Combat Healer Ch. 09

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Monster Girl Harem - sexy Oni, busty Cowgirl, Elf Sisters!
6.3k words

Part 9 of the 15 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 09/11/2022
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Combat Healer Ch. 09 -- Monster Girl Harem - sexy Oni, busty Cowgirl, Elf Sisters!

Submitted: January 26, 2023 to Literotica (Copyright 2021 Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, male lead, LitRPG, monster girls, mystery, femdom, group sex, threesome, big tits, dark fantasy, nonhuman, oni, elf, minotaur, holstaur, cowgirl, magic


This fantasy story is a 'LitRPG' (also called GameLit), which is a genre that involves some stats, much like a videogame. The overall concept of stats is introduced right away, but you can certainly enjoy the story even if you're not overall familiar with the genre, simply because most of the focus is on the story itself.

Like all my stories, there will be lots of hot sex once the main characters have had time to develop their relationships.

Hope you enjoy.


- CHAPTER 9: Emergency -

Present Day

An elf with chestnut hair and tan skin clung desperately to her dying younger sister as the bitter wind stung her pained blue eyes, her hair lashing against her face in the violent gusts, the beast beneath her flapping its wings as hard as it could, even as she urged it to go faster.


But her mount was also injured.

And yet, her Gryphon fought against the agony eating away beneath its flesh, pressing onward despite the torment, doing everything in its power to obey its master and friend.

But it wasn't enough.

So many of their furry companions had perished in an effort to help the elf save her sister, and yet it wasn't enough.

She'd been too late.

The elf's right hand was frozen stiff, clinging to a fistful of fur in an effort to keep both her and her sister from plummeting to their deaths far below. Her other arm was preoccupied with holding onto the cold unconscious form in her grasp, the body already beginning to feel both stiff and flaccid at the same time.


Please don't die.

Please don't be dead.


Her mount pressed onward as hard as it could, its beak parted now as it gasped for breath.

She was able to see the Queen's castle in the distance, approaching it from the northeast, only visible due to their height. But as the frigid air wore on her body, so did the despair that was suffocating her heart. Because she knew what she did not want to admit.

The creature that attacked was one of the highest threats assigned to a Scourge Beast, having all the characteristics that made such a monster a true demon.

Capable of moving among the trees in absolute silence.

Known to strip its victim's flesh and stretch it over its bulbous body.

Capable of reproducing at an overwhelming rate.


And having fangs infused with a venom that was incurable...

No healer had ever been able to stop or reverse the process.

Her sister was liquifying inside, and there was nothing she could do to save her.

Yet, as her eyes stung in the harsh cold, her vision blurred, she pressed onward. Because she knew there was one healer who cured things others could not.

One healer who was known among the creatures in the city, as even being so kind as to grace his gentle touch on them.

No healer ever took the time to waste their spells on an animal.

But one did.

He was famous to her furry friends, to the point that injured creatures frequently sought him out.

But even still...she knew it was too late.

And she knew there were no spells to fix this.

Yet still, she pressed onward.

Clinging to her sister's dying body, she pressed onward.


For it was all she could do.


* * *

I bolted out the front of the Guild Hall, looking to the sky in search of the Gryphon I knew should be visible, hoping to see where it was heading, since that on its own would tell me a lot. Of course, normally the Gryphon would go straight to the Queen's castle, sounding the alarm only so that the Guilds and Guard would mobilize, knowing that the Queen would soon be issuing orders in response to the threat.

A threat so great, that it couldn't wait.

This was different than the yearly Northern Invasion, which the Guilds had time to prepare for. From what I'd been told, the Gryphon had only reported a true emergency two times in the last twenty years. And they had all been catastrophic threats that had to be dealt with immediately, or else risk the entire continent being conquered.

It was that serious.

Either there was an enormous horde of monsters, a single powerful beast that was heading directly for the capital, or...

Or a horrifying demon capable of reproducing so quickly that it was a guarantee that all life would be lost, if it wasn't slaughtered quickly.

Obviously, the last possibility was the most time-sensitive, and the worst.

I'd at least read about such close encounters in the past, where a rapidly reproducing monster almost overwhelmed the kingdom's forces, but I didn't know of any such events that had occurred in my lifetime. Hopefully, this wasn't such a threat.

I didn't even realize Mel, Val, and Eira were at my side, until Eira spoke up, her elven eyes being much sharper than mine.

"Oh God, I think Celestine is dead."

"What?!" I said in alarm, looking at her and then focusing back up at the sky. Of course, I could barely make out that there appeared to be two people riding the Gryphon, but I never would have been able to determine if one of them wasn't alive or not.

Eira continued. "If she's not dead, she's close to dying." Her rich brown eyes focused on me. "Allister, I think they're coming here."

More people were beginning to gather in front of the Guild Hall, likewise looking to the northeastern sky, the area between the building and the front gates being plenty large enough to hold such a gathering, and then some.

And apparently, I wasn't the only one who was prepared to help.

A female healer, who I was very much not fond of, overheard Eira and spoke up loudly. "Well, she's smart to come here then, since I'm here. If I can't help, then no one can."

Fucking Lyla.

I hated that bitch so much.

She was in the second strongest team in our guild, which meant she perceived herself as being the top healer in the entire kingdom, even though her team had another healer. And sure, she was fairly decent, having a pretty high Essence Regeneration Rate, but I'd met more adequate healers in the other guilds, and felt confident she was not my number two. She wasn't even number ten in line for most competent healer.

But all the men in her team got to fuck her as much as they wanted, so she got by on her 'just okay' abilities. Honestly, it was even possible that the other healer in their team, a female Green Oni with the Shaman Focus, was more competent, but she was ironically a bit timid and let Lyla run all over her even though the green chick was a full head taller.

Either way, this bitch was not my favorite person.

She was my least favorite.

I ignored her as she began barking out orders like she owned the place, asking the crowd to begin making room for the Gryphon to land. However, it very quickly became clear that it wasn't going to be a smooth landing.

Eira began yelling. "Everyone move to the eastern wall! The Gryphon is injured too! Prepare for impact!"

Sure enough, the Gryphon was half-gliding, half-falling now as it plummeted toward our front courtyard, screeching in agony as it barreled for the ground at almost full speed. Several people screamed as everyone began running out of the way, attempting to avoid being smashed by the massive beast, the conscious rider looking like she was about to pass out.

At the very last second, the Gryphon flashed its wings and tail out, and slowed down just before hitting the packed dirt, only for its left wing to give out and snap in two like it was suddenly made of slime.

It shrieked at the top of its lungs as it landed on broken legs, the limbs giving out so suddenly that it smashed into the ground, sending both of its passengers flying to the dirt.

I was already running, aiming for the younger sister, whose tan skin looked almost transparent, her body having rolled into a sickening position. Astaer was already getting to her hands and knees urgently looking around as she began screaming for help.

"Healer! I need the male Healer! Please help! Someone please help!"

I was surprised she was specifically asking for me, but quickly turned my attention to her sister, trying to use my Eye of the Goddess to understand what was wrong with her, even as I approached at full speed.

Astaer finally noticed me. "It's you! Please save her! Please save my sister! I'll do anything, please!"

Fuck, I was struggling to get any useful information from my skill.

I couldn't focus.

"What did this to her?" I demanded, quickly kneeling down at Celestine's side, and trying to move her body a little so she wasn't twisted so sickeningly.

Astaer immediately crawled over, her arms trembling, the crowd having erupted into several dozen voices speaking all at once, but the two of us tuned them out as she answered my question.

"It was an Arakna'cabra. A Flesh Collector."



I didn't have a spell to heal this. Not even close.

As if in response to the information, my Eye of the Goddess skill finally worked.


Celestine Rootkin



Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Class: Ranger

Focus: Beast Master

Ailments: Venom (severe), Liquify (severe)



I knew Cure Venom, but it only worked on minor or moderate severities. And similarly, Greater Healing could only handle moderate ailments, which was exactly why no one could heal Mel's Fatigue caused by her spell Rising Phoenix, because it was severe Fatigue.

Unexpectedly, Lyla was right at my side, placing her hands on the body lying between us.

"Move the fuck out of the way!" she snapped. "Worthless loser, what are you even waiting for?! Greater Healing!"

However, when I didn't respond, she answered her own question.

"Fuck, it's too late." She sighed heavily. "We can't fix this."

"No!" Astaer exclaimed, her expression tormented, her blue eyes beginning to fill with tears. "No, no, no!" she continued, abruptly leaning down to rest her face against her sister's.

Lyla stood up then, intentionally kicking me in the thigh in the process. "Leave her be. Let her mourn."

Fucking bitch!

But I had to ignore her. There wasn't time to waste.

I had to focus.

Okay, my Cure Venom was at level 2 and cost 8 Essence, and my Greater Healing was maxed out at level 5, and cost 14 essence. Neither one of them would fix a severe ailment. But that was 22 Essence total, if I tried to use them at the same time to attempt to learn a new spell. I had 230 total essence, since my previously used magic was already recovered, which meant that only gave me ten tries.

Only ten fucking tries!

I urgently looked up, surprised to find the elf receptionist was right there, towering over me.

"Eira, I need Essence Crystals. As many as you can bring. Just put them on my tab."

Astaer abruptly sat up, her distraught and devastated expression suddenly having a hint of hope. "No, I'll pay for them. Whatever it takes."

"Doesn't matter," I said to her. "Just go, and help her bring back as many as you can carry."

Lyla was instantly outraged, speaking up from only a few feet away, even as Astaer ran after Eira.

"Fucking bastard!" she snapped. "Don't give her hope! You can't fix this! And you fucking know it!"

"Just shut the fuck up!" I snapped at her.

Mel abruptly chimed in, stepping in her direction. "Say one more thing, and I'll smash your face in! Let him focus!"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Lyla snapped right back.

"Little girl, you're about to find out exactly who I am," Mel yelled. "Now shut the fuck up, before I shut you the fuck up!"

Surprisingly, Lyla didn't respond. Probably because she knew no one would immediately defend her if she got into a cat fight with another woman - at least, not unless it got to the point where her life might really be at risk, instead of just her suffering pain as a consequence of her stupidity.

I certainly appreciated the help, but I had to stop listening to them, instead using my training in meditation to focus. Because I had to focus. I had to.

Learning a new spell wasn't a stroll through the forest.

It was almost fucking impossible.

And it required focus and determination.


My hands were already on her cold body, already zoning out everything else around me as I desperately tried to learn a new spell.

One that could fix this.

'Cure Venom of Arakna'cabra. Greater Healing.'

'Cure Venom. Greater Healing of Severe Ailments.'

'Cure Venom of Arakna'cabra. Greater Healing of Severe Ailments.'

I continued to experiment with variations, using up 22 Essence each time, until I was depleted of all I had within me.


Someone asked me if I was going to do anything, while someone else commented that I was probably waiting for the other two to return with the Crystals, only for someone else to say, "Here they come."

Astaer abruptly fell down in front of me, on the other side of her sister, an armful of Essence Crystals of various colors falling on the ground in front of us, only for Eira to set down another armful. All of the Crystals were the size of a fist or larger, all of them containing roughly 100 to 150 Essence, and yet I needed so much more.

The average healer only had a maximum of 120 Essence, with mages typically being upwards of 150 maximum storage capacity within their bodies. For them, a typical Essence Crystal would be enough if they needed to refill in a pinch.

But not for me.

And just like Essence Regeneration had a certain rate, so did the ability to absorb essence, something that was determined by their level of Essence Extraction skill.

Of course, most Scourge Suppressors had their Essence Extraction maxed out at Level 5...

Mine was maxed at Level 10.

And everyone was about to find out just what I was capable of.

I grabbed a Crystal and absorbed all of it in under a second, tossing it to the side and grabbing another to suck up nearly half of it.

The whole thing happened so fast that, for a second, it seemed that everyone thought I'd just grabbed one and tossed it for no reason, only for someone to notice that it was empty.

"Holy fuck!" someone exclaimed. "Did he just drain that with a touch?!"

"Oh my God, it's really empty. What the fuck?"

I ignored the rapidly escalating murmurs, and I again began rapidly casting my spells silently, until I was out again, absorbing what was left in the Crystal I held, and then grabbing another, rapidly depleting it in an instant and tossing it to the side.

"Holy shit! Is he Silent Casting?!" someone exclaimed.

"Oh God, how many spells has he gone through so far?"

"He's using almost two Crystals each time! Just how much essence can he store?! Over two hundred?!"

I tried to ignore them, Astaer already having Crystals ready for me to grab, everything about her composure desperate, doing everything in her power to hold it together, her entire body trembling.

But as I tried and tried, and tried again...

I failed.

Over and over, until I'd run through so many of the Crystals that Eira went and got me more.

But people were starting to leave now.

Too much time had passed.

The excitement was over.

Celestine looked dead. She was still barely breathing, the sound only detectable because of the almost inaudible gurgling noise she was beginning to make, but they could all tell I was just wasting my energy over a dead body.

I hadn't even realized it, but the Elf Guard had showed up...

One of them finally asked Astaer if she was ready for him to take her to the Queen.

She didn't answer him, her hands trembling as she held more Essence Crystals at the ready.

Tears were streaming down her face again.

As she silently cried.

And I was frustrated.

Extremely frustrated. Because I didn't want to fail, and not because I cared about winning or losing. It was because Celestine was a person, and I didn't want her to die.

I wanted her to live!

I wanted her to live, dammit!

I knew I was attempting something nearly impossible, but this was life or death, and I was not about to lose to death. Finally, my rage boiled over, and I became both pissed and desperate.

I infused my thoughts with essence and silently cast a combination I'd never tried before.

'Fucking Imbued Item, Fucking Heal, Fucking Cure Venom, Fucking Greater Healing, Fucking Dispel Curse Decay, Fucking Dispel Greater Curse Decay'

And then, my spell turned into a prayer, infused with essence.

'Fucking Save Her, Please Fucking Save Her!'

Unexpectedly, my body flooded with intense warmth.


NEW SPELL: Divine Restoration



Level: 1/5

Element: Light

Cost: 150 Essence

Effect: Call upon the powers of the Goddess to purify and restore. Heal severe injuries and cure severe ailments.

Cast Time: Instant

Use Time: 1 minute

Cooldown: None

Limitation: None (Intelligence: 24)


Oh fuck.

Oh fuck!

It worked! But that was so much essence!

A typical healer wouldn't even be able to cast this spell!

But I could.

I was out of energy again, but I urgently grabbed the two Essence Crystals that Astaer was holding, sucking them both up with a touch and tossing them away, as I abruptly shoved both hands on the liquified body in front of me.

Whenever I used my healing magic, nothing 'visible' ever happened.



'Divine Restoration!'

Unexpectedly, my hands began to glow, the light rapidly increasing in intensity to the point that the world around us began to feel dark, even as the glow abruptly began flooding the elf's limp body, causing her tan skin to turn stark white as she began to fill made me realize just how much far the liquifying had progressed, watching her arms swell to a more normal size, watching her sunken chest begin to rise and return to its normal form.

It was a miracle she wasn't already dead.

Though I suspected I'd cut it pretty close.

The blinding light continued to shine, as if there was a literal sun erupting from my hands, the brilliance continuing to glow at an impossible level for a full straight minute.