looking around at the wide-open space, barricaded on all sides by stone walls with inset black Crystals spaced every dozen feet. I wasn't sure if she'd seen anything like it before, but I knew she'd be familiar enough with Essence Dispersion Crystals to understand the gist simply by looking.