Coming Home


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My father was doing better and it was pretty clear he and my mother wouldn't need my help much longer. The question then became one of did I want to stay in the city or go back in hopes that Nikki would want something more. In our phone conversations, Nikki said she missed me, but made no commitments and I didn't want to press her on it.

I decided to drive back, rather than fly, but not turn loose of my apartment quite yet. It was a full day drive and I took off Saturday morning early and arrived that evening. I called my mother and Nikki to keep them up to date on how my trip was going. I got to my parents' house to find Nikki and Dar there. Nikki hugged me and gave me a big kiss.

My mom, dad, and Dar all hugged me but Nikki never really turned loose of me. She took my hand and led me over to the sofa, where we sat side by side. Dar sat on the floor in front of us with one arm around one of Nikki's legs and an arm around mine. Nikki snuggled close and I got a sense of an extended family.

My mother had made dinner and they all waited until I arrived to eat. Nikki held my hand as we walked to the table and until we were ready to begin eating. Somehow, two weeks apart had changed something. Nikki actually felt like my girlfriend, not just a woman who was a close friend. Was I ready for that? Was she really ready for more?

Dad had to retire early, but the rest of us stayed up talking for quite a while. Dar fell asleep on us and my mother put her in the third bedroom. Mother came back in the living room and we talked for a while before mom got up.

"I'm a little tired, so I'm going to join your father. Nikki dear, you and Dar are more than welcome to spend the night here."

"Thanks. I'd hate to have to drag Dar home mostly asleep at this hour."

Mother left and Nikki and I sat together on the sofa. She turned and kissed me very passionately.

"Kris, I didn't realize how much I was going to miss you."

"I really missed you too. I should tell you though that my ex came by my apartment and said she wanted to get back together with me."

"So you're going to go be with her."

"No, definitely not. She wanted to spend the night, and I told her I was seeing someone else -- you."

"So what happened?"

"I sent her on her way, though she got really pissed at me."

"You didn't want to sleep with her?"

"She's the past. I'm hoping the future holds someone much better."

"So what does that mean for us?"

"Well, Dar and my mother have been wanting you and I to be a real couple, and I'd like for that to happen."

"Work and travel?"

"I can work from here most of the time, but I'll still have to travel occasionally."

"Traveling won't cause a problem?"

"The only reason I had a problem before was that Melody ran around on me when I was out of town."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

I answered her by pulling her tight to be and kissing her. Sure we had kissed before, but it never seemed quite like this. I caressed her back as she grabbed my head and held it tight. We began with just our lips, but quickly, I snaked my tongue out and licked along her lips as we kissed. No trying to stick my tongue down her throat, just a little sweet tongue action. Her tongue quickly joined mine for a symphony of lips, tongues, and hands. After several minutes of that, we paused.

"In case that wasn't clear enough, the answer was absolutely yes."

"So what next?"

"You're spending the night, so are you going to join Dar in the guest room or share a bed with me?"

"I might need a little more convincing."

"Why don't I try."

I began to kiss Nikki ever more fervently, touching even more of her. We were both getting pretty hot when we heard a child's voice.

"Jeez, mom, Kris, get a room."

We kind of sat there in shock for a few seconds before she continued.

"And I can sleep by myself just fine. I just had to pee."

Dar disappeared into the bathroom, and I turned to Nikki.

"Well, I guess we have our orders."

Nikki giggled and we kissed again before taking each other's hands and going into my bedroom. We walked over and lay down on the bed together and kissed again for a while before I stopped.

"I'd love for us to do this, but are you sure you're ready?"

Nikki's answer was to sit up, take off her top and throw it onto the floor. I pulled off my top and followed with my sports bra. Nikki bit her lip, then smiled at me and took off her bra as well. We lay back down and I tentatively reached over and put a hand on one of her breasts. She smiled and moaned then reached out to stroke one of my tiny titties.

I loved touching her boobs and teased her a bit, never really touching the nipples but sweetly touching all around them. Nikki moaned and twisted her body, trying to get my hands directly on her nipples but I didn't let her. I loved touching her breasts, and it had been months since I'd touched any boobs other than my own.

Look, I've never exactly had a slew of lovers. In my 28 years, there were maybe three women that I was at all serious about. Beyond them, I had some brief flings, but never very many of those. I know, it seems strange. I suppose like so many others, I should have sampled many of the fish in the sea, but so many seemed uninteresting at the start that I held off.

After a few minutes of touching her breasts, I began to kiss my way from Nikki's lips, to her ears, which she seemed to enjoy immensely, then down her neck. She kept touching me, which was good. If she wasn't willing to touch another woman intimately, then we would hardly have much prospect for a long term relationship, now would we?

After spending some time kissing her neck, I slowly worked my way down to one of her breasts. I still did not go for the nipple, but kissed and licked first all around the outside of it. I circled the boob, slowly kissing my way to the middle. As I neared the nipple, I moved over to the other breast. Nikki moaned and grabbed my head and rocked back and forth on the bed.

I kissed my way around that breast, still avoiding the nipple. As I worked my way to the center of Nikki's love mound, the nipple was not just hard, but was almost begging for attention. I swear, it seemed to reach out to my lips, craving my kiss. As I neared my exquisite goal, I pulled slightly away from Nikki, which made her groan and whine and push her chest toward me.

Finally, I moved back and enveloped the nipple with my lips. I made love to it with lips and tongue, ending my tease and giving it the attention that she so desperately craved. I sucked it deep in my mouth, licking it and kissing it as though it were the most wonderful boob in the world. It was Nikki's boob, which truly did make it wonderful to me.

Nikki stroked my head while making the most satisfied moans. I began to pull away, continuing to suck on the nipple until it popped from my mouth. She gasped and I returned for another pass, sucking and licking on her marvelous titty. I had been with other women, and made love to them, but somehow, Nikki and her breasts were far more special than any of the others had been.

She was special to me and that made her breasts and her whole body special to me. I repeated my actions on that boob several times before moving back to the first one and making love to that breast just as I had to its mate. By this time, Nikki was almost incoherent with pleasure, making animal sounds and rocking on the bed, when I felt her body begin to ripple under me as she came to a massive orgasm.

I continued to adore her mammaries as she wept from the pleasure. After a bit, I began to kiss my way down her torso. I teased my belly button with my tongue, which tickled her and made her giggle and squirm. At long last, I reach the waist band of her slacks. I paused, gave a kiss to her tummy, then unbuttoned her pants.

I had to undo her belt, then unzipped her slacks. I could hear her breathing change as she was almost breathless in anticipation of what was to come. I lifted slightly on her hips and she raised them from the bed. I pulled down her pants and panties in one quick move. She'd been wearing a very pretty pair of black lace panties and they were already soaked with her juices.

Nikki whined as she spread her legs and thrust her hips towards me. She had shaved her bush down to a triangular tuft of hair pointing at her clit. She had a sweet musky aroma that was very much Nikki and quite unlike any other woman I'd loved. I loved her scent and wanted to just inhale it and enjoy her with all five of my senses. I saw her cute little pussy, I could smell her aroma, I had already touched her breasts and would soon touch the center of her being, I heard her moans, and I was about to taste her.

One part of me wished we had done this so many years ago when we were teens, but I realized that she wasn't ready then and we'd have had to go our separate ways anyhow. This was so much better, since she certainly was ready, and I was more than ready for her. I think I'd been waiting for Nikki for much of my life. I had her here with me now and I didn't want to lose her.

I bent down and licked up one side of her sweet snatch, along the outer labia on that side. I came from the bottom of her quim up to near her clit, giving it a quick lick as I got there. Nikki moved her hips left and right as though aching for more while she moaned. I paused to let her calm down before licking up the other side the same way.

I had no intention of torturing her, but wanted to bring her to an earth shattering orgasm on my own terms. I certainly could have gotten her off faster, but long term, I know it would not have been as satisfying and I wanted this to be something she would always remember. Her pussy lips were beginning to spread and I could see her inner lips glistening.

I'd gotten a brief taste of her already, but now licked right up the center of her pussy, getting my tongue between those inner labia. I heard her moan my name as I began to repeatedly lick up what was rapidly becoming the center of her being. My tongue split her inner lips, getting deeper on each pass. Look, I'm no Gene Simmons. I can't lick my eyebrows or even the end of my nose.

I used my tongue to its greatest advantage though getting as deep in her as I possibly could. She managed to spread her hips wider and shove them forward, getting my tongue deeper into her love canal than I realized I could. I wanted this. I wanted Nikki. I needed her to be mine -- body and soul. I wanted her to forget any other lovers she'd had in her life.

As I pleasured her cunt with my tongue, my hands were kneading her ass. She had a cute firm ass, and I enjoyed rubbing it strongly and firmly. As I licked her, the volume and tempo of her moans increased. I felt like I was playing her like a musical instrument. Her pleasure was the melody of the night -- of my night and hers, and hopefully many nights thereafter.

I could tell she was trying valiantly to stifle her moans to avoid waking either my parents or her daughter. Still I worked her to an orgasm that left her a quivering mess, lying on my bed moaning incoherently and writhing. As she came down from her peak, I kissed my way back up her body, renewing my acquaintance with her lovely boobs along the way.

I had shed my jeans and panties and kissed up her neck and her ear before reaching her lips. As I got to her lips, she became a ravening beast. She turned me on my back, climbed on top of me and kissed me ferociously. She began to stroke my little a-cup boobs, which might be small but were still sensitive and enjoyed the attention immensely. After several minutes of this, she paused and looked at me.

"You shouldn't have done that."

"Why not?"

"You're never getting rid of me now."

"Why would I want to?"

"I think I've loved you for a long time."

"I've loved you since the first time I kissed you in that high school hallway."

"If you had wanted to do more back then, I'd probably have let you."

"That wasn't the time, and it would have had its own set of problems."

"We could have faced those problems."

"I was going away to college and you couldn't. And you might never have had Dar."

"You're right, but look at what we've missed."

"We're still young enough to have many years together."

"Are you sure that's what you really want?"

"If you'll have me."

"I can't make love to you as well as some of those other women."

"The fact that it's you means more than how experienced you are at loving a woman."

We spent a long time pleasuring each other before we feel asleep from exhaustion. No, Nikki may not have been as skilled as some of my other lovers, but it was clear that what she did was from love, not just lust. There were things I asked her to do, which she was more than happy to. Eventually we fell asleep with me spooning her.


I woke up in the morning, lying on my back, with Nikki's head on my shoulder and her lips not far from my breast. She was still asleep as I sweetly stroked her head and lay there basking in the afterglow of what has truly been one of the most wonderful nights of my life. I heard a gentle tapping at the door. I made sure the covers were over both of us.

"Yes, what is it?"

I heard Dar's voice through the door. "May I come in?"

Nikki woke up as her daughter walked in the room. "Hey, mom -- and Kris."

"Good morning, dear."

"So does this mean that you two are a couple?"

I looked at Nikki, and she smiled at me. "I certainly hope so."

"Is Kris going to stay here or will she stay with us?"

"Well, Nikki, are you ready to have me move in with you?"

"As long as you aren't planning on moving back to the city."

"I'll have to close up my apartment and bring my stuff back here."

"So, mom, did you see Kris's tattoos?"

"I never said I had tattoos."

"Whatever. So does this mean you two are getting married?"

"It's still a little early for that. Why? Do you want to put on a dress and be a flower girl?"

Dar made a horrible face. "Like, no."

"Maybe we can get you some nice slacks and a shirt and let you be the ring bearer."

"That would be much better."

"Now scoot, while we get up and dressed."

Dar looked at the clothes that were scattered all around the room from our frantic lover making.

"And mom tells me my room is messy."

"Your room is messy, and we'll have all this picked up in a few minutes."

"I'll go tell Nana that soon she'll have an official granddaughter."

"She'll like that."

"And I'll have a grandma who likes me no matter how I dress."

With that, Dar dashed from the room. I looked at Nikki and we smiled at each other and kissed.

"I'd love to do more."

"But we'd probably be interrupted if we did."

"So your mom finally gets a granddaughter."

"She'd rather have more than one, but..."

Nikki kissed me. "That's not out of the question."

"You'll have to have it. I don't think I could handle that."

"Funny to think of you pregnant, and I could help with the delivery, but that's probably asking too much."

We picked up all the clothes. Nikki had to put her same clothes back on, except for a pair of clean panties that I gave her. I put on clean clothes and we gathered the soiled items together. Of course we had to stop and kiss more than a few times along the way. After we finished, we went and had breakfast with my parents and Dar.

I still had most of my stuff in my car, so we each drove to Nikki's place and I moved my stuff in the master bedroom there. Nikki had to move some things around to make space for me, but it went pretty smoothly. Dar told us not to worry, that she knew other kids with two mothers or two fathers. I arranged to go back and clear out my apartment in the city and turn in the keys.

I do have to go back to the city to work occasionally, but keeping an apartment there was too much like hedging my bets. It was no great savings to have a place there, and Nikki felt more like I was truly committed to her. She did want to make a few changes though.

"I think we need to buy a bed."

"You have a bed, and I have one from my apartment."

"I don't want a bed that I shared with Matt, nor one you shared with all manner of other women. I want one that's just yours and mine."

We found a nice king size bed that is just ours. Temporarily, we moved Nikki's old bed to my bedroom in my parents' house and moved my old bed to her place. We are settling into life as a couple and have set a wedding date, having found a minister who was amenable. We don't need a big wedding, just a very few family and friends.

Nikki's parents were initially appalled at her marrying a woman. Nikki's sister Emily told them they could either straighten up or Nikki and Dar would be out of their lives completely. Emily also said that she expected to have a close relationship with Nikki and I regardless of what her mother thought, and that if the mother was too big a bitch, she'd lose both girls.

My parents love Nikki and Dar and my father seems to have made a full recovery from his cancer. The future is always uncertain, but for now, Nikki, Dar, and I are a family and I hope we stay that way for a long time.

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Nicole2023Nicole2023about 1 year ago

I love dar, can we get her as an adult

used2bjustjused2bjustjabout 2 years ago

A very sweet and believable romance. Loved Dar. She was so funny! "Parental unit" (snicker)



Candy_Kane54Candy_Kane54almost 4 years ago

I love it. Dar was so prescious.

netgnosticnetgnosticalmost 4 years ago

Very sweet story, thank you for it. Your description of Kris had me imagining a David Bowie '80s kind of vibe.

Dar's need for a grandmother was adorable, and Nikki's mother's behaviour was certainly icky. I found myself wondering a whole lot about Matt's parents, which were very mysteriously missing from the story. What happened to Dar's other grandma and grandpa? I even went back and re-read a page or two, thinking I must have missed something. They should have at least been mentioned in some way, to account for their absence from Dar and Nikki's lives.

Thank you again, I like this story very much.

MaonaighMaonaighabout 4 years ago
Love it...

...especially Dar who had me laughing out loud at times. That kid is some piece of work. Kris said Dar was eight going on eighteen---more like eight going on eighty. Overall, a lovely little tale, Jackie, just the sort of story to read late at night as I've done. Let's have more like this one... please...

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