Combat Healer Ch. 11

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Monster Girl Harem - sexy Oni, busty Cowgirl, Elf Sisters!
7k words

Part 11 of the 15 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 09/11/2022
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Combat Healer Ch. 11 -- Monster Girl Harem - sexy Oni, busty Cowgirl, Elf Sisters!

Submitted: August 3, 2023 to Literotica (Copyright 2021 Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, male lead, LitRPG, monster girls, mystery, femdom, group sex, threesome, big tits, dark fantasy, nonhuman, oni, elf, minotaur, holstaur, cowgirl, magic


This fantasy story is a 'LitRPG' (also called GameLit), which is a genre that involves some stats, much like a videogame. The overall concept of stats is introduced right away, but you can certainly enjoy the story even if you're not overall familiar with the genre, simply because most of the focus is on the story itself.

Like all my stories, there will be lots of hot sex once the main characters have had time to develop their relationships.

Hope you enjoy.


- CHAPTER 11: Reunion -

Several Hours Ago

A tall blonde elf with icy blue eyes rushed up the enormous stone steps to the castle entrance, focusing on the first guard she saw. "I need an audience with the Queen," she demanded, not waiting for the guard's permission.

Of course, they all knew Sylvia Vanitas was permitted an audience whenever she was so inclined. Still, she had to announce her intention in order to be told where the Queen currently resided within her castle.

"She's in her study," the man replied.

Sylvia didn't respond, hurrying through a grand foyer and down a hallway leading to the Queen's office, only to speak up the moment she barged into the room without knocking.

Queen Eliza looked up from her desk in surprise, her purple eyes wide, her straight black hair framing her pale face, even as the blonde elf parted her lips to deliver her news.

"A boy at the age of fifteen, having healing magic, along with an elf girl of fourteen, capable of using Shock, are together swallowed up by a nearby Dungeon. For three months, they fight for their lives every waking hour of the day, and eventually conquer the Dungeon. However, the final fight leaves them both dying, and the boy has to make a decision. Either save himself, or save her. Choosing to use all he had, he sacrificed his own life, in order to give her life. The girl's name? Elizatay Mariona."

Queen Eliza took a long deep breath, slumping in her seat. "Sylvia, I love you to death, but why for heaven's sake are you recounting my own childhood traumas to me?"

"Because the story I just recounted was the exact tale I heard from one of my clients. A human healer who was sharing with his Oni girlfriend about what he claims happened when he was fifteen."

Queen Eliza blanched, briefly at a complete loss for words.

"Sylvia..." she finally managed, struggling to breathe. "His...his name. Please tell me you have his name."

The tall blonde nodded. "He's registered with the Remnant guild as Allister Rosengard." She paused. "Is that the name of the boy who saved you? I've never heard you utter it, not in the ninety years I've known you. I know you didn't want to draw upon him the wrong kind of attention, since there are many who might use him to extort the throne, and by extension the kingdom, but I would have told you sooner had I known."

The Queen didn't respond.

It was as if the world around her instantly lost all color. Suddenly, the Queen's purple eyes were vacant.

Sylvia continued. "He said when he woke up, six years ago, the girl was gone."

"Six...six years ago?" Queen Eliza repeated, realization crossing her expression. "A hundred. Exactly one hundred years."

"My queen, and good friend. What would you have me do?"

The woman focused up at her slowly, disbelief and indecisiveness plaguing her for the first time in decades. "I...I don't know."

"Shall I have him sent for?"

The Queen leaned back in her well-furnished chair, her ability to focus completely lost as she stared absentmindedly at the ornate ceiling. "Sylvia, what matters must you attend to today?"

"Nothing of greater importance," she replied firmly.

The Queen took a shallow breath. "Then please stay with me for a time. You've just broken me with this news."

"I deeply apologize, my Queen."

"Sylvia," she replied quietly. "I need my friend right now. Not a subject."

The blonde elf stepped further into the room and closed the door. "As you wish, my dear Eliza. I am so very sorry to bring this to you, but I knew there is scarcely anything more important to you than possible news of your betrothed."

"Not just betrothed," Queen Eliza corrected her, staring vacantly at the wall. "He' Soulmate."

* * *

I sat in Eliza's extremely fancy study under the pretense that I had to research some information on the monster we were to slay, using the opportunity to have a longer moment to ourselves as we discussed both the serious situation, as well as us.

To be fair, while I did know a little about these monsters, it was sincerely true that I did need some instruction on how best to defeat one.

Currently, Queen Eliza was sitting in her ornate chair behind her large wooden desk, still wearing her silver tiara and dressed in her fancy silk ballgown, which I now knew she'd specifically worn in anticipation of meeting me.

She was also still barefoot.

I should have known that exposing her feet held significance, since an elf usually only went without footwear within their own home. Which meant, normally, they also only exposed them to family. In Eliza's case, while the castle was her home, she would never expose her feet in the audience chamber.

However, knowing she was to meet with me, she exposed her feet.

A symbol that she was home, so long as I was there.

The moment I entered a room, no matter where that room was, she was home because of me.

And it wasn't just a gesture.

It was a very sincere feeling that arose from us not having a safe home while we suffered together in hell. Thus, back in the Dungeon, we'd decided that we were home, so long as we were together.

Of course, all that made sense now that I understood who she was. But at the time, I just found it a bit strange and nothing more. Especially since I had not grown up with elf customs.

But otherwise, she was dressed appropriately.

Similarly, I was fully clothed and sitting across from her in a chair so comfortable that it should have been a crime. There was a large tome sitting on the table between us, which I was supposed to be browsing, but I couldn't take my eyes off her gorgeous face. Her skin was so flawless and pure.

And it was...also difficult...

To remember the face of my beloved, and see how she'd grown into a mature woman. She was still as beautiful as ever, and honestly looked like she could still pass as someone in their late twenties, maybe early thirties, but she'd experienced so much without me.

Then again, I suppose I'd be dead right now if we'd never been separated. Or at least, I might be dead, depending on how the Skill 'Soulmate' really worked. After all, there was a reason why she'd been initially excited by it.

The prospect of keeping me her entire life.

The prospect of sharing a single life.

But now that I was sitting before her, I couldn't help but stare.

However, that wasn't to say we weren't taking this situation seriously.

She'd made it very clear, the moment we were alone again, that she couldn't neglect her duty to her people simply because I'd finally returned to her...while also making it crystal clear that I was still a priority and always would be.

Something that might lead her to being forced to make some difficult decisions down the road, if we were not careful.

Not to mention, we were also well aware that we only had a few hours before we'd be leaving the city. However, she already had a basic plan laid out, which we'd been forced to reassess now that there were at least two of these creatures, possibly more, while also only being one healer who could actually help in the event someone got attacked.

At the very least, we would need two teams, an assault team with me on it, so that we might actually go after the kill, while the other defense group would locate the second creature, and keep an eye on it while waiting for us to regroup with them.

Of course, a lone scout could do that, but the purpose of having a team involved was so that, if the worst case happened and the monster needed to be defeated on the spot, then they'd have the capacity to do so.

Their decision to attack might mean someone dying, which was why we were hoping to avoid that outcome, but it was better than the problem rapidly escalating into an apocalyptic threat that would sweep across the whole continent. Thus, the second team would be just as capable as the first, only waiting on the unique healer for the full assault.

Unsurprisingly, Eliza already had a good idea of who might be a good fit for the second team, including an elf Healer who had the Druid Focus, as well as two Fire Specialists and a typical Magician that could do a little of each element. There would then also be a Beast Master scout, who could communicate with Astaer through their animals, allowing the two groups to coordinate, even from a distance.

And then there was our team.

Me, Eliza, Astaer, and then we needed a few more people. Preferably those who could attack from a distance.

Currently, the Queen was focused on a few documents of parchment as we discussed the situation. She'd also taken a moment to answer my question about what the General had meant by him 'following her orders' in regard to me, to which she explained that, upon learning about me, the first action she took once she'd recovered from the shock was to give me Legal Immunity and freedom to do as I pleased within her kingdom.

Essentially, elevating me to the legal status of an ambassador, with the kingdom's laws no longer holding me accountable. Although, it was a decision only he would know about for the time being, which meant I could theoretically still get into trouble with a regular guard, but ultimately no punishments would be enforced.

She'd also instructed him to allow me to do as I please, and to never force me to do anything against my will.

Meaning, I could have refused when he demanded I come with him, and he would have respected that refusal. Although, I was certainly glad I hadn't even considered that an option.

But now, we were again focused on the task at hand.

"The most important thing to know about Flesh Collectors," Eliza was saying. "Is that Fighters and regular Rangers are usually a bad choice for this type of enemy. The demon is too fast and too lethal, and I would not risk it, even with your healing magic."

I nodded, realizing I needed to tell her a little about this new ability.

"Oh, so about the spell I learned? It actually costs 150 essence to use, and I only have a maximum of 230 essence. Which means, without Essence Crystals, I would only be able to use it once a day."

She focused on me, her amethyst eyes wide. "That's good to know. However, with what I saw with my own eyes, I am not too surprised by such a steep cost. You truly performed a miracle. The entire capital saw your light. It's been reported that rumors are already spreading that it was a god, though they will soon learn it was you, a powerful human healer."

"It is called Divine Restoration," I commented, figuring she'd grasp the implications.

"Really now?" she said curiously.

"Yeah. I think I finally got it when I sort of turned a prayer into a spell."

She frowned at that, focusing back on her documents. "I see."

"Do you think that's crazy?" I wondered.

She just barely shook her head. "No, not at all, my love."

I switched the subject back to the monster. "So what else should I know?"

"Well, as I suggested, ranged attacks with essence are best. And, as I'm sure you've surmised from my choices for the other team, fire magic is the most potent against these creatures. Their exterior is hard as steel, but fire magic can boil their insides."

"What about your electric magic?" I wondered.

"I have a spell that can help trap them, though I've never actually used it on such a creature, so I have no way of knowing if it will truly work. Honestly, while I might be able to take one of these down by sheer force, I would not personally have sent an Electric Specialist on this mission."

"So then?" I said hesitantly, referencing the fact that she was insistent on coming.

Her amethyst eyes were hard. "I will not lose you again," she said firmly. "And as I've mentioned, I will elevate you to a status you deserve. Already, I have made it very clear that you are the leader of the team I have joined. This places me underneath your command, if only temporarily."

I nodded, already understanding what she'd done, and what she intended to do, but also uncertain of what our future was really going to look like.

I decided to ask, but it was hard to get out, especially since I knew that her duty to her people would almost always come first.

"So...can we even be together at this point?" I asked quietly.

Her response was immediate and firm. "Yes."

"But you don't want others to know yet?" I pointed out.

She sighed heavily. "They would not believe that I met you over a hundred years ago. Nor would they understand what we went through together. All they would see is the Queen showing a childish interest in a young human. They would not understand, and there would be problems if my people did not accept and respect you."

I frowned. "But somehow, we can be together? Just not now."

"Not publicly," she corrected. "But we can still be together, even now, in private. I've thought long and hard about this situation. I do have a plan."

"And what if that plan fails?" I asked seriously, knowing that becoming her private healer probably wasn't a part of her plan, since it wouldn't increase the frequency I could see her when she basically never needed a healer, nor would it even make sense when typical healers were more than adequate in most situations.

She paused as she considered that. "There is another option. Something we could do sooner and is safer, but we would be eliminating the possibility of going with my first plan."

That piqued my curiosity. "Oh. What's that plan?"

She focused intently on me and held my gaze for a long few seconds, seeming hesitant to speak. However, when she did reply, she seemed completely at ease at discussing the subject.

"I could adopt you."

My eyes widened in sincere surprise. "W-What?" I said in disbelief. "H-How would that work?"

She nodded, seeming ready to explain. "You are young enough compared to me that few would find it unacceptable. Not that their opinion would matter anyway, but I could easily craft a story that would explain my reasoning. Of course, it would be important that you play the part of my hin, which would mean calling me 'Atara' as a show of respect at all times, even when alone, so that you did not slip in public. You could never again call me 'love,' or anything similar, even in private. The risk of someone overhearing, or either of us slipping in our speech around others, would be too great." She paused. "And of course, it would be important for you to not show inappropriate affection around others. However, no one would question you speaking or acting more informal with me, and you could live with me in the castle immediately. It would allow us to be together fully in private, from now until the end of our lives." She paused again. "But then, that would become our reality. You would never be able to become my husband, not even after many years, even if you were secretly my partner."

I almost couldn't believe she was serious, but I could see in her amethyst eyes that she'd really considered this as an option.

"O-Oh," I finally managed, my face feeling a little hot. "And I'm guessing you don't really fancy that plan," I assumed.

She shook her head. "No, that is actually the safest way for us to be together. For, when you become my husband, you may also become a possible target for assassination."

"Shit," I hissed.

She shrugged. "As is the nature of being royalty. And if you had been a normal healer, then I might have been required to force that second option on you, since elevating your status to a position you are worthy of would not be possible. Not if you aren't strong enough to be worthy, since no one would accept it. Thus, bringing you into my household as my hin would have been our only option." She paused. "And to be clear, your strength means nothing to me personally. I would want you, even if you were an average healer. But that would have left our options limited. Unfortunately, as Queen, I cannot simply marry without being mindful of how it affects the perception of the kingdom. And there are many who would normally have issue with you not being an elf."

I cleared my throat, my face feeling flushed, another aspect popping into my head. "But, umm, if you really did have to do that for us to be together, then what about the risk of you getting pregnant?" I asked hesitantly.

She shrugged. "I am past childbearing age."

My eyes widened. "Oh. So then, that could actually work."

She focused intently on me. "Yes, it could work. And it is an option I am comfortable with."

I nodded slowly. "And does pursuing your first plan, to actually make me your husband, interfere with that plan? Like, do we have to fully settle on one option right now?"

She sighed. "We do have some time to decide, but not much. Because unfortunately, what you say is true. If we choose to become husband and wife, then our path will be different in the coming months. As will the risks. If people find out about us prematurely, it will cause issues. Right now, it would be strange for me to allow you to live in my castle, and it would similarly be suggestive for me to entertain your company too frequently."

Of course, I fully understood what she was implying now.

This was truly a second option.

If she chose to take that route, instead of making me her husband, then we could be together immediately, and it would be safer for me. But if I wished to publicly become her partner, then our time together would be significantly limited in the upcoming months, and possibly years, until the time was right to announce her intentions.

And of course, becoming her husband would also come with more risks to my own life. Especially if it happened too soon, but even if it happened at the right time, since I wasn't an elf and I was sure there were those who would always oppose.

I continued. "So, what happens if we go with your first plan, and they do find out prematurely?"

She sighed heavily. "We should avoid it. Undoubtedly it would cause problems if they are not ready to accept you, and it would thus increase the likelihood that your life would be threatened. Which is why, before the time is right, I fully intend to elevate you to a status you are worthy of, and only upon your acceptance as a hero, will I then make known that the Queen has chosen her partner."

I unexpectedly grimaced at that, her comment reminding me of a little issue this new development had caused.

I tried to speak. "Umm, Eliza...there's something I need to tell you."

"That you have a girlfriend?" she said bluntly.

I looked at her in surprise. "You already know?"