Comeuppance Pt. 05-06

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The truth emerges, but shit still happens.
29k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/13/2023
Created 05/26/2023
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Well, the Lord seemed willing but shit creek did rise. This time I'm the nurse rather than the patient, which is a mixed blessing for her. She says she's mending, and that's all I'm allowed to say about that.

This is the two-chapter finale, but I know the ending will drive some of you mad (FTDS!) Still, there is no happy ending to this story, and never could be, in my mind. So maybe you should free your mind to find an ending you like better.

PS: After hearing from my beta reader, I'll develop an epilogue from my outline/ notes to tie it up in a bow. Don't expect that until next week, unless her recovery accelerates, and understand you may not be happy with that ending either.

No sex, therefore no one under 18 having sex, and the mistakes are all mine. If you haven't read 1-4, you'll be bored and lost. Even if you have, you may be bored, but I always delay violent gratification to show character growth / changes, so know it's coming.

Comeuppance - Chapters 5 & 6

Although the citizens of Cowtown had become more blasé about visitors, what with the assassinations, the attack on the ranch, and all that followed, the local lawmen knew this bunch of hardbodies would draw excessive interest and comment unless they headed it off. You simply don't find a group of men this fit and tough looking wandering the streets of a small town, so they ended the planning session by concocting an introduction to the community.

Army Rangers often slept in far worse lodging than was offered in the house and barndo(menium), even if a few slept on couches and air mattresses, and they were up, en masse, at 5:30. The smell of coffee wafting about the house woke the others, except Janice. Carl drifted over at 6:00 to join the coffee drinking, and he turned the conversation toward protection of April while she's still on the base.

"You guys say you have people in place, but that place is ginormous, and April spends a lot of time moving between her room and the various therapy sites. With their resources, I don't doubt their enemies will find a way get past the MPs at the gate, so how do you intend to protect her?"

"In addition to the Delta Cross men you met who stayed on base, there's Tiny, the orderly who brought Jack into your room, and who now pushes April's wheelchair. Captain Allen and Lt. Simmons oversee her services, and I'm sure you noticed that an unusual number of the techs and nurses in her wing look like combat soldiers. The effort to protect April goes well beyond Delta Cross, and includes both the base Commander and the Provost Marshall.

"Although I'm not privy to the extent, the courage of 'Captain Marvel' and 'Wonder Woman' has drawn the respect of higher authority, and there is little chance either will be harmed while on the base. It's when they are off the base that their lives are endangered."

"Carl Clayton Armstrong! Did you not promise to wake me as soon as the coffee was brewed? And, Captain Cross, did I not ask the same question last night, when you deferred the answer? Do you clowns somehow believe 'Wonder Woman' is too delicate to know, or too stupid to understand, the security measures in place? I'm not a Ranger, but, by God, I've proven I'm neither stupid nor delicate!"

Being confronted over morning coffee by a 5'10" goddess dressed in work boots, worn jeans, and a denim work shirt momentarily flustered the captain, to the amusement of his troops and the Armstrong boys. He rebounded with an apology and explanation that he fully intended to brief her after she joined them.

Jack saved him from further embarrassment from his sister, who was about to light into him again. "Uh, Wonder Woman, didn't you just hear the entire report the captain gave to Carl?"

"That's not the point! Just because I'm the only female here doesn't mean I should be kept in the dark and fed manure! If I hadn't woken on my own and overheard, I'd still be a mushroom!"

"No mam! I assure you that I fully intended to provide a full and complete answer to the questions you posed last night. For the men, this was probably all the information they want, but I'm sure you will require more detail, which I'll be glad to provide."

She poured her coffee, added sugar, turned to face the group of men, and, with an arched eyebrow focused her gaze directly on Captain Cross. "I'll hold you to that, Captain. We can meet later today, after the plans for the morning and lunch are executed, as you might say.

"So, what's next?"

Next for everyone except the Rangers was to gather in front of the wide screen TV in the secure basement to watch the UAV at work. Chuy was piloting the drone, showing Danny how to use the controls, and also talking the others through analyzing terrain and cover from an aerial view. "You're used to ground level perspectives, or maybe a raised perspective, like from a hunting stand. Doesn't work with aerial perspectives, so pay attention; you may be responsible for making decisions based on aerial video or photos that put lives at risk."

Danny was a quick learner, but the other three LEOs and the Armstrongs were struggling to discern potential hiding places provided by shallow depressions, shadows, and vegetation cover. Within an hour Danny was at the controls and Chuy was giving him maneuvers to carry out in order to improve his skills and those of the struggling 'analysts'.

No one had mentioned the Rangers since this exercise began, but a discrepant shape along the edge of a shadow brought a cry of "Wait!" from Carl, and a chuckle from Chuy.

"Circle back! I swear I saw a boot in the shade of that big Huisache bush!"

Danny brought it back around, but they saw nothing unusual. After a moment, Danny started to return the UAV to its former northeast to southwest path, but Chuy stopped him. "Move on, drop it down to 20 feet, and then bank back around and fly across the area on an east to west axis."

Danny executed the order, and as the drone passed slowly over the Huisache they could make out the form of a man wrapped around the base of the bush, under its brushy branches. "Well, damn! How many of them have we missed already?" Rene asked.

"There's a bunch out there, reconnoitering from the house to the river, so you've missed however many are involved! Don't feel too bad, though - they're expert at avoiding surveillance. I've only seen three, but I'm sure there are more."

Danny brought the drone back up above the treetops and began another search of the river pasture, but this time without a predictable NE to SW pattern. They only saw one more in twenty minutes of searching, until Chuy had Danny dive the UAV down to brush top, climb back to fifty feet, and waggle the wings. At that signal, six men stepped into view near their hiding places, waving their arms.

"What the fuck?" Elias exclaimed. "These fuckers are chameleons - I didn't see a thing, and then I saw six men appear!"

An amused Chuy instructed Danny to buzz one of them, then bring the drone back to the headquarters and land it. He did, although the landing left quite a bit to be desired.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone gathered in the living area, where the Rangers poked fun at their blind and clueless compatriots, until Rene told them, "Just STFU and go change into street clothes so can go eat and introduce you pendejos to the town folk. This was our first try, and we did finally spot two of you!"

The Rangers guffawed; Wash patted him on the shoulder, and warned, "That boot you finally saw was my fifth attempt to draw your attention! I think everyone else tried at least that many times, so don't get cocky just yet!"

"Oh, don't worry; I'm very humble!" Jack promised. "I can spot a coyote's ears wiggle at 200 yards from a pickup window, but I didn't even see one of you! Carl is the one who finally spotted the boot you were holding out in the open, or Danny might have been flying that thing until it ran out of fuel."

Abraham Cross intervened with kind words, of sorts. "You were bad, but not the worst we've seen. I'm sure you would spot city boys like they sent last time, so it's mercenaries we're going to prepare you for, whether the next battle is here or in a city. Now, Delta Company, let's get changed into civilian clothes and go blend in."


They loaded in the Cow County Law Enforcement van and Jack's pickup, and headed to Trine's Café on the banks above the murky river. Janice was still driving and Jack was still riding shotgun, although he was healing and feeling better each day. He was still sore and lacked flexibility, but he was better.

The noon rush was still underway, but a group of tables was reserved for the sheriff and they were immediately seated. Their drink orders had been placed and menus perused when an older, distinguished looking man wearing a suit approached the sheriff. He acknowledged the Armstrongs, Danny, and Elias, before addressing Rene. "Good afternoon, Sheriff Rodriguez. It looks like you've got plenty of protection today. Is something going on?"

The sheriff stood and replied, in a voice heard across the room, "Good afternoon, Mr. Williams. I guess the answer to your question is no and yes. These fine gentlemen are on loan to us in a consulting capacity. As you know, after the two recent dustups in the county and with rising concerns about drug and human trafficking through here, Homeland Security and the Department of Defense saw fit to grant us a number of surplus military vehicles, aircraft, and armaments.

"We contracted with these gentlemen, led by Captain Abraham Cross, who is sitting there at the far end of the table. They are patiently teaching us how to operate, use, and maintain the equipment, and Jack Armstrong is graciously letting us use his ranch for the training."

"Gentlemen, it's a pleasure to have you in our little community, and if I can be of any assistance, just stop by Cowtown State Bank on Main Street. I think I speak for the community when I say we appreciate the way Sheriff Rodriguez took stock of our needs and pursued solutions. As a Gulf War Vet, I never expected to see this kind of weaponry outside a battle zone, but I guess that's what the world has come to today, and I appreciate your assistance to our lawmen."

Turning his attention across the table, she nodded and said, "Carl, Janice, Jack, it's good to see the three of you out and about together; it's been a long time. Looks like you two guys are healing; how is April doing?"

Janice spoke up, "Carl and I were with her yesterday, Terry. She's got a ways to go, but she's got an iron constitution and, beneath that soft, pretty exterior, she's hard as nails. It will take a while, but I'm sure she'll be walking around town sooner than expected.

"Where is Carrie now? Last time I heard, she was in Colorado."

"She's still in Denver, Ken is still in Silicon Valley, Bobby is in New York City now, and Clara Jo and I are still without grandkids! I don't understand why you young people think you can't have babies before you're thirty-somethings!"

Although his tone was exasperated, his smile was disarming. Still, it hit Jack, Janice, Carl, and several of the Delta Cross men in the solar plexus. Why were they closing in on 30, or in the Captain's case, 35, without a family? It took everything Jack could muster to keep from sobbing: just before April left for DC, they had agreed she would go off birth control pills when she returned.

Those beautiful daughters that looked like mommy and those stalwart sons with dad's strength and character would never be. Jack's gut churned as the lava began circulating inside him, again.

When they left, Elias went home to spend time with his wife before returning to duty tonight. Danny went home to be with his pregnant wife, and to greet their two sons when they got off the school bus. Rene rode back to the ranch with the others, but stepped away when they arrived so he could call his wife of ten years and reassure her of his love.

Though they were benign, Terry Williams' questions about April and having kids had reminded everyone of the fragility of their lives, and of their plans to live their lives.


"Did you and the town banker work that out ahead of time," Lt. Dan Wilkins asked, "because that was beautiful! Both of you standing there, drawing the attention of everyone in the café, speaking loudly enough that all could hear - it looked scripted!"

"No, we didn't, but when I saw him sitting there, and saw that he had noticed how everyone was starring, I expected him to do something like he did. He's a great man, and the consummate politician. I don't mean that derisively: he has a rare ability to rally people to a cause, and the even rarer ability to discern good causes from bad.

"He saw us come in, saw the questions on the faces of the townsfolk, determined that we were eating at a popular café for a purpose, and gave me the opportunity to introduce you. Believe me, by now everyone in town knows you're here, and why: we had a rapt audience.

"He would make a great mayor, county judge, state representative, or holder of any other elected office, but he's content to be the reason our school district is so highly rated - president of the board of trustees for eleven straight years! He's a Cowtown treasure."

To a man and woman they were pleased. Lunch was excellent, but the way the sheriff and banker played the crowd meant the Delta Cross team would be accepted, and, because they were helping the sheriff protect the citizens, they would be protected, in the way small towns protect their own. 'Well played' Jack thought.

The seriousness in Alfred's voice brought them back. "Boss, Captain, we need to talk, and then we need to talk to everyone. Y'all wait here until we call for you," Alfred said, with a nod toward the larger group.

Jack and Abraham followed Alfred down the ramp to the basement, took seats in front of the three monitors as directed, and looked questioningly at Sue and Croc.

"We got into the King's servers last night, and we think we did it without getting caught. We'll brag about that when we're sure, but believe me; the pentagon has nothing on these guys!

"Anyway, it will take years to analyze and evaluate the two decades of data we downloaded last night. While we were downloading, I was watching for bad guys and Croc was writing an algorithm that searches for certain names and phrases. We hit pay dirt almost as quickly as we searched 'April Armstrong' and 'Janice Armstrong,' but it took until a few minutes of us to analyze and organize it chronologically.

"We're starting with April's arrival in Washington. A lot of 'cutting and splicing' went on, so it's jerky, but just sit and watch."

A half-hour later, Jack was trying to find the words to apologize to his sister for accusing her of recruiting and corrupting April. He still had serious concerns about some other issues - especially her failures to leave and tell him right away, and her actions after they were told he was dead. He was dead wrong about her role in April's abduction and indoctrination, though, and he had told his sister that was why he'd never forgive her.

That would require groveling, given that he flat-out refused to let either of them tell their stories, but he didn't even want to consider the conversation he needed to have with April. Based on this small segment alone, it was clear that his preconceived notions would be confirmed or refuted by the video and audio recordings Sue and Croc had stolen and were organizing, and he was now expecting them to be refuted.

Croc rudely interrupted his troubled reverie: "The 'Armstrong' search yielded information we feel the full team urgently needs to hear, because, believe me, it is going to make you rethink yesterday's planning session! Times a wasting, and if we show it to you two alone, we're wasting critical minutes."

Captain Cross walked out the door, called everyone back, and Jack helped set up folding chairs in a semicircle around the monitors. When everyone was seated, Croc gave a brief explanation of what they would be watching, and the source.

Wide eyes greeted their audacity at lifting information from protected servers and the cloud, and then the audio began to play. It was intermittently interspersed with video segments, and not always chronologically sequenced, because they were pulling from various sources, but the content was clear enough.

The message was shortly clear: they were all in a world of danger, but Janice and April were on the King's 'Most Wanted' list, with bounties exceeding $5 million if taken alive. Jack was far less consequential, worth only $100k, but since he was wanted dead, not alive, that lesser amount would still attract killers.

"Contracts" had been awarded to two well-known mercenary groups, who were already taking action to get the $5m dollar rewards on the girls. Jack, on the other hand, had an 'open contract' on his head, so who knows the number gunning for him.

The sheriff immediately got on the phone to his deputies, the state troopers and border patrolmen stationed in Cowtown, and then to the area's Texas Rangers. Captain Cross called his teams in San Antonio, redirected a team working another case in Houston, and called his contacts in Homeland and at the Pentagon. They were going to need help, and most likely would require cover and 'cleanups' before it was over.

The pilots were issued secure Sat phones, and returned to town to secure and prepare the helicopters and drones. Carl, Janice, and Jack met in the conference room to consider their respective situations and options, and April's. Jack asked Alfred to join them after an hour, and they discussed financing needs for the days and weeks ahead.

"The wells are still there waiting to be tapped, Boss, but it's getting harder to get in and out. When I go next time, I'm taking Croc to provide cover. We're going to get what we need and then burn it down, so you have to know how much you need before we go. The larger the number, the longer we'll be mining, but a few hundred millions are probably doable, especially since we're already on the bullseye whether we're caught or not."

"Let's get the Captain and Sheriff in here and see what they have to offer as to cost," Jack responded.

Captain Cross responded to the question first. "My guess is it largely depends on how much help we get from government sources. If they provide MANPADS and SAMs we won't need to buy as much, but we have to prepare for attack from the air as well as from land. The mercenary groups that got the contracts are deeply involved in Africa and Ukraine, so there's a good chance they have access to missiles and drones."

The sheriff listened, and then asked if working up the number by noon tomorrow was soon enough. He said he agreed with the captain about missiles being in play, and it would take at least until then to hear back from potential allies.

Then he grew even more agitated. "At some point in the near future, in order to gain the support we need we're going to have disclose the bounties and name the party or parties behind them. As powerful as Daniel King is, and as many powerful men as he controls, everything could fall apart as soon as we do."

Captain Cross suggested, "Let me work on that tonight, Sheriff. I have a friend who has a friend who may be able to help us resolve that problem, but, if he does get involved, we will have to tell him whatever he wants to know. He could turn on us, but it would be completely out of character if he did. Regardless, our choice is to go it alone against one of the most dangerous and ruthless organizations on earth, or ask for help and pay the price for getting it."

"Do whatever you need to do, Abraham," Jack replied, "The Armstrongs are 'dead men walking' as it is."
