Combat Healer Ch. 06

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Monster Girl Harem - a dark past.
6.1k words

Part 6 of the 15 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 09/11/2022
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Combat Healer Ch. 06 -- Monster Girl Harem - a dark past.

Submitted: November 10, 2022 to Literotica (Copyright 2021 Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, male lead, LitRPG, monster girls, mystery, femdom, group sex, threesome, big tits, dark fantasy, nonhuman, oni, elf, minotaur, holstaur, cowgirl, magic


This fantasy story is a 'LitRPG' (also called GameLit), which is a genre that involves some stats, much like a videogame. The overall concept of stats is introduced right away, but you can certainly enjoy the story even if you're not overall familiar with the genre, simply because most of the focus is on the story itself.

Like all my stories, there will be lots of hot sex once the main characters have had time to develop their relationships.

Hope you enjoy.


- CHAPTER 6: Tale -

Many Years Ago

A young elf girl, with black hair and purple eyes, clung to her knees as she huddled in the corner of the room, her face and clothing covered in blood, her body trembling violently, even despite the roaring fireplace not far away.

She was surrounded by noise, mostly coming from outside, people talking urgently in loud voices, attempting to be heard over the cries of pain and the shrieks of agony, even as she heard a boy's name called out over and over again.

"Where's Allister? Someone get Allister!"

"Allister, over here!"

"Allister hurry, he's about to die."

"Allister, now this one."

"Allister, please help her."

She even began to hear voices she recognized, those who she'd been traveling with, who quickly learned the boy's name.

"Allister, please heal my husband."

"Allister, please save my father.

"Allister, please help me."

Before long, the sounds outside died down, and it became quieter, people speaking in hushed whispers now. Yet the girl still shivered as if she was freezing, horrifying images stuck frozen in front of her eyes.

The moment her mother's blood splashed all over her body, the whole person in front of her sliced into three separate pieces. The moment she saw her father cast a spell toward the onslaught, lighting up the darkness enough to reveal the hundreds upon hundreds of monsters descending upon him.

She didn't even react when she heard footsteps enter the doorway...

Only for them to rush over.

"Are you okay?!" a boy's voice asked urgently. "Shit, where are you hurt? Where did all this blood come from?"

His hand touched her shoulder then, and with it, an intense warmth spread throughout her body, thawing her out. She looked up into his deeply concerned and sympathetic eyes, feeling like she'd been lost in the darkness, and he'd suddenly pulled her into the light.

Yet, once her mind began working again, she could only think to say one thing.

"Allister," she whispered, her voice barely audible, echoing similar words to what she'd heard not long ago. "Please help me. Please save my father."

* * *

Mel seemed stunned that I'd survived for three months in a Dungeon when I was only a teenager and didn't even have a Focus unlocked. But what really encouraged me was not just her reaction, but the fact that she actually believed my story, whereas others would have dismissed it as a tall tale.

But not her.

She trusted that I was being honest with her and was eager to know more.

"How did you survive?" she asked seriously.

Still on our way to drop off my borrowed tome, we were slipping into another alley that would lead us to the main road just before our destination, so I waited another moment before responding.

I cleared my throat once we were moving with the flow.

"Umm. Well, it was horrible," I admitted. "Like, really horrible. I couldn't really fight the Scourge Beasts we ran across, and while the elf girl luckily had the Mage class, she only had one spell. Just one basic spell." I grimaced. "Which meant, every encounter was a fight to the death." I felt my chest tighten at all the memories threatening to flood my mind. "I got hurt a lot too, but I brought her back from the brink of death probably a hundred times. I healed her shredded flesh and broken bones probably a thousand times." My grimaced deepened. "And I listened to her scream in pain too many times to count. Every day was torture, for both of us. But most of all, for her. And all we could do was survive. To try to survive just one more day. To survive just one more hour."

"Oh Allie," she whispered. "I am so sorry."

"Me too," I admitted, feeling almost relieved to be sharing this, and to have someone believe me. "I won't pretend like everything worked out and it was fine. It was absolutely the most miserable time in my life, even more miserable than when my parents passed. And those three months felt like an eternity in hell." I sighed then, gesturing ahead of us and changing the subject. "Anyway, we're here," I commented, directing her attention as we turned down a wide alleyway that led to an obvious gate. It was guarded by one of the Elf Guard, one of the many perks of being associated with the Queen...and possibly a perk of being someone who slept with the Queen on occasion.

As was the rumor surrounding Sylvia Vanitas, the blonde elf with icy blue eyes who was supposedly a little over a century old despite her youthful appearance, and supposedly a good friend of the Elf Queen who had likewise ruled for nearly a century.

Of course, elves did have longer lifespans than the other races, maturing at the same rate as humans until they got to be in their twenties, but no elf in their hundreds looked like they were still in their prime. Far from it.

Whereas humans often began graying in their thirties or forties, elves didn't start looking older until they got to be in their nineties. A fifteen-year-old elf looked about the same as a fifteen-year-old human, only taller most of the time. But a thirty, forty, or even fifty-year-old elf often still looked twenty years old. And often acted twenty years old.

To some, it seemed a little odd that elves didn't really age once they reached twenty, but the way I liked to think about it was in terms of dying. Whereas humans matured to twenty years old, and then immediately began to slowly head toward death, elves were completely different.

Elves would similarly mature to about twenty years old, but then remain in their prime for a long time as if they were never going to age. As if they were never going to start dying. As if they might even live forever.

But of course, they didn't live forever.

They remained young adults for a long time, until they got into their eighties or nineties, at which point they began to show signs of heading toward death, only at a much slower pace. Roughly about half as slow as humans, with it taking a hundred and twenty years for them to age roughly sixty years for a human.

The end result was about the same.

An eighty-year-old human looked similar to a two-hundred-year-old elf.

But still, that just meant that a woman who was a hundred and twenty, or older, was going to look like she was at least middle-aged, since that's exactly what she was for an elf - middle-aged. Most lived to be anywhere from two-hundred years, to two-hundred forty.

And there was no way to avoid looking old eventually.

Or so I assumed.

I was just waiting for the day when Sylvia began showing signs of graying or something similar, though she'd probably kill me if I ever pointed it out. Freeze me to death with her ice magic, which she'd threatened on occasion when I'd looked at her too long.

Of course, I'd been trying to use my Eye of the Goddess on her, but she'd never allow me to concentrate long enough to divine anything.

Mel straightened more when she saw the guard, the uniform very obvious with its dark blue hues and silver accents. The only visible armor on the tall man was the decorative metal on his shoulders and head, though it was fairly common knowledge that underneath the blue coat and black pants, they wore a full covering of enhanced chainmail. He also had a sword strapped to his hip, though his posture was relaxed as we approached.

From what I knew from my Eye of the Goddess skill, he was more than competent and very capable with a sword as a standard Fighter class with a Warrior focus. There probably weren't too many who could beat him in a fight, aside from those in the two or three top guilds. But of course, the guilds were on the kingdom's side, members being civil servants in many ways, except more focused on the external threats, rather than internal ones.

Really, the only significant difference was that the Elf Guard were all elves, enlistment not being possible for other races.

Of course, I was completely relaxed as we approached, since it was someone I saw with some regularity.

"Morning Kizmel," I said simply. "Here to return the book I borrowed."

He simply nodded, his gaze focused on my companion. "And who is this with you?"

"Her name is Melantha. She's with our guild, Remnant, and on my team."

"Since when?" he asked more seriously, his mossy eyes narrowing slightly, causing us to stop, since he was kind of in the way.

"Since this morning," I admitted.

His gaze shifted to her again. "Then, miss Melantha, I am only going to say this once. Thievery elsewhere is punishable by imprisonment. Thievery here is punishable by death."

Her gold eyes turned into saucers, suddenly sounding nervous as she spoke to me. "Umm, I think I'll just wait out here then."

I sighed. "He's being a bit overdramatic. Sylvia doesn't usually allow anyone in the back area where everything is at, and you can just have him check you when we leave."

Mel seemed frantic, her tone sarcastic. "So you're saying I'm not risking my life by going inside?"

I focused up at the elf. "Kizmel, help me out here. I trust her."

He frowned, his gaze focusing on her again, only to look her up and down. "Stay in the front area, and I'll pat you down when you leave. The punishment for stealing here is death, but not without undeniable proof. You're at no risk for being falsely accused," he added, finally stepping to the side.

Mel still seemed uneasy. "Okay...I guess if you say so."

"It'll be fine," I repeated. "I come here all the time, often with Jackel or Turg. There's usually nothing valuable in the front area anyway, so there's nothing to worry about." I gave her a little tug for encouragement. "Seriously, it'll be fine. Sylvia isn't out to get anyone. She just doesn't want thieves targeting this place. Although, honestly the average person doesn't even know this place is here."

Mel began walking with me finally, glancing back at the elf after we passed him. "And what exactly is this place?" she asked me seriously, finally speeding up to walk at my side.

I loved how she grabbed onto my arm with her free hand, our fingers still intertwined, squishing her firm leather-clad tits against me.

"Basically, if you find something unique or rare in a Dungeon, you come here to sell it. If it has any value, then Sylvia will buy it off you. Our team has actually made a ton of money in the last year by exploring Dungeons, and looking for rare items, before fully conquering it."

The subject put Mel at ease as we began taking the stone steps down into the building, seeming to be reminded of our previous conversation.

"You actually explore the Dungeon?" she asked quietly, her voice echoing a little. "Isn't that hard on you?"

"It was at first," I admitted. "Lots of horrible memories. But having my team has helped a lot. And they're strong, so they rarely get seriously hurt." I paused. "I mean, they do get hurt badly sometimes, but it's not like life-threatening. Not usually."

She nodded, focusing on the metal door at the end of the steps, the space opening up into an antechamber, leaving plenty of room for multiple people to gather at once.

A few seconds later and I was opening the door and gesturing for her to step inside, a bell ringing within from a pully mechanism triggered by the door. Her gold eyes widened when we did so, likely in response to how bright it was from the Light Crystals within, immediately looking over to her left to see the long stone counter that was the only furniture in the small room.

Of course, upon first glance, it would look like this place was really bare and small, but just beyond an open doorway behind that stone counter, there was a massive cavern, lit brightly in yellow Light Crystals, with seemingly endless rows of shelving containing everything imaginable, from books, to artifacts, to weapons.

Of course, nothing within was too valuable, since if it was, then it would have been sent off to the Queen's vault, but that didn't mean there weren't probably over a hundred thousand gold coins worth of stuff inside.

We barely made it to the counter - raised on a stone platform with the right side attached to the wall, the left side being the only way behind it - before a blonde beauty stuck her head around the corner of the back doorway, her icy blue eyes narrow. She was already a couple of inches taller than me when we were on even ground, but the raised level of the platform and inner cavern made her nearly a half foot taller.

I knew she had a wooden desk within, where she did a lot of her work, since the occasional time she made me wait, I always angled myself so that I could see her through the doorway just to ensure she wasn't truly wasting my time.

"Allister," she sneered, like the sound of my name made her want to vomit. And yet, her voice was anything but unattractive. "You're back sooner than I expected. I still expect you to pay for today as well."

"I know," I replied evenly. "And that's fine. I hope you'll allow me to borrow this once more, in the future. I've never read anything with so much new information in it."

Her icy eyes narrowed again. "We'll see how it looks when I inspect it."

I nodded, reaching down to pull it out of my leather bag, as she finally stepped into sight and approached. As was common for her, she was dressed like royalty, wearing an extremely elaborate silver silk dress that hugged her tall body in all the right spots. But I paid her no mind as I carefully set the book on the counter.

Sylvia had ensured a spell was placed on it, to keep it from getting damaged, but I always was extra careful when I was handling it in front of her. She didn't take kindly to the mistreatment of anything she perceived as being hers.

Silvia spoke up then, directing her words at Mel. "And what business do you have here?" she snapped.

My girlfriend's gold eyes widened at the hostility in her tone. "I'm just with him," she said in disbelief.

Sylvia didn't respond, simply shifting her gaze to me as I dug in my pocket to pull out a gold coin.

"Two days, right?" I commented, even though I was very confident in the amount I owed her.

Of course, Sylvia wouldn't touch me, even if her life depended on it, so she hadn't touched the book yet, waiting until I had everything on the counter to avoid accidental contact. Literally, she wouldn't retrieve the items until my hands were back at my sides.

But unfortunately, it seemed she was in an especially bad mood today.

"Just put it on the table, before I charge you ten days!" she snapped, wincing as she did so, as if the effort caused her pain.

I sighed, placing the gold coin on the counter, worth the twenty silver I owed for two days.

Mel's eyes widened all over again. "Holy fuck! You're paying a gold to borrow the book?! For two days?!"

"Shut up!" Sylvia snapped yet again. "I've got a godawful headache, and you're not helping!"

Mel seemed stunned, not overly bothered by the outburst, but instead looking at me in confusion. "Can't Allister heal that?" she asked seriously.

Sylvia scoffed, abruptly grabbing the tome and gold coin in one swift motion, only to twist around and head back into the main cavern. "No way in hell am I letting a man put his hands on me," she grumbled, loud enough to hear, but sounding like she was speaking to herself.

I just shrugged when Mel gave me a questioning look, keeping my voice low. "She pretty much hates all men," I said quietly. "It's not just me. She barely tolerates Kizmel, or any of the other male guards."

"Oh," she said simply. "So then, are we done here?"

I shook my head, gesturing with my chin toward the door, where Sylvia could be seen sitting down within, picking up a quill to jot down some notes as she began examining the tome. I had no idea what she was writing down, but it was a meticulous habit she had. Especially when I had borrowed something that was truly one-of-a-kind.

Mel focused on what she could see from her angle, only to lean on the counter with a heavy sigh.

"You have to wait until she inspects it," she assumed.

"It won't take too long," I promised. "And we can talk if you want. Just have to keep it down."

Mel sighed again as she nodded, both of us falling silent for a few seconds. She then focused on me, beginning to review what I'd told her. "Okay, so you were swallowed up by that Dungeon, and barely managed to make it out alive. But how did you even get out? Did someone rescue you?"

I shook my head. "No, we conquered it."

Her tone was instantly flat in disbelief.


I couldn't help but smile at her reaction. "Yeah, I know it sounds crazy."

"Uh, yeah," she said seriously. "You didn't even have a Focus, and that elf girl only knew one spell? I know you said you both almost died every day, but you conquered a Dungeon with one spell? Shit. What kind of spell was it anyway?"

I frowned, wondering if I should be completely honest, since I was concerned now that she might not believe me if I only told her facts I wanted to share. And I felt like she'd already proven she was a sincere person, and sincere in her interest in me. And I realized I needed her to believe me.

So I had to tell her enough that it would make sense.

I sighed. "Technically, I had a spell that helped too."

Her brow furrowed. "Well, yeah. I assumed as much, since you healed her."

I shook my head, glancing at Sylvia work her quill as she began flipping through individual pages. "Not just that. I have another spell, one I don't tell people about." I paused when she looked more alarmed than I was anticipating, clearly assuming it was more badass than it actually was. "Not that it's overly powerful, because it's not," I clarified. "But I don't tell people, because if I ever got into a fight, it's my only real advantage."

Mel nodded. "I promise I won't tell anyone."

I glanced at Sylvia again, unsure if she could hear us from here, but deciding not to take the chance. Thus, I leaned in closer and almost pressed my mouth to Mel's pointy red ear. "It's called Stun," I said simply, only to pull away, speaking at a normal volume again. "And remember when I said I can interrupt attacks with my slingshot?"

Her gold eyes widened as it all clicked for her. "Ohh. Of course. That makes perfect sense now."

I nodded. "It only lasts for a couple of seconds, but not even Turg, Dagru, or Jackel know, because if I ever got into a dispute with them, it would literally be my only advantage."

Mel nodded in understanding, knowing it wasn't uncommon for men especially to get into fights, even if they were friends. "I swear I won't tell anyone. Not on my life. But then, what spell did the girl have?"