Coming Home Early


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Ray saw us looking at the bikes, "They are on loan from a couple of biker friends, they told me if you scratch them you are paying for brand new ones," he said with a smile.

I used to ride Japanese bikes back when I was a teenager, but these Harley's are completely different so after a bit of practice, riding up and down the street and getting to grips with the bike and not falling off or falling over Luisa got behind me we both put our helmets on and in tandem with Ray and Karlos we rode into town.

We parked up outside the venue, it was an upscale place, everyone looked well dressed we stood out like sore thumbs, we got some very curious looks. Of course no one got in our way, Luisa got some very appreciative attention from the various men in their suits.

Luisa's leather trousers clung to her like a second skin, they showed off her shapely arse and legs, and the waistcoat was open enough to show plenty of cleavage, her leather half boots had a slight heel, my wife was obviously having fun dressing up, bear in mind my wife has never worn anything like this before, and she exaggerated her walk, her arse looked great.

It seems Karlos has lots of friends around the city the door man looked at us and simply waved us inside past the queue of people dressed in their suits and tuxedoes and expensive dresses. As we walked in we heard a few people grumble about us.

The front door man, Alex explained we were VIPs. An usher came up to us and Karlos quietly spoke to him, he smiled and said, "This way sirs, madam."

Both Luisa and set our phones to record. He turned and we followed him up some stairs he stopped in front of a plain black door. He knocked twice and the door opened, a very large man in a tuxedo, I would guess him to be 6ft 5inches, he was very broad shouldered with large arms and big legs, almost like tree trunks. He smiled politely,

"Sorry but I have to pat you all down, I don't mind fist fighting but no weapons in here, understand?" He patted down Ray and Karlos then me, he then approached Luisa. Who understandably was nervous, this man mountain towered over her.

"This will be a pleasure," he said turning to me.

"Do not get over friendly or take any liberties, she is my property and only I get to touch her, understand?"

He was bigger than me but Ray and Karlos flanked me as I stood behind my wife. I put my hands on Luisa's shoulders, she was trembling. I bent down and whispered, "No one will touch you or hurt you I promise." I then gently kissed her neck, her trembling stopped and she stood up straighter looking directly at the door man.

"You can pat me down if you have to, but honestly where the hell am I going keep a weapon in this outfit?"

The door man, Colin, looked around and saw the other customers looking towards us. Then looked at Ray and Karlos then back to me and Luisa.

He very quickly stepped forward and very briefly patted Luisa down, he didn't linger or do anything that might antagonise anyone.

He then stepped back and waved us onwards. The other customers at the various roulette tables and other gaming tables gave us a passing glance but then carried on gambling and drinking.

I took my wife's hand loosely in my left hand, I then gave her hand a gentle squeeze of encouragement. We walked through the gaming tables and pool tables.

The usher, Andrew, was leading us into the restaurant and dancefloor area at the back of the club. The lighting was getting dimmer as we walked, I got the impression the dimness was to conceal certain activities. Luisa and I both heard the noises of sex in the darkened booths.

Even in the dimmed lighting we could make out couples moving together. Finally we reached the dancefloor, in the middle of the dancefloor there was a raised platform with a pole bolted to it, next to it was a mesh cage.

There was a young woman, probably in her 20's in a bikini dancing around the pole, in the cage were two more young women a similar age, in short skirts and crop tops dancing together. Luisa moved closer to me Ray and Karlos moved closer to her, they were obviously in protective mode.

When we walked past the women dancing they stopped briefly and looked appreciatively at Me, Ray and Karlos, and also at Luisa.

Finally we stopped in front of a booth with a sofa and table, and two chairs. Sat in the booth was a middle aged very fat man, fat bordering on obese. Sat beside him was a beautiful young blonde woman with definite Slavic features, she was wearing a long red evening gown, her expression was not happy, when she saw us her body stiffened, she was obviously afraid of us.

"Luisa is that Roger?" I asked turning to my wife,"

Then I asked, "Is that Alina,"

"Yes, that's Roger, the obese bastard, and yes that's Alina, I I have seen her a couple of times, I think she is victim more than anything else."

We stood there for a few seconds until Alina looked up and nudged Roger who was enjoying a large burger and fries and a large glass of wine. Alina just had a salad and a diet coke.

"Ah, Luisa, good to see you, you have chosen to not wear a dress, but you look beautiful as you are,"

He looked at me then Ray then Karlos and looked a bit unsure of himself, "Luisa I said come alone, who are these people?"

Luisa was still holding my hand she let go and put her arm around my waist and said, " This is Gary, my love, my lover my best friend and my master and protector, the two men behind us, they are my brothers. Gary and my brothers are here to make sure you do not touch me, any touching by you will be unwanted and considered as assault, my brothers and my husband will be witnesses to it."

Roger was a bit stunned, so was his Alina she obviously realised she had backed the wrong horse, she slowly slid out of the booth, she picked up her jacket and with a sheepish look towards me and Luisa and walked past us.

Luisa looked at Alina, "Alina, don't go anywhere, go and talk to the front doorman ask him to watch you until we come and find you."

In broken English Alina smiled and replied, "Thank you, I will do as you say."

She turned and walked away, everyone looked at her as she slowly made her way through the building, I'm guessing everyone looked because of her dress and the way her breasts bounced and her arse swayed.

I turned to the fat man, "So, Roger, we meet again, as you can see you picked the wrong woman to harass, Luisa is not just my wife but my property as I am hers, so anything you do to her you do too me, and yes her brothers feel the same way. And just for your information I spoke to Craig today, he has spoken to the chairman, you don't have a job anymore."

I walked up and leaned on the table and got in close to Roger, he tried shrinking back into the seat, but of course he had nowhere to go. I took hold of his shirt and pulled him towards me.

"You will never go near my wife again, you will not speak to her or in any form contact her, if you do, I and her brothers will continue this conversation with you, but we won't be as friendly as we are now. Good evening, Roger, enjoy your burger and fries."

Without really thinking about it I let go of his shirt with one hand, with the other I quickly punched him on the nose, I don't think I broke it but it really hurt and there was a splatter of blood. His eyes glazed over and I think he passed out.

The whole dance floor area was silent, everyone including the dancing girls had stopped to watch the action, I think people were upset there was not much more action. Ray and Karlos looked around and noticed quite a few young women eyeing them up.

Ray looked at me and my wife and smiled, "I think I will stay and enjoy the evening."

Karlos shrugged his shoulders and said, "Me too, see you later or probably tomorrow."

Luisa laughed, "Enjoy yourselves but do not get into any trouble, I don't want to have to bail you out of prison."

The brothers hugged their sister then they went off in search of the bar. We learned later that the police arrived to take Roger away after cleaning him up, they took a statement from various people everyone said Roger fell over while drunk and passed out. Alina was asked to give a statement and again she said Roger was drunk and fell over.

The doorman contacted a local hotel for Alina to stay in until she could find a place to live.

No we didn't stay, it's not our scene. We did however go for a ride around the city, apparently Luisa really enjoyed the ride, it got her juices going. At one point she whispered in my ear,

"Gary, drive to the park, and let's find a bench to sit on it and watch the stars, among other things..." she reached around and stroked my cock.

I quickly rode into a local park and we both got off the bike, Luisa ran to a nearby bench with a street lamp quite close so we could see each other she waited for me to sit down, as soon as I was sitting she pounced on me, she quickly took off her waistcoat leaving her in just her bra, she looked around and undid the bra her gorgeous breasts bounced free, I leant into her and took both breasts in my hands, I started kissing and licking all over her breasts, I left little hickeys here and there.

I concentrated on her nipples alternating between them, I licked and sucked them until Luisa was gasping and moaning with pleasure, all the while she was humping her vagina against my cock. I reached down and undid her button and zip on her trousers, I pushed a couple of fingers against her wet thong, I could feel her vagina, it was soaking wet.

"Mmmmm, Gary, please make me cum on your fingers, that's it rub your fingers up and down, mmmm yes my love put them inside me.....oh yes my love like that...oh yes Gary...just like THAT..."

Luisa, climaxed with fingers inside her. She rode my fingers and climaxed again, she slumped forward and started kissing me, her tongue went inside my mouth as we french kissed.

When she fully recovered she stood up and dropped her trousers, seeing my wife in just her thong and boots was absolutely amazing, she looked absolutely stunning, she saw my expression and did a spin on the spot, he breasts bounced beautifully as she span.

She then knelt on her trousers and looking at me undid my zip and pulled my trousers and boxer shorts down, my stiff cock was free and Luisa wasted no time in taking it in her mouth, she licked and sucked for all she was worth, I just reclined with my head back as she worked on my cock.

After about 10 minutes of working on my cock she suddenly stood up climbed up onto my lap and kissed me, at the same time she lowered her vagina onto my cock. She rode my cock like a mechanical bull, and in a short time she had me gasping out her name, she was calling out my name as we had sex, this wasn't love making this was basic, raw sex.

Luisa climaxed again, she squirted a few times before collapsing on my chest, just hugging me, fortunately it was a warm evening, otherwise I'm sure my wife wouldn't have got naked.

When Luisa recovered she looked sheepishly at me and picked up clothes and put them on, we rode home with her hugging me and resting her head on my back.

When we got home we went up to the bathroom and took a shower, we washed each other and played with each others bodies, amazingly Luisa climaxed twice more to my one. We then got into bed and slept.

I woke up at some point during the early morning, it was after all a Saturday, something had changed last night, Luisa had gained more confidence, she was more confident about her body, and more confident in my abilities to protect her.

I couldn't be her "master" but I could and will be her protector and I will be more assertive. I looked at my beautiful sleeping naked wife and noticed the choker necklace, I also smiled at the fake tattoos on us both.

I think we both agreed to have these made permanent, it sounds like a good idea to me, I will ask Luisa when she wakes up. But for now I will let her sleep.

The End.


Luisa and my relationship changed slightly after that night, she was happy and willing to be more adventurous in and out of bed, she played the submissive role occasionally, but we both knew she wasn't really submissive, she wore leather clothing on nights out as did I, we both got small tattoos saying,"Gary's Property" "Luisa's Property" I compromised and had the tattoo on my forearm Luisa had it done on the back of her neck, and on her right breast.

Craig, Luisa's old boss had a better idea than trying to find another outside person to fill the role, Luisa knew almost as much about the job as Craig did so, he gave her the job for six months as a trial, if she did well then she got the job permanently.

As for Roger? Don't worry we hadn't forgotten about him. It seems in the years we had no contact with him he was busy his wife got tired of his cheating, he had cheated several times on his wife, mostly with Eastern European prostitutes during his marriage

He was a fairly good self employed accountant, by all accounts, but questions were raised about his taxes and he apparently owes the tax department a lot of money.

Anita, his wife divorced him about three years ago, and she is now happily married to an engineer called John, it seems she only stayed with Roger for their kids sakes, as soon as the kids reached eighteen they urged their mother to get rid of their father, by the end of the marriage he hardly talked to his kids and didn't even acknowledge his wife.

He was not a good parent and Anita did all the work while they were married. Towards the end of the marriage they even slept in single beds, Anita is a good looking woman and probably could have had some revenge sex, but she didn't.

In years gone by the few times she came to see us without Roger she enjoyed her time with us. Luisa and I and others always liked her when she with her kids but without her husband.

Luisa and I have met up with Anita and husband John, and occasionally her kids too. Apparently everyone likes my wife's new outfit and clothes.

We are friends with Anita again and through her John as well, he seems a good bloke, younger than us and Anita, but I think Anita likes having a younger husband.

As for Alina? Well she was not stupid, she realised if she turned traitor and told the authorities about what her former boyfriend was doing in terms of tax avoidance and other criminal activities then she might stand a chance of a better life in our country.

I'm not sure why, but my wife and Anita took pity on Alina, it seems Roger true to form had treated her like a trophy and on a number of occasions tried to pimp her out, but she refused, as she told us she was not a prostitute and was never going to be.

She also told us she had met Roger two years ago on a dating site, he persuaded her to leave her home country of Estonia and be his girlfriend and later hopefully his wife, he would take care of her financially, and find her a job for her, almost immediately she realised he was not who he seemed to be, but by then she was stuck in our country, she was looking for a way out but he kept her virtually in servitude.

Now she was free him, Luisa and Anita are helping Alina go to college and learn English and also go on a secretarial course, if she passes with good grades, Luisa has promised her a job with her.

So, finally Roger, well with Alina's testimony he got done for tax evasion, and false accounting and various other money related crimes. He got 5 years in prison and so we heard he hates every second of it.

He of course can never work as an accountant ever again. He has been barred from ever going near Alina and Anita and Luisa. His kids really don't want anything to do with him, he really is friendless, penniless and if he ever gets out of prison he will be homeless.

His life is hell, he had it all a life of luxury paid for by being a criminal, now he has nothing. We were told about him by one of the police officers investigating his case. They don't expect him to live very long apparently he has pissed off some nasty people in prison.

(Thanks for reading this far. Try not to take it too seriously, it is a figment of my imagination, and generally in my imagination the good guys always win the bad guys always lose, the only true parts of this story is my name, Gary, and my wife's name, Luisa.)

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