Coming Home Pt. 03

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Eight years is a long time to be away...
12.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/27/2023
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As with most stories on Literotica this one has elements that fit within other genres. However, I think that overall it is a Romance, so that's where I've placed it.

The storyline is from my own imagination so please don't tell me that the characters would or should have done this or that. The actions and reactions I've written fit with the way I wanted the tale to unfold. If you really hate it that much simply stop reading...

Comments on the actual writing are most welcome and if you spot a fault then it's all mine and I apologise in advance.

All the characters that engage in sexual activities are over the age of 18.




Chapter 06 - Mackenzie

The rest of the week flashed by for Mackenzie as she got to grips with the demands of her new position. There was a lot for her to learn as well as having the responsibility of supervising her young assistant Amanda who, like herself, was new to her role.

However, she was fortunate that Charles Marwell stayed out of her way for most of the time, leaving her to get on with things.

Unable to take her proper breaks due to her workload she had taken the opportunity to pop out of the office for a few minutes to buy herself a sandwich for lunch.

"Hey Mackenzie."

She was waiting in the queue at the delicatessen close to the office when she heard someone call out her name.             

Looking around she found herself face to face with a friend of hers, Briony Miller.

"Oh, hi Briony. How are you and how's that gorgeous little baby girl of yours?"

"I'm great to be honest and Angie is fine thanks. How about your Tabitha?"

Mackenzie grinned, "Oh she's the same as always, a real pickle when she wants to be."

"How's the new job going?" Joining her in the queue Briony asked.

"Keeping me busy that's for sure but I think I'm slowly getting to grips with everything."

"I don't suppose you know if there are any vacancies going at WestTech?"

"Are you looking for a change then? I thought you were happy at Wilson's." Mackenzie wanted to know, slightly puzzled by her friend's request.

"It's not for me, it's for my brother. He's just come home and he's looking for work."

"Do you have any idea what sort of thing he might be in the market for?"

Briony thought for a moment before answering, "Not really."

"Maybe you could ask him to send me a cv. In the meantime, I'll keep my eyes open and if anything comes up I'll let you know." Mackenzie suggested with a smile.

With that settled the two girls continued to chat for a few minutes as they waited to be served before saying their goodbyes and heading back to their respective jobs.

Her mood improved by the brief chat with her friend Mackenzie walked back through her office door to find Charles Marwell, the company CEO, unexpectedly sitting in her office.

"Ah, there you are." He greeted her with a self-satisfied smug expression on his face.

"Good afternoon Mr Marwell. What can I do for you?" She asked rather brusquely.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to drop by and see how you're getting on with the new job." His undisguised leer made it totally obvious what he wanted as he let his eyes roam up and down her body "And to remind you about our... dinner date.... on Friday."

"I'm getting on fine thank you." She sat down behind her desk enjoying the feeling of security that having a barrier between them gave her, "And, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your invitation for Friday."

"Excellent. Do make sure you dress for the occasion though. We'll make sure to have dinner first."

He smirked and without waiting for a response, he stood up and walked out leaving her trembling and with very little doubt about his intentions for their meeting at the end of the week.

Watching him go she shivered with disgust remembering how she had lain under him, letting him have her so she could get the job she was now in.

'First! What was second?'

'Would he fire her if she refused to sleep with him again?'

'Where would it end if she agreed to his demands?'

'What if anyone found out what she had done?'

Trying to ignore the multitude of thoughts filling her head she ate her lunch as she quietly mulled over her options for the coming Friday.

If he insisted that she went to his bed again she was uncertain if she could actually go through with it and agree to his immoral demands. She already despised herself for submitting to him the first time even though it had got her the job she wanted.

Trying to recollect the night she lost her virginity was now just a dim memory but she could still remember how it had felt and the feelings the boy she had been with had aroused in her. They had never gone away and she had kept them suppressed deep inside her, her own little secret,

The few other times she had done it since then, including when she let Charles Marwell have her in exchange for her promotion, hadn't been particularly enjoyable and the thought of submitting to him again made her feel sick.

Her friends all enthused about their sex lives and the orgasm's they had but, with her limited experience, she really didn't see it as something she particularly wanted to do.

'Unless he came back into her life.'

Just the thought of Sean Parkes sent a wave of warmth surging through her. Even though she knew there was virtually no chance of him wanting anything to do with her, not after what she had said to him.

Finishing her lunch Mackenzie was feeling more than a little downhearted as she threw the packaging into the bin and settled back in to work for the afternoon.

She was kept busy for the rest of the day and for the remainder of the week but as Friday grew closer she found her mind turning more and more frequently to her upcoming 'date' with her boss. So much so that by the time Friday afternoon came around she was struggling to focus on work. Her concerns over what the evening might bring were starting to consume her every thought.

Finally, by four o'clock, she decided she had had enough and packing up her things she said goodbye to her assistant and left work early, heading to the Coffee Pot to see her mother and Tabitha before going home to get herself ready.

"Hi mum." Pushing open the café door she called out her usual greeting.

"Hey baby, you're early? I wasn't expecting you for another hour."

"Mummeeeeee." Before Mackenzie had a chance to reply Tabitha yelled out, rushing from the back room to leap into her arms.

"Hey Tabs." She picked her daughter up and gave her a cuddle as she finally responded to her mother's question, "Yeah, I'd had enough. I thought I might go home and have a bit of a soak before going out."

"Time for a coffee or do you have to rush straight off?"

"Coffee please." Mackenzie grinned and plonked her daughter on a chair and sat down next to her.

"You're not up to something with that man are you?" Christine Frane frowned and asked her daughter when she bought their drinks over and sat down with her.

"Mum, please. He's old enough to be my grandad."

"That's as maybe but I don't trust him."

'Me neither.'

As usual the same thought ran through Mackenzie's mind although, as always, she didn't say it.

"Have you seen that soldier again?" She changed the subject, hoping her mother might say she had.

"You mean Sean Parkes?"


Christine Frane shook her head, "No, I think your little diatribe the other day scared him away for good."


Mackenzie felt her heart sink at her mother's words. Even if he never wanted to speak to her again she wanted to apologise to him for the things she had said.

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason. I just.... spoke to Belinda the other day and she... well from what she told me he was telling us the truth."

"He... he was with Liam when he..."

She nodded, a lump in her throat, "Apparently so mum."

Christine Frane shook her head, "I never doubted him. There was something about Sergeant Parkes that... well that made me believe him."

Mackenzie knew there was more she could tell her mother but it would have meant revealing something she had never told anyone, not even her.

For the next half an hour or so the pair sat and chatted as they finished their coffee, Mackenzie playing with her daughter until it was time for her to go.

"I'll come by and get her in the morning mum." Pushing up from her seat she started to say her goodbyes.

"There's no rush, have yourself a bit of a lie in." Christine informed her, "Heather is opening up for me."

"Ok, maybe I will." Kissing her daughter she warned her, "You be a good girl for nana and I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Ok mummy." Tabitha confirmed somewhat reverently making her mother smile.

Her bus journey home only took fifteen minutes and once inside her flat Mackenzie set about her preparations for the evening; running a bubble bath, and pouring herself a glass of wine. Then, stripping off her work clothes she slid into the hot water and, closing her eyes, tried to relax for a few minutes.

She had made up her mind she was going to stand up to Charles and tell him she wasn't going to play his sordid little game. The fact she had let him have her once, to get the job she wanted, sickened her and, for obvious reasons, her recent interaction with Sean Parkes made her want more from her life.

'She had met him before, the more she thought about it the more convinced she was?'

'Despite her anger over Liam she needed to put aside her hatred of the military and think about her unresolved feelings for him.'

'Add to that there were things she had to say to him, things she had kept hidden from her mother and her daughter.'

Laying back she let herself enjoy the soak until she felt the water getting cold. Grudgingly stepping out of the bath she set about getting ready. Despite her reluctance to have dinner with her boss she was determined to look her best. At least then whatever happened, she would feel better about herself and maybe that would help when she told him no.

Sitting at her dressing table she added a little mascara to her eyelash extensions then applied a dark eyeshadow to her eyelids making her blue eyes stand out. The final touch was to put on some red lip gloss after which she brushed out her long hair and, leaving it loose, turned her attention to getting dressed.

Sorting through her limited wardrobe Mackenzie struggled to make up her mind, choosing and rejecting several outfits until, looking at the clock, she realised she was going to be late.

Needing to hurry, she slipped on some tan coloured stockings along with her favourite pale blue bra and matching panties. Then selecting a bottle green sleeveless dress that came to a few inches above her knees she eased it over her head and zipped it up before easing her feet into her black stilettos.

Taking a last look in the mirror she decided she was as ready as she would ever be and, calling up an Uber on her phone, she picked up her jacket and bag and left the house.

It was just a short taxi ride to the Grand Metropole hotel where, after paying the cab driver, Mackenzie paused outside the main doors. Her heart was thudding against her ribs while her stomach had tightened into a solid ball with the tension she felt.

'Could she tell him no?'

'What if he threatened to fire her?'

Taking a calming breath, she tried to compose herself as best she could; whatever happened she was not going to submit to Charles Marwell again.

Once she felt ready she pushed open the doors and walked through the foyer, her heels tapping on the tiled floor. She knew she was drawing unwanted attention from the couple of businessmen present as well as looks of curiosity from the two receptionists, but she kept her eyes fixed firmly ahead of her disregarding anyone else.

Entering the busy bar, she immediately saw Charles seated at the far end of the counter and, ignoring the interested stares of some of the male patrons, she made her way across to him.

"Ah Mackenzie, you're a little late." Sliding off his stool he kissed her on the cheek, "What would you like to drink?"

"Just a tonic water with ice and lemon please." her tone was cold and business-like.

"Really? Let me get you something stronger." He raised an eyebrow and, ignoring her choice, ordered her a glass of white wine.

"So, what did you want to see me about?" She asked once he had ordered her wine and another drink for himself.

"I thought we needed to have a little chat." He smiled leeringly at her, his eyes roaming up and down her body, "Now that you're settled in your new post. To discuss how we want things to be going forwards."

"What is there to discuss?" Taking her glass from the barman she responded curtly.

"Plenty but let's eat first. I don't know about you but I'm famished.

She didn't answer him and quietly acquiesced as he picked up his own drink and put his hand on the small of her back to guide her away from the bar and across towards the restaurant.

Shuddering inwardly, his touch reminded her of what had taken place the last time she had met him here. Biting her tongue for the moment, it reinforced her decision to refuse his advances but, as she was hungry, it could wait until they had eaten.

Perusing the menu, once they were seated, she selected the poached salmon with asparagus while Charles settled on the steak.

"I need to keep my strength up." He smirked at her after the waiter had taken their order.

"Not on my account." Mackenzie snorted cynically making him chuckle.

They ate in almost total silence, the food was delicious and the wine excellent but she barely tasted any of it, as she forced it down. Knowing what her boss expected of her when their dinner was over she felt the knot in the pit of her stomach tightening.

"That's much better." He smiled salaciously as he put down his knife and fork, "Now we can have a proper chat before we go upstairs."

Sitting back in the seat opposite him she put down her drink, "If you're trying to get me to sleep with you again you're wasting your time."

"Oh dear, did you not enjoy yourself the last time then?" The sneer he gave her as he spoke made her want to lean across the table and slap him.

"No. Not in the slightest."

He chuckled, unfazed by her caustic retort, "Then I'll have to try harder the next time."

"There isn't going to be a next time. I told you it was a one off and I meant it."

He leaned closer to her, his expression rapidly changing, and snarled angrily, "Now listen to me bitch. I put you in that fucking job and if you cross me I'll get rid of you without a second thought. Understand?"

"I'll take you to court over sexual harassment."

Charles Marwell threw his head back and laughed softly, "Who's going to believe a slut like you. You're a single mother and you slept with me of your own free will, remember?"

Mackenzie picked up her glass and took a swallow of wine. She knew he was right no one was going to take her word against his. Not after she had willingly gone to his bed to get the manager's job.

"However, I can wait." He smiled knowingly and began speaking again after a moment's pause, "I'll have you back in my bed eventually."

"And just how will you manage that? I said never again and I meant it."

"Oh, you don't need to worry about that my dear." The company's CEO grinned, "Just make sure you look after that delightful little girl of yours. I don't want you to have to worry about what might happen to her."

Mackenzie didn't answer and took another sip from her glass as she tried not to show the alarm his comment had created in her. Tabitha meant everything to her and he obviously knew it.

"You wouldn't dare?"

"Think very carefully about it. Or you'll be doing more than just looking for another job."

The menace in his eyes and the tone of his voice made it very clear it wasn't an idle threat.

"How long do I have before I make a decision?"

"I'm a patient man. Let's say 2 weeks."

Thinking about what he had said Mackenzie finished her wine and stood up, "If that's everything then, I'll be going."

Charles sat back in his seat and smiled up at her, "It's everything for now. We'll come back to our sleeping arrangements soon."

Suppressing a shudder of revulsion, she turned away and walked out of the hotel restaurant without looking back. Her promise to herself that she would never go to his bed again looked to be crushed beyond any hope of recovery.

Almost as soon as she was out of his sight she felt the tears on her face and, not caring who was watching her, she made her way back into the bar. She needed a drink and a chance to calm herself down so, sliding up onto a stool, she ordered herself a large vodka.

She had just taken her first swallow, grimacing against the taste when the voice from behind her made her swivel around.

"Are you ok?"

Chapter 07 - Sean

"Any luck with the job search?" Maureen Parkes enquired as she poured her son a coffee.

Sean had just come downstairs after showering having done his regular run and exercise routine that morning.

Taking a bite from the slice of toast on the plate in front of him he shook his head.

"Nothing much yet but I have an interview at Jackson's and Briony said she's going to speak to the HR manager at WestTech sometime this week."

"That's promising. What's the job at Jackson's?"

Sean shrugged, "Something in their despatch department I think."

"And WestTech?"

"I don't know, Briony just said I should get a CV ready for them."

"Well, that's a good start." His mother smiled before her expression faded, "As long as you aren't going back."

"No mum, I can't go back. Not after.... after Liam."

As he mentioned the young Marine that had died in his arms he automatically felt his mind drift onto the subject of Mackenzie Frane, Liam's older sister. She had been the girl in the hotel all those years before and despite the fact she was married and had a daughter he couldn't get her out of his thoughts.

'What would he do if he couldn't forget about her?'

'Could he take the heartache of seeing her and knowing she was with someone else?'

It was a problem for later and he would face up to it then he decided.

"I'm glad to hear it." His mother said, bringing him back to the present, as she got up and bustled off to do whatever she had to.

Sitting back in the chair Sean took his time to finish his coffee trying to shake the image of Mackenzie Frane out of his head before getting on with the day.

After arranging to have a beer with his best mate Denny that coming Thursday Sean knuckled down to the task of finding himself a job. There wasn't a lot he could do but he still spent most of the day looking in the situations vacant section of the paper and doing some online searching, mostly without success.

He wasn't feeling very optimistic and didn't have any real hopes for his interview on the Wednesday, but there was always the chance Briony's friend might have something at WestTech. One thing he was sure of though, he wasn't going to work for his father.

By Wednesday morning he had just about exhausted every avenue he could think of and it was almost with a sense of relief that he got up and thought about his interview at Jacksons.

"You all set son?" His father asked as they sat down for breakfast.

Sean shrugged, "As much as I can be I guess."

"What time is your interview?" Frank enquired.


"I'll keep my fingers crossed for you."

"Thanks dad." Getting up from the table Sean headed back up to his room to get ready.