Combat Healer Ch. 14

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Monster Girl Harem - sexy Oni, busty Cowgirl, Elf Sisters!
6.4k words

Part 14 of the 15 part series

Updated 02/25/2024
Created 09/11/2022
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Combat Healer Ch. 14 -- Monster Girl Harem - sexy Oni, busty Cowgirl, Elf Sisters!

Submitted: February 15, 2024 to Literotica (Copyright 2021 Kaizer Wolf)

Tags: harem, male lead, LitRPG, monster girls, mystery, femdom, group sex, threesome, big tits, dark fantasy, nonhuman, oni, elf, minotaur, holstaur, cowgirl, magic


This fantasy story is a 'LitRPG' (also called GameLit), which is a genre that involves some stats, much like a videogame. The overall concept of stats is introduced right away, but you can certainly enjoy the story even if you're not overall familiar with the genre, simply because most of the focus is on the story itself.

Like all my stories, there will be lots of hot sex once the main characters have had time to develop their relationships.

Hope you enjoy.


- CHAPTER 14: Sneaking -

Present Day

A mysterious woman with lavender skin, rich purple hair, and pink eyes, sat mounted on her steed as she stared into the night sky, waiting just southwest of the capital as she considered the direction she might take.

The Songstress had spent much of the evening performing at the top guild in the kingdom, and had planned on making her rounds among the other guilds as well, but things had taken quite the unexpected turn during the day, and now she debated leaving entirely.

But which direction?

Glancing to the north, she considered the direction of the threat that had prompted the emergency, doubting that her assistance would be needed when the Queen herself was participating in the assault. But still, curiosity plagued her mind, and she turned again to focus toward the west.

In the distance, she could see the dip between the western mountains, knowing it marked the Atacama Pass on the horizon, just beyond the Atacama Valley, while also being well familiar with the great desert that lie just beyond.

After all, she'd once lived across that desert, prior to finding her way here.

But now, she was left indecisive.

If only for a moment.

"I wonder," she said quietly to herself, her voice drifting on the warm summer breeze.

Should she go back to the capital, or satiate her curiosity?

She was indecisive, if only for a moment.

Without prompt, her steed began moving, sensing that a decision had, in fact, been made.

"I wonder," she repeated even quieter, barely a whisper upon her breath.

Her steed neighed in response, picking up the pace.

"Yes," she agreed softly, as if in reply to the beast. "Let us find out."

* * *

After Queen Eliza shared the story of how she and I came to know each other, revealing that the tale I'd told Mel was actually the exact same experience the Queen had shared as a young girl, they then briefly discussed how our relationships might progress, Eliza admitting that she just wanted me to be happy.

Her only request?

That the other women in my life not cause me heartache or grief, even making the offer to Astaer and Celestine, so long as they were willing to accept that request.

But when they both fell silent, pondering that prospect, Mel finally spoke up about the situation that had befallen us over a hundred years ago.

"This is just so crazy," my Oni girlfriend commented. "I just don't understand how this is possible."

"Me either," Eliza agreed. "But I can assure you every word of it is the truth. Allister Rosengard is the young man I went through hell with, a hundred and six years ago, and he is the young man who I sacrificed so much to find." She paused. "Now that I've found him, I will do everything to ensure he is safe and content, but to do so, it is absolutely essential that our relationship remain a secret. For now is not the time to announce to the kingdom that the Queen would have a young human, young enough to be my son, as a partner."

Astaer looked over her shoulder again. "We understand, and as we promised, we shall not say a word of this to anyone."

"Thank you, Astaer," Eliza said sincerely. "For there may be some who would want to bring harm to my beloved, if such news became known prematurely."

"We'll defend him with our lives," Celestine blurted out.

Eliza gave her a small smile. "As will I," she agreed simply, causing everyone else to fall silent.

I felt like I should probably speak up, since this entire conversation had to do with me, but didn't exactly know what to say. Thus, instead I decided to change the subject slightly, directing my words to the elf sisters.

"So," I began, clearing my throat. "Just wondering, but what was up with that horse earlier?"

Without hesitation, both of them immediately burst out laughing, prompting everyone else to look confused.

"Wait, what transpired?" Eliza wondered in confusion, her and Sylvia exchanging a glance.

Celestine finally tried to respond. "He wanted to talk to me!" she giggled.

"How come?" I prompted when she didn't continue.

"He fancied me!" she roared, laughing so hard that she was leaning into Mel now, giggling hysterically. "Wanted to be mine! Poor thing was so angry when I turned him down!"

"Yeah," Astaer agreed in amusement. "And he didn't appreciate our laughing."

"Does that happen often?" Mel asked in bewilderment.

Both sisters sighed heavily, with Astaer glancing back to respond. "Not often, no. But sometimes? Yes. Being a Beast Master doesn't just affect how we interact with them, it also affects how they interact with us."

"Especially bigger creatures," Celestine added. "Like bears and such. Sometimes they take interest, and follow us around like a lost puppy. It can be hard to make them go away."

My eyes widened slightly, wondering if that included Gryphons too...

After all, the sisters were known for being the reason why the large furry winged creature stayed around. However, I decided it would be in bad taste to ask, since I didn't want to imply anything weird.

But it kind of made sense that they had some sort of charm that worked specifically on animals. Or maybe just an overall charm that worked on both people and animals.

Otherwise, how did they get most of them to do what they wanted?

However, upon thinking about it, I realized I was a little concerned about the well-being of the beast.

"Speaking of bigger animals," I commented, wanting to ask about the subject more generally. "Is your Gryphon alright? I would assume he's all healed now, but I haven't seen him since earlier."

Astaer focused back at me. "He's okay. I spoke with him briefly when I returned, to attend to my sister, and he said he would fly north to keep an eye on things."

"He won't try attacking the monster, will he?" I asked seriously.

She shook her head. "No, he's very intelligent. He knows it would be suicide. But when we arrive at our destination, he should have a report for me."

Eliza spoke up. "Well, that's good to know. I'm glad, both that he's sensible and that he might be able to help us locate our target more quickly."

"Very sensible," Celestine agreed warmly, almost affectionately. She then cleared her throat. "Umm, speaking of, I need to remember to thank him for helping to save me. I feel horrible that he almost died too." She focused on me. "And thank you, again. We'd both be dead, if not for you."

"You're welcome," I said sincerely, kind of wondering what she would do to thank the Gryphon, or if she meant that as just saying 'thank you,' but deciding not to ask for clarification. "I'm really glad it worked out."

Queen Eliza cleared her throat, causing everyone to look over at her. "Allister, my love, I do need to speak to you about something regarding this subject."

"What's that?" I wondered seriously, leaning my head forward to see past the blonde elf.

"This new spell you've learned, my love. You need to save it for yourself."

Everyone looked shocked.

"What?" I said in alarm. "You're not serious, are you?"

"I am very serious, my love," she continued. "The venom of the Arakna'cabra acts slow enough that someone bitten should have a few hours to be saved. But if you get bitten, and can't heal yourself, then all is lost." She paused to let that sink in. "My love, you are the only known person to be capable of healing anyone attacked by this demon. So I implore of you, even if it is I who is bitten, you must save your spell until after the Flesh Collector is defeated."

"Wait," Astaer chimed in, seeming confused as she looked back. "Are you planning on bringing him into the actual fight?" she asked seriously.

"I am," Eliza replied decisively. "For he cannot lead us, if he does not partake. And I am very well aware that he is capable in the heat of battle."

Of course, I understood why she wanted me involved, and it wasn't simply to put me in danger to elevate my status.

But they didn't know why.

Only my beloved knew.

Celestine chimed in. "But he can't fight!" she exclaimed. "And he can't heal us with his normal spells! Wouldn't he be useless during the attack? Isn't that too great of a risk?"

"My love?" Eliza said simply, causing everyone to focus on me.

I sighed. "I can't fight, that is true. But I can support my team in other ways."

Mel spoke up. "You mean with..." Her voice trailed off, her gold eyes suddenly wide, as if she was afraid that she was sharing something she shouldn't.

But among these six women, pretty much all my secrets had been laid bare, and there was no reason to hide anything from them.

"Yes," I replied to Mel, only to focus on Celestine. "I have a spell called Stun, and it does just that. For a few seconds, I can immobilize an enemy, though I usually have to be close to it and I can only use it on the same creature every ten seconds at most. But I also have a skill called Foresight. It sometimes allows me to anticipate a monster's attacks and movements. The two, together, can dramatically shift the course of a battle."

"That's amazing," Celestine whispered. "I've never known a healer to be able to do that."

Eliza nodded. "It's a big part of what saved our lives when we were trapped in that Dungeon, all those years ago. Without my love's Stun spell, we surely would have perished."

"We still almost died every day," I elaborated. "But yeah, it's a big part of why we survived. That, and the fact that an untrained girl could use Shock like a professional Scourge Suppressor."

Eliza laughed at that, only to quickly grow serious. "However, to be clear, I do not intend to put him in harm's way," she added. "It is absolutely vital that we focus on ranged attacks. Nevertheless, if the demon comes too close, it will be Allie who saves us all from death."

Damn, the look that they were all giving me, with even Sylvia glancing at me intensely from the corner of her icy blue eye, since this was all truly news to her. And she clearly appreciated the value of my utility, which likely elevated me in her eyes as more than just Eliza's beloved.

Crazy how I couldn't actually fight on my own, but because the support I could provide was so useful, they all looked upon me with the adoration of a true hero. One who guaranteed the win for their team, despite the fact that I was nothing on my own.

Needless to say, I felt a tension begin to rise within the small space, a sort of tender tone to everyone's words, even when they began discussing other subjects, just getting to know each other better. But it was as if they were all feeling a little passionate, a communal longing seeming to grow, almost as if a silent agreement had been made without a word spoken of it.

An agreement that I was about to begin understanding, shortly after reaching the first outpost village.

As the skies grew dark, and the bright moon began to rise, the women surrounding me continued to converse throughout the late evening, seeming to enjoy their shifting conversation and stories, with Celestine and Astaer offering the most interesting of tales as they recounted some of the amusing experiences they'd shared.

They also spoke more of how they first met the Gryphon, claiming that they'd found him injured in a mountainous region during the winter, with the three choosing to stay together for warmth and company while the majestic beast recovered.

Of course, afterward, the creature could have attempted to find his way home, but he'd grown very fond of the sisters, as occasionally happened due to their Beast Master Focus, and thus chose to remain by their side indefinitely.

That occurred when the sisters were nineteen and eighteen, happening just shy of thirty years ago.

It was a little strange to learn that Astaer and Celestine were forty-eight and forty-seven, respectively, but I knew that elves aged much slower and they were very much still equivalent to human women in their twenties. Basically my age, in terms of appearance and overall mindset.

At the very least, they certainly looked that young, especially Celestine with her rounder face, but it was interesting to realize they truly had the experience of mature women.

Also somewhat curious, once I got the chance to divine their information, was the fact that they not only had the same Focus of Beast Master, but also had the exact same stats and skills. Which meant, even while they were fairly different in terms of personality, they were equals in terms of capabilities.


Astaer Rootkin



Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Age: 48

Class: Ranger

Focus: Beast Master



Strength: 15 (Lv. 8)

Dexterity: 20 (Lv. 9)

Fortitude: 14 (Lv. 7)

Wisdom: 18 (Lv. 9)

Intelligence: 15 (Lv. 7)

Charisma: 21 (Lv. 9)


Total: 103

Rank: S Tier


Level: 49/50



Skills: Nocturnal Vision, Chronosense, Essence Extraction, Charming Vixen, Stealth, Sharp Eye, Ranged Weapon Proficiency, Scout Proficiency, Tracking Proficiency, Beast Linguist

Spells: Essence Infusion


Of course, in terms of battle prowess, a Ranger being S Tier was usually not the same as a Fighter or Mage being S Tier, or even A Tier for that matter, largely because Rangers frequently had limitations that held them back from being useful in clearing out a Dungeon. It was one of the reasons why the elf who constantly harassed me, Krylish, wasn't in a top team and probably never would be.

Because, for one, weapons and objects without the Essence Infused Property wouldn't do anything at all to a Scourge Beast, and that included arrows. On the positive side, Rangers like Krylish who were useful typically had the Essence Infusion spell, which both allowed them to imbue their own arrows with the necessary Property, as well as to do the same to other weapons.

However, even those with that spell were still limited by a finite supply of arrows, since they usually didn't have other spells.

A supply that would undoubtedly run out in a Dungeon, even when salvaging most of them for reuse, since they'd all eventually break or be lost, leaving Rangers to eventually rely on their sword skills, which always paled in comparison to those in the Fighter Class.

In Astaer and Celestine's cases, they both had the Essence Infusion spell, and they were also both capable of communicating over long distances through their Beast Master skill to speak to animals. However, in an actual fight, they had the same limitations as most other Rangers.

Which was what made Val so special.

She had all the ranged abilities of an Archer without the limitations of a finite supply of physical projectiles.

By the time we had reached the first outpost village, it was already pretty late, with their being fewer people out than I was expecting, given the situation. Then again, this first village was far enough away from the threat that it probably didn't cause much anxiety, especially when they knew a team was already being sent to take care of it.

As far as they were concerned, the threat would be dealt with long before it ever became a major issue.

Granted, the Elf Guard was certainly awake and attentive, ready to provide fresh horses and verify if we needed anything else.

Queen Eliza assumed that there might be a new report from one of her scouts, and sure enough she'd been correct. Thus, after getting out of the wagon, she requested that Mel and Val accompany her, only for the three of them to follow a guard into a building where they'd speak. In the meantime, Astaer and Celestine got out and handled switching out the horses, commenting to the guard that they wanted to speak with the animals first prior to taking them along.

Of course, I would have probably gotten up and gone with Eliza unprompted, but when I first shifted my weight, Sylvia hardcore pressed into my shoulder and pinned me against the wooden side, a silent but very effective demand that I stay put.

Outwardly, it just appeared as if she was using me to support herself, but I knew that wasn't the case. Her blue silk cloak was draped over the majority of her body on her other side, but I could see all of her leather outfit from this angle, her pale soft cleavage looking especially plump due to the position of her arms as she pressed into me.

Being that she was a couple of inches taller, our heads were about even due to her posture, her face closer to mine than I was accustomed to.

I had no idea what her deal was, figuring she just wanted to ensure I stay put, but her physical presence was having an effect on me.

I was hard as a rock, throbbing between my thighs, trying to keep my breathing even.

But then, once the guards had been excused while Astaer and Celestine spoke with the horses, Sylvia made her move.

She carefully shifted her weight to her knees, pulling up on the white leather in the process, only to plant her soft lips on mine the moment she had my attention.

My eyes widened in alarm as she immediately deepened the kiss with her tongue, tasting of mint leaves, even as one hand finally found mine and moved it to her side.

She then broke the kiss, her voice quiet. "Do as I say, for we haven't much time. Reach underneath my clothing and place your fingers within me."

Completely shocked, my hand tensed against the soft leather on her side, as I moved my fingers along her body to her ass, only to stop there.

"Now," she pressed more firmly, her icy blue eyes narrowing.

Shit, I really didn't understand her at all.

How could her opinion of me change so abruptly just in the last half day?

I mean, I at least understood her reasoning, that she 'wanted' to do anything to please her Queen, and was cold toward others in part due to her commitment to Eliza, with the fact that the Queen was happy for us to have sex potentially causing her to be interested in it.

And then, there was the fact that we'd already been somewhat intimate earlier.