Comfort Women Ch. 03


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She rallied. It's just what it was! She was Bill's comfort girl and so far the worst that she could envisage had not happened. Fuck Bill Brody! It was his idea... no it was his order that she was to be his comfort woman and if he couldn't deal with the consequences well that was his problem.

She snatched up her cigarettes and threw them in her purse, checking she had her compact, lipstick and hairbrush, and stormed out the door.

Sam needed a drink and she knew just where to get one!

Dale Snitterman was sitting alone watching the action. Buddy Flintock was dancing with Wendy while Victor looked on enviously. Buddy had his hand on Wendy's ass and was gently squeezing it and Wendy didn't seem to mind at all. She was wearing a blue and white striped dress with a smooth fitting bodice, billowing gathered, skirt, Peter Pan collar and sleeve cuffs. Her legs were encased in sheer taupe stockings and feet shod in white heels. As usual her makeup was heavy. Her lipstick was smudged because Buddy kept kissing her.

Victor turned and watched Sam enter the bar, his eyes roamed over body. They were hungry and lecherous and Sam recalled what she had been forced to do to him in the alley behind the Copperlode and shuddered. Dale watched their silent exchange as Sam glared at him, daring him to make a move knowing that Bill Brody had claimed her for himself.

Sam went to bar and poured herself a drink and drank it quickly. Then she made a round of everyone's favourites and loaded the drinks on a tray and delivered them to the tables. Victor was a little drunk and made an easily evaded pass at her trying to grab her ass.

Bill arrived not long after. He had changed his pants and there was no evidence of Sam's transgression. Bill must have known that it was her semen on the leg of his pants. She thought that it was the sight of her semen on his pants that broke the fantasy for him that he was canoodling with a real woman.

Bill sat down beside Sam at a separate table to the others and he was morose and broody. He concentrated on drinking and it wasn't until he was well in his cups that he asked Sam to dance. All evening Buddy and Victor had been taking turns dancing with Wendy and at one stage of the evening Wendy and Buddy disappeared for about fifteen minutes. On the pretext of freshening their drinks Sam had gone behind the bar and then out back to the rear entrance. She opened the door and peered into the alley.

Buddy had Wendy pressed against the wall supporting her herself with her hands on the clapboards while Buddy was behind her, between her legs buggering her. She gave little yips as Buddy thrust himself into her but they were not yips of pain they were yip of pleasure. She was encouraging him, grinding her fat ass into his crotch as he held her by the hips and drove his cock into her.

Sam silently closed the door; the picture burned into her brain and it would return later that night as she lay in bed in her satin nightgown, tenting her nylon panties with an erection.

A little while after Buddy and Wendy returned to the bar, Victor was up dancing with Wendy when he took her by the hand and led her out back. She went willingly and made no attempt to disguise what they were up to. She was a comfort woman and she was just doing her job.

Sam was able to talk to Wendy later in the evening and Wendy told her that Buddy and Victor had hardly left her alone.

"They keep fucking me every time their dicks get hard and will continue to do so until the novelty wears off then I suspect things will settle down. They will keep fucking me but not so much," Wendy said resigned to her fate.

"How are things with the boss?" Wendy gave a Sam a salacious smile and ashed her cigarette.

"After everyone left the meeting he spanked me because I was uncooperative and disruptive. He had his way with me and he came over to my house later and had his way with me again," Sam was reluctant to go into details and Wendy understood.

"I overheard Buddy and Victor complaining that you are off limits. You're younger and prettier and men always want what they can't have so be careful," Wendy said cautiously, looking sideways at the two engineers.

"What do you make of Snitterman?" Sam asked.

"He hasn't asked for anything. He seems content to watch," Wendy took a gulp of her drink.

"Maybe that's his thing? Anyway I better get back to my boys. My asshole feels like grand central station, not that I'm complaining, but I hope those boys have had their fill," Wendy smiled wickedly and got up and went back to her table with Buddy and Victor.

Bill was pleasant enough but his mind seemed elsewhere. He complimented Sam on her looks, danced with her and even kissed her a little but there was little passion. He walked her home and kissed her almost chastely on the lips and said goodnight. Sam didn't know if she was pleased that he was leaving or disappointed. The more she thought about his actions the more angry she got. Was she behaving like a girl being spurned by her boyfriend or a woman rejected by her lover? Shouldn't she be glad that Bill Brody had not insisted on coming inside. Did she secretly wish he was lying beside her?

Sam finished writing in her diary, turned out the light and pulled up the comforter.

"Fuck you Bill Brody," Sam whispered into the cold dark night and fell into a fitful sleep.

At the Monday morning parade Wendy in her role as Company clerk collected the diaries. She looked the part dressed in a smart business suit, showing a little leg and some décolletage. Being a heftier girl she could fill a c-cup nicely.

Bill glared at Sam. Although she was wearing full makeup she was wearing her usual light green surgical scrubs and white flat shoes. She glared back at him as she handed over her diary to Wendy. Bill went through his usual routine of issuing a work plan for the week and allocating collateral duties.

The town garbage dump needed attention. Although there were only six residents in Villawood their detritus was considerable and the weekly garbage haul had created a considerable sized mound over the months that they had resided in the town. A hole needed to be dug and the garbage buried for health and hygiene reasons.

"Flintock and Benning are certified on the loader and the digger, Snitterman you drive the dozer and Nurse Steele, as you are dressed appropriately, you can ensure the site is left sanitary and up to code," Bill turned to her.

"Didn't you say that comfort women are excused collateral duties?" Sam sniped back at him.

"Yes but health and safety are your forte, along with your medical acumen," Bill countered.

"It's a bullshit detail Bob!" Sam stamped his feet.

"Company dismissed. Nurse Steele, accompany me to my office," Bill growled.

Underneath her scrubs Sam was wearing pretty pink nylon panties. After Bill applied his belt to her ass, Sam's buttocks matched the pink nylon almost exactly. This time Bill made no sexual advances although Sam felt a little tingle in her penis when she pulled up her panties after the belting.

"Don't you ever backchat me again in front of the men Sam," Bill growled.

"And if you wanna wear those fucking awful pants and smock instead of dressing like a proper nurse, you can take on the shit details that come with it!" he pointed at her scrubs.

Sam stormed out of the office and slammed the door behind her, her ass stinging.

It wasn't so much the belting, Bill applied the belt carefully: just hard enough to sting and turn her pale flesh pink but not hard enough to produce real pain or to leave permanent marks. It was the indignation of bending over the desk and having Bill pull down her panties and exposing her bottom before he applied the belt. It was degrading and Bill knew it was. It was a means of controlling her.

As she strode to the Infirmary she wasn't sure if she was more pissed that Bill had paid little attention to her at the Copperlode last night or at his anger with her for arguing about the collateral duties and her audacity to wear surgical scrubs. She wished that Bill would make up his mind. Did he really want her or was he repulsed by her? Had he made a mistake when he turned Wendy and Sam into comfort women? When he was hot and horny he desired her but afterwards he was plagued by post-coital regret.

Bill drank the hot coffee that Wendy had set before him when she brought in the diaries and other paperwork. Bill was hesitant. What would the others write in their diaries about his decision to introduce the comfort women?

He was relieved but not surprised when he read Flintock and Benning's diaries. They made no mention of the comfort women. Why would they? They wouldn't want Flagg to send in enforcers to make them cease their depravity. Buddy and Victor had the most to gain sharing Wendy between them and they were certainly putting her to good use; not that she seemed to mind.

Wendy Meakins had couched the subject in a shroud of half-truths. She had written that she had taken to providing entertainment in the evening by reprising her drag show, performing at The Copperlode Bar. Wendy had further confided that Airman Sam Steele had joined her in the act and was becoming quite accomplished.

This was very inventive and Bill amended his diary accordingly to the effect that Petty Officer Meakins had asked permission to perform a drag show at the Copperlode and he had granted the request in the interests of morale.

Dale Snitterman made a comment that he enjoyed being entertained by the nightly performances put on by Wendy and Sam dressed in drag but left it at that.

Samantha Steel's diary was explosive. She complained about being forced to crossdress as a woman and about being spanked by Brody when she was disobedient or complained. She also complained about being bullied and assaulted by the others, implying that she and Wendy were being coerced into providing sexual favours although she didn't go into specific detail as to what these acts entailed.

Bill took a razor blade and carefully cut out the pages of Sam's diary containing the inflammatory allegations. In his best penmanship he mimicked Sam's neat printing and made an entry to an effect that Sam was learning to perform in drag and entertain the troops under the stewardship of Wendy Meakins and that she found the task interesting and a satisfying diversion from the boredom of routine.

He scrutinized and approved some requisitions for victuals and mechanical supplies and called Wendy into his office and handed her the paperwork and the diaries. She climbed into the jeep and deposited diaries and requisitions in the locked mailbox at the front gate. Specialist Munroe arrived a few minutes later to unlock the box and put the contents in his dispatch box. Had he been there five minutes earlier he would have been surprised to see Petty Officer Meakins dressed very convincingly as a woman.

On her way back to the town hall Wendy stopped at the workshop and as promised she gave Buddy and Victor a quick blowjob. Buddy wanted to fuck her but she wouldn't let him because she didn't want Bill becoming suspicious of her long absences. Besides, they needed to get their asses down to the town dump and start dealing with the garbage problem.

When Wendy returned to the town hall Bill commandeered the jeep and took a leisurely drive around the small town and was pleased to see that the place was being well maintained. He drove the fence line and saw no breeches. He waved at a couple of technicians working on part of the fence but kept going. Engaging with anyone outside the wire was strictly forbidden. Flagg didn't want his experiment contaminated by outside influences.

He arrived at the dump to see Dale Snitterman bulldozing the pile of garbage into a huge hole dug by Buddy Flintock and Victor Benning using the digger and the font-end loader. They were sitting on one of the big yellow machines smoking and taking delight at Sam's discomfort as she picked her way around the slowly diminishing mound of garbage ticking useless boxes on a useless form that Bill would file and forget about.

She saw Bill pull up in the jeep and go over to Buddy and Victor and bum a cigarette. His mood had changed and he appeared amicable and talkative. He joined in the laughter at Sam's discomfort and her cheeks burnt with rage.

When the garbage had been buried and a cap of topsoil placed over it, compacted by the machinery, the job was done. Buddy and Victor went back to the workshop, they had a generator to service and Dale went back to the Cobalt Café to prepare the evening meal. Everyone had been provided with lack lunches today because the dump detail was an all-day job.

Sam was walking back to the infirmary when Bill Brody pulled up beside her in his jeep.

"Hop in Sam, I'll give you a ride," he said cheerfully enough.

Sam strode on indignantly looking at the ground, ignoring him. She was fuming.

"Ok. Get in the jeep Nurse Steele before I jump out and throw your tiny ass in the passenger seat anyway," Bill said pleasantly enough.

Sam climbed into the jeep and sulked all the way to the infirmary were she hopped out of the jeep and went inside with Bill following.

"I stink and that was a pointless exercise. Any one of those guys could have filled in this paperwork," she tossed the clipboard on the desk.

The form was an Excelsior Mining Company proforma listing the date the task was undertaken, the location, the amount of garbage buried, the main composition of the fill, which in this case was just household trash, and the depth to which it was buried. All mundane information but important to a mining company who was regularly scrutinised for their dumping practices and audited accordingly. As the Excelsior Mining Company no longer had a lease on Villawood the whole exercise was moot.

"More busywork as punishment for me airing my views," Sam began to undo her smock and Bill watched her, amused by her indignity as always.

"If you had been wearing that nurse's uniform I wouldn't have made you do the job because it would have been impractical," Bill had followed Sam into the staff ablutions and pointed to a pristine white nurse's uniform hanging from one of the lockers on a coat hanger.

"I keep telling you I'm a Corpsman not a nurse!" Sam stamped her bare foot and shucked out of her scrub pants and stood before him dressed only in her panties.

"Take a shower, fix your face and put on the fucking nurse's uniform," Bill said calmly but forcefully.

"Or what Bill? You'll belt me into it!" Sam hissed.

"Your choice Sam," Bill smiled at her sweetly and she hated him for it.

Bill amused himself in the infirmary while Sam showered, put on her makeup and dressed. The crisp white nurse's uniform fitted her perfectly, belted around her slim waist, open at the collar to show her clavicles a little and the pleated skirt kissed her knees, her legs swathed in opaque white stockings and her feet shod in the white high heels Bill had obligingly brought from her house. She fitted the little cap to her hair and checked herself out in the mirror.

If she there was ever male patient in this infirmary, this was the nurse he wanted tending to his needs. Sam couldn't help but admire herself even though she was pissed that once again Bill Brody had gotten his way.

When she came into the infirmary Bill Brody's breath was taken away. He pulled Sam into his arms and kissed her. She didn't return his kiss even though she enjoyed being held in his arms and his sweet tender kisses.

"You look beautiful. You look so elegant when you dress for the Copperlode so why won't you dress like this for me during the working week?" Bill nuzzled her neck and Sam shivered with desire.

"You run hot and cold Bill. One minute you can't get enough of me but when you're done with me you treat me like I'm a burden," Sam replied.

"Done with you?" Bill's brow furrowed.

"When you've finished having sex," Sam blushed.

Bill's temper began to broil.

"We haven't had sex," Bill hissed.

"Then what do you call it?" Sam couldn't help needling him.

"Ok let's have sex," Bill grinned at her and Sam was suddenly shocked.

She'd pushed his buttons one too many times.

Bill pulled Sam into his arms and kissed her passionately and she couldn't help but respond. He was handsome and such a good kisser and hadn't she yearned for him last night? Didn't she yearn for him now?

She opened her mouth and accepted his tongue and offered her own. She had to stand on tiptoes but Bill held her tight and supported her. Sam was trepidatious. Bill had told her they were going to have sex but what was that going to entail? She decided that she would take the lead and ensure they enjoyed each other without any need for her to feel degraded. A little mutual masturbation maybe? She was even willing to fellate him.

Sam could feel Bill's cock pressing into her and she unbuttoned his fatigues and freed his manhood. It was steely hard and dripping precum which she used to lubricate the shaft and glands and slowly stroked it. It felt so sleek and powerful in her fingers as she traced the veins, caressed the corona of his glans, tickled his frenulum and massaged the droplets of pre-ejaculate that she milked from it into his flesh.

Her own cock had sprung free and was tenting her panties. She was so enamoured and excited by him. The turmoil in him was excruciating but when he held her and caressed her and showed her how much he desired her she couldn't help but succumb to his will.

Bill surprised her when he opened the top buttons of her tunic and pulled down the cups of her lace bra to expose her flat chest. He nuzzled a nipple and it radiated a seductive sensation that she hadn't felt before. He moved to her other nipple and suckled it and she cradled his head. He used his lips and his tongue to suckle it and gently nipped it with his teeth which sent little shocks of delight through her torso. Sam was surprised that Bill would have any interest in her bosom but she liked what he was doing there.

She went back to stroking his cock which was poking her in the belly and she redirected it so that it was trapped between her thighs and she closed her legs around it so Bill could rub it on her white silk stockings. Bill delighted in the feel of the delicate hose on his flesh; they were so soft and silky. He returned his face to hers and drank in her beauty before he kissed her.

Sam put her hands around his neck and returned his kisses and swayed back and forth so that Bill was effectively fucking her thighs. The top of his cock was pressing against her nylon panties and unknown to him rubbing on her scrotum. It was Sam's plan that she would bring him to extremis this way. She knew that he loved to rub his cock on her stockings and this way she could come with him and he would never know that she was ejaculating along with him when he saturated her stocking tops and panties with his semen as he climaxed.

But Sam had miscalculated. Bill pressed Sam into the stainless steel examination table and it was digging uncomfortably into the small of her back.

But not for long because Bill lifted Sam off her feet and set her down on the table. She automatically wrapped her legs around him and drew him close, still kissing him, still keeping her arms wrapped around his neck holding him tightly. She hardly noticed him unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants to the floor until her nylon-sheathed thighs rubbed on his muscled hairy legs.

She opened his shirt and helped him take it off along with his skivvies and she raked her fingers across his chest wanting to feel his ripped body. He felt so warm, hard and masculine and the more masculine he felt, the more feminine she felt. Bill gazed down at her as Sam raked her red fingernails across his torso, delighting in the feel of her nails scratching him. His cock was rampant, a rope of silvery precum oozed from the eye.